Not finding /tmp/include created in %pre

Bledsoe, Alton Alton.Bledsoe at
Fri Jun 19 00:21:26 UTC 2015

First, I had to work around the fact that the execution of shell commands are terminated with a carriage return including file names that are created during %pre. The work around was simply:
%include http://<ip>/path/to/<http://%3cip%3e/path/to/>

In this I write out network commands for 4 interfaces after capturing input from tty6.
I write to /tmp/net-include and, using alt-F2 shell terminal, I can readily see it in /tmp

The %include /tmp/net-config in the kickstart file is generating a PYCURL ERROR 22 ... 404 not found once parsed after the %pre section %end's.

Why are these simple looking things that have many similar examples on the web not working?


Al Bledsoe
PD&E Solutions Architect, Richardson, TX
Cell: 214-533-1698 Desk: 972-656-5341
Alton.Bledsoe at
Somebody's gotta do it.

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