[Libguestfs] [PATCH] builder: proper consider subkeys in index files

Pino Toscano ptoscano at redhat.com
Tue Jan 21 16:18:27 UTC 2014

The index files already allowed the 'key[subkey]=...' syntax for keys,
but considering such string as whole key. Proper split the parsing and
the handling of the subkeys, so they can be searched a bit easier.

This causes no actual behaviour changes, it is just internal
 builder/index-parser-c.c |  8 +++++---
 builder/index-scan.l     |  9 ++++++++-
 builder/index-struct.c   |  1 +
 builder/index-struct.h   |  1 +
 builder/index_parser.ml  | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 5 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builder/index-parser-c.c b/builder/index-parser-c.c
index 17e680b..baf2b62 100644
--- a/builder/index-parser-c.c
+++ b/builder/index-parser-c.c
@@ -83,11 +83,13 @@ virt_builder_parse_index (value filenamev)
     for (j = 0, fields = sections->fields; fields != NULL;
          j++, fields = fields->next) {
-      v = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+      v = caml_alloc_tuple (3);
       sv = caml_copy_string (fields->key);
-      Store_field (v, 0, sv);   /* (key, value) */
-      sv = caml_copy_string (fields->value);
+      Store_field (v, 0, sv);   /* (key, subkey, value) */
+      sv = caml_copy_string (fields->subkey ? fields->subkey : "");
       Store_field (v, 1, sv);
+      sv = caml_copy_string (fields->value);
+      Store_field (v, 2, sv);
       Store_field (fv, j, v);   /* assign to return array of fields */
diff --git a/builder/index-scan.l b/builder/index-scan.l
index 9a6a0e3..7a9618f 100644
--- a/builder/index-scan.l
+++ b/builder/index-scan.l
@@ -58,10 +58,17 @@ extern void yyerror (const char *);
   /* field=value or field[subfield]=value */
 ^[A-Za-z0-9_.]+("["[A-Za-z0-9_,.]+"]")?"=".*\n {
-                      size_t i = strcspn (yytext, "=");
+                      size_t i = strcspn (yytext, "=[");
                       yylval.field = malloc (sizeof (struct field));
                       yylval.field->next = NULL;
                       yylval.field->key = strndup (yytext, i);
+                      if (yytext[i] == '[') {
+                        size_t j = strcspn (yytext+i+1, "]");
+                        yylval.field->subkey = strndup (yytext+i+1, j);
+                        i += 1+j+2;
+                      } else {
+                        yylval.field->subkey = NULL;
+                      }
                       /* Note we chop the final \n off here. */
                       yylval.field->value = strndup (yytext+i+1, yyleng-(i+2));
                       return FIELD;
diff --git a/builder/index-struct.c b/builder/index-struct.c
index 26bed24..fe5b0e3 100644
--- a/builder/index-struct.c
+++ b/builder/index-struct.c
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ free_field (struct field *field)
   if (field) {
     free_field (field->next);
     free (field->key);
+    free (field->subkey);
     free (field->value);
     free (field);
diff --git a/builder/index-struct.h b/builder/index-struct.h
index ac8a3dd..f92e01d 100644
--- a/builder/index-struct.h
+++ b/builder/index-struct.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ struct section {
 struct field {
   struct field *next;
   char *key;
+  char *subkey;
   char *value;
diff --git a/builder/index_parser.ml b/builder/index_parser.ml
index 453a3a1..4b070cb 100644
--- a/builder/index_parser.ml
+++ b/builder/index_parser.ml
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ let print_entry chan (name, { printable_name = printable_name;
 type sections = section array
 and section = string * fields           (* [name] + fields *)
 and fields = field array
-and field = string * string             (* key + value *)
+and field = string * string * string    (* key + subkey + value *)
 (* Calls yyparse in the C code. *)
 external parse_index : string -> sections = "virt_builder_parse_index"
@@ -149,12 +149,13 @@ let get_index ~prog ~debug ~downloader ~sigchecker source =
       fun (n, fields) ->
         let fseen = Hashtbl.create 13 in
         List.iter (
-          fun (field, _) ->
