[Libguestfs] [PATCH 1/3] inspection: Add rules compiler to the generator.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Wed Dec 2 22:05:28 UTC 2015

 .gitignore                   |   4 +
 README                       |   4 +
 bootstrap                    |   2 +
 generator/Makefile.am        |  39 ++-
 generator/rules_compiler.ml  | 757 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 generator/rules_compiler.mli |  21 ++
 generator/rules_parser.mly   | 111 +++++++
 generator/rules_scanner.mll  | 112 +++++++
 generator/types.ml           |  49 +++
 generator/utils.ml           |  16 +
 generator/utils.mli          |   6 +
 m4/guestfs_ocaml.m4          |   2 +
 12 files changed, 1121 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 generator/rules_compiler.ml
 create mode 100644 generator/rules_compiler.mli
 create mode 100644 generator/rules_parser.mly
 create mode 100644 generator/rules_scanner.mll

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 11557b6..288a853 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -221,7 +221,11 @@ Makefile.in
diff --git a/README b/README
index 2c79c0d..26198fc 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ The full requirements are described below.
 |              |             |   | Optional if compiling from tarball.     |
 |              |             |   | To build generated files and OCaml bindings.
+| ocamllex     | 3.11        |R/O| Required if compiling from git.         |
+| ocamlyacc    |             |   | Optional if compiling from tarball.     |
+|              |             |   | To build generated files and OCaml bindings.
 | findlib      |             |R/O| Required if compiling from git.         |
 |              |             |   | Optional if compiling from tarball.     |
 |              |             |   | To build generated files and OCaml bindings.
diff --git a/bootstrap b/bootstrap
index 5df6f0f..f932c0c 100755
--- a/bootstrap
+++ b/bootstrap
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ gnulib_tool=$GNULIB_SRCDIR/gnulib-tool
@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ warnings
diff --git a/generator/Makefile.am b/generator/Makefile.am
index 9177e6f..fe6d35d 100644
--- a/generator/Makefile.am
+++ b/generator/Makefile.am
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
 include $(top_srcdir)/subdir-rules.mk
 # In alphabetical order.
+# Note we include ocamllex/ocamlyacc-generated files here, since
+# we want to distribute these in the tarball for convenience.
 sources = \
 	actions.ml \
 	actions.mli \
@@ -48,6 +51,13 @@ sources = \
 	prepopts.mli \
 	python.ml \
 	ruby.ml \
+	rules_compiler.ml \
+	rules_compiler.mli \
+	rules_parser.ml \
+	rules_parser.mli \
+	rules_parser.mly \
+	rules_scanner.ml \
+	rules_scanner.mll \
 	structs.ml \
 	structs.mli \
 	tests_c_api.ml \
@@ -88,6 +98,9 @@ objects = \
 	bindtests.cmo \
 	errnostring.cmo \
 	customize.cmo \
+	rules_scanner.cmo \
+	rules_parser.cmo \
+	rules_compiler.cmo \
 EXTRA_DIST = $(sources) files-generated.txt
@@ -101,6 +114,22 @@ if HAVE_OCAML
 generator: $(objects)
 	$(OCAMLFIND) ocamlc $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -linkpkg $^ -o $@
+rules_parser.ml rules_parser.mli: stamp-rules-parser
+stamp-rules-parser: rules_parser.mly
+	rm -f $@
+	touch $@
+rules_scanner.ml: rules_scanner.mll
+	$(OCAMLLEX) $<
+# Apparently because rules_parser.mli and rules_scanner.ml may not
+# exist before the Makefile is run, the pattern dependencies below
+# don't add these rules automatically, so we have to be explicit.
+rules_parser.cmi: rules_parser.mli
+rules_scanner.cmi: rules_scanner.ml
 # Dependencies.
 %.cmi: %.mli
 	$(OCAMLFIND) ocamlc $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
@@ -111,7 +140,7 @@ generator: $(objects)
 depend: .depend
-.depend: $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.mli) $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.ml)
+.depend: $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.mli) $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.ml) rules_parser.ml rules_scanner.ml
 	rm -f $@ $@-t
 	$(OCAMLFIND) ocamldep -I ../ocaml -I $(abs_srcdir) $^ | \
 	  $(SED) 's/ *$$//' | \
@@ -154,6 +183,12 @@ stamp-generator: generator
 CLEANFILES = $(noinst_DATA) $(noinst_PROGRAM) *.cmi *.cmo *~
-DISTCLEANFILES = .depend .pod2text.data.version.2
+	.depend \
+	.pod2text.data.version.2 \
+	rules_parser.ml \
+	rules_parser.mli \
+	rules_scanner.ml \
+	stamp-rules-parser
 SUFFIXES = .cmo .cmi .cmx .ml .mli .mll .mly
diff --git a/generator/rules_compiler.ml b/generator/rules_compiler.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e0fc6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/rules_compiler.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+(* libguestfs
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *)
+(* This is the compiler that turns inspection rules into C code. *)
+open Printf
+open Utils
+open Types
+open Pr
+open Docstrings
+module StringSet = Set.Make (String)
+let (//) = Filename.concat
+type env = {
+  free_vars : string list;
+  assign_vars : string list;
+  list_assign_vars : string list;
+  (* Name of the C environment struct. *)
+  env_struct : string;
+let rec compile filename () =
+  let rules = parse filename in
+  type_checking filename rules;
+  generate_header ~extra_inputs:[filename] CStyle GPLv2plus;
+  pr "\
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <error.h>
+/* XXX At the moment we have to hard-code any headers needed by
+ * C code snippets from the input here.  We could fix this by
+ * allowing the source to define a C prologue.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include \"gl_oset.h\"
+#include \"gl_xoset.h\"
+#include \"gl_array_oset.h\"
+#include \"inspection.h\"
+#include \"guestfs-internal-all.h\"
+/* Disable a few warnings, so we can take a few short-cuts with the
+ * generated code.
