harddrive in %pre

AndrewJohnson at HBOSplc.com AndrewJohnson at HBOSplc.com
Fri Aug 27 15:11:10 UTC 2010

Hi There... 

I've stripped it down as much as possible, as you can see I'm defining 2
disks however I cannot gaurentee that these 2 disks will always exist
and am looking for something more dynamic, i.e find a way of scanning
for them at pre-setup time and manually setting it up if it exists, as
these are scsi devices I'm trying  to associate the sda / sdb to what
would be the correct luns etc which would be used in defining the rootvg
and datavg etc.?  Excuse the perl not had time to clean it up, but this
would be used to validate / build websphere volumes based on build time
parameters I pick up from /proc/cmdline and if there is the existance of
an additional volume group build on that otherwise build on rootvg.

As always any help would be greatly appreciated.

network --bootproto dhcp
lang en_US
keyboard uk
clearpart --all
part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=100 --ondisk=sda
part pv.00 --size=0 --grow --ondisk=sda
part pv.01 --size=0 --grow --ondisk=sdb
volgroup datavg --pesize=32768 pv.01
volgroup rootvg --pesize=32768 pv.00
logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=rootlv --vgname=rootvg --size=2048
logvol /home --fstype ext3 --name=homelv --vgname=rootvg --size=2048
logvol /opt --fstype ext3 --name=optlv --vgname=rootvg --size=1280
logvol /tmp --fstype ext3 --name=tmplv --vgname=rootvg --size=128
logvol /usr --fstype ext3 --name=usrlv --vgname=rootvg --size=5120
logvol /var --fstype ext3 --name=varlv --vgname=rootvg --size=2048
logvol swap --fstype swap --name=paginglv --vgname=rootvg --size=2048
bootloader --location mbr
timezone Europe/London
auth --enablemd5 --enableshadow
rootpw --iscrypted XXXXXXXX
selinux --disabled
firewall --disabled
key --skip


@ Base


%post --nochroot
set -x
mkdir /mnt/sysimage/tmp/ks-tree-copy
if [ -d /oldtmp/ks-tree-shadow ]; then
cp -fa /oldtmp/ks-tree-shadow/* /mnt/sysimage/tmp/ks-tree-copy
elif [ -d /tmp/ks-tree-shadow ]; then
cp -fa /tmp/ks-tree-shadow/* /mnt/sysimage/tmp/ks-tree-copy
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf
cp -f /tmp/ks-pre.log /mnt/sysimage/root/
) >> /mnt/sysimage/root/ks-post.log 2>&1

( # Log %post errors 


) >> /root/ks-post.log 2>&1
# Start post_install_network_config generated code
# End post_install_network_config generated code

echo >> /etc/motd
echo "RHN Satellite kickstart on $(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" >> /etc/motd
echo >> /etc/motd

# end of generated kickstart file

%post --interpreter /usr/bin/perl
my $vg_data = "datavg";
my $backup_vg = "rootvg";
my $vgs = '/usr/sbin/vgs';

sub extract_bootparam{
 open (DATA, "/proc/cmdline") or die "cannot open file $!\n";
 my @item=split(/[ ]+/,<DATA>);
 for (@item){
   next if !/^name|role/;  
 close (DATA); 
 return (@bp_array);

sub validate_bootparam{
 (my $item1,my $item2)=@_;
 if ( ($item1 eq "") || ($item2 eq "")){ die "No Defined Boot Parameters
[ name=<name> role=<roletype> ]";} 

