[Libguestfs] virt-v2v: Died at /usr/bin/virt-p2v-server line 411

Nicolas Ecarnot nicolas at ecarnot.net
Wed Nov 19 15:42:23 UTC 2014

Le 19/11/2014 16:33, Richard W.M. Jones a écrit :
> You need to post the complete debug log.  It's in /tmp on the
> conversion server.

Ah nice, I ignored that. Here it is:

virt-v2v: libguestfs 1.28.1 (x86_64)
[   0.0] Opening the source -i libvirtxml 
libvirt xml is:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- NOTE!

   This libvirt XML is generated by the virt-p2v front end, in
   order to communicate with the backend virt-v2v process running
   on the conversion server.  It is a minimal description of the
   physical machine.  If the target of the conversion is libvirt,
   then virt-v2v will generate the real target libvirt XML, which
   has only a little to do with the XML in this file.

   TL;DR: Don't try to load this XML into libvirt. -->
<domain type="physical">
   <memory unit="KiB">4194304</memory>
   <currentMemory unit="KiB">4194304</currentMemory>
     <type arch="x86_64">hvm</type>
     <disk type="network" device="disk">
       <driver name="qemu" type="raw"/>
       <source protocol="nbd">
         <host name="localhost" port="33363"/>
       <target dev="sda"/>
     <disk type="network" device="disk">
       <driver name="qemu" type="raw"/>
       <source protocol="nbd">
         <host name="localhost" port="49584"/>
       <target dev="sdb"/>
     <disk type="network" device="disk">
       <driver name="qemu" type="raw"/>
       <source protocol="nbd">
         <host name="localhost" port="41988"/>
       <target dev="sdc"/>

     source name: bonjour
hypervisor type: physical
          memory: 4294967296 (bytes)
        nr vCPUs: 2
    CPU features: pae,apic,acpi
	nbd:localhost:33363 (raw) [sda]
	nbd:localhost:49584 (raw) [sdb]
	nbd:localhost:41988 (raw) [sdc]
removable media:


[   0.0] Creating an overlay to protect the source from being modified
qemu-img create -q -f qcow2 -b 'nbd:localhost:33363' -o 
'compat=1.1,backing_fmt=raw' /var/tmp/v2vovl636444.qcow2
nbd.c:nbd_receive_negotiate():L501: read failed
qemu-img: /var/tmp/v2vovl636444.qcow2: Could not open 
'nbd:localhost:33363': Could not open image: Invalid argument: Invalid 
virt-v2v: error: qemu-img command failed, see earlier errors

If reporting bugs, run virt-v2v with debugging enabled and include the
complete output:

   virt-v2v -v -x [...]

Nicolas Ecarnot

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