Enabling repositories for anaconda via kickstart

Jonathan M. Polom s0nic0nslaught at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 18:25:34 UTC 2011

Is it possible to enable a repository for Anaconda via kickstart? I'm
not entirely sure how Anaconda finds the default repositories on a
disk (is it automated by looking at folders in the root of the CD/DVD
file system?) but I know you can manually enable a repo via a boot
option. Is a similar thing feasible with kickstart?

If Anaconda uses yum, I don't see why this wouldn't be possible. I
guess my problem stems from lack of knowledge on how Anaconda works.
Any insight into how Anaconda and kickstart work would help here. I've
looked through the Anaconda wiki page but didn't find too much
documentation explaining how it works.


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