RHEL84 ISO with ks.cfg errors out unable to find installation source

Joe Wulf joe_wulf at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 1 15:54:40 UTC 2021

I've tailored an original RHEL84 ISO; adding a ks.cfg and updating the isolinux.cfg and grub.cfg to support doing the kickstart from the ISO.Anaconda boots, runs the pre-installation scripts (successfully; to generate the partition table), it starts automated install...., it saves the storage configuration..., it checks the storage configuration...
Then it stops, and presents the "Installation" menu of numbered items 1-8.@ #3 [!] Installation source; this is reported ----->  (ERROR SETTING UP SOFTWARE SOURCE).
I select '3' which gives me options for choosing an installation source type of 1) CD/DVD; 2) local ISO file; 3) Network.Neither '1' nor '2' do any good ('1' simply refreshes the 'menu'; and '2' states "No mountable devices found'.  I've nothing set up for the network.The ISO remains viable and mounted.  I've checked the Packages directories, in the booted VM, for both AppStream and BaseOS---they have all the content, with full-looking filenames.

I've gone through the RHEL 8 docs for anaconda, kickstart and advanced installation.... I've not been able to get past this.My build environment is Centos7, and has been working well to use the same process to build RHEL7.9 custom ISOs without any problems.

In the booted (but halted VM), I've verified the isolinux.cfg and boot.cfg and ks.cfg are present, and have the right content.I've verified the path(s) for things in the booted environment match up to what I've configured things to use.

In the 'append' and 'linuxefi' lines, I've alternated between 'inst.ks=cdrom:' and 'inst.ks=hd:LABEL=' without noticing and productive difference.
Using 'blkid -v' on the original and new ISO's, I've verified the volumeID's match.I use genisoimage with standard options per the RH documentation to build the new ISO from a copy of the source content.

The 'append' line in isolinux.cfg is:append initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=RHEL-8-4-0-BaseOS-x86_64 inst.ks=cdrom:/isolinux/ks/ks.cfg

The 'linuxefi' line in grub.cfg is:linuxefi /images/pxeboot/vmlinuz inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=RHEL-8-4-0-BaseOS-x86_64 inst.ks=hd:LABEL=RHEL-8-4-0-BaseOS-x86_64:/isolinux/ks/ks.cfg

The contents of the ks.cfg are:text

repo --name "RHEL 84 AppStream" --baseurl=file:///run/install/repo/AppStream/
repo --name "RHEL 84 BaseOS"    --baseurl=file:///run/install/repo/BaseOS/

keyboard --vckeymap=us --xlayouts=us
lang en_US.UTF-8
%include /run/install/repo/isolinux/ks/include/01_timezone

authselect --kickstart --passalgo=sha512 --usecache --useshadow

selinux --enforcing
services --disabled=bluetooth --enabled=auditd,chronyd,rsyslogd,sshd
logging --level=info

%include /run/install/repo/isolinux/ks/include/05_RootAndUsers
%include /run/install/repo/isolinux/ks/include/10_networks
network --hostname=ajstlablvbld53.dev.local

%include /tmp/PART_Firmware_include

firewall --enabled --service=ssh
eula --agreed
firstboot --disabled

sshpw --username="root" --iscrypted $6$GZ7BkMOtQ.xm6x64$JoEpC1tadSS7924sZhpg5GDTkCtIq6mytyBqUGGAazpQ0puaL1enjOokZu4SUsJeHEzDLLtmNVEi75r8gTpwz1


%include /run/install/repo/isolinux/ks/include/packages_include

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