moving kickstart forward

JJ jscott at
Sun Mar 6 18:33:28 UTC 2016

*	How do you use kickstart right now?  What work flows do you have
around it?  Do you generate kickstart files from some process?  Do you
store them in version control?


For our test / dev sandbox, PXE boot menu options that specify build
parameters via the ks=URI to a php script i.e.
MACHINE_TYPE=vm,phy_hp,phy_ucs DISK_TYPE=flat,lvm DISK_SIZE=sm,med,large...
sometimes one-off's for specific builds based on hostname via dhcp reserved
ip address to be able to rebuild the same box over and over again for

* What do you do in your kickstart files?  Do you have extensive %pre
and %post sections?  If so, what kinds of things are you doing in them?
Are you doing anything that would be generally useful that I should be
doing for you?  Do you ever use %traceback?  Do you have unusual stuff
going on in %packages?


Use %post to wget mgmt stuff - sudoers, ssh-keys, repo setup & security
validation & the like

* What can I do to make your life easier?  What annoys you about
kickstart right now?  What do you wish it did?  What do you wish it
didn't do?  Would making it more like a language be helpful?  Would
making it easier to define site-specific commands be helpful?

I know this is all really vague stuff, but I am just starting out on
this project.  I don't even really know where this is going to take me

I'd also like to emphasize that whatever I end up doing, I want to keep
compatibility with kickstart as it exists today.  That's something I
take seriously in pykickstart.

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