 (my $item1a,my $item1b)=split('=',$item1);  
 (my $item2a,my $item2b)=split('=',$item2);  

 if (($item1a =~ /name/)&&($item2a =~ /role/)){return
 elsif (($item2a =~ /name/) && ($item1a =~ /role/)){return
 else{die "No Defined Boot Parameters [ name=<name> role=<roletype> ]";}

sub validate_vg{

 print "Validate Volume Group : $vg_data\n";
 my $result_vg=`$vgs --options vg_name --noheadings $vg_data 2>&1`;
 if ( $result_vg =~ /not found/ ){
	print "ERROR!! $result_vg Attempting to validate rootvg\n"; 
	my $result_vg=`$vgs --options vg_name --noheadings $vg_data
	if ( $result_vg =~ /not found/ ){
		die "ERROR!! $result_vg.. Exiting...\n";
		print "$vg_data has been validated... continuing\n";	
 open(VG_DATA,"$vgs --options vg_name,vg_free --noheadings --units M
$vg_data 2>/dev/null|") or die "LVM Error: $!";
 for (<VG_DATA>){;
  (my $item1, my $item2)=split(/[ ]+/,$_);
 close (VG_DATA);

sub create_group{
(my $item1, my $item2)=@_;

print "Create Group\n";
print "============\n";
my $item1_gname=(getgrnam($item1))[0];
my $item2_gid=(getgrgid($item2))[2];

if ( $item1_gname eq $item1 ){
	print "ERROR!! Group $item1 not created, group already
}elsif ( $item2_gid == $item2 ){
	print "ERROR!! Group $item1 not created, group-id already exists
 my $result_grp=`/usr/sbin/groupadd -g $item2 $item1 2>&1`;
 if ( $result_grp =~ /exists|unique/){print "ERROR!! Creating group
$item1 : $result_grp";}
 else {print "Group $item1 has been created \n";}

sub create_user{
(my $item1, my $item2, my $item3, my $item4)=@_;

print "Create User\n";
print "===========\n";
my $item1_uname=(getpwnam($item1))[0];
my $item2_uid=(getpwuid($item2))[2];
my $item3_gid=(getgrgid($item3))[2];

if ( $item1_uname eq $item1){
	print "ERROR!! User $item1 not created, user already
}elsif ( $item2_uid == $item2){
	print "ERROR!! User $item1 not created, user-id validation
}elsif ( $item3_gid != $item3){
	print "ERROR!! User $item1 not created, group-id validation
 my $result_usr=`/usr/sbin/useradd -u $item2 -g $item3 -c $item4 -b
/home -m $item1 2>&1`;
 if ( ($result_usr =~ /exists|unique/ )&&( $result_usr !~ /mailbox/)
){print "Cannot add user $item1 : $result_usr";}
 else{print "User $item1 has been created\n";}


sub create_perms{
(my $item1, my $item2, my $item3)=@_;

print "Create Perms\n";
print "============\n";
my $item1_uname=(getpwnam($item2))[0];
my $item2_gid=(getgrgid($item3))[2];

if ( -d $item1){
	if ( ($item1_uname eq $item2) && ($item2_uid == $item3) ){
   	print "user $item2 and group $item3 exist...\n";
		my $result_perm=`/bin/chown -R ${item2}:${$item3}
		if ( $result_perm =~/invalid [user|group]/){print
"ERROR!! Unable to change permissions\n";}
		else {print "Permissions have been changed \n";}
	}else{print "ERROR!! User/Group ($item2:$item3) validation has
occured, unable to change permissions\n";}
}else{print "ERROR!! Permissions for $item1 unchanged directory doesn't

