Is it possible to set the installation display mode with the use of an %include and %pre?

Chris Lumens clumens at
Thu Mar 17 13:47:26 UTC 2011

> Is it possible to set the installation display mode with the use of an %include 
> command and accompanying commands in the %pre section?
> I would like to choose to perform the install in either 'text' or 'graphical' 
> mode depending upon the system hardware.
> My attempts to do this so far have failed and it appears that the installation 
> display mode, which defaults to graphical as you'd know, cannot be set in the 
> manner that I have described.

It will be possible to do this in F15, but not in any previous release.
The reason for this is that the text/graphical/cmdline commands (along
with a bunch of others) get processed by the initial text stage of
anaconda known as the loader.  This is written in C and had a completely
different kickstart file parser, one that did not understand %include.
For F15, I have switched to embedding pykickstart into the loader so any
command should be able to be used in an %include.

- Chris

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