rhel6 interactive not working

Jure Pečar pegasus at nerv.eu.org
Fri Jun 28 10:28:16 UTC 2013


I used to use "interactive" kickstart in el5 to prefill some defaults (lang, timezone, root password, keyboard) and let user choose the rest (disk layout, package selection). This worked fine in el5.

However in el6 (6.4, to be exact) with this minimal kickstart:
url --url=$tree
bootloader --location=mbr #it doesn't work without this
I get text install, which only prompts me for which network interface to use, timezone and root pw and then proceeds with default partitioning and installation of default package set, which I don't want. It doesn't matter if I use http or nfs installation.

Why text install?
How to get interactive mode working the way it did in el5?


Jure Pečar

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