need grub2 cfg file more memory stick ks install

Floydsmith at Floydsmith at
Fri Jan 25 13:20:09 UTC 2013

Hello all,
I am trying to build and install a customized f18  install image and 
/ks.cfg file.
I have created my install image f18.iso but  do its size I can not put on a 
DVD. I have installed grub2 on an ext3 formated  memory stick which is my 
third disk /dev/sdc and it will be the third disk  durring installation.
I have copied the image to /sdc1 and copied from the  isoimage dir vmlinuz 
and initrd.iso to /sdc1/boot.
I have no familarity with  grub2.
My question is what should be the stanza lines in the grub2 grub.cfg  file 
for method=hd:sdc1:/ ks=hd:sdc1:/ks.cfg install.
Floyd Smith,
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