Kickstart - Partitioning....possible to use whole disk for LVM without creating a LVM partition

Jerry Billing jebi01 at
Mon Mar 9 14:02:53 UTC 2015


For virtual servers it is nice to use the whole disk for LVM instead of 
creating a LVM partition on the disk. Then you can just increase the size 
of the disk in VMware and later extend the file system instead of having 
to add another disk and extend.
Is it possible to use this setup in the kickstart? What syntax do one use 
if it is possible?

If I have done it manually it whould have been like this:
pvcreate /dev/sdb (instead of using a LVM partition called /dev/sdb1)
vgcreate DataVG /dev/sdb
lvcreate -n DataLV -l 100%FREE DataVG DataLV

At the moment I have the following partitioning script in my kickstart 
file for RHEL6/7 as a pre script:

DISK_TYPE=$(parted -s /dev/sda print |grep Model | awk '{print $2}')
echo "Disk type = $DISK_TYPE"

if [ "$DISK_TYPE" = "VMware" ]

echo "This is a VMware server, disk type=$DISK_TYPE"
cat > /tmp/partitioning.cfg <<EOF
part /boot --fstype="xfs" --size=1024 --ondisk=sda
part pv.01 --size=10240 --grow --ondisk=sda
volgroup VGos pv.01
logvol / --vgname=VGos --name=LVroot --size=10240 --grow
logvol swap --vgname=VGos --name=LVswap --recommended
part pv.02 --size=1000 --grow --ondisk=sdb
volgroup VGdata pv.02
logvol /usr/users --vgname=VGdata --name=LVhome --size=20480
logvol /app --vgname=VGdata --name=LVapp --size=1000 --grow

echo "This is a Physical server, disk type=$DISK_TYPE"
cat > /tmp/partitioning.cfg <<EOF
part /boot --fstype="xfs" --size=1024 --ondisk=sda
part pv.01 --size=10240 --grow --ondisk=sda
volgroup VGos pv.01
logvol / --vgname=VGos --name=LVroot --size=10240 --grow
logvol swap --vgname=VGos --name=LVswap --recommended
logvol /var --vgname=VGos --name=LVvar --size=20480


Regards Jerry
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