Crete Volgroup from anaconda ks using the whole disk

David Rock david at
Fri Jan 18 22:59:14 UTC 2013

* Francisco Javier Lloreda Sanchez <flloreda at> [2013-01-18 19:03]:
> Thanks MAtthew for your answer but this is exactly what I'm triying to 
> avoid... :)
> I would like to have the equivalent to :
>      pvcreate /dev/vdb
>      vgcreate test /dev/vdb
>      lvcreate -n lv_test -L 10G test
> So at the end of the installation I would have a vg over no partition 
> (not the whole disk but over the disk device).

One question I have is: Besides the academic exercise of being able to
do it, is there a requirement to do it?  I understand wanting to know if
something is possible just for the sake of knowing, but do you have a
functional reason that you _need_ to write to the disk rather than a

David Rock
david at
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