[Libguestfs] [PATCH v2 17/18] sparsify: Add virt-sparsify --in-place mode.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Tue Mar 11 23:14:00 UTC 2014

 po/POTFILES-ml             |   1 +
 sparsify/Makefile.am       |   2 +
 sparsify/cmdline.ml        |  77 +++++++++++++++++-------
 sparsify/in_place.ml       | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sparsify/sparsify.ml       |   3 +
 sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod |  63 +++++++++++++++++---
 6 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 sparsify/in_place.ml

diff --git a/po/POTFILES-ml b/po/POTFILES-ml
index fd2e886..2c37d91 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES-ml
+++ b/po/POTFILES-ml
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ mllib/urandom.ml
diff --git a/sparsify/Makefile.am b/sparsify/Makefile.am
index 2f32093..811c131 100644
--- a/sparsify/Makefile.am
+++ b/sparsify/Makefile.am
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ CLEANFILES = *~ *.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.cmxa *.o virt-sparsify
 	cmdline.ml \
 	copying.ml \
+	in_place.ml \
 	sparsify.ml \
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ deps = \
 	statvfs-c.o \
 	cmdline.cmx \
 	copying.cmx \
+	in_place.cmx \
diff --git a/sparsify/cmdline.ml b/sparsify/cmdline.ml
index b714a9e..d25e9e9 100644
--- a/sparsify/cmdline.ml
+++ b/sparsify/cmdline.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ let prog = Filename.basename Sys.executable_name
 let error fs = error ~prog fs
 type mode_t =
-  Mode_copying of string * check_t * bool * string option * string option
+| Mode_copying of string * check_t * bool * string option * string option
+| Mode_in_place
 and check_t = [`Ignore|`Continue|`Warn|`Fail]
 let parse_cmdline () =
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
   let debug_gc = ref false in
   let format = ref "" in
   let ignores = ref [] in
+  let in_place = ref false in
   let machine_readable = ref false in
   let option = ref "" in
   let quiet = ref false in
@@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
     "--debug-gc", Arg.Set debug_gc,         " " ^ s_"Debug GC and memory allocations";
     "--format",  Arg.Set_string format,     s_"format" ^ " " ^ s_"Format of input disk";
     "--ignore",  Arg.String (add ignores),  s_"fs" ^ " " ^ s_"Ignore filesystem";
+    "--in-place", Arg.Set in_place,         " " ^ s_"Modify the disk image in-place";
+    "--inplace", Arg.Set in_place,          ditto;
     "--long-options", Arg.Unit display_long_options, " " ^ s_"List long options";
     "--machine-readable", Arg.Set machine_readable, " " ^ s_"Make output machine readable";
     "-o",        Arg.Set_string option,     s_"option" ^ " " ^ s_"Add qemu-img options";
@@ -90,6 +94,8 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
  virt-sparsify [--options] indisk outdisk
+ virt-sparsify [--options] --in-place disk
 A short summary of the options is given below.  For detailed help please
 read the man page virt-sparsify(1).
@@ -103,6 +109,7 @@ read the man page virt-sparsify(1).
   let debug_gc = !debug_gc in
   let format = match !format with "" -> None | str -> Some str in
   let ignores = List.rev !ignores in
+  let in_place = !in_place in
   let machine_readable = !machine_readable in
   let option = match !option with "" -> None | str -> Some str in
   let quiet = !quiet in
@@ -118,6 +125,7 @@ read the man page virt-sparsify(1).
     printf "linux-swap\n";
     printf "zero\n";
     printf "check-tmpdir\n";
+    printf "in-place\n";
     let g = new G.guestfs () in
     g#add_drive "/dev/null";
     g#launch ();
@@ -128,12 +136,14 @@ read the man page virt-sparsify(1).
     exit 0
-  (* Verify we got exactly 2 disks. *)
+  (* Verify we got exactly 1 or 2 disks, depending on the mode. *)
   let indisk, outdisk =
-    match List.rev !disks with
-    | [indisk; outdisk] -> indisk, outdisk
+    match in_place, List.rev !disks with
+    | false, [indisk; outdisk] -> indisk, outdisk
+    | true, [disk] -> disk, ""
     | _ ->
-      error "usage is: %s [--options] indisk outdisk" prog in
+      error "usage is: %s [--options] indisk outdisk OR %s --in-place disk"
+        prog prog in
   (* Simple-minded check that the user isn't trying to use the
    * same disk for input and output.
@@ -141,24 +151,49 @@ read the man page virt-sparsify(1).
   if indisk = outdisk then
     error (f_"you cannot use the same disk image for input and output");
-  (* The input disk must be an absolute path, so we can store the name
-   * in the overlay disk.
-   *)
   let indisk =
-    if not (Filename.is_relative indisk) then
+    if not in_place then (
+      (* The input disk must be an absolute path, so we can store the name
+       * in the overlay disk.
