Howto create installation image.

Madper xiechj at
Wed Jul 19 14:47:32 UTC 2017

Hey guys,

I'm trying to port centos7 to our arm64 server. My goal is creating an installation image which execs anaconda directly after boot. 
Currently, I'm using `livemedia-creator --make-iso --no-virt --ks centos.ks`[1] on an arm64 centos docker. The livemedia-creator is cloned from lorax git tree.(rhel7-branch)
However the generated boot.iso is a LiveOS. Which runs into shell directly without executing anaconda. 
Also I found the livemedia-creator will use tmpl files under /usr/share/lorax/live which are designed for live image. The tmpl files outside of live directory seems designed for installation image. However I can't make them work after I specify them with --lorax-templates . It seems there are some syntax issue with the tmpl files. And even if I fix the syntax issue I can't generate a bootable iso.

May I know how to creating the installation image? Is livemedia-creator the correct tool to do that? Do I need to grab a special tmpl files from somewhere?


Thanks a lot in advance,

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