[Libguestfs] [PATCH v2] v2v: factor out bootloader handling

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Mon Aug 15 15:26:51 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 04:48:29PM +0200, Pino Toscano wrote:
> Create an object hierarchy to represent different bootloaders for Linux
> guests, moving the separate handling of grub1 and grub2 in different
> classes: this isolates the code for each type of bootloader together,
> instead of scattering it all around.
> This is mostly code refactoring, with no actual behaviour change.
> ---
>  po/POTFILES-ml       |   1 +
>  v2v/Makefile.am      |   2 +
>  v2v/bootloaders.ml   | 317 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  v2v/bootloaders.mli  |  44 +++++++

Is this really "bootloaders"?  It's more like "linux_bootloaders",
unless this might one day be extended to include NTLDR.

> +class virtual bootloader = object
> +  method virtual name : string
> +  method virtual augeas_device_patterns : string list
> +  method virtual list_kernels : unit -> string list
> +  method virtual set_default_kernel : string -> unit
> +  method set_augeas_configuration () = false
> +  method virtual configure_console : unit -> unit
> +  method virtual remove_console : unit -> unit
> +  method update () = ()
> +end

I think you'll also find that you don't need to use inheritance at
all.  You can just declare bootloader as a class type and declare two
(unrelated) classes which implement the class type.  They won't be
able to inherit the two trivial non-virtual functions, but IMHO that's
a feature.

I still don't much see the point versus an implementation which used a
type Bootloader.t declared as:

  type t = Grub1 of <any local data grub1 needs>
         | Grub2 of <any local data grub2 needs>

(and not exposed through the mli file).  As this is to some extent my
personal preference, I'll let it slide.

I checked all of the code and it appears to be correct and there is
nothing omitted from the current implementation.


> +(* Helper type used in detect_bootloader. *)
> +type bootloader_type =
> +  | Grub1
> +  | Grub2
> +
> +(* Helper function for SUSE: remove (hdX,X) prefix from a path. *)
> +let remove_hd_prefix path =
> +  let rex = Str.regexp "^(hd.*)\\(.*\\)" in
> +  Str.replace_first rex "\\1" path
> +
> +(* Grub1 (AKA grub-legacy) representation. *)
> +class bootloader_grub1 (g : G.guestfs) inspect grub_config =
> +  (* Grub prefix?  Usually "/boot". *)
> +  let grub_prefix =
> +    let mounts = g#inspect_get_mountpoints inspect.i_root in
> +    try
> +      List.find (
> +        fun path -> List.mem_assoc path mounts
> +      ) [ "/boot/grub"; "/boot" ]
> +    with Not_found -> "" in
> +object
> +  inherit bootloader
> +
> +  method name = "grub1"
> +
> +  method augeas_device_patterns = [
> +    "/files" ^ grub_config ^ "/*/kernel/root";
> +    "/files" ^ grub_config ^ "/*/kernel/resume";
> +    "/files/boot/grub/device.map/*[label() != \"#comment\"]";
> +    "/files/etc/sysconfig/grub/boot";
> +  ]
> +
> +  method list_kernels () =
> +    let paths =
> +      let expr = sprintf "/files%s/title/kernel" grub_config in
> +      let paths = g#aug_match expr in
> +      let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> +
> +      (* Remove duplicates. *)
> +      let paths = remove_duplicates paths in
> +
> +      (* Get the default kernel from grub if it's set. *)
> +      let default =
> +        let expr = sprintf "/files%s/default" grub_config in
> +        try
> +          let idx = g#aug_get expr in
> +          let idx = int_of_string idx in
> +          (* Grub indices are zero-based, augeas is 1-based. *)
> +          let expr =
> +            sprintf "/files%s/title[%d]/kernel" grub_config (idx+1) in
> +          Some expr
> +        with G.Error msg
> +             when String.find msg "aug_get: no matching node" >= 0 ->
> +          None in
> +
> +      (* If a default kernel was set, put it at the beginning of the paths
> +       * list.  If not set, assume the first kernel always boots (?)
