Partition siizes in percent (without using LVM)

Felix von Leitner felix-anaconda at
Mon Aug 1 12:08:57 UTC 2016


I need to make a kickstart configuration for Redhat 6.8. It is to form
the basis for installing a commercial product on it later, and that
product has some peculiar constraints on what they support and what not.
That is the reason why this is Redhat 6.8 in the first place.

The system installation is supposed to go on sda, and this works fine,
but there is an sdb, too, and it is comparatively huge (> 20 TB). The
constraints of the product say that there should be two partitions on
sdb, one about 10% of it and one the rest of the space.

The only way I could make this work is with LVM. It now turns out the
product utterly fails if installed on LVM.

Please note that I'm not blaming anyone for anything here. I just want
to get this done.

How do you make a partition 10% of the total size without using LVM in
kickstarter? I found no way, surely I must be missing something obvious.

Would it help if I made a custom DVD with a newer Anaconda binary, say
from Fedora?



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