[Libguestfs] [PATCH v3 07/13] v2v: factor out copying of output data

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Tue Oct 20 14:11:55 UTC 2015

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 04:08:15PM +0300, Roman Kagan wrote:
> Factor out copying the overlays to final disk images into a separate
> function.
> Signed-off-by: Roman Kagan <rkagan at virtuozzo.com>
> ---
>  v2v/v2v.ml | 227 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
>  1 file changed, 114 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/v2v/v2v.ml b/v2v/v2v.ml
> index afffde2..703038c 100644
> --- a/v2v/v2v.ml
> +++ b/v2v/v2v.ml
> @@ -110,121 +110,9 @@ let rec main () =
>    if verbose () then
>      printf "%s%!" (string_of_target_buses target_buses);
> -  let delete_target_on_exit = ref true in
> -
>    let targets =
>      if not do_copy then targets
> -    else (
> -      (* Copy the source to the output. *)
> -      at_exit (fun () ->
> -        if !delete_target_on_exit then (
> -          List.iter (
> -            fun t -> try unlink t.target_file with _ -> ()
> -          ) targets
> -        )
> -      );
> -      let nr_disks = List.length targets in
> -      mapi (
> -        fun i t ->
> -          message (f_"Copying disk %d/%d to %s (%s)")
> -            (i+1) nr_disks t.target_file t.target_format;
> -          if verbose () then printf "%s%!" (string_of_target t);
> -
> -          (* We noticed that qemu sometimes corrupts the qcow2 file on
> -           * exit.  This only seemed to happen with lazy_refcounts was
> -           * used.  The symptom was that the header wasn't written back
> -           * to the disk correctly and the file appeared to have no
> -           * backing file.  Just sanity check this here.
> -           *)
> -          let overlay_file = t.target_overlay.ov_overlay_file in
> -          if not ((new G.guestfs ())#disk_has_backing_file overlay_file) then
> -            error (f_"internal error: qemu corrupted the overlay file");
> -
> -          (* Give the input module a chance to adjust the parameters
> -           * of the overlay/backing file.  This allows us to increase
> -           * the readahead parameter when copying (see RHBZ#1151033 and
> -           * RHBZ#1153589 for the gruesome details).
> -           *)
> -          input#adjust_overlay_parameters t.target_overlay;
> -
> -          (* It turns out that libguestfs's disk creation code is
> -           * considerably more flexible and easier to use than
> -           * qemu-img, so create the disk explicitly using libguestfs
> -           * then pass the 'qemu-img convert -n' option so qemu reuses
> -           * the disk.
> -           *
> -           * Also we allow the output mode to actually create the disk
> -           * image.  This lets the output mode set ownership and
> -           * permissions correctly if required.
> -           *)
> -          (* What output preallocation mode should we use? *)
> -          let preallocation =
> -            match t.target_format, output_alloc with
> -            | ("raw"|"qcow2"), Sparse -> Some "sparse"
> -            | ("raw"|"qcow2"), Preallocated -> Some "full"
> -            | _ -> None (* ignore -oa flag for other formats *) in
> -          let compat =
> -            match t.target_format with "qcow2" -> Some "1.1" | _ -> None in
> -          output#disk_create
> -            t.target_file t.target_format t.target_overlay.ov_virtual_size
> -            ?preallocation ?compat;
> -
> -          let cmd =
> -            sprintf "qemu-img convert%s -n -f qcow2 -O %s %s %s"
> -              (if not (quiet ()) then " -p" else "")
> -              (quote t.target_format) (quote overlay_file)
> -              (quote t.target_file) in
> -          if verbose () then printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
> -          let start_time = gettimeofday () in
> -          if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
> -            error (f_"qemu-img command failed, see earlier errors");
> -          let end_time = gettimeofday () in
> -
> -          (* Calculate the actual size on the target, returns an updated
> -           * target structure.
> -           *)
> -          let t = actual_target_size t in
> -
> -          (* If verbose, print the virtual and real copying rates. *)
> -          let elapsed_time = end_time -. start_time in
> -          if verbose () && elapsed_time > 0. then (
> -            let mbps size time =
> -              Int64.to_float size /. 1024. /. 1024. *. 10. /. time
> -            in
> -
> -            printf "virtual copying rate: %.1f M bits/sec\n%!"
> -              (mbps t.target_overlay.ov_virtual_size elapsed_time);
> -
> -            match t.target_actual_size with
> -            | None -> ()
> -            | Some actual ->
> -              printf "real copying rate: %.1f M bits/sec\n%!"
> -                (mbps actual elapsed_time)
> -          );
> -
> -          (* If verbose, find out how close the estimate was.  This is
> -           * for developer information only - so we can increase the
> -           * accuracy of the estimate.
> -           *)
> -          if verbose () then (
> -            match t.target_estimated_size, t.target_actual_size with
> -            | None, None | None, Some _ | Some _, None | Some _, Some 0L -> ()
> -            | Some estimate, Some actual ->
> -              let pc =
> -                100. *. Int64.to_float estimate /. Int64.to_float actual
> -                -. 100. in
> -              printf "%s: estimate %Ld (%s) versus actual %Ld (%s): %.1f%%"
