moving kickstart forward

Chris Lumens clumens at
Fri Mar 18 18:13:56 UTC 2016

> Wish list:
> * Ability to modify parameters to the auto partitioning. Things like
> increasing default root partition size to 100GB or that default filesystem
> should be ext4 since xfs is too slow for my application.

On master at least, you can change the filesystem type with --fstype=.
There's also the reqpart command if you want to have the required
arch-specific partitions created and then make the real filesystems
yourself.  In general, I'm hesitant to continue adding options to
autopart because I don't want it to grow into a whole second parallel
partitioning method.  Either you get autopart, or you don't.

> * Even better resiliency to minor errors.

What kinds of errors are you having problems with?  There's loads of
places where things can go wrong, so if you can narrow it down a bit I
can start looking into them.

- Chris

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