moving kickstart forward

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Mon Mar 7 01:17:11 UTC 2016

>>>>> "CL" == Chris Lumens <clumens at> writes:

CL> * How do you use kickstart right now?

For the last very, very many years (since RHL7 or so) I've generated my
kickstart files on demand, but have been moving more and more
functionality into either %pre (for working out disk partitioning and
such based on EFI and what's installed in the system), scripts in %post,
or scripts that run after the system initially boots.

I've been moving towards doing these automatically when dracut tries to
grab the kickstart file, but wish dracut supplied more information when
it does this.

CL> * What do you do in your kickstart files?  Do you have extensive
CL>   %pre and %post sections?

%pre and %post are rather large.  I first moved to using %pre for disk
partitioning when some functionally for setting up RAID was dropped from
the installer some time ago, and now always generate my disk layout and
bootloader configuration in %pre.

%post does a bunch of site-specific setup, plus drops a script in place
which runs as the machine boots, to pull in he full package set by
installing a bunch of groups defined in a local comps file.

CL> Do you ever use %traceback?

Didn't even know it existed.  I suppose if you're asking, you'd like to
be able to get rid of it and so I probably shouldn't go looking into it.

CL> Do you have unusual stuff going on in %packages?

We used to use %packages -nobase and occasionally use "-package" to make
sure something is not installed.

CL> * What can I do to make your life easier?

At this point I'm not sure it's reasonable to have kickstart do the
amount of stuff I've come to do in custom code, but here are some things:

Not really kickstart itself, but have dracut pass as much information as
possible about the machine.  It would be super great if it could post
some json or something.

Back before I did all of the disk setup in %pre, I found myself wishing
I had some sort of conditional statement.  If this much disk, then use
this layout.

I also wish it were simpler to set up a filesystem setup without
worrying so much about the actual partitioning, Just being able to say
"give me a VG that's RAID1 across these disks" would be much simpler
than generating a partitioning scheme.

Having some simple ways to indicate the services I want to have enabled,
and which selinux booleans I'd like set might be handy, I suppose, to
get rid of some things in %post.  But for all I know, those might exist
these days and I just need to read the docs.

 - J<

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