> -                t.target_overlay.ov_sd
> -                estimate (human_size estimate)
> -                actual (human_size actual)
> -                pc;
> -              if pc < 0. then printf " ! ESTIMATE TOO LOW !";
> -              printf "\n%!";
> -          );
> -
> -          t
> -      ) targets
> -    ) (* do_copy *) in
> +    else copy_targets targets input output output_alloc in
>    (* Create output metadata. *)
>    message (f_"Creating output metadata");
> @@ -825,6 +713,119 @@ and get_target_firmware inspect guestcaps source output =
>    target_firmware
> +and delete_target_on_exit = ref true
> +
> +and copy_targets targets input output output_alloc =
> +  (* Copy the source to the output. *)
> +  at_exit (fun () ->
> +    if !delete_target_on_exit then (
> +      List.iter (
> +        fun t -> try unlink t.target_file with _ -> ()
> +      ) targets
> +    )
> +  );
> +  let nr_disks = List.length targets in
> +  mapi (
> +    fun i t ->
> +      message (f_"Copying disk %d/%d to %s (%s)")
> +        (i+1) nr_disks t.target_file t.target_format;
> +      if verbose () then printf "%s%!" (string_of_target t);
> +
> +      (* We noticed that qemu sometimes corrupts the qcow2 file on
> +       * exit.  This only seemed to happen with lazy_refcounts was
> +       * used.  The symptom was that the header wasn't written back
> +       * to the disk correctly and the file appeared to have no
> +       * backing file.  Just sanity check this here.
> +       *)
> +      let overlay_file = t.target_overlay.ov_overlay_file in
> +      if not ((new G.guestfs ())#disk_has_backing_file overlay_file) then
> +        error (f_"internal error: qemu corrupted the overlay file");
> +
> +      (* Give the input module a chance to adjust the parameters
> +       * of the overlay/backing file.  This allows us to increase
> +       * the readahead parameter when copying (see RHBZ#1151033 and
> +       * RHBZ#1153589 for the gruesome details).
> +       *)
> +      input#adjust_overlay_parameters t.target_overlay;
> +
> +      (* It turns out that libguestfs's disk creation code is
> +       * considerably more flexible and easier to use than
> +       * qemu-img, so create the disk explicitly using libguestfs
> +       * then pass the 'qemu-img convert -n' option so qemu reuses
> +       * the disk.
> +       *
> +       * Also we allow the output mode to actually create the disk
> +       * image.  This lets the output mode set ownership and
> +       * permissions correctly if required.
> +       *)
> +      (* What output preallocation mode should we use? *)
> +      let preallocation =
> +        match t.target_format, output_alloc with
> +        | ("raw"|"qcow2"), Sparse -> Some "sparse"
> +        | ("raw"|"qcow2"), Preallocated -> Some "full"
> +        | _ -> None (* ignore -oa flag for other formats *) in
> +      let compat =
> +        match t.target_format with "qcow2" -> Some "1.1" | _ -> None in
> +      output#disk_create
> +        t.target_file t.target_format t.target_overlay.ov_virtual_size
> +        ?preallocation ?compat;
> +
> +      let cmd =
> +        sprintf "qemu-img convert%s -n -f qcow2 -O %s %s %s"
> +          (if not (quiet ()) then " -p" else "")
> +          (quote t.target_format) (quote overlay_file)
> +          (quote t.target_file) in
> +      if verbose () then printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
> +      let start_time = gettimeofday () in
> +      if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
> +        error (f_"qemu-img command failed, see earlier errors");
> +      let end_time = gettimeofday () in
> +
> +      (* Calculate the actual size on the target, returns an updated
> +       * target structure.
> +       *)
> +      let t = actual_target_size t in
> +
> +      (* If verbose, print the virtual and real copying rates. *)
> +      let elapsed_time = end_time -. start_time in
> +      if verbose () && elapsed_time > 0. then (
> +        let mbps size time =
> +          Int64.to_float size /. 1024. /. 1024. *. 10. /. time
> +        in
> +
> +        printf "virtual copying rate: %.1f M bits/sec\n%!"
> +          (mbps t.target_overlay.ov_virtual_size elapsed_time);
> +
> +        match t.target_actual_size with
> +        | None -> ()
> +        | Some actual ->
> +          printf "real copying rate: %.1f M bits/sec\n%!"
> +            (mbps actual elapsed_time)
> +      );
> +
> +      (* If verbose, find out how close the estimate was.  This is
> +       * for developer information only - so we can increase the
> +       * accuracy of the estimate.
> +       *)
> +      if verbose () then (
> +        match t.target_estimated_size, t.target_actual_size with
> +        | None, None | None, Some _ | Some _, None | Some _, Some 0L -> ()
> +        | Some estimate, Some actual ->
> +          let pc =
> +            100. *. Int64.to_float estimate /. Int64.to_float actual
> +            -. 100. in
> +          printf "%s: estimate %Ld (%s) versus actual %Ld (%s): %.1f%%"
> +            t.target_overlay.ov_sd
> +            estimate (human_size estimate)
> +            actual (human_size actual)
> +            pc;
> +          if pc < 0. then printf " ! ESTIMATE TOO LOW !";
> +          printf "\n%!";
> +      );
> +
> +      t
> +  ) targets
> +
>  (* Update the target_actual_size field in the target structure. *)
>  and actual_target_size target =
>    { target with target_actual_size = du target.target_file }

Straight refactor, so ACK.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
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