+ */
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-variable\"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-macros\"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"
+static gl_oset_t
+new_string_set (void)
+  /* Note that we don't need a dispose function because all the
+   * strings added to the set will be \"owned\" by other code, either
+   * static (all_strings) or owned by facts.
+   */
+  return gl_oset_create_empty (GL_ARRAY_OSET,
+                               (gl_setelement_compar_fn) strcmp, NULL);
+static void
+add_all_strings (gl_oset_t set)
+  size_t i;
+  for (i = 0; all_strings[i] != NULL; ++i)
+    gl_oset_add (set, all_strings[i]);
+  get_all_strings filename rules;
+  (* Give each rule a unique number.  The number is used for rule
+   * function names, environments and so on.  eg: 'rule_0 ()'
+   * 'struct rule_0_env'.
+   *)
+  let rules = mapi (fun i rule -> (i, rule)) rules in
+  (* Create the environment struct for each rule.  This contains all
+   * the variables either consumed or set by the function.
+   *)
+  let rules =
+    List.map (fun (i, rule) ->
+                let env = compile_rule_environment filename i rule in
+                (i, rule, env))
+             rules in
+  (* Write all C code snippets to functions. *)
+  iteri (
+    fun j (i, rule, env) ->
+      let rec loop = function
+        | And (e1, e2) | Or (e1, e2) -> loop e1; loop e2
+        | Code code -> compile_code filename i rule env j code
+        | AssignCode _ -> ()
+        | AssignCode (vs, code) ->
+            compile_assign_code filename i rule env j vs code
+ *)
+        | ListAssignCode (vs, code) ->
+            compile_list_assign_code filename i rule env j vs code
+        | Term _ | Not _ | True | False -> ()
+      in
+      loop rule.body
+  ) rules;
+  (* Compile all rules into functions. *)
+  let rules =
+    List.map (
+      fun (i, rule, env) ->
+        let rule_fn = sprintf "rule_%d" i in
+        compile_rule filename rule rule_fn env;
+        (rule, rule_fn)
+    ) rules in
+  pr "\
+rules (void)
+  clear_true_facts ();
+  clear_false_facts ();
+  /* Loop over all the rules until no more true facts can be added. */
+  for (;;) {
+    size_t nr_true_facts = count_true_facts ();
+  List.iter (
+    fun (rule, rule_fn) ->
+      pr "    if (verbose)\n";
+      pr "      printf (\"trying rule %%s\\n\", %S);\n"
+         (string_of_term rule.head);
+      pr "    %s ();\n" rule_fn;
+      pr "\n";
+  ) rules;
+  pr "    /* Added a true fact during this iteration? */
+    if (nr_true_facts == count_true_facts ())
+      break;
+  } /* for (;;) */
+/* EOF */\n"
+and get_all_strings filename rules =
+  let rec loop = function
+    | True | False | Code _ | AssignCode _ | ListAssignCode _ -> []
+    | And (e1, e2) | Or (e1, e2) -> loop e1 @ loop e2
+    | Term term | Not term -> get_term_strings term
+  and get_term_strings { term_args = args } =
+    filter_map (function Variable _ -> None | Constant s -> Some s) args
+  in
+  let all_strings =
+    List.map (fun rule -> get_term_strings rule.head @ loop rule.body) rules in
+  let all_strings = List.concat all_strings in
+  let all_strings = sort_uniq all_strings in
+  pr "const char *all_strings[] = {\n";
+  pr "    ";
+  let col = ref 0 in
+  List.iter (
+    fun s ->
+      let len = String.length s in
+      if !col + len + 4 >= 72 then (
+        col := 0;
+        pr "\n    "
+      );
+      pr "%S, " s;
+      col := !col + len + 4;
+  ) all_strings;
+  if !col > 0 then pr "\n";
+  pr "    NULL\n";
+  pr "};\n";
+  pr "\n"
+(* Work the environment of a single rule.  Also write out the
+ * corresponding struct to the C file.
+ *)
+and compile_rule_environment filename i rule =
+  (* The name of the C struct. *)
+  let env_struct = sprintf "rule_%d_env" i in
+  (* Divide all the variables which appear in the rule into:
+   *  - ones which we have to search for [free_vars],
+   *  - ones which are going to be returned by a C expression within
+   *    the body [assign_vars, list_assign_vars].
+   * We can do this statically.
+   * These sets are non-overlapping, so we just need to check which
+   * variables are returned by C expressions, and do an additional
+   * check that no C expressions are returning the same variable.
