Install on an entire disk without partitioning

Eduardo Bragatto eduardo at
Mon Feb 20 18:14:35 UTC 2017


First of all, my apologies if this questions has already been answered, but I couldn’t find a clear answer in the documentation or searching the list archives.

My goal is to install CentOS 6 and 7 on an entire disk, with no partitioning scheme (e.g. in /dev/xvda).

My first attempt was to use “part …. onpart=xvda”, like this:

clearpart --drives=xvda --all --initlabel
part / --fstype ext3 --fsoptions=noatime --onpart=xvda

The installer actually formats /dev/xvda correctly:

             │ Creating ext3 filesystem on /dev/xvda              │

However, it fails right after that because it tries to read the first item from an empty list:

Entering debugger...
> /usr/lib/anaconda/
-> ret["mbr"] = (bl.drivelist[0], N_("Master Boot Record (MBR)"))
(Pdb) bl.drivelist
(Pdb) ret
{'boot': ('xvda', 'First sector of boot partition')}

What’s the correct way to avoid partitioning entirely, and have the system installed into a whole device?

Kind regards
Eduardo Bragatto

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