[Libguestfs] [PATCH v3 2/3] v2v: copy virtio drivers without guestfs handle leak

Roman Kagan rkagan at virtuozzo.com
Wed Oct 14 16:55:43 UTC 2015

Refactor copying of virtio windows drivers into the guest so that the
matching of the drivers to the guest os flavor and copying the files
happens one next to the other in a single function, and no guestfs
handle (nor any other irrelevant info) is leaked outside.

Signed-off-by: Roman Kagan <rkagan at virtuozzo.com>
changes since v2:
 - more excessive parentheses removed
 - revert the removal of a warning when no virtio drivers matching the
   guest OS are found
 - revert the undesired removal of guestfs handle identifier assignment

changes since v1:
 - former patch #3
 - updated usage of string functions

 v2v/convert_windows.ml |  77 +++++++++++-------
 v2v/utils.ml           | 213 +++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/convert_windows.ml b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
index c103d7c..ed2542e 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_windows.ml
+++ b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
@@ -274,36 +274,55 @@ echo uninstalling Xen PV driver
   and copy_virtio_drivers driverdir =
     (* Copy the matching drivers to the driverdir; return true if any have been
      * copied *)
-    let drivers = find_virtio_win_drivers virtio_win in
-    (* Filter out only drivers matching the current guest. *)
-    let drivers =
-      List.filter (
-        fun { vwd_os_arch = arch;
-              vwd_os_major = os_major; vwd_os_minor = os_minor;
-              vwd_os_variant = os_variant } ->
-        arch = inspect.i_arch &&
-        os_major = inspect.i_major_version &&
-        os_minor = inspect.i_minor_version &&
-        (match os_variant with
-         | Vwd_client -> inspect.i_product_variant = "Client"
-         | Vwd_not_client -> inspect.i_product_variant <> "Client"
-         | Vwd_any_variant -> true)
-      ) drivers in
-    if verbose () then (
-      printf "virtio-win driver files matching this guest:\n";
-      List.iter print_virtio_win_driver_file drivers;
-      flush stdout
-    );
     let ret = ref false in
-    List.iter (
-      fun driver ->
-        let content = driver.vwd_get_contents () in
-        g#write (driverdir // driver.vwd_filename) content;
-        ret := true
-    ) drivers;
+    if is_directory virtio_win then (
+      let cmd = sprintf "cd %s && find -type f" (quote virtio_win) in
+      let paths = external_command cmd in
+      List.iter (
+        fun path ->
+          if match_vio_path_with_os path inspect then (
+            let source = virtio_win // path in
+            let target = driverdir //
+                    String.lowercase_ascii (Filename.basename path) in
+            if verbose () then
+              printf "Copying virtio driver bits: 'host:%s' -> '%s'\n"
+                source target;
+            g#write target (read_whole_file source);
+            ret := true
+          )
+      ) paths
+    )
+    else if is_regular_file virtio_win then (
+      try
+        let g2 = new Guestfs.guestfs () in
+        g#set_identifier "virtio_win";
+        if trace () then g2#set_trace true;
+        if verbose () then g2#set_verbose true;
+        g2#add_drive_opts virtio_win ~readonly:true;
+        g2#launch ();
+        let vio_root = "/" in
+        g2#mount_ro "/dev/sda" vio_root;
+        let paths = g2#find vio_root in
+        Array.iter (
+          fun path ->
+            let source = vio_root // path in
+            if g2#is_file source ~followsymlinks:false &&
+               match_vio_path_with_os path inspect then (
+              let target = driverdir //
+                      String.lowercase_ascii (Filename.basename path) in
+              if verbose () then
+                printf "Copying virtio driver bits: '%s:%s' -> '%s'\n"
+                  virtio_win path target;
+              g#write target (g2#read_file source);
+              ret := true
+            )
+        ) paths;
+        g2#close()
+      with Guestfs.Error msg ->
+        error (f_"%s: cannot open virtio-win ISO file: %s") virtio_win msg
+    );
   and install_virtio_drivers root current_cs =
diff --git a/v2v/utils.ml b/v2v/utils.ml
index 2998d90..8aaac09 100644
--- a/v2v/utils.ml
+++ b/v2v/utils.ml
@@ -159,161 +159,78 @@ let find_uefi_firmware guest_arch =
   loop files