+   *)
+  (* Get the complete list of vars ... *)
+  let free_vars = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+  (* ... from the head *)
+  List.iter (
+    function
+    | Variable v ->
+       if Hashtbl.mem free_vars v then (
+         eprintf "%s: variable '%s' appears two or more times in a rule\n"
+                 filename v;
+         exit 1
+       );
+       Hashtbl.add free_vars v 1
+    | Constant _ -> ()
+  ) rule.head.term_args;
+  (* ... from the body *)
+  let rec loop = function
+    | And (e1, e2) | Or (e1, e2) -> loop e1; loop e2
+    | Term { term_args = args } | Not { term_args = args } ->
+       List.iter (
+         function
+         | Variable v -> Hashtbl.replace free_vars v 1
+         | Constant _ -> ()
+       ) args
+    | True | False
+    | Code _ | AssignCode _ | ListAssignCode _ -> ()
+  in
+  loop rule.body;
+  let assign_vars = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+  let list_assign_vars = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+  let rec loop = function
+    | True | False | Term _ | Not _ | Code _ -> ()
+    | And (e1, e2) | Or (e1, e2) -> loop e1; loop e2
+    | AssignCode (vs, _) ->
+       List.iter (
+         fun v ->
+           Hashtbl.remove free_vars v;
+           if Hashtbl.mem assign_vars v then (
+             eprintf "%s: variable '%s' appears two or more times in a C assignment expression in a rule\n"
+                     filename v;
+             exit 1
+           );
+           Hashtbl.add assign_vars v 1
+       ) vs
+    | ListAssignCode (vs, _) ->
+       List.iter (
+         fun v ->
+           Hashtbl.remove free_vars v;
+           if Hashtbl.mem list_assign_vars v || Hashtbl.mem assign_vars v then (
+             eprintf "%s: variable '%s' appears two or more times in a C assignment expression in a rule\n"
+                     filename v;
+             exit 1
+           );
+           Hashtbl.add list_assign_vars v 1
+       ) vs
+  in
+  loop rule.body;
+  let free_vars = Hashtbl.fold (fun k _ ks -> k :: ks) free_vars [] in
+  let assign_vars = Hashtbl.fold (fun k _ ks -> k :: ks) assign_vars [] in
+  let list_assign_vars =
+    Hashtbl.fold (fun k _ ks -> k :: ks) list_assign_vars [] in
+  (* Write out the C struct. *)
+  pr "/* Environment struct for rule %s */\n" (string_of_term rule.head);
+  pr "struct %s {\n" env_struct;
+  if free_vars <> [] then (
+    pr "  /* free variables */\n";
+    List.iter (pr "  char *%s;\n") free_vars
+  );
+  if assign_vars <> [] then (
+    pr "  /* assigned vars */\n";
+    List.iter (pr "  char *%s;\n") assign_vars
+  );
+  if list_assign_vars <> [] then (
+    pr "  /* assigned lists */\n";
+    pr "  size_t nr_list_assign_vars;\n";
+    List.iter (pr "  char **%s;\n") list_assign_vars
+  );
+  pr "};\n";
+  pr "\n";
+  (* Return the OCaml env. *)
+  { free_vars = free_vars;
+    assign_vars = assign_vars;
+    list_assign_vars = list_assign_vars;
+    env_struct = env_struct; }
+(* Compile a single rule to C code. *)
+and compile_rule filename rule rule_fn env =
+  (* For each free variable we need to find the possible values for that
+   * variable.  If they appear within the body in a term like
+   * 'Foo(var)' then we can just look for matching facts and add
+   * them (at runtime).  If they don't, then we start with the list
+   * of all strings culled from the source + all strings from all facts.
+   *)
+  let free_vars = List.map (
+    fun v ->
+      let fact_lookups = ref [] in
+      let rec loop = function
+        | True | False | Code _ | AssignCode _ | ListAssignCode _ -> ()
+        | And (e1, e2) | Or (e1, e2) -> loop e1; loop e2
+        | Term { term_name = term_name; term_args = args }
+        | Not { term_name = term_name; term_args = args } ->
+           (* If this term contains this variable at some position,
+            * then save that in the list of 'facts'.
