Kickstart install asks which drives to use

Jos Vos jos at
Sat May 4 17:52:45 UTC 2013


When kickstarting CentOS 6.4 on a system with 2 disks, the installer 
asks for selecting the disks to use.  After adding both disks to this
list, the rest of the installation works fine.

My question: how can I avoid this question?

These are the relevant parts of my kickstart file (I have partitioned
both disks before, so I commented out zerombr and clearpart):

  #clearpart --all --initlabel

  part /boot --onpart=sda1 --fstype=ext4
  part swap  --onpart=sda5 --fstype=swap
  part /     --onpart=sda6 --fstype=ext4
  part /var  --onpart=sdb1 --fstype=ext4
  part /home --onpart=sda7 --fstype=ext4
  part /tmp  --onpart=sda9 --fstype=ext4

As said, the system installs fine, except for that one interaction.


--    Jos Vos <jos at>
--    X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV   |   Phone: +31 20 6938364
--    Amsterdam, The Netherlands        |     Fax: +31 20 6948204

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