[Libguestfs] [PATCH] generator: Share Common_utils code.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Thu Dec 8 10:36:45 UTC 2016

For a very long time we have maintained two sets of utility functions,
in mllib/common_utils.ml and generator/utils.ml.  This changes things
so that the same set of utility functions can be shared with both

It's not possible to use common_utils.ml directly in the generator
because it provides several functions that use modules outside the
OCaml stdlib.  Therefore we add some lightweight post-processing which
extracts the functions using only the stdlib:


and creates generator/common_utils.ml and generator/common_utils.mli
from that.  The effect is we only need to write utility functions

As with other tools, we still have generator-specific utility
functions in generator/utils.ml.

Also in this change:

 - Use String.uppercase_ascii and String.lowercase_ascii in place
   of deprecated String.uppercase/String.lowercase.

 - Implement String.capitalize_ascii to replace deprecated

 - Move isspace, isdigit, isxdigit functions to Char module.
 .gitignore               |   3 +
 dib/utils.ml             |   2 +-
 generator/Makefile.am    |  23 ++++++-
 generator/bindtests.ml   |  25 +++----
 generator/c.ml           |  53 ++++++++-------
 generator/daemon.ml      |  10 +--
 generator/docstrings.ml  |   3 +-
 generator/erlang.ml      |  23 ++++---
 generator/events.ml      |   1 +
 generator/fish.ml        |  34 +++++-----
 generator/gobject.ml     |  32 +++++----
 generator/java.ml        |   8 ++-
 generator/lua.ml         |   3 +-
 generator/ocaml.ml       |  11 +--
 generator/perl.ml        |  11 +--
 generator/pr.ml          |   3 +-
 generator/python.ml      |  25 +++----
 generator/ruby.ml        |  11 +--
 generator/tests_c_api.ml |  13 ++--
 generator/uefi.ml        |   1 +
 generator/utils.ml       | 173 ++++-------------------------------------------
 generator/utils.mli      |  64 +-----------------
 mllib/common_utils.ml    | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 mllib/common_utils.mli   |  76 ++++++++++++++++++---
 v2v/convert_windows.ml   |   3 +-
 25 files changed, 373 insertions(+), 364 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 633b39d..da59e44 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -255,8 +255,11 @@ Makefile.in
diff --git a/dib/utils.ml b/dib/utils.ml
index 3df5171..4026ee8 100644
--- a/dib/utils.ml
+++ b/dib/utils.ml
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let digit_prefix_compare a b =
   let split_prefix str =
     let len = String.length str in
     let digits =
-      try string_index_fn (fun x -> not (isdigit x)) str
+      try string_index_fn (fun x -> not (Char.isdigit x)) str
       with Not_found -> len in
     match digits with
     | 0 -> "", str
diff --git a/generator/Makefile.am b/generator/Makefile.am
index 31c33fa..0c2ae33 100644
--- a/generator/Makefile.am
+++ b/generator/Makefile.am
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ sources = \
 	c.mli \
 	checks.ml \
 	checks.mli \
+	common_utils.ml \
+	common_utils.mli \
 	csharp.ml \
 	csharp.mli \
 	customize.ml \
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ sources = \
 	gobject.mli \
 	golang.ml \
 	golang.mli \
+	guestfs_config.ml \
 	haskell.ml \
 	haskell.mli \
 	java.ml \
@@ -85,6 +88,8 @@ sources = \
 # In build dependency order.
 objects = \
+	guestfs_config.cmo \
+	common_utils.cmo \
 	types.cmo \
 	utils.cmo \
 	actions.cmo \
@@ -133,7 +138,7 @@ generator: $(objects)
 # Dependencies.
 depend: .depend
-.depend: $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.mli) $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.ml)
+.depend: $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.mli) $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.ml) common_utils.ml common_utils.mli guestfs_config.ml
 	rm -f $@ $@-t
 	$(OCAMLFIND) ocamldep -I ../ocaml -I $(abs_srcdir) $^ | \
 	  $(SED) 's/ *$$//' | \
@@ -174,6 +179,22 @@ stamp-generator: generator