+            *)
+           iteri (
+             fun arg_i ->
+               function
+               | Variable v' when v = v' ->
+                  fact_lookups := (term_name, arg_i) :: !fact_lookups
+               | Variable _ | Constant _ -> ()
+           ) args
+      in
+      loop rule.body;
+      let fact_lookups = sort_uniq !fact_lookups in
+      v, fact_lookups
+  ) env.free_vars in
+  pr "static void\n";
+  pr "%s (void)\n" rule_fn;
+  pr "{\n";
+  pr "  struct %s env;\n" env.env_struct;
+  pr "  bool added;\n";
+  pr "  size_t i;\n";
+  List.iter (
+    fun (v, _) ->
+      pr "  gl_oset_t search_%s;\n" v;
+      pr "  gl_oset_iterator_t iter_%s;\n" v;
+  ) free_vars;
+  pr "\n";
+  if free_vars <> [] then
+    pr "  /* Build the sets we will use for searching each free variable. */\n";
+  List.iter (
+    function
+    | v, [] ->
+      (* The variable doesn't appear in any expressions, so
+       * add a note to the source.  Maybe emit a compiler warning? XXX
+       *)
+       pr "  search_%s = new_string_set ();\n" v;
+       pr "  /* Warning: variable '%s' is underspecified, so we will\n" v;
+       pr "   * search over all strings from the source and all facts.\n";
+       pr "   */\n";
+       pr "  add_all_strings (search_%s);\n" v;
+       pr "  add_all_fact_strings (search_%s);\n" v;
+       pr "\n"
+    | v, fact_lookups ->
+       pr "  search_%s = new_string_set ();\n" v;
+       List.iter (
+         fun (term_name, arg_i) ->
+           pr "  add_strings_from_facts (search_%s, %S, %d);\n"
+              v term_name arg_i
+       ) fact_lookups;
+       pr "\n"
+  ) free_vars;
+  (* Do a cartesian search over all [free_vars], substituting each set of
+   * variables, and evaluating the body.  If it evaluates to true,
+   * then we will add a new true fact!  (Or maybe several if we are
+   * dealing with a list assignment []={{...}}).  If it evaluates
+   * to false, we add a false fact.  It's also possible that we
+   * cannot evaluate the rule at all, because it contains unknown
+   * facts, in which case we end up adding NO new facts.
+   *)
+  if free_vars <> [] then (
+    pr "  /* Perform cartesian search over free variables. */\n";
+    List.iter (
+      fun (v, _) ->
+        pr "  iter_%s = gl_oset_iterator (search_%s);\n" v v;
+        pr "  while (gl_oset_iterator_next (&iter_%s,\n" v;
+        pr "                                (const void **)&env.%s)) {\n" v;
+    ) free_vars;
+  ) else (
+    (* If there are no free_vars, then we have to add a dummy loop
+     * around the next code so that the 'continue' statement can be used.
+     *)
+    pr "  do {\n";
+  );
+  (* Initialize any assign_vars and list_assign_vars in the env struct.
+   * Note that the free_vars are initialized by the iterator loops above.
+   *)
+  List.iter (pr "  env.%s = NULL;\n") env.assign_vars;
+  List.iter (pr "  env.%s = NULL;\n") env.list_assign_vars;
+  if env.list_assign_vars <> [] then pr "  env.nr_list_assign_vars = 0;\n";
+  (* We can only do this optimization if assign_vars = list_assign_vars = [],
+   * because we don't know what the C code (returning those vars)
+   * may give us yet.  XXX Actually we could be looser with this:
+   * we only need to check that the head term contains no assigned
+   * variables.
+   *)
+  if env.assign_vars = [] && env.list_assign_vars = [] then (
+    pr "  {\n";
+    pr "    /* If the fact already exists, don't bother doing any work. */\n";
+    pr "    CLEANUP_FREE fact *fact = create_fact (%S" rule.head.term_name;
+    List.iter (function
+                | Variable v -> pr ", env.%s" v
+                | Constant s -> pr ", %S" s)
+              rule.head.term_args;
+    pr ", NULL);\n";
+    pr "\n";
+    pr "    if (is_fact (true, fact) || is_fact (false, fact))\n";
+    pr "      continue;\n";
+    pr "  }\n";
+    pr "\n";
+  );
+  (* Evaluate the expression on the right hand side. *)
+  let rec eval result = function
+    | True ->
+       pr "  %s = 1;\n" result
+    | False ->
+       pr "  %s = 0;\n" result
+    | Code code ->
+       let code_fn = function_of_code code in
+       pr "  %s = %s (&env);\n" result code_fn
+    | AssignCode _ ->
+       (* XXX *)
+       (* The result of AssignCode is always true (else it would
+        * have exited earlier).  Hence:
+        *)
+       pr "  %s = 1;\n" result
+    | ListAssignCode (vs, code) ->
+       let code_fn = function_of_code code in
+       pr "  %s = %s (&env);\n" result code_fn;
+       pr "  if (%s == -1)\n" result;
+       pr "    error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, \"code returned error in %%s\",\n";
+       pr "           \"%s\");\n" (string_of_term rule.head);
+       (* The result of ListAssignCode is always true (else it would
+        * have exited above).  Hence:
+        *)
+       pr "  %s = 1;\n" result
+    | And (e1, e2) ->
+       let re1 = sprintf "r_%d" (unique ()) in
+       pr "  int %s;\n" re1;