> +       *)
> +      match default with
> +      | None -> paths
> +      | Some p -> p :: List.filter ((<>) p) paths in
> +
> +    (* Resolve the Augeas paths to kernel filenames. *)
> +    let vmlinuzes = List.map g#aug_get paths in
> +
> +    (* Make sure kernel does not begin with (hdX,X). *)
> +    let vmlinuzes = List.map remove_hd_prefix vmlinuzes in
> +
> +    (* Prepend grub filesystem. *)
> +    List.map ((^) grub_prefix) vmlinuzes
> +
> +  method set_default_kernel vmlinuz =
> +    if not (String.is_prefix vmlinuz grub_prefix) then
> +      error (f_"kernel %s is not under grub tree %s")
> +        vmlinuz grub_prefix;
> +    let kernel_under_grub_prefix =
> +      let prefix_len = String.length grub_prefix in
> +      let kernel_len = String.length vmlinuz in
> +      String.sub vmlinuz prefix_len (kernel_len - prefix_len) in
> +
> +    (* Find the grub entry for the given kernel. *)
> +    let paths = g#aug_match (sprintf "/files%s/title/kernel[. = '%s']"
> +                               grub_config kernel_under_grub_prefix) in
> +    let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> +    if paths = [] then
> +      error (f_"didn't find grub entry for kernel %s") vmlinuz;
> +    let path = List.hd paths in
> +    let rex = Str.regexp ".*/title\\[\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)\\]/kernel" in
> +    if not (Str.string_match rex path 0) then
> +      error (f_"internal error: regular expression did not match '%s'")
> +        path;
> +    let index = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 path) - 1 in
> +    g#aug_set (sprintf "/files%s/default" grub_config) (string_of_int index);
> +    g#aug_save ()
> +
> +  method set_augeas_configuration () =
> +    let incls = g#aug_match "/augeas/load/Grub/incl" in
> +    let incls = Array.to_list incls in
> +    let incls_contains_conf =
> +      List.exists (fun incl -> g#aug_get incl = grub_config) incls in
> +    if not incls_contains_conf then (
> +      g#aug_set "/augeas/load/Grub/incl[last()+1]" grub_config;
> +      true;
> +    ) else false
> +
> +  method configure_console () =
> +    let rex = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\b\\([xh]vc0\\)\\b\\(.*\\)" in
> +    let expr = sprintf "/files%s/title/kernel/console" grub_config in
> +
> +    let paths = g#aug_match expr in
> +    let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> +    List.iter (
> +      fun path ->
> +        let console = g#aug_get path in
> +        if Str.string_match rex console 0 then (
> +          let console = Str.global_replace rex "\\1ttyS0\\3" console in
> +          g#aug_set path console
> +        )
> +    ) paths;
> +
> +    g#aug_save ()
> +
> +  method remove_console () =
> +    let rex = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\b\\([xh]vc0\\)\\b\\(.*\\)" in
> +    let expr = sprintf "/files%s/title/kernel/console" grub_config in
> +
> +    let rec loop = function
> +      | [] -> ()
> +      | path :: paths ->
> +        let console = g#aug_get path in
> +        if Str.string_match rex console 0 then (
> +          ignore (g#aug_rm path);
> +          (* All the paths are invalid, restart the loop. *)
> +          let paths = g#aug_match expr in
> +          let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> +          loop paths
> +        )
> +        else
> +          loop paths
> +    in
> +    let paths = g#aug_match expr in
> +    let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> +    loop paths;
> +
> +    g#aug_save ()
> +end
> +
> +(* Grub2 representation. *)
> +class bootloader_grub2 (g : G.guestfs) grub_config =
> +  let grub2_update_console ~remove =
> +    let rex = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\bconsole=[xh]vc0\\b\\(.*\\)" in
> +
> +    let paths = [
> +      "/files/etc/sysconfig/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX";
> +      "/files/etc/default/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX";
> +      "/files/etc/default/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT"
> +    ] in
> +    let paths = List.map g#aug_match paths in
> +    let paths = List.map Array.to_list paths in
> +    let paths = List.flatten paths in
> +    match paths with
> +    | [] ->
> +      if not remove then
> +        warning (f_"could not add grub2 serial console (ignored)")
> +      else
> +        warning (f_"could not remove grub2 serial console (ignored)")
> +    | path :: _ ->