-(* Find virtio-win driver files from an unpacked or mounted virtio-win
- * directory, or from a virtio-win.iso file. The location of drivers
-  varies between releases of virtio-win and also across Fedora and
-  RHEL so try to be robust to changes.
- *)
-type virtio_win_driver_file = {
-  (* Base filename, eg. "netkvm.sys".  Always lowercase. *)
-  vwd_filename : string;
-  (* Return the contents of this file. *)
-  vwd_get_contents : unit -> string;
-  (* Various fields that classify this driver: *)
-  vwd_os_major : int;           (* Windows version. *)
-  vwd_os_minor : int;
-  vwd_os_variant : vwd_os_variant;
-  vwd_os_arch : string;         (* Architecture, eg "i386", "x86_64". *)
-  vwd_extension : string;       (* File extension (lowercase), eg. "sys" "inf"*)
+let is_regular_file path = (* NB: follows symlinks. *)
+  try (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG
+  with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
-  (* Original source of file (for debugging only). *)
-  vwd_original_source : string;
-and vwd_os_variant = Vwd_client | Vwd_not_client | Vwd_any_variant
-let print_virtio_win_driver_file vwd =
-  printf "%s [%d,%d,%s,%s,%s] from %s\n"
-         vwd.vwd_filename
-         vwd.vwd_os_major vwd.vwd_os_minor
-         (match vwd.vwd_os_variant with
-          | Vwd_client -> "client" | Vwd_not_client -> "not-client"
-          | Vwd_any_variant -> "any")
-         vwd.vwd_os_arch
-         vwd.vwd_extension
-         vwd.vwd_original_source
-let find_virtio_win_drivers virtio_win =
-  let is_regular_file path = (* NB: follows symlinks. *)
-    try (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG
-    with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
-  in
-  let files =
-    if is_directory virtio_win then (
-      let cmd = sprintf "cd %s && find -type f" (quote virtio_win) in
-      let paths = external_command cmd in
-      List.map (
-        fun path ->
-          let abs_path = virtio_win // path in
-          (path, abs_path,
-           Filename.basename path,
-           fun () -> read_whole_file abs_path)
-      ) paths
-    )
-    else if is_regular_file virtio_win then (
-      try
-        let g = new Guestfs.guestfs () in
-        g#set_identifier "virtio_win";
-        if trace () then g#set_trace true;
-        if verbose () then g#set_verbose true;
-        g#add_drive_opts virtio_win ~readonly:true;
-        g#launch ();
-        g#mount_ro "/dev/sda" "/";
-        let paths = g#find "/" in
-        let paths = Array.to_list paths in
-        let paths = List.map ((^) "/") paths in
-        let paths = List.filter (g#is_file ~followsymlinks:false) paths in
-        List.map (
-          fun path ->
-            let basename =
-              match last_part_of path '/' with
-              | Some x -> x
-              | None ->
-                error "v2v/find_virtio_win_drivers: missing '/' in %s" path in
-            (path, sprintf "%s:%s" virtio_win path,
-             basename,
-             fun () -> g#read_file path)
-        ) paths
-      with Guestfs.Error msg ->
-        error (f_"%s: cannot open virtio-win ISO file: %s") virtio_win msg
-    )
-    else [] in
-  let files =
-    filter_map (
-      fun (path, original_source, basename, get_contents) ->
-        try
-          (* Lowercased path, since the ISO may contain upper or lowercase
-           * path elements.
-           *)
-          let lc_path = String.lowercase_ascii path in
-          let lc_basename = String.lowercase_ascii basename in
+(* Given a path of a file relative to the root of the directory tree with
+ * virtio-win drivers, figure out if it's suitable for the specific Windows
+ * flavor.
+ *)
+let match_vio_path_with_os path inspect =
+  let { i_major_version = os_major; i_minor_version = os_minor;
+        i_arch = arch; i_product_variant = os_variant } = inspect in
+  try
+    (* Lowercased path, since the ISO may contain upper or lowercase path
+     * elements. *)
+    let lc_path = String.lowercase_ascii path in
+    let lc_basename = Filename.basename path in
-          let extension =
-            match last_part_of lc_basename '.' with
-            | Some x -> x
-            | None -> raise Not_found
-          in
+    let extension =
+      match last_part_of lc_basename '.' with
+      | Some x -> x
+      | None -> raise Not_found
+    in
