moving kickstart forward

Chris Lumens clumens at
Tue Mar 8 21:33:44 UTC 2016

> We use %pre to obtain info about the system like:
> Which NIC to configure
> Hostname
> IP
> Primary user
> Admin user
> What OU the host should be added
> And the original proc/cmdline (so I can get some info like what kickstart
> file was originally used in the PXE boot)
> These are all placed in /tmp/installVars as key=value

This is yet another vote for doing this in kickstart.  It seems like
probably the #1 thing everyone wants, and then maybe #2 is either user
interaction/logging or better partitioning.  I'll put this on my todo
list accordingly.

> It would be GREAT if we could get user input a little easier than using our
> own scripts in %pre
> I would like to +1 on the getting "%pre --log /tmp/ks-pre.log" working,
> currently my work around is
> exec < /dev/tty3 > /dev/tty3 2>&1
> chvt 3
> (
> ...
> ) 2>&1 | /usr/bin/tee -a /tmp/ks-pre.log

Every time I see this exec/chvt/tty stuff my eyes just glaze over.

But yes, it does seem like everyone's built their own method for either
prompting for bits of data or for doing progress reporting.  I think we
were initially hesitant to do this because we saw kickstart as entirely
non-interactive and also because anaconda wasn't really much of a
library.  It is probably time for us to define a real API here.

So, I'll ask some followup questions just for this.

What kinds of user interactions do people want to do?  Do you want this
to happen in the graphical interface or the text interface?  Both?

When do you want to do them?  In pre or post?  During the installer
proper?  Could whatever you are doing be turned into an anaconda addon?

Do you want results going to the log file?  To the console?  To whatever
the interface is?

- Chris

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