[Libguestfs] virt-ls windows

Evaggelos Balaskas ebalaskas at ebalaskas.gr
Fri Aug 3 20:23:34 UTC 2012

okei ... big success

i would certainly need a rest and i have to put down some notes
(perhaps to a blog post or a wiki page)

If anybody need to do something like this, must have in mind the non
"interactive" limitation.

So to work with rsync, you have to setup ssh.

sudo virt-rescue --network --ro -d win2003

[root@(none) /]# fdisk -l
[root@(none) /]# mount /dev/vda1 /media/

[root@(none) /]# ip a
[root@(none) /]# ip r

[root@(none) /]# mkdir /root/.ssh/
[root@(none) /]# cd /root/.ssh/

[root@(none) /]# cat > id_dsa << EOF
mpla mpla mpla

[root@(none) /]# chmod 0600 *

[root@(none) /]# ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' ebal at  -vv

[root@(none) /]# rsync /media/boot.ini -e 'ssh -o
StrictHostKeyChecking=no' ebal at

just amazing !

Evaggelos Balaskas - Unix System Engineer

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