RHEL6, kickstart, rootpw and interactive

Ray Van Dolson rvandolson at esri.com
Tue Jan 18 19:49:20 UTC 2011

Creating a kickstart for RHEL6 and am using "interactive" mode (though
I'm not sure if this is an allowed keyword any longer...).  We are pre
defining a default root password as follows:

authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=md5
rootpw --iscrypted $1$bMbfjfHm$en8pkGIBBERISHyBGIBwx/

But in the graphical, stage 2 installer when we get to the root
password dialog, the dialog is blank and we're forced to enter a
password in.

Obviously, Anaconda can't derive from the PW hash what the real
password provided to rootpw is, but it should give a way to continue on
past this dialog if a default password has been given to rootpw.  The
user should be able to override or change it if they like...

This is how it used to work with RHEL5's installer -- am I doing
something wrong or misunderstanding a change?


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