+       *)
+      let indisk =
+        if not (Filename.is_relative indisk) then
+          indisk
+        else
+          Sys.getcwd () // indisk in
+      (* Check the output is not a block or char special (RHBZ#1056290). *)
+      if is_block_device outdisk then
+        error (f_"output '%s' cannot be a block device, it must be a regular file")
+          outdisk;
+      if is_char_device outdisk then
+        error (f_"output '%s' cannot be a character device, it must be a regular file")
+          outdisk;
+    )
+    else (                              (* --in-place checks *)
+      if check_tmpdir <> `Warn then
+        error (f_"you cannot use --in-place and --check-tmpdir options together");
+      if compress then
+        error (f_"you cannot use --in-place and --compress options together");
+      if convert <> None then
+        error (f_"you cannot use --in-place and --convert options together");
+      if option <> None then
+        error (f_"you cannot use --in-place and -o options together");
+      indisk
+    ) in
+  let mode =
+    if not in_place then
+      Mode_copying (outdisk, check_tmpdir, compress, convert, option)
-      Sys.getcwd () // indisk in
-  (* Check the output is not a block or char special (RHBZ#1056290). *)
-  if is_block_device outdisk then
-    error (f_"output '%s' cannot be a block device, it must be a regular file")
-      outdisk;
-  if is_char_device outdisk then
-    error (f_"output '%s' cannot be a character device, it must be a regular file")
-      outdisk;
+      Mode_in_place in
   indisk, debug_gc, format, ignores, machine_readable,
-    quiet, verbose, trace, zeroes,
-    Mode_copying (outdisk, check_tmpdir, compress, convert, option)
+    quiet, verbose, trace, zeroes, mode
diff --git a/sparsify/in_place.ml b/sparsify/in_place.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f46ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sparsify/in_place.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+(* virt-sparsify
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+(* This is the virt-sparsify --in-place mode. *)
+open Unix
+open Printf
+open Common_gettext.Gettext
+module G = Guestfs
+open Common_utils
+open Cmdline
+let run disk format ignores machine_readable quiet verbose trace zeroes =
+  (* Connect to libguestfs. *)
+  let g = new G.guestfs () in
+  if trace then g#set_trace true;
+  if verbose then g#set_verbose true;
+  (* XXX Current limitation of the API.  Can remove this hunk in future. *)
+  let format =
+    match format with
+    | Some _ -> format
+    | None -> Some (g#disk_format disk) in
+  g#add_drive ?format ~discard:"enable" disk;
+  if not quiet then Progress.set_up_progress_bar ~machine_readable g;
+  g#launch ();
+  (* Discard non-ignored filesystems that we are able to mount, and
+   * selected swap partitions.
+   *)
+  let filesystems = g#list_filesystems () in
+  let filesystems = List.map fst filesystems in
+  let filesystems = List.sort compare filesystems in
+  let is_ignored fs =
+    let fs = g#canonical_device_name fs in
+    List.exists (fun fs' -> fs = g#canonical_device_name fs') ignores
+  in
+  List.iter (
+    fun fs ->
+      if not (is_ignored fs) then (
+        if List.mem fs zeroes then (
+          if not quiet then
+            printf (f_"Zeroing %s ...\n%!") fs;
+          if not (g#blkdiscardzeroes fs) then
+            g#zero_device fs;
+          g#blkdiscard fs
+        ) else (
+          let mounted =
+            try g#mount_options "discard" fs "/"; true
+            with _ -> false in
+          if mounted then (
+            if not quiet then
+              printf (f_"Trimming %s ...\n%!") fs;
+            g#fstrim "/"
+          ) else (
+            let is_linux_x86_swap =
+              (* Look for the signature for Linux swap on i386.
+               * Location depends on page size, so it definitely won't
+               * work on non-x86 architectures (eg. on PPC, page size is
+               * 64K).  Also this avoids hibernated swap space: in those,
+               * the signature is moved to a different location.
+               *)
+              try g#pread_device fs 10 4086L = "SWAPSPACE2"
+              with _ -> false in
+            if is_linux_x86_swap then (
+              if not quiet then
+                printf (f_"Clearing Linux swap on %s ...\n%!") fs;
+              (* Don't use mkswap.  Just preserve the header containing
+               * the label, UUID and swap format version (libguestfs
+               * mkswap may differ from guest's own).