> +      let grub_cmdline = g#aug_get path in
> +      if Str.string_match rex grub_cmdline 0 then (
> +        let new_grub_cmdline =
> +          if not remove then
> +            Str.global_replace rex "\\1console=ttyS0\\2" grub_cmdline
> +          else
> +            Str.global_replace rex "\\1\\2" grub_cmdline in
> +        g#aug_set path new_grub_cmdline;
> +        g#aug_save ();
> +
> +        try
> +          ignore (g#command [| "grub2-mkconfig"; "-o"; grub_config |])
> +        with
> +          G.Error msg ->
> +            warning (f_"could not rebuild grub2 configuration file (%s).  This may mean that grub output will not be sent to the serial port, but otherwise should be harmless.  Original error message: %s")
> +              grub_config msg
> +      ) in
> +object
> +  inherit bootloader
> +
> +  method name = "grub2"
> +
> +  method augeas_device_patterns = [
> +    "/files/etc/sysconfig/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX";
> +    "/files/etc/default/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX";
> +    "/files/etc/default/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT";
> +    "/files/boot/grub2/device.map/*[label() != \"#comment\"]";
> +  ]
> +
> +  method list_kernels () =
> +    let get_default_image () =
> +      let cmd =
> +        if g#exists "/sbin/grubby" then
> +          [| "grubby"; "--default-kernel" |]
> +        else
> +          [| "/usr/bin/perl"; "-MBootloader::Tools"; "-e"; "
> +                InitLibrary();
> +                my $default = Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultSection();
> +                print $default->{image};
> +             " |] in
> +      match g#command cmd with
> +      | "" -> None
> +      | k ->
> +        let len = String.length k in
> +        let k =
> +          if len > 0 && k.[len-1] = '\n' then
> +            String.sub k 0 (len-1)
> +          else k in
> +        Some (remove_hd_prefix k)
> +    in
> +
> +    let vmlinuzes =
> +      (match get_default_image () with
> +      | None -> []
> +      | Some k -> [k]) @
> +        (* This is how the grub2 config generator enumerates kernels. *)
> +        Array.to_list (g#glob_expand "/boot/kernel-*") @
> +        Array.to_list (g#glob_expand "/boot/vmlinuz-*") @
> +        Array.to_list (g#glob_expand "/vmlinuz-*") in
> +    let rex = Str.regexp ".*\\.\\(dpkg-.*|rpmsave|rpmnew\\)$" in
> +    let vmlinuzes = List.filter (
> +      fun file -> not (Str.string_match rex file 0)
> +    ) vmlinuzes in
> +    vmlinuzes
> +
> +  method set_default_kernel vmlinuz =
> +    let cmd =
> +      if g#exists "/sbin/grubby" then
> +        [| "grubby"; "--set-default"; vmlinuz |]
> +      else
> +        [| "/usr/bin/perl"; "-MBootloader::Tools"; "-e"; sprintf "
> +            InitLibrary();
> +            my @sections = GetSectionList(type=>image, image=>\"%s\");
> +            my $section = GetSection(@sections);
> +            my $newdefault = $section->{name};
> +            SetGlobals(default, \"$newdefault\");
> +          " vmlinuz |] in
> +    ignore (g#command cmd)
> +
> +  method configure_console () =
> +    grub2_update_console ~remove:false
> +
> +  method remove_console () =
> +    grub2_update_console ~remove:true
> +
> +  method update () =
> +    ignore (g#command [| "grub2-mkconfig"; "-o"; grub_config |])
> +end
> +
> +let detect_bootloader (g : G.guestfs) inspect =
> +  let config_file, typ =
> +    let locations = [
> +      "/boot/grub2/grub.cfg", Grub2;
> +      "/boot/grub/menu.lst", Grub1;
> +      "/boot/grub/grub.conf", Grub1;
> +    ] in
> +    let locations =
> +      match inspect.i_firmware with
> +      | I_UEFI _ -> ("/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg", Grub2) :: locations
> +      | I_BIOS -> locations in
> +    try
> +      List.find (
> +        fun (grub_config, _) -> g#is_file ~followsymlinks:true grub_config
> +      ) locations
> +    with
> +      Not_found ->
> +        error (f_"no bootloader detected") in
> +
> +  match typ with
> +  | Grub1 -> new bootloader_grub1 g inspect config_file
> +  | Grub2 -> new bootloader_grub2 g config_file
> diff --git a/v2v/bootloaders.mli b/v2v/bootloaders.mli
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..477312b
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/v2v/bootloaders.mli
> @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
> +(* virt-v2v
> + * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Red Hat Inc.