+       eval re1 e1;
+       pr "  if (%s != 1)\n" re1;
+       pr "    %s = %s;\n" result re1;
+       pr "  else {\n";
+       let re2 = sprintf "r_%d" (unique ()) in
+       pr "    int %s;\n" re2;
+       eval re2 e2;
+       pr "    %s = %s;\n" result re2;
+       pr "  }\n";
+    | Or (e1, e2) ->
+       let re1 = sprintf "r_%d" (unique ()) in
+       pr "  int %s;\n" re1;
+       eval re1 e1;
+       pr "  if (%s == 1)\n" re1;
+       pr "    %s = %s;\n" result re1;
+       pr "  else {\n";
+       let re2 = sprintf "r_%d" (unique ()) in
+       pr "    int %s;\n" re2;
+       eval re2 e2;
+       pr "    %s = %s;\n" result re2;
+       pr "  }\n";
+    | Term term ->
+       pr "  {\n";
+       pr "    CLEANUP_FREE fact *fact = create_fact (%S" term.term_name;
+       List.iter (
+         function
+         | Variable v -> pr ", env.%s" v
+         | Constant s -> pr ", %S" s
+       ) term.term_args;
+       pr ", NULL);\n";
+       pr "    %s = is_fact (true, fact);\n" result;
+       pr "  }\n";
+    | Not term ->
+       pr "  {\n";
+       pr "    CLEANUP_FREE fact *fact = create_fact (%S" term.term_name;
+       List.iter (
+         function
+         | Variable v -> pr ", env.%s" v
+         | Constant s -> pr ", %S" s
+       ) term.term_args;
+       pr ", NULL);\n";
+       pr "    %s = is_fact (false, fact);\n" result;
+       pr "  }\n";
+  in
+  pr "  /* Evaluate the RHS of the rule with this assignment of variables. */\n";
+  pr "  int result;\n";
+  eval "result" rule.body;
+  pr "  if (result == -1) /* not determined */ continue;\n";
+  let make_fact ?i ?(indent = 2) () =
+    let indent = spaces indent in
+    pr "%sCLEANUP_FREE fact *fact = create_fact (%S" indent rule.head.term_name;
+    List.iter (
+      function
+      | Variable v ->
+         if not (List.mem v env.list_assign_vars) then
+           pr ", env.%s" v
+         else (
+           let i = match i with Some i -> i | None -> assert false in
+           pr ", env.%s[%s]" v i
+         )
+      | Constant s -> pr ", %S" s
+    ) rule.head.term_args;
+    pr ", NULL);\n";
+  in
+  pr "  if (result > 0) /* true */ {\n";
+  if env.list_assign_vars = [] then (
+    make_fact ~indent:4 ();
+    pr "    added = add_fact (true, fact);\n";
+    pr "    if (added && verbose) {\n";
+    pr "      printf (\"added new fact \");\n";
+    pr "      print_fact (true, fact, stdout);\n";
+    pr "      printf (\"\\n\");\n";
+    pr "    }\n";
+  ) else (
+    pr "    for (i = 0; i < env.nr_list_assign_vars; ++i) {\n";
+    make_fact ~i:"i" ~indent:6 ();
+    pr "      added = add_fact (true, fact);\n";
+    pr "      if (added && verbose) {\n";
+    pr "        printf (\"added new fact \");\n";
+    pr "        print_fact (true, fact, stdout);\n";
+    pr "        printf (\"\\n\");\n";
+    pr "      }\n";
+    pr "    }\n";
+  );
+  pr "  }\n";
+  pr "  if (result == 0) /* false */ {\n";
+  if env.list_assign_vars = [] then (
+    make_fact ~indent:4 ();
+    pr "\n";
+    pr "    added = add_fact (false, fact);\n";
+    pr "    if (added && verbose) {\n";
+    pr "      printf (\"added new fact \");\n";
+    pr "      print_fact (false, fact, stdout);\n";
+    pr "      printf (\"\\n\");\n";
+    pr "    }\n";
+  ) else (
+    pr "    for (i = 0; i < env.nr_list_assign_vars; ++i) {\n";
+    make_fact ~i:"i" ~indent:6 ();
+    pr "      added = add_fact (false, fact);\n";
+    pr "      if (added && verbose) {\n";
+    pr "        printf (\"added new fact \");\n";
+    pr "        print_fact (false, fact, stdout);\n";
+    pr "        printf (\"\\n\");\n";
+    pr "      }\n";
+    pr "    }\n";
+  );
+  pr "  }\n";
+  (* Free any assign_vars and list_assign_vars.  The free_vars don't
+   * have to be freed because the iterator loop handles them.
+   *)
+  List.iter (pr "  free (env.%s);\n") env.assign_vars;
+  List.iter (
+    fun v ->
+      pr "  for (size_t i = 0; i < env.nr_list_assign_vars; ++i)\n";
+      pr "    free (env.%s[i]);\n" v;
+      pr "  free (env.%s);\n" v
+  ) env.list_assign_vars;
+  if free_vars <> [] then (
+    List.iter (
+      fun (v, _) ->
+        pr "  }\n";
+        pr "  gl_oset_iterator_free (&iter_%s);\n" v
+    ) (List.rev free_vars);
+  ) else (
+    pr "  } while (0);\n";
+  );
+  pr "\n";
+  List.iter (
+    function
+    | v, _ ->
+       pr "  gl_oset_free (search_%s);\n" v
+  ) free_vars;
+  pr "}\n";
+  pr "\n"
+(* Compile a (boolean) Code snippet from a rule into a function. *)
+and compile_code filename i rule env j code =
+  let code_fn = sprintf "rule_%d_code_%d" i j in
+  Hashtbl.add code_hash code code_fn;
+  pr "static int\n";
+  pr "%s (struct %s *env)\n" code_fn env.env_struct;
+  pr "{\n";
+  List.iter (fun v -> pr "#define %s (env->%s)\n" v v) env.free_vars;
+  (* XXX # lineno *)
+  pr "%s\n" code;
+  List.iter (pr "#undef %s\n") env.free_vars;
+  pr "}\n";
+  pr "\n";
+(* Compile a list assignment code (ListAssignCode) snippet
+ * into a function.
