kickstart RHEL 7 won't reboot when installing NVIDIA drivers

Andrew Simpson simpsonar77 at
Wed Feb 13 22:56:02 UTC 2019

I have a kickstart that detects if nvidia cards are present in the pre
section and creates a .ks file with the appropriate nvidia RPMS for install
during the normal package installation section.  This seems to work fine.

after all of the post sections are completed, every system that has the
nvidia drivers installed fails to auto reboot.

If I switch to the GUI screen on F6, the system immediately reboots.  AMD
and intel systems reboot fine without having to do this.  Otherwise, the
system will sit in this state on the post terminal output screen for

This used to work prior to RHEL 7.4.  I have been unable to determine what
the cause is.  There don't appear to be any error or warning in the logs.

Some reading suggests it might be a modesetting issue, which I plan on
testing soon.  A workaround might be to try and add an /sbin/reboot as the
last line in the post.


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