[Libguestfs] [PATCH 3/5] sysprep: remove the custom kdump configurations

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Mon Sep 9 08:52:28 UTC 2013

On Mon, Sep 09, 2013 at 04:09:14PM +0800, Wanlong Gao wrote:
> Yes, sure. Then can you give some comments about following TODO list?
> For which is necessary to add for users and which is not?
> Although we know almost all of the features we have in sysprep can be done
> by "--script" feature, right?
> "
> add features to remove the following files or values
>   if user required.
>   B-1) Data files which are made by iscsi initiator.
>        /var/lib/iscsi/*

Some of this is configuration apparently; ie. it is set up by
the iscsiadm utility.

>   B-2) Definition files of iscsi target emulator.
>        /etc/tgt/*


>   B-3) Definition files of iptables
>        /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Although we added this already, I'm inclined to think it is
configuration, not temporary data.

>   B-4) Definition of TCP Wrapper
>        /etc/hosts.*


>   B-5) Definition for hostname/DNS.
>        /etc/resolv.conf
>        /etc/hosts

/etc/resolv.conf could be removed, definitely on guests which use
dhcp, if there is a way to tell if a guest uses dhcp.

/etc/hosts seems like configuration to me.

>   B-6) Definition of network routing
>         /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-*
>         /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/rule-*

Don't really know enough to comment on this.

>   B-7) Temporary files
>         /tmp/*
>         /var/tmp/*

Yes, it was good to remove this.

>   B-8) kdump setting file
>         /etc/kdump.conf
>   B-9) NFS setting.
>       /etc/exports


>   B-10) Remove all files/directories under a directory which is specified by
>         new virt-sysprep option
>       (User may want to each directories depends on thier circumstance.)

Yes, good idea.  User should specify a wildcard / list of wildcards.

>   B-9) Remove or initialize value which is related specified users/groups.
>      User can select a) or b)
>      a) Remove specified users/groups
>         - Remove definition for them from /etc/passwd and /etc/groups
>         - Remove their home directories.
>        (Don't remove the files /etc/passwd /etc/groups.)

Yes -- already done ('user-account').

>      b) Initialize normal users/groups password
>      Note: 
>            Original requirement is to remove/initaliaze 
>            all of normal UID/GID user's setting.
>            But the definition of normal user is a bit confusable.
>             RHEL6 : UID is 500 or more,   RHEL7 : 1000 or more
>            In addition, nfsnobody uses 65534.
>            So, specifing concrete UID/GID by command option is desirable.
>            For example, "--uid=500,5021000-60000"



I think a better way to think about this: Suppose someone wants to use
virt-sysprep to get back to the original configuration of the guest at
installation.  Wouldn't it be better (cleaner, safer) for them to
install a new guest from scratch?


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
virt-top is 'top' for virtual machines.  Tiny program with many
powerful monitoring features, net stats, disk stats, logging, etc.

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