+ *)
+and compile_list_assign_code filename i rule env j vs code =
+  (* Create a function for setting a row in the result. *)
+  let set_vars_fn = sprintf "rule_%d_code_%d_set_row" i j in
+  let set_vars_alias = sprintf "set_%s" (String.concat "_" vs) in
+  pr "static void\n";
+  pr "%s (struct %s *env, ...)\n" set_vars_fn env.env_struct;
+  pr "{\n";
+  pr "  va_list args;\n";
+  pr "  size_t i = env->nr_list_assign_vars;\n";
+  pr "\n";
+  pr "  va_start (args, env);\n";
+  List.iter (
+    fun v ->
+      pr "  env->%s = realloc (env->%s, (i+1) * sizeof (char *));\n" v v;
+      pr "  if (env->%s == NULL)\n" v;
+      pr "    error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, \"realloc\");\n";
+      pr "  env->%s[i] = strdup (va_arg (args, char *));\n" v;
+      pr "  if (env->%s[i] == NULL)\n" v;
+      pr "    error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, \"strdup\");\n";
+  ) vs;
+  pr "  va_end (args);\n";
+  pr "  env->nr_list_assign_vars++;\n";
+  pr "}\n";
+  pr "\n";
+  (* Create the function itself. *)
+  let code_fn = sprintf "rule_%d_code_%d" i j in
+  Hashtbl.add code_hash code code_fn;
+  pr "static int\n";
+  pr "%s (struct %s *env)\n" code_fn env.env_struct;
+  pr "{\n";
+  List.iter (fun v -> pr "#define %s (env->%s)\n" v v) env.free_vars;
+  pr "#define %s(v1,...) %s (env, (v1), ##__VA_ARGS__)\n"
+     set_vars_alias set_vars_fn;
+  (* XXX # lineno *)
+  pr "%s\n" code;
+  List.iter (pr "#undef %s\n") env.free_vars;
+  pr "#undef %s\n" set_vars_alias;
+  pr "}\n";
+  pr "\n";
+(* Map of code to function names. *)
+and code_hash = Hashtbl.create 13
+and function_of_code code = Hashtbl.find code_hash code
+(* Parse the input. *)
+and parse filename =
+  let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel (open_in filename) in
+  let rules = ref [] in
+  (try
+      while true do
+        let rule = Rules_parser.rule Rules_scanner.token lexbuf in
+        (*printf "%s\n" (string_of_rule rule);*)
+        rules := rule :: !rules
+      done
+   with
+   | End_of_file -> ()
+   | Rules_scanner.Error (msg, _, lineno, charno) ->
+      eprintf "%s: %d: %d: %s\n" filename lineno charno msg;
+      exit 1
+   | Parsing.Parse_error ->
+      let p = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
+      eprintf "%s: %d: %d: syntax error\n"
+              filename
+              p.Lexing.pos_lnum
+              (p.Lexing.pos_cnum - p.Lexing.pos_bol);
+      exit 1
+  );
+  let rules = List.rev !rules in
+  rules
+(* Minimal type checking. *)
+and type_checking filename rules =
+  check_term_rhs filename rules;
+  check_term_arity filename rules
+(* If a term appears on the right hand side in any expression, then
+ * the term must also appear on the left hand side of a rule.
+ *)
+and check_term_rhs filename rules =
+  let names = List.map (fun { head = { term_name = name } } -> name) rules in
+  let names =
+    List.fold_left (fun set x -> StringSet.add x set) StringSet.empty names in
+  let errors = ref 0 in
+  List.iter (
+    fun { body = body } ->
+      visit_terms (
+        fun { term_name = name } ->
+          if not (StringSet.mem name names) then (
+            eprintf "%s: '%s' appears in a rule expression, but does not appear on the left hand side of any rule.  Maybe there is a typo?\n"
+                    filename name;
+            incr errors
+          )
+      ) body
+  ) rules;
+  if !errors > 0 then exit 1
+(* Check the arity of terms is the same wherever they appear. *)
+and check_term_arity filename rules =
+  let hash = Hashtbl.create (List.length rules) in (* name -> arity *)
+  let errors = ref 0 in
+  let check_arity { term_name = name; term_args = args } =
+    let arity = List.length args in
+    try
+      let expected_arity = Hashtbl.find hash name in
+      if arity <> expected_arity then (
+        eprintf "%s: '%s' has different number of parameters (has %d, expected %d).  It must have the same number of parameters throughout the program.\n"
+                filename name arity expected_arity;
+        incr errors
+      )
+    with
+      (* The first time we've seen this term. *)
+      Not_found -> Hashtbl.add hash name arity
+  in
+  List.iter (
+    fun { head = head; body = body } ->
+      check_arity head;
+      visit_terms check_arity body
+  ) rules;
+  if !errors > 0 then exit 1
+and visit_terms f = function
+  | And (e1, e2)