sub create_clientlv{
(my $item1, my $item2,my $item3,my $item4,my $item5,my $item6)=@_;
 my $lv_curr_free=&validate_vg();
 if ( $item4 > $lv_curr_free ){ $item4=($lv_curr_free - ($lv_curr_free %
 if ( (length($item5)==1) && ($item5=~/\//)){$item5="";}
  if ( $item6 eq "" ){
	print "Creating Logical Volume
 	my $result_lv=`/usr/sbin/lvcreate --size ${item4} --name
${item3}61${item1} $vg_data 2>&1`;
	if ( $result_lv =~ /create/){
      	print "Formatting Logical Volume ${item3}61${item1}\n";
  		my $result_mk=`/sbin/mkfs.ext3
/dev/${vg_data}/${item3}61${item1} 2>&1`;
      print "Validating Filesystem ${item5}/${item3}61${item1}\n";
      if ( -d "${item5}/${item3}61${item1}" ){ print "ERROR!!
${item5}/${item3}61${item1} already exists...\n";}
			print "Creating Filesystem
         my $result_fstab=`/bin/echo -e
\tdefaults\t1 2" >> /etc/fstab`;
         my $result_dir=`/bin/mkdir -p ${item5}/${item3}61${item1}
			if ( $result_dir =~ /cannot create directory/
){print "ERROR!! $result_dir\n";}
			else{ my $result_mnt=`/bin/mount
${item5}/${item3}61${item1}`; printf "Exit code %d",$? >> 8;}
	}else {print "ERROR!!  ${item3}61${item1} already exists...\n";}
  }elsif( $item6 eq "-" ){
		print "Creating Logical Volume
		my $result_lv=`/usr/sbin/lvcreate --size ${item4} --name
${item3} $vg_data 2>&1`;
		if ( $result_lv =~ /create/ ){
			print "Formatting Logical Volume ${item3}\n";
			my $result_mk=`/sbin/mkfs.ext3
/dev/${vg_data}/${item3} 2>&1`;
			print "Validating Filesystem
			if ( -d "${item5}/${item3}" ){ print "ERROR!!
${item5}/${item3} already exists...\n"; }
				print "Creating Filesystem
				my $result_fstab=`/bin/echo -e
"/dev/${vg_data}/${item3}\t${item5}/${item3}\t\text3\tdefaults\t1 2" >>
				my $result_dir=`/bin/mkdir -p
${item5}/${item3} 2>&1`;
				if ( $result_dir =~ /cannot create
directory/ ){print "ERROR!! $result_dir\n";}
				else{my $result_mnt=`/bin/mount
${item5}/${item3}`;printf "Exit Code %d",$? >>8;}
		}else {print "ERROR!! ${item5}/${item3} already
		print "Creating Logical Volume
	   my $result_lv=`/usr/sbin/lvcreate --size ${item4} --name
${item3}61${item1}_${item6} $vg_data 2>&1`;	
		if ( $result_lv =~ /create/ ){
			print "Formatting Logical Volume
			my $result_mk=`/sbin/mkfs.ext3
/dev/${vg_data}/${item3}61${item1}_${item6} 2>&1`;
      	print "Validating Filesystem
      	if ( -d "${item5}/${item3}61${item1}/${item6}" ){print "ERROR!!
${item5}/${item3}61${item1}/${item6} already exists...\n"}
	 			print "Creating Filesystem
     			my $result_fstab=`/bin/echo -e
}/${item6}\t\text3\tdefaults\t1 2" >> /etc/fstab`;
  				my $result_dir=`/bin/mkdir -p
				if ( $result_dir =~ /cannot create
directory/ ){print "ERROR!! $result_dir\n";}
				else{my $result_mnt=`/bin/mount
${item5}/${item3}61${item1}/${item6}`;printf "Exit Code %d",$? >> 8;}
		}else {print "ERROR!! ${item3}61${item1}${item6} already
exists...\n"; }

sub define_clientlv{
(my $item1, my $item2)=@_;

print "Create Standard Filesystems\n";

 if ( $item2 eq "IHS" ){
 }elsif ( $item2 eq "WAS" ){
 }elsif ( $item2 eq "WDM" ){
 }else{die "No Valid Role Defined : $item2\n";}

(my @bootparam_val1)=&extract_bootparam();
(my $name,my $role)=&validate_bootparam(@bootparam_val1);

-----Original Message-----
From: kickstart-list-bounces at redhat.com
[mailto:kickstart-list-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of Chris Lumens
Sent: 27 August 2010 15:52
To: kickstart-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: harddrive in %pre

> I am writing a script to install from a USB key, however it appears as

> a different device on several different systems, so I put the harddisk

> command into an include, generated by the %pre area, however the 
> system seems to be ignoring this - is there a way to make it work, or 
> are there commands which just can't be put into includes?

Any of the method selection commands (harddrive/nfs/url/cdrom) are the
only ones that cannot be put in an include.

There are ways to do what you're trying to do, but I'll need a little
more context to make a suggestion.  Can you post your kickstart file,
minus any sensitive information?

- Chris

Kickstart-list mailing list
Kickstart-list at redhat.com


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