--encrypted crashes anaconda on F11 install

Arthur Lutz arthur.lutz at logilab.fr
Wed Feb 3 11:30:26 UTC 2010


I'm generating an install DVD using pungi. After adding 
a "--encrypted" flag on a partition :: 

   part /home --fstype=ext4 --label=home --grow --size=1024 --encrypted

I get a crash on anaconda : 

    /usr/lib/anaconda/kickstart.py, line 696 in parse
        if pd.preexist:
    AttributeError : `F11_PartData` object has no attribute preexist

I'm tempted to add a "hasattr(fd, 'preexist') and" but I'm not sure this
is the right solution, and wheter or not I should file a bug. 

Thanks in advance.

Arthur Lutz

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