+  | Or (e1, e2) -> visit_terms f e1; visit_terms f e2
+  | Term t
+  | Not t -> f t
+  | True | False | Code _ | AssignCode _ | ListAssignCode _ -> ()
+and unique =
+  let i = ref 0 in
+  fun () -> incr i; !i
diff --git a/generator/rules_compiler.mli b/generator/rules_compiler.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bc5274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/rules_compiler.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(* libguestfs
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *)
+(* This is the compiler that turns inspection rules into C code. *)
+val compile : string -> unit -> unit
diff --git a/generator/rules_parser.mly b/generator/rules_parser.mly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdf6159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/rules_parser.mly
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+/* libguestfs -*- text -*-
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+open Types
+%token <string> STRING /* string literal */
+%token <string> UID    /* uppercase identifier */
+%token <string> LID    /* lowercase identifier */
+%token TRUE            /* true (keyword) */
+%token FALSE           /* false (keyword) */
+%token LPAREN RPAREN   /* ( ... ) */
+%token LSQUARE RSQUARE /* [ ... ] */
+%token <string> CODE   /* {{ .. }} containing C code */
+%token DOT             /* . */
+%token IMPLIC          /* :- */
+%token COMMA           /* , (AND operator) */
+%token SEMI            /* , (OR operator) */
+%token NOT             /* ! */
+%token EQUALS          /* = */
+/* These operators are arranged from lowest to highest precedence. */
+%left IMPLIC
+%left SEMI
+%left COMMA
+%nonassoc NOT
+%start rule
+%type <Types.rule> rule
+rule:     head DOT
+            { { head = $1; body = True } }
+        | head IMPLIC body DOT
+            { { head = $1; body = $3 } }
+        ;
+head:   term
+            { $1 }
+        ;
+term:     UID
+            { { term_name = $1; term_args = [] } }
+        | UID LPAREN term_args RPAREN
+            { { term_name = $1; term_args = $3 } }
+        ;
+          term_arg
+            { [ $1 ] }
+        | term_arg COMMA term_args
+            { $1 :: $3 }
+        ;
+          LID
+            { Variable $1 }
+        | STRING
+            { Constant $1 }
+        ;
+body:   expr
+            { $1 }
+        ;
+expr:     TRUE
+            { True }
+        | FALSE
+            { False }
+        | term
+            { Term $1 }
+        | CODE
+            { Code $1 }
+        | LPAREN result_bindings RPAREN EQUALS CODE
+            { AssignCode ($2, $5) }
+        | LSQUARE result_bindings RSQUARE EQUALS CODE
+            { ListAssignCode ($2, $5) }
+        | NOT term
+            { Not $2 }
+        | expr COMMA expr
+            { And ($1, $3) }
+        | expr SEMI expr
+            { Or ($1, $3) }
+        | LPAREN expr RPAREN
+            { $2 }
+        ;
+          LID
+            { [ $1 ] }
+        | LID COMMA result_bindings
+            { $1 :: $3 }
diff --git a/generator/rules_scanner.mll b/generator/rules_scanner.mll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58c959d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/rules_scanner.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+(* libguestfs -*- text -*-
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *)
+open Rules_parser
+let string_of_lexbuf = Lexing.lexeme
+(* Errors raised by the lexer. *)
+exception Error of string * string * int * int
+let raise_error lexbuf msg =
+  let p = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf in
+  raise (Error (msg, p.Lexing.pos_fname,
+                     p.Lexing.pos_lnum,
+                     p.Lexing.pos_cnum - p.Lexing.pos_bol))
+(* Store "..." strings. *)
+let string_buf = Buffer.create 256
+let reset_string_buffer () = Buffer.clear string_buf
+let store_string_char c = Buffer.add_char string_buf c
+let get_string_buffer () = Buffer.contents string_buf
+let char_for_backslash = function
+  | 'n' -> '\010'
+  | 'r' -> '\013'
+  | 'b' -> '\008'
+  | 't' -> '\009'
+  | c   -> c
+(* Store {{ CODE }} sections. *)
+let code_buf = Buffer.create 256
+let reset_code_buffer () = Buffer.clear code_buf
+let store_code_char c = Buffer.add_char code_buf c
+let get_code_buffer () = Buffer.contents code_buf
+(* Characters that can appear within an identifier (after the first
+ * character which is treated specially below).
