Do you need urlgrabber?

Tomas Radej tradej at
Mon Sep 22 14:11:07 UTC 2014


Pykickstart uses urlgrabber on multiple occasions to download URLs 
either into memory or as files in filesystems. I would like to know if 
you need this particular library, or if it can be replaced by e. g. 
pycurl or even urllib. The reason is that the packaging team is planning 
to drop support (and probably even ownership) of python-urlgrabber as of 
Fedora 22.

I am invested in this matter due to my participation in the 'Python 3 as 
default' initiative [1], and pykickstart's Python 3 compatibility [2], 
which is better achieved without urlgrabber than with it, is a part of it.

Thank you,

Tomas Radej


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