-            if Hashtbl.mem fseen field then (
+          fun (field, subkey, _) ->
+            let hashkey = (field, subkey) in
+            if Hashtbl.mem fseen hashkey then (
               eprintf (f_"virt-builder: index is corrupt: %s: field '%s' appears two or more times\n") n field;
               corrupt_file ()
-            Hashtbl.add fseen field true
+            Hashtbl.add fseen hashkey true
         ) fields
     ) sections;
@@ -162,25 +163,32 @@ let get_index ~prog ~debug ~downloader ~sigchecker source =
     let entries =
       List.map (
         fun (n, fields) ->
+          let find_elem key subkey fields =
+            match List.filter (
+                fun (iterkey, itersubkey, itervalue) ->
+                  iterkey = key && itersubkey = subkey
+              ) fields with
+            | [] -> raise Not_found
+            | (_, _, value) :: _ -> value in
           let printable_name =
-            try Some (List.assoc "name" fields) with Not_found -> None in
+            try Some (find_elem "name" "" fields) with Not_found -> None in
           let osinfo =
-            try Some (List.assoc "osinfo" fields) with Not_found -> None in
+            try Some (find_elem "osinfo" "" fields) with Not_found -> None in
           let file_uri =
-            try make_absolute_uri (List.assoc "file" fields)
+            try make_absolute_uri (find_elem "file" "" fields)
             with Not_found ->
               eprintf (f_"virt-builder: no 'file' (URI) entry for '%s'\n") n;
             corrupt_file () in
           let signature_uri =
-            try Some (make_absolute_uri (List.assoc "sig" fields))
+            try Some (make_absolute_uri (find_elem "sig" "" fields))
             with Not_found -> None in
           let checksum_sha512 =
-            try Some (List.assoc "checksum[sha512]" fields)
+            try Some (find_elem "checksum" "sha512" fields)
             with Not_found ->
-              try Some (List.assoc "checksum" fields)
+              try Some (find_elem "checksum" "" fields)
               with Not_found -> None in
           let revision =
-            try int_of_string (List.assoc "revision" fields)
+            try int_of_string (find_elem "revision" "" fields)
             | Not_found -> 1
             | Failure "int_of_string" ->
@@ -188,9 +196,9 @@ let get_index ~prog ~debug ~downloader ~sigchecker source =
               corrupt_file () in
           let format =
-            try Some (List.assoc "format" fields) with Not_found -> None in
+            try Some (find_elem "format" "" fields) with Not_found -> None in
           let size =
-            try Int64.of_string (List.assoc "size" fields)
+            try Int64.of_string (find_elem "size" "" fields)
             | Not_found ->
               eprintf (f_"virt-builder: no 'size' field for '%s'\n") n;
@@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ let get_index ~prog ~debug ~downloader ~sigchecker source =
               corrupt_file () in
           let compressed_size =
-            try Some (Int64.of_string (List.assoc "compressed_size" fields))
+            try Some (Int64.of_string (find_elem "compressed_size" "" fields))
             | Not_found ->
@@ -209,13 +217,13 @@ let get_index ~prog ~debug ~downloader ~sigchecker source =
               corrupt_file () in
           let expand =
-            try Some (List.assoc "expand" fields) with Not_found -> None in
+            try Some (find_elem "expand" "" fields) with Not_found -> None in
           let lvexpand =
-            try Some (List.assoc "lvexpand" fields) with Not_found -> None in
+            try Some (find_elem "lvexpand" "" fields) with Not_found -> None in
           let notes =
-            try Some (List.assoc "notes" fields) with Not_found -> None in
+            try Some (find_elem "notes" "" fields) with Not_found -> None in
           let hidden =
-            try bool_of_string (List.assoc "hidden" fields)
+            try bool_of_string (find_elem "hidden" "" fields)
             | Not_found -> false
             | Failure "bool_of_string" ->

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