+ *)
+let id_char = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '_']
+(* Whitespace. *)
+let ws = [' ' '\t']
+(* Backslash escapes within strings. *)
+let backslash_escapes = ['\\' '\'' '"' 'n' 't' 'b' 'r']
+rule token = parse
+        | "/*"       { comment lexbuf; token lexbuf }
+        | '('        { LPAREN }
+        | ')'        { RPAREN }
+        | '['        { LSQUARE }
+        | ']'        { RSQUARE }
+        | '='        { EQUALS }
+        | '.'        { DOT }
+        | ":-"       { IMPLIC }
+        | ','        { COMMA }
+        | ';'        { SEMI }
+        | '!'        { NOT }
+        | '"'        { reset_string_buffer ();
+                       string lexbuf;
+                       STRING (get_string_buffer ()) }
+        | "{{"       { reset_code_buffer ();
+                       code lexbuf;
+                       CODE (get_code_buffer ()) }
+        | "true"     { TRUE }
+        | "false"    { FALSE }
+        | ['A'-'Z'] id_char* { UID (string_of_lexbuf lexbuf) }
+        | ['a'-'z' '_'] id_char* { LID (string_of_lexbuf lexbuf) }
+        | '\n'       { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
+        | ws         { token lexbuf }
+        | eof        { raise End_of_file }
+        | _          { raise_error lexbuf "unexpected character in input" }
+(* Discard C-style comments. *)
+and comment = parse
+        | "*/"       { () }
+        | eof        { raise_error lexbuf "unterminated comment" }
+        | '\n'       { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+        | _          { comment lexbuf }
+(* Store "..." strings. *)
+and string = parse
+        | '"'        { () }
+        | eof        { raise_error lexbuf "unterminated string" }
+        | '\n'       { raise_error lexbuf "strings cannot contain newline characters" }
+        | '\\' (backslash_escapes as c)
+                     { store_string_char (char_for_backslash c); string lexbuf }
+        | _ as c     { store_string_char c; string lexbuf }
+(* Store {{ ... }} (CODE) sections containing C code. *)
+and code = parse
+        | "}}"       { () }
+        | eof        { raise_error lexbuf "unterminated code section" }
+        | '\n' as c  { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; store_code_char c; code lexbuf }
+        | _ as c     { store_code_char c; code lexbuf }
diff --git a/generator/types.ml b/generator/types.ml
index f2d9750..dea94a7 100644
--- a/generator/types.ml
+++ b/generator/types.ml
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 (* Please read generator/README first. *)
+open Printf
 (* Types used to describe the API. *)
 type style = ret * args * optargs
@@ -421,3 +423,50 @@ type call_optargt =
   | CallOInt64 of string * int64
   | CallOString of string * string
   | CallOStringList of string * string list
+(* Used by the rules compiler. *)
+type rule = { head : term; body : expr }
+(* The type of a parsed rule from the source. *)
+and term = { term_name : string; term_args : term_arg list }
+and term_arg = Variable of string | Constant of string
+and expr =
+  | True                        (* used for facts *)
+  | False                       (* false (keyword) *)
+  | Term of term
+  | Not of term                 (* ! term *)
+  | And of expr * expr          (* expr, expr *)
+  | Or of expr * expr           (* expr; expr *)
+  | Code of string              (* {{ ... }} *)
+  | AssignCode of string list * string (* (a,b)={{ ... }} *)
+  | ListAssignCode of string list * string (* [a,b]={{ ... }} *)
+let rec string_of_rule { head = head; body = body } =
+  sprintf "%s :-\n\t%s." (string_of_term head) (string_of_expr body)
+and string_of_term = function
+  | { term_name = term_name; term_args = [] } ->
+      sprintf "%s" term_name
+  | { term_name = term_name; term_args = args } ->
+      sprintf "%s(%s)" term_name
+              (String.concat ", " (List.map string_of_term_arg args))
+and string_of_term_arg = function
+  | Variable s -> s
+  | Constant s -> sprintf "%S" s
+and string_of_expr = function
+  | True -> "true"
+  | False -> "true"
+  | Term term -> string_of_term term
+  | Not term -> sprintf "!%s" (string_of_term term)
+  | And (e1, e2) -> sprintf "(%s,%s)" (string_of_expr e1) (string_of_expr e2)
+  | Or (e1, e2) -> sprintf "(%s;%s)" (string_of_expr e1) (string_of_expr e2)
+  | Code _ -> "{{ // code }}"
+  | AssignCode (bindings, _) ->
+     sprintf "(%s)={{ // code }}" (String.concat ", " bindings)
+  | ListAssignCode (bindings, _) ->
+     sprintf "[%s]={{ // code }}" (String.concat ", " bindings)
diff --git a/generator/utils.ml b/generator/utils.ml
index 7d47430..6b4497d 100644
--- a/generator/utils.ml
+++ b/generator/utils.ml
@@ -231,6 +231,22 @@ let mapi f xs =
   loop 0 xs
+let uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) xs =
+  let rec loop acc = function
+    | [] -> acc
+    | [x] -> x :: acc
+    | x :: (y :: _ as xs) when cmp x y = 0 ->
+       loop acc xs
+    | x :: (y :: _ as xs) ->
+       loop (x :: acc) xs
+  in
+  List.rev (loop [] xs)
+let sort_uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) xs =
+  let xs = List.sort cmp xs in
+  let xs = uniq ~cmp xs in
+  xs
 let count_chars c str =
   let count = ref 0 in
   for i = 0 to String.length str - 1 do
diff --git a/generator/utils.mli b/generator/utils.mli
index e0f30c3..392e9d6 100644
--- a/generator/utils.mli
+++ b/generator/utils.mli
@@ -84,6 +84,12 @@ val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit
 val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+val uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+  (** Uniquify a list (the list must be sorted first). *)
+val sort_uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+  (** Sort and uniquify a list. *)
 val count_chars : char -> string -> int
 (** Count number of times the character occurs in string. *)
diff --git a/m4/guestfs_ocaml.m4 b/m4/guestfs_ocaml.m4
index b3e9387..e213f80 100644
--- a/m4/guestfs_ocaml.m4
+++ b/m4/guestfs_ocaml.m4
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ AS_IF([test "x$enable_ocaml" != "xno"],[
     dnl OCaml >= 3.11 is required.
     AC_MSG_CHECKING([if OCaml version >= 3.11])

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