+               *)
+              let header = g#pread_device fs 4096 0L in
+              g#blkdiscard fs;
+              if g#pwrite_device fs header 0L <> 4096 then
+                error (f_"pwrite: short write restoring swap partition header")
+            )
+          )
+        );
+        g#umount_all ()
+      )
+  ) filesystems;
+  (* Discard unused space in volume groups. *)
+  let vgs = g#vgs () in
+  let vgs = Array.to_list vgs in
+  let vgs = List.sort compare vgs in
+  List.iter (
+    fun vg ->
+      if not (List.mem vg ignores) then (
+        let lvname = string_random8 () in
+        let lvdev = "/dev/" ^ vg ^ "/" ^ lvname in
+        let created =
+          try g#lvcreate_free lvname vg 100; true
+          with _ -> false in
+        if created then (
+          if not quiet then
+            printf (f_"Discard space in volgroup %s ...\n%!") vg;
+          g#blkdiscard lvdev;
+          g#sync ();
+          g#lvremove lvdev
+        )
+      )
+  ) vgs;
+  g#shutdown ();
+  g#close ();
+  (* Finished. *)
+  if not quiet then (
+    print_newline ();
+    wrap (s_"Sparsify in-place operation completed with no errors.\n");
+  )
diff --git a/sparsify/sparsify.ml b/sparsify/sparsify.ml
index faefb23..f148296 100644
--- a/sparsify/sparsify.ml
+++ b/sparsify/sparsify.ml
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ let rec main () =
   | Mode_copying (outdisk, check_tmpdir, compress, convert, option) ->
     Copying.run indisk outdisk check_tmpdir compress convert
       format ignores machine_readable option quiet verbose trace zeroes
+  | Mode_in_place ->
+    In_place.run indisk format ignores machine_readable
+      quiet verbose trace zeroes
   if debug_gc then
diff --git a/sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod b/sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod
index 84e94c5..c12a15f 100644
--- a/sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod
+++ b/sparsify/virt-sparsify.pod
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ virt-sparsify - Make a virtual machine disk sparse
  virt-sparsify [--options] indisk outdisk
+ virt-sparsify [--options] --in-place disk
 Virt-sparsify is a tool which can make a virtual machine disk (or any
@@ -45,13 +47,6 @@ such as C<du -sh>.  It can make a huge difference:
 =item *
-Virt-sparsify does not do in-place modifications.  It copies from a
-source image to a destination image, leaving the source unchanged.
-I<Check that the sparsification was successful before deleting the
-source image>.
-=item *
 The virtual machine I<must be shut down> before using this tool.
 =item *
@@ -60,6 +55,9 @@ Virt-sparsify may require up to 2x the virtual size of the source disk
 image (1 temporary copy + 1 destination image).  This is in the worst
 case and usually much less space is required.
+If you are using the I<--in-place> option, then large amounts of
+temporary space are B<not> required.
 =item *
 Virt-sparsify cannot resize disk images.  To do that, use
@@ -105,6 +103,11 @@ to ignore (don't zero free space on) certain filesystems by doing:
 See L<virt-filesystems(1)> to get a list of filesystems within a disk
+Since virt-sparsify E<ge> 1.26, you can now sparsify a disk image
+in place by doing:
+ virt-sparsify --in-place disk.img
 =head1 OPTIONS
 =over 4
@@ -147,11 +150,15 @@ B<fail> and exit.
+You cannot use this option and I<--in-place> together.
 =item B<--compress>
 Compress the output file.  This I<only> works if the output format is
+You cannot use this option and I<--in-place> together.
 =item B<--convert> raw
 =item B<--convert> qcow2
@@ -171,6 +178,8 @@ then virt-sparsify doesn't need to try to guess the input format.
 For fine-tuning the output format, see: I<--compress>, I<-o>.
+You cannot use this option and I<--in-place> together.
 =item B<--debug-gc>
 Debug garbage collection and memory allocation.  This is only useful
@@ -191,14 +200,23 @@ ensure the format is always specified.
 =item B<--ignore> volgroup
-Ignore the named filesystem.  Free space on the filesystem will not be
+Ignore the named filesystem.
+When not using I<--in-place>: Free space on the filesystem will not be
 zeroed, but existing blocks of zeroes will still be sparsified.
+When using I<--in-place>, the filesystem is ignored completely.
 In the second form, this ignores the named volume group.  Use the
 volume group name without the C</dev/> prefix, eg. I<--ignore vg_foo>
 You can give this option multiple times.
+=item B<--in-place>
+Do in-place sparsification instead of copying sparsification.
 =item B<--machine-readable>
 This option is used to make the output more machine friendly
@@ -217,6 +235,8 @@ them with commas, eg:
  virt-sparsify --convert qcow2 \
    -o cluster_size=512,preallocation=metadata ...
+You cannot use this option and I<--in-place> together.
 =item B<-q>
 =item B<--quiet>
@@ -249,6 +269,28 @@ excellent!  You can give this option multiple times.
+Since virt-sparsify E<ge> 1.26, the tool is able to do in-place
+sparsification (instead of copying from an input disk to an output
+disk).  This is more efficient.  However it requires special support
+in libguestfs, the kernel and qemu, and it is not able to recover
+quite as much space as copying sparsification.  So in-place
+sparsification is considered to be experimental at this time.
+To use this mode, specify a disk image which will be modified in
+ virt-sparsify --in-place disk.img
+Some options are not compatible with this mode: I<--convert>,
+I<--compress> and I<-o> because they require wholesale disk format
+changes; I<--check-tmpdir> because large amounts of temporary space
+are not required.
+In-place sparsification works using discard (a.k.a trim or unmap)
 The I<--machine-readable> option can be used to make the output more
@@ -332,6 +374,9 @@ size of the tmpfs mountpoint, eg:
  mount -o remount,size=10G /tmp
+If you are using the I<--in-place> option, then large amounts of
+temporary space are B<not> required.
 For other environment variables, see L<guestfs(3)/ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES>.
@@ -355,4 +400,4 @@ Richard W.M. Jones L<http://people.redhat.com/~rjones/>
-Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Red Hat Inc.
+Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Red Hat Inc.

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