[Libguestfs] [PATCH 2/2] sparsify: Add --tmp option to allow specifying temp directory or block device.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Fri Jun 13 12:49:36 UTC 2014

Add the virt-sparsify --tmp option.

This works in two ways.  Either you can specify a temporary directory,
in which case it's just the same as setting $TMPDIR before:

  virt-sparsify indisk outdisk --tmp /var/tmp

Or, as a new feature, you can specify a block device which is directly
used (and OVERWRITTEN):

  virt-sparsify indisk outdisk --tmp /dev/sdX

This is useful for oVirt nodes, where there is limited temporary
space, but a block device can be assigned to the node.

In both cases it is only used in copying mode.  In-place
sparsification doesn't require large amounts of temporary space.
 sparsify/cmdline.ml        | 12 +++++-
 sparsify/copying.ml        | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 sparsify/sparsify.ml       |  4 +-
 sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod | 23 ++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sparsify/cmdline.ml b/sparsify/cmdline.ml
index c96de57..01f66f1 100644
--- a/sparsify/cmdline.ml
+++ b/sparsify/cmdline.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ let prog = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name
 let error ?exit_code fs = error ~prog ?exit_code fs
 type mode_t =
-| Mode_copying of string * check_t * bool * string option * string option
+| Mode_copying of string * check_t * bool * string option * string option *
+    string option
 | Mode_in_place
 and check_t = [`Ignore|`Continue|`Warn|`Fail]
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
   let machine_readable = ref false in
   let option = ref "" in
   let quiet = ref false in
+  let tmp = ref "" in
   let verbose = ref false in
   let trace = ref false in
   let zeroes = ref [] in
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
     "-o",        Arg.Set_string option,     s_"option" ^ " " ^ s_"Add qemu-img options";
     "-q",        Arg.Set quiet,             " " ^ s_"Quiet output";
     "--quiet",   Arg.Set quiet,             ditto;
+    "--tmp",     Arg.Set_string tmp,        s_"block|dir" ^ " " ^ s_"Set temporary block device or directory";
     "-v",        Arg.Set verbose,           " " ^ s_"Enable debugging messages";
     "--verbose", Arg.Set verbose,           ditto;
     "-V",        Arg.Unit display_version,  " " ^ s_"Display version and exit";
@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ read the man page virt-sparsify(1).
   let machine_readable = !machine_readable in
   let option = match !option with "" -> None | str -> Some str in
   let quiet = !quiet in
+  let tmp = match !tmp with "" -> None | str -> Some str in
   let verbose = !verbose in
   let trace = !trace in
   let zeroes = List.rev !zeroes in
@@ -126,6 +130,7 @@ read the man page virt-sparsify(1).
     printf "zero\n";
     printf "check-tmpdir\n";
     printf "in-place\n";
+    printf "tmp-option\n";
     let g = new G.guestfs () in
     g#add_drive "/dev/null";
     g#launch ();
@@ -186,12 +191,15 @@ read the man page virt-sparsify(1).
       if option <> None then
         error (f_"you cannot use --in-place and -o options together");
+      if tmp <> None then
+        error (f_"you cannot use --in-place and --tmp options together");
     ) in
   let mode =
     if not in_place then
-      Mode_copying (outdisk, check_tmpdir, compress, convert, option)
+      Mode_copying (outdisk, check_tmpdir, compress, convert, option, tmp)
       Mode_in_place in
diff --git a/sparsify/copying.ml b/sparsify/copying.ml
index 5123bc2..5afb22f 100644
--- a/sparsify/copying.ml
+++ b/sparsify/copying.ml
@@ -33,8 +33,11 @@ open Cmdline
 external statvfs_free_space : string -> int64 =
+type tmp_place = Directory of string | Block_device of string
 let run indisk outdisk check_tmpdir compress convert
-    format ignores machine_readable option quiet verbose trace zeroes =
+    format ignores machine_readable option tmp_param
+    quiet verbose trace zeroes =
   (* Once we have got past argument parsing and start to create
    * temporary files (including the potentially massive overlay file), we
@@ -65,20 +68,30 @@ let run indisk outdisk check_tmpdir compress convert
   if output_format = "raw" && compress then
     error (f_"--compress cannot be used for raw output.  Remove this option or use --convert qcow2.");
-  (* Get virtual size of the input disk. *)
-  let virtual_size = (new G.guestfs ())#disk_virtual_size indisk in
-  if not quiet then
-    printf (f_"Input disk virtual size = %Ld bytes (%s)\n%!")
-      virtual_size (human_size virtual_size);
+  (* Use TMPDIR or --tmp parameter? *)
+  let tmp_place =
+    match tmp_param with
+    | None -> Directory Filename.temp_dir_name (* $TMPDIR or /tmp *)
+    | Some dir when is_directory dir -> Directory dir
+    | Some dev when is_block_device dev -> Block_device dev
+    | Some path ->
+      error (f_"--tmp parameter must point to a directory or a block device") in
-  (* Check there is enough space in $TMPDIR. *)
-  let tmpdir = Filename.temp_dir_name in
+  (* Check there is enough space in temporary directory. *)
+  (match tmp_place with
+  | Block_device _ -> ()
+  | Directory tmpdir ->
+    (* Get virtual size of the input disk. *)