> + *
> + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
> + * (at your option) any later version.
> + *
> + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> + * GNU General Public License for more details.
> + *
> + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
> + * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
> + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
> + *)
> +
> +class virtual bootloader : object
> +  method virtual name : string
> +  (** The name of the bootloader. *)
> +  method virtual augeas_device_patterns : string list
> +  (** A list of augeas patterns to search for device names. *)
> +  method virtual list_kernels : unit -> string list
> +  (** Lists all the kernels configured in the bootloader. *)
> +  method virtual set_default_kernel : string -> unit
> +  (** Sets the specified vmlinuz path as default bootloader entry. *)
> +  method set_augeas_configuration : unit -> bool
> +  (** Checks whether augeas is reading the configuration file
> +      of the bootloader, and if not then add it.
> +
> +      Returns whether augeas needs to be reloaded. *)
> +  method virtual configure_console : unit -> unit
> +  (** Sets up the console for the available kernels. *)
> +  method virtual remove_console : unit -> unit
> +  (** Removes the console in all the available kernels. *)
> +  method update : unit -> unit
> +  (** Update the bootloader. *)
> +end
> +(** Encapsulates a UNIX boot loader as object. *)
> +
> +val detect_bootloader : Guestfs.guestfs -> Types.inspect -> bootloader
> +(** Detects the bootloader on the guest, and creates the object
> +    representing it. *)
> diff --git a/v2v/convert_linux.ml b/v2v/convert_linux.ml
> index f9aa334..77d9d8e 100644
> --- a/v2v/convert_linux.ml
> +++ b/v2v/convert_linux.ml
> @@ -89,36 +89,8 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>    let dbfiles = Array.to_list dbfiles in
>    List.iter g#rm_f dbfiles;
> -  (* What grub is installed? *)
> -  let grub_config, grub =
> -    let locations = [
> -      "/boot/grub2/grub.cfg", `Grub2;
> -      "/boot/grub/menu.lst", `Grub1;
> -      "/boot/grub/grub.conf", `Grub1;
> -    ] in
> -    let locations =
> -      match inspect.i_firmware with
> -      | I_UEFI _ -> ("/boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg", `Grub2) :: locations
> -      | I_BIOS -> locations in
> -    try
> -      List.find (
> -        fun (grub_config, _) -> g#is_file ~followsymlinks:true grub_config
> -      ) locations
> -    with
> -      Not_found ->
> -        error (f_"no grub1/grub-legacy or grub2 configuration file was found") in
> -
> -  (* Grub prefix?  Usually "/boot". *)
> -  let grub_prefix =
> -    match grub with
> -    | `Grub2 -> ""
> -    | `Grub1 ->
> -      let mounts = g#inspect_get_mountpoints inspect.i_root in
> -      try
> -        List.find (
> -          fun path -> List.mem_assoc path mounts
> -        ) [ "/boot/grub"; "/boot" ]
> -      with Not_found -> "" in
> +  (* Detect the installed bootloader. *)
> +  let bootloader = Bootloaders.detect_bootloader g inspect in
>    (* What kernel/kernel-like packages are installed on the current guest? *)
>    let installed_kernels : kernel_info list =
> @@ -269,88 +241,7 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>     * list is the default booting kernel.
