Kickstart - Partitioning....possible to use whole disk for LVM without creating a LVM partition

Ray Van Dolson rvandolson at
Mon Mar 9 21:02:32 UTC 2015

On Mon, Mar 09, 2015 at 09:22:02PM +0100, Jerry Billing wrote:
> Hi
> My main question was if it is possible to use a whole disk using LVM without
> creating a seperate LVM partition in kickstart?  If you create a partition on
> the disk you can´t easily extend the disk by increasing the disk size in
> VMware. Then you have to add another disk and extend your volume group.
> If you use the whole disk by initialize the disk using "pvcreate /dev/disk", it
> can easily be resized. I am not an expert on LVM so please correct me if I am
> wrong :)

You should still be able to expand relatively easily:

- Expand the disk as you normally would in VMware, then use parted to
  expand the LVM partition.
- Add another virtual disk and introduce it as a new PV into your VG
  and expand that way.

> Is it possible to use standard LVM commands in kickstart? As I understand you
> can just use part and logvol? By reading the manuls for theese commands I
> cannot find a solution for this.
> I use the following commands in my kickstart file, and the partitioning script
> I presented in my first mail is included in the kickstart using the %include
> statement below.
> zerombr
> clearpart --all
> bootloader --location=mbr --boot-drive=sda
> %include /tmp/partitioning.cfg
> By the way we are running Satellite 5.7.
> Regards Jerry


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