[Libguestfs] [PATCH] launch: show hint to resolve authentication failure from libvirt

Olaf Hering olaf at aepfle.de
Thu Oct 11 11:10:16 UTC 2012

On Thu, Oct 11, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:

> Hmm, on Fedora non-root is able to use KVM just fine. If you have a
> new enough libvirt, you should have a 'virt-host-validate' command.
> Can you run that as both root and non-root and provide the output
> for each case.

The issue is that a user is not automatically in the kvm group, which however
does not prevent a successful run of 'LIBGUESTFS_ATTACH_METHOD=appliance

root at stein-schneider:~ # virt-host-validate
  QEMU: Checking for hardware virtualization                                 : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for device /dev/kvm                                         : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for device /dev/vhost-net                                   : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for device /dev/net/tun                                     : PASS
   LXC: Checking for Linux >= 2.6.26                                         : PASS

olaf at stein-schneider:~> virt-host-validate
  QEMU: Checking for hardware virtualization                                 : PASS
  QEMU: Checking for device /dev/kvm                                         : FAIL (Check that the 'kvm-intel' or 'kvm-amd' modules are loaded & the BIOS has enabled virtualization)
  QEMU: Checking for device /dev/vhost-net                                   : WARN (Load the 'vhost_net' module to improve performance of virtio networking)
  QEMU: Checking for device /dev/net/tun                                     : PASS
   LXC: Checking for Linux >= 2.6.26                                         : PASS
olaf at stein-schneider:~> l /dev/kvm 
crw-rw---- 1 root kvm 10, 232 Okt 11 12:37 /dev/kvm
olaf at stein-schneider:~> id
uid=1000(olaf) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),33(video)

However, adding 'olaf' into group 'kvm' does not help to run
libguestfs-test-tool, its still a 'qemu' guest.

olaf at stein-schneider:~> virsh -c qemu:///session capabilities

      <topology sockets='1' cores='4' threads='2'/>
      <feature name='rdtscp'/>
      <feature name='dca'/>
      <feature name='pdcm'/>
      <feature name='xtpr'/>
      <feature name='tm2'/>
      <feature name='est'/>
      <feature name='vmx'/>
      <feature name='ds_cpl'/>
      <feature name='monitor'/>
      <feature name='dtes64'/>
      <feature name='pbe'/>
      <feature name='tm'/>
      <feature name='ht'/>
      <feature name='ss'/>
      <feature name='acpi'/>
      <feature name='ds'/>
      <feature name='vme'/>
      <cells num='1'>
        <cell id='0'>
          <cpus num='8'>
            <cpu id='0'/>
            <cpu id='1'/>
            <cpu id='2'/>
            <cpu id='3'/>
            <cpu id='4'/>
            <cpu id='5'/>
            <cpu id='6'/>
            <cpu id='7'/>



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