>     *)
>    let grub_kernels : kernel_info list =
> -    (* Helper function for SUSE: remove (hdX,X) prefix from a path. *)
> -    let remove_hd_prefix  =
> -      let rex = Str.regexp "^(hd.*)\\(.*\\)" in
> -      Str.replace_first rex "\\1"
> -    in
> -
> -    let vmlinuzes =
> -      match grub with
> -      | `Grub1 ->
> -        let paths =
> -          let expr = sprintf "/files%s/title/kernel" grub_config in
> -          let paths = g#aug_match expr in
> -          let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> -
> -          (* Remove duplicates. *)
> -          let paths = remove_duplicates paths in
> -
> -          (* Get the default kernel from grub if it's set. *)
> -          let default =
> -            let expr = sprintf "/files%s/default" grub_config in
> -            try
> -              let idx = g#aug_get expr in
> -              let idx = int_of_string idx in
> -              (* Grub indices are zero-based, augeas is 1-based. *)
> -              let expr =
> -                sprintf "/files%s/title[%d]/kernel" grub_config (idx+1) in
> -              Some expr
> -            with G.Error msg
> -                 when String.find msg "aug_get: no matching node" >= 0 ->
> -              None in
> -
> -          (* If a default kernel was set, put it at the beginning of the paths
> -           * list.  If not set, assume the first kernel always boots (?)
> -           *)
> -          match default with
> -          | None -> paths
> -          | Some p -> p :: List.filter ((<>) p) paths in
> -
> -        (* Resolve the Augeas paths to kernel filenames. *)
> -        let vmlinuzes = List.map g#aug_get paths in
> -
> -        (* Make sure kernel does not begin with (hdX,X). *)
> -        let vmlinuzes = List.map remove_hd_prefix vmlinuzes in
> -
> -        (* Prepend grub filesystem. *)
> -        List.map ((^) grub_prefix) vmlinuzes
> -
> -      | `Grub2 ->
> -        let get_default_image () =
> -          let cmd =
> -            if g#exists "/sbin/grubby" then
> -              [| "grubby"; "--default-kernel" |]
> -            else
> -              [| "/usr/bin/perl"; "-MBootloader::Tools"; "-e"; "
> -                    InitLibrary();
> -                    my $default = Bootloader::Tools::GetDefaultSection();
> -                    print $default->{image};
> -                 " |] in
> -          match g#command cmd with
> -          | "" -> None
> -          | k ->
> -            let len = String.length k in
> -            let k =
> -              if len > 0 && k.[len-1] = '\n' then
> -                String.sub k 0 (len-1)
> -              else k in
> -            Some (remove_hd_prefix k)
> -        in
> -
> -        let vmlinuzes =
> -          (match get_default_image () with
> -          | None -> []
> -          | Some k -> [k]) @
> -            (* This is how the grub2 config generator enumerates kernels. *)
> -            Array.to_list (g#glob_expand "/boot/kernel-*") @
> -            Array.to_list (g#glob_expand "/boot/vmlinuz-*") @
> -            Array.to_list (g#glob_expand "/vmlinuz-*") in
> -        let rex = Str.regexp ".*\\.\\(dpkg-.*|rpmsave|rpmnew\\)$" in
> -        let vmlinuzes = List.filter (
> -          fun file -> not (Str.string_match rex file 0)
> -        ) vmlinuzes in
> -        vmlinuzes in
> +    let vmlinuzes = bootloader#list_kernels () in
>      (* Map these to installed kernels. *)
>      filter_map (
> @@ -389,21 +280,8 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>    (* Conversion step. *)
>    let rec augeas_grub_configuration () =
> -    match grub with
> -    | `Grub1 ->
> -      (* Ensure Augeas is reading the grub configuration file, and if not
> -       * then add it.