+    let virtual_size = (new G.guestfs ())#disk_virtual_size indisk in
+    if not quiet then
+      printf (f_"Input disk virtual size = %Ld bytes (%s)\n%!")
+        virtual_size (human_size virtual_size);
-  let print_warning () =
-    let free_space = statvfs_free_space tmpdir in
-    let extra_needed = virtual_size -^ free_space in
-    if extra_needed > 0L then (
-      eprintf (f_"\
+    let print_warning () =
+      let free_space = statvfs_free_space tmpdir in
+      let extra_needed = virtual_size -^ free_space in
+      if extra_needed > 0L then (
+        eprintf (f_"\
 WARNING: There may not be enough free space on %s.
 You may need to set TMPDIR to point to a directory with more free space.
@@ -92,34 +105,47 @@ You can ignore this warning or change it to a hard failure using the
 --check-tmpdir=(ignore|continue|warn|fail) option.  See virt-sparsify(1).
-        tmpdir (human_size virtual_size)
-        (human_size free_space) (human_size extra_needed);
-      true
-    ) else false
-  in
+          tmpdir (human_size virtual_size)
+          (human_size free_space) (human_size extra_needed);
+        true
+      ) else false
+    in
-  (match check_tmpdir with
-  | `Ignore -> ()
-  | `Continue -> ignore (print_warning ())
-  | `Warn ->
-    if print_warning () then (
-      eprintf "Press RETURN to continue or ^C to quit.\n%!";
-      ignore (read_line ())
-    );
-  | `Fail ->
-    if print_warning () then (
-      eprintf "Exiting because --check-tmpdir=fail was set.\n%!";
-      exit 2
-    )
+    match check_tmpdir with
+    | `Ignore -> ()
+    | `Continue -> ignore (print_warning ())
+    | `Warn ->
+      if print_warning () then (
+        eprintf "Press RETURN to continue or ^C to quit.\n%!";
+        ignore (read_line ())
+      );
+    | `Fail ->
+      if print_warning () then (
+        eprintf "Exiting because --check-tmpdir=fail was set.\n%!";
+        exit 2
+      )
-  if not quiet then
-    printf (f_"Create overlay file in %s to protect source disk ...\n%!") tmpdir;
   (* Create the temporary overlay file. *)
   let overlaydisk =
-    let tmp = Filename.temp_file "sparsify" ".qcow2" in
-    unlink_on_exit tmp;
+    if not quiet then (
+      match tmp_place with
+      | Directory tmpdir ->
+        printf (f_"Create overlay file in %s to protect source disk ...\n%!")
+          tmpdir
+      | Block_device device ->
+        printf (f_"Create overlay device %s to protect source disk ...\n%!")
+          device
+    );
+    let tmp =
+      match tmp_place with
+      | Directory temp_dir ->
+        let tmp = Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir "sparsify" ".qcow2" in
+        unlink_on_exit tmp;
+        tmp
+      | Block_device device -> device in
     (* Create it with the indisk as the backing file. *)
     (* XXX Old code used to:
diff --git a/sparsify/sparsify.ml b/sparsify/sparsify.ml
index f148296..529a054 100644
--- a/sparsify/sparsify.ml
+++ b/sparsify/sparsify.ml
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ let rec main () =
     parse_cmdline () in
   (match mode with
-  | Mode_copying (outdisk, check_tmpdir, compress, convert, option) ->
+  | Mode_copying (outdisk, check_tmpdir, compress, convert, option, tmp) ->
     Copying.run indisk outdisk check_tmpdir compress convert
-      format ignores machine_readable option quiet verbose trace zeroes
+      format ignores machine_readable option tmp quiet verbose trace zeroes
   | Mode_in_place ->
     In_place.run indisk format ignores machine_readable
       quiet verbose trace zeroes
diff --git a/sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod b/sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod
index 5573c95..3aac096 100644
--- a/sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod
+++ b/sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ Display help.
 =item B<--check-tmpdir=fail>
-Check if L</TMPDIR> has enough space to complete the operation.  This
-is just an estimate.
+Check if L</TMPDIR> or I<--tmp> directory has enough space to complete
+the operation.  This is just an estimate.
 If the check indicates a problem, then you can either:
@@ -246,6 +246,22 @@ You cannot use this option and I<--in-place> together.
 This disables progress bars and other unnecessary output.
+=item B<--tmp> block_device
+=item B<--tmp> dir
+In copying mode only, use the named device, directory or filename as
+the location of the temporary overlay (see also L</TMPDIR> below).
+If the parameter given is a block device, then the block device is
+written to directly.
+B<Note this erases the existing contents of the block device>.
+If the parameter is a directory, then this is the same as setting the
+L</TMPDIR> environment variable.
+You cannot use this option and I<--in-place> together.
 =item B<-v>
 =item B<--verbose>
@@ -358,6 +374,9 @@ See L<guestfs(3)/WINDOWS HIBERNATION AND WINDOWS 8 FAST STARTUP>.
 Location of the temporary directory used for the potentially large
 temporary overlay file.
+In virt-sparsify E<ge> 1.28, you can override this environment
+variable using the I<--tmp> option.
 You should ensure there is enough free space in the worst case for a
 full copy of the source disk (I<virtual> size), or else set C<$TMPDIR>
 to point to another directory that has enough space.

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