Partition siizes in percent (without using LVM)

Angus Clarke angus.clarke at
Mon Aug 1 12:48:00 UTC 2016

If I understand your problem correctly, you must label the disk as "gpt"
which will allow you to specify larger (>2TB) filesystems. Other gotchas:
don't use fdisk (doesn't support gpt style partition tables) - use parted
instead (not sure if you need to do this in a %pre section or if the
default "part" parameter supports gpt in rhel6+)

I used the following once:

# Partition alignment
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt
parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 2048s 1050624s
parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary 1052672s 100%

Note the firs partition starts at 2048 (required for gpt)

Hope that helps

On 1 August 2016 at 14:08, Felix von Leitner <felix-anaconda at> wrote:

> Hi!
> I need to make a kickstart configuration for Redhat 6.8. It is to form
> the basis for installing a commercial product on it later, and that
> product has some peculiar constraints on what they support and what not.
> That is the reason why this is Redhat 6.8 in the first place.
> The system installation is supposed to go on sda, and this works fine,
> but there is an sdb, too, and it is comparatively huge (> 20 TB). The
> constraints of the product say that there should be two partitions on
> sdb, one about 10% of it and one the rest of the space.
> The only way I could make this work is with LVM. It now turns out the
> product utterly fails if installed on LVM.
> Please note that I'm not blaming anyone for anything here. I just want
> to get this done.
> How do you make a partition 10% of the total size without using LVM in
> kickstarter? I found no way, surely I must be missing something obvious.
> Would it help if I made a custom DVD with a newer Anaconda binary, say
> from Fedora?
> Thanks,
> Felix
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