> -       *)
> -      let incls = g#aug_match "/augeas/load/Grub/incl" in
> -      let incls = Array.to_list incls in
> -      let incls_contains_conf =
> -        List.exists (fun incl -> g#aug_get incl = grub_config) incls in
> -      if not incls_contains_conf then (
> -        g#aug_set "/augeas/load/Grub/incl[last()+1]" grub_config;
> -        Linux.augeas_reload g;
> -      )
> -
> -    | `Grub2 -> () (* Not necessary for grub2. *)
> +    if bootloader#set_augeas_configuration () then
> +      Linux.augeas_reload g
>    and unconfigure_xen () =
>      (* Remove kmod-xenpv-* (RHEL 3). *)
> @@ -733,7 +611,7 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>        let kernels = List.rev kernels (* so best is first *) in
>        List.hd kernels in
>      if best_kernel <> List.hd grub_kernels then
> -      grub_set_bootable best_kernel;
> +      bootloader#set_default_kernel best_kernel.ki_vmlinuz;
>      (* Does the best/bootable kernel support virtio? *)
>      let virtio = best_kernel.ki_supports_virtio in
> @@ -751,46 +629,6 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>      best_kernel, virtio
> -  and grub_set_bootable kernel =
> -    match grub with
> -    | `Grub1 ->
> -      if not (String.is_prefix kernel.ki_vmlinuz grub_prefix) then
> -        error (f_"kernel %s is not under grub tree %s")
> -          kernel.ki_vmlinuz grub_prefix;
> -      let kernel_under_grub_prefix =
> -        let prefix_len = String.length grub_prefix in
> -        let kernel_len = String.length kernel.ki_vmlinuz in
> -        String.sub kernel.ki_vmlinuz prefix_len (kernel_len - prefix_len) in
> -
> -      (* Find the grub entry for the given kernel. *)
> -      let paths = g#aug_match (sprintf "/files%s/title/kernel[. = '%s']"
> -                                 grub_config kernel_under_grub_prefix) in
> -      let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> -      if paths = [] then
> -        error (f_"didn't find grub entry for kernel %s") kernel.ki_vmlinuz;
> -      let path = List.hd paths in
> -      let rex = Str.regexp ".*/title\\[\\([1-9][0-9]*\\)\\]/kernel" in
> -      if not (Str.string_match rex path 0) then
> -        error (f_"internal error: regular expression did not match '%s'")
> -          path;
> -      let index = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 path) - 1 in
> -      g#aug_set (sprintf "/files%s/default" grub_config) (string_of_int index);
> -      g#aug_save ()
> -
> -    | `Grub2 ->
> -      let cmd =
> -        if g#exists "/sbin/grubby" then
> -          [| "grubby"; "--set-default"; kernel.ki_vmlinuz |]
> -        else
> -          [| "/usr/bin/perl"; "-MBootloader::Tools"; "-e"; sprintf "
> -              InitLibrary();
> -              my @sections = GetSectionList(type=>image, image=>\"%s\");
> -              my $section = GetSection(@sections);
> -              my $newdefault = $section->{name};
> -              SetGlobals(default, \"$newdefault\");
> -            " kernel.ki_vmlinuz |] in
> -      ignore (g#command cmd)
> -
>    (* Even though the kernel was already installed (this version of
>     * virt-v2v does not install new kernels), it could have an
>     * initrd that does not have support virtio.  Therefore rebuild
> @@ -956,28 +794,6 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>      g#aug_save ()
> -  and grub_configure_console () =
> -    match grub with
> -    | `Grub1 ->
> -      let rex = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\b\\([xh]vc0\\)\\b\\(.*\\)" in
> -      let expr = sprintf "/files%s/title/kernel/console" grub_config in
> -
> -      let paths = g#aug_match expr in
> -      let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> -      List.iter (
> -        fun path ->
> -          let console = g#aug_get path in
> -          if Str.string_match rex console 0 then (
> -            let console = Str.global_replace rex "\\1ttyS0\\3" console in
> -            g#aug_set path console
> -          )
> -      ) paths;
> -
> -      g#aug_save ()
> -
> -    | `Grub2 ->
> -      grub2_update_console ~remove:false
> -
>    (* If the target doesn't support a serial console, we want to remove
>     * all references to it instead.