-          (* Skip files without specific extensions. *)
-          if extension <> "cat" && extension <> "inf" &&
-               extension <> "pdb" && extension <> "sys" then
-            raise Not_found;
+    (* Skip files without specific extensions. *)
+    let extensions = ["cat"; "inf"; "pdb"; "sys"] in
+    if not (List.mem extension extensions) then raise Not_found;
-          (* Using the full path, work out what version of Windows
-           * this driver is for.  Paths can be things like:
-           * "NetKVM/2k12R2/amd64/netkvm.sys" or
-           * "./drivers/amd64/Win2012R2/netkvm.sys".
-           * Note we check lowercase paths.
-           *)
-          let pathelem elem = String.find lc_path ("/" ^ elem ^ "/") >= 0 in
-          let arch =
-            if pathelem "x86" || pathelem "i386" then "i386"
-            else if pathelem "amd64" then "x86_64"
-            else raise Not_found in
-          let os_major, os_minor, os_variant =
-            if pathelem "xp" || pathelem "winxp" then
-              (5, 1, Vwd_any_variant)
-            else if pathelem "2k3" || pathelem "win2003" then
-              (5, 2, Vwd_any_variant)
-            else if pathelem "vista" then
-              (6, 0, Vwd_client)
-            else if pathelem "2k8" || pathelem "win2008" then
-              (6, 0, Vwd_not_client)
-            else if pathelem "w7" || pathelem "win7" then
-              (6, 1, Vwd_client)
-            else if pathelem "2k8r2" || pathelem "win2008r2" then
-              (6, 1, Vwd_not_client)
-            else if pathelem "w8" || pathelem "win8" then
-              (6, 2, Vwd_client)
-            else if pathelem "2k12" || pathelem "win2012" then
-              (6, 2, Vwd_not_client)
-            else if pathelem "w8.1" || pathelem "win8.1" then
-              (6, 3, Vwd_client)
-            else if pathelem "2k12r2" || pathelem "win2012r2" then
-              (6, 3, Vwd_not_client)
-            else if pathelem "w10" || pathelem "win10" then
-              (10, 0, Vwd_client)
-            else
-              raise Not_found in
+    (* Using the full path, work out what version of Windows
+     * this driver is for.  Paths can be things like:
+     * "NetKVM/2k12R2/amd64/netkvm.sys" or
+     * "./drivers/amd64/Win2012R2/netkvm.sys".
+     * Note we check lowercase paths.
+     *)
+    let pathelem elem = String.find lc_path ("/" ^ elem ^ "/") >= 0 in
+    let p_arch =
+      if pathelem "x86" || pathelem "i386" then "i386"
+      else if pathelem "amd64" then "x86_64"
+      else raise Not_found in
-          Some {
-            vwd_filename = lc_basename;
-            vwd_get_contents = get_contents;
-            vwd_os_major = os_major;
-            vwd_os_minor = os_minor;
-            vwd_os_variant = os_variant;
-            vwd_os_arch = arch;
-            vwd_extension = extension;
-            vwd_original_source = original_source;
-          }
+    let is_client os_variant = os_variant = "Client"
+    and not_client os_variant = os_variant <> "Client"
+    and any_variant os_variant = true in
+    let p_os_major, p_os_minor, match_os_variant =
+      if pathelem "xp" || pathelem "winxp" then
+        (5, 1, any_variant)
+      else if pathelem "2k3" || pathelem "win2003" then
+        (5, 2, any_variant)
+      else if pathelem "vista" then
+        (6, 0, is_client)
+      else if pathelem "2k8" || pathelem "win2008" then
+        (6, 0, not_client)
+      else if pathelem "w7" || pathelem "win7" then
+        (6, 1, is_client)
+      else if pathelem "2k8r2" || pathelem "win2008r2" then
+        (6, 1, not_client)
+      else if pathelem "w8" || pathelem "win8" then
+        (6, 2, is_client)
+      else if pathelem "2k12" || pathelem "win2012" then
+        (6, 2, not_client)
+      else if pathelem "w8.1" || pathelem "win8.1" then
+        (6, 3, is_client)
+      else if pathelem "2k12r2" || pathelem "win2012r2" then
+        (6, 3, not_client)
+      else if pathelem "w10" || pathelem "win10" then
+        (10, 0, is_client)
+      else
+        raise Not_found in
-        with Not_found -> None
-    ) files in
+    arch = p_arch && os_major = p_os_major && os_minor = p_os_minor &&
+      match_os_variant os_variant
-  files
+  with Not_found -> false
 let compare_app2_versions app1 app2 =
   let i = compare app1.Guestfs.app2_epoch app2.Guestfs.app2_epoch in

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