Why does Anaconda leave 100GB empty for LVM Thin ?

Joe Wulf joe_wulf at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 27 21:10:17 UTC 2021

Since you've essentially asked this same question a month or so back, you didn't get any relief from the assistance given then?Is this a NEW build of your system since that previous email thread discussed this very same issue?

Was this a F33 system you've manually installed through the GUI (or the like)?Would you share screenshot(s) of your partitioning layout out of the GUI, please.
Since F34 is now out, consider attempting the same installation with the newer version of the OS.

Is this a physical system, or virtual?  If virtual, which technology?What and where is this drive being partitioned?  If a hardware drive, what manufacture, brand and model.

I see the output you shared was from 'lsblk -a', which is helpful.
Please share the full output for 'lsblk -fas',  'lsblk  -aflpms',  'vgdisplay -v' and 'lvdisplay -v'Pastebin would be fine to review these, I think.

Thank you.

    On Friday, August 27, 2021, 03:59:45 PM EDT, Sreyan Chakravarty <sreyan32 at gmail.com> wrote:  
I have just installed a new Fedora 33 KDE system. 
So this is my layout:

NAME                                          MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
sda                                             8:0    0 931.5G  0 disk   
├─sda1                                          8:1    0   512M  0 part  /boot/efi
├─sda2                                          8:2    0     1G  0 part  /boot
└─sda3                                          8:3    0   930G  0 part   
  └─luks-aee439f3-528c-4481-ab09-622304e727bc 253:0    0   930G  0 crypt  
    ├─vgfedora-pool00_tmeta                   253:1    0   424M  0 lvm    
    │ └─vgfedora-pool00-tpool                 253:3    0 829.2G  0 lvm    
    │   ├─vgfedora-fedora                     253:4    0 829.2G  0 lvm   /
    │   └─vgfedora-pool00                     253:5    0 829.2G  1 lvm    
    └─vgfedora-pool00_tdata                   253:2    0 829.2G  0 lvm    
      └─vgfedora-pool00-tpool                 253:3    0 829.2G  0 lvm    
        ├─vgfedora-fedora                     253:4    0 829.2G  0 lvm   /
        └─vgfedora-pool00                     253:5    0 829.2G  1 lvm   

The same thing as above in pastebin: https://pastebin.com/raw/xwXngMRh

If you notice that /dev/sda3 is of size 930G, but the volume group is only 829.2 G.
Why is that ? I have selected the size of the volume group as "Large as possible", but still 100G is left out.
Is this some kind of recommended setting for thin-LVMs ?
I am selecting Thin-LVM with LUKS2 during the install.
Can someone help me understand why this is happening and how I can fix it ? 
Will making a custom kickstart help here ?
Regards,Sreyan Chakravarty_______________________________________________
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