>     *)
> @@ -1006,71 +822,6 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>      g#aug_save ()
> -  and grub_remove_console () =
> -    match grub with
> -    | `Grub1 ->
> -      let rex = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\b\\([xh]vc0\\)\\b\\(.*\\)" in
> -      let expr = sprintf "/files%s/title/kernel/console" grub_config in
> -
> -      let rec loop = function
> -        | [] -> ()
> -        | path :: paths ->
> -          let console = g#aug_get path in
> -          if Str.string_match rex console 0 then (
> -            ignore (g#aug_rm path);
> -            (* All the paths are invalid, restart the loop. *)
> -            let paths = g#aug_match expr in
> -            let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> -            loop paths
> -          )
> -          else
> -            loop paths
> -      in
> -      let paths = g#aug_match expr in
> -      let paths = Array.to_list paths in
> -      loop paths;
> -
> -      g#aug_save ()
> -
> -    | `Grub2 ->
> -      grub2_update_console ~remove:true
> -
> -  and grub2_update_console ~remove =
> -    let rex = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\)\\bconsole=[xh]vc0\\b\\(.*\\)" in
> -
> -    let paths = [
> -      "/files/etc/sysconfig/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX";
> -      "/files/etc/default/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX";
> -      "/files/etc/default/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT"
> -    ] in
> -    let paths = List.map g#aug_match paths in
> -    let paths = List.map Array.to_list paths in
> -    let paths = List.flatten paths in
> -    match paths with
> -    | [] ->
> -      if not remove then
> -        warning (f_"could not add grub2 serial console (ignored)")
> -      else
> -        warning (f_"could not remove grub2 serial console (ignored)")
> -    | path :: _ ->
> -      let grub_cmdline = g#aug_get path in
> -      if Str.string_match rex grub_cmdline 0 then (
> -        let new_grub_cmdline =
> -          if not remove then
> -            Str.global_replace rex "\\1console=ttyS0\\2" grub_cmdline
> -          else
> -            Str.global_replace rex "\\1\\2" grub_cmdline in
> -        g#aug_set path new_grub_cmdline;
> -        g#aug_save ();
> -
> -        try
> -          ignore (g#command [| "grub2-mkconfig"; "-o"; grub_config |])
> -        with
> -          G.Error msg ->
> -            warning (f_"could not rebuild grub2 configuration file (%s).  This may mean that grub output will not be sent to the serial port, but otherwise should be harmless.  Original error message: %s")
> -              grub_config msg
> -      )
> -
>    and supports_acpi () =
>      (* ACPI known to cause RHEL 3 to fail. *)
>      if family = `RHEL_family && inspect.i_major_version == 3 then
> @@ -1296,19 +1047,9 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>      let paths = [
>        (* /etc/fstab *)
>        "/files/etc/fstab/*/spec";
> -
> -      (* grub-legacy config *)
> -      "/files" ^ grub_config ^ "/*/kernel/root";
> -      "/files" ^ grub_config ^ "/*/kernel/resume";
> -      "/files/boot/grub/device.map/*[label() != \"#comment\"]";
> -      "/files/etc/sysconfig/grub/boot";
> -
> -      (* grub2 config *)
> -      "/files/etc/sysconfig/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX";
> -      "/files/etc/default/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX";
> -      "/files/etc/default/grub/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT";
> -      "/files/boot/grub2/device.map/*[label() != \"#comment\"]";
>      ] in
> +    (* Bootloader config *)
> +    let paths = paths @ bootloader#augeas_device_patterns in
>      (* Which of these paths actually exist? *)
>      let paths =
> @@ -1386,9 +1127,8 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>      if !changed then (
>        g#aug_save ();
> -      (* If it's grub2, we have to regenerate the config files. *)
> -      if grub = `Grub2 then
> -        ignore (g#command [| "grub2-mkconfig"; "-o"; grub_config |]);
> +      (* Make sure the bootloader is up-to-date. *)
> +      bootloader#update ();
>        Linux.augeas_reload g
>      );
> @@ -1418,10 +1158,10 @@ let rec convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
>    if keep_serial_console then (
>      configure_console ();
> -    grub_configure_console ();
> +    bootloader#configure_console ();
>    ) else (
>      remove_console ();
> -    grub_remove_console ();
> +    bootloader#remove_console ();
>    );
>    let acpi = supports_acpi () in
> -- 
> 2.7.4
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Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
virt-builder quickly builds VMs from scratch

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