 	cd $(top_srcdir) && $(abs_builddir)/generator
 	touch $@
+# We share common_utils.ml{,i} with the mllib directory.  However we
+# have to remove functions which depend on any modules which are not
+# part of the OCaml stdlib.
+common_utils.ml: $(top_srcdir)/mllib/common_utils.ml
+	rm -f $@ $@-t
+	echo '(* This file is generated from mllib/common_utils.ml *)' > $@-t
+	sed -n '/^(\*<stdlib>\*)$$/,/^(\*<\/stdlib>\*)$$/p' $< >> $@-t
+	mv $@-t $@
+common_utils.mli: $(top_srcdir)/mllib/common_utils.mli
+	rm -f $@ $@-t
+	echo '(* This file is generated from mllib/common_utils.mli *)' > $@-t
+	sed -n '/^(\*<stdlib>\*)$$/,/^(\*<\/stdlib>\*)$$/p' $< >> $@-t
+	mv $@-t $@
+guestfs_config.ml: ../mllib/guestfs_config.ml
+	cp $< $@
 CLEANFILES += $(noinst_DATA) $(noinst_PROGRAM)
 DISTCLEANFILES += .pod2text.data.version.2
diff --git a/generator/bindtests.ml b/generator/bindtests.ml
index 742cb1b..ffb3ee7 100644
--- a/generator/bindtests.ml
+++ b/generator/bindtests.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ fill_lvm_pv (guestfs_h *g, struct guestfs_lvm_pv *pv, size_t i)
       let check_optarg n printf_args =
         pr "  fprintf (fp, \"%s: \");\n" n;
         pr "  if (optargs->bitmask & %s_%s_BITMASK) {\n" c_optarg_prefix
-          (String.uppercase n);
+          (String.uppercase_ascii n);
         pr "    fprintf (fp, %s);\n" printf_args;
         pr "  } else {\n";
         pr "    fprintf (fp, \"unset\\n\");\n";
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ fill_lvm_pv (guestfs_h *g, struct guestfs_lvm_pv *pv, size_t i)
         | OStringList n ->
           pr "  fprintf (fp, \"%s: \");\n" n;
           pr "  if (optargs->bitmask & %s_%s_BITMASK) {\n" c_optarg_prefix
-            (String.uppercase n);
+            (String.uppercase_ascii n);
           pr "    print_strings (g, optargs->%s);\n" n;
           pr "  } else {\n";
           pr "    fprintf (fp, \"unset\\n\");\n";
@@ -583,7 +584,7 @@ public class Bindtests {
         | CallBool b -> string_of_bool b
         | CallBuffer s ->
             "new byte[] { " ^ String.concat "," (
-              map_chars (fun c -> string_of_int (Char.code c)) s
+              String.map_chars (fun c -> string_of_int (Char.code c)) s
             ) ^ " }"
       ) args
@@ -845,7 +846,7 @@ and generate_golang_bindtests () =
   generate_lang_bindtests (
     fun f args optargs ->
-      pr "    if err := g.%s (" (String.capitalize f);
+      pr "    if err := g.%s (" (String.capitalize_ascii f);
       let needs_comma = ref false in
       List.iter (
@@ -869,13 +870,13 @@ and generate_golang_bindtests () =
               | c -> sprintf "'%c'" c
             pr "[]byte{%s}"
-              (String.concat ", " (List.map quote_char (explode s)))
+              (String.concat ", " (List.map quote_char (String.explode s)))
       ) args;
       if !needs_comma then pr ", ";
       (match optargs with
       | None -> pr "nil"
       | Some optargs ->
-        pr "&guestfs.Optargs%s{" (String.capitalize f);
+        pr "&guestfs.Optargs%s{" (String.capitalize_ascii f);
         needs_comma := false;
         List.iter (
           fun optarg ->
@@ -883,19 +884,19 @@ and generate_golang_bindtests () =
             needs_comma := true;
             match optarg with
             | CallOBool (n, v) ->
-              let n = String.capitalize n in
+              let n = String.capitalize_ascii n in
               pr "%s_is_set: true, %s: %b" n n v
             | CallOInt (n, v) ->
-              let n = String.capitalize n in
+              let n = String.capitalize_ascii n in
               pr "%s_is_set: true, %s: %d" n n v
             | CallOInt64 (n, v) ->
-              let n = String.capitalize n in
+              let n = String.capitalize_ascii n in
               pr "%s_is_set: true, %s: %Ld" n n v
             | CallOString (n, v) ->
-              let n = String.capitalize n in
+              let n = String.capitalize_ascii n in
               pr "%s_is_set: true, %s: \"%s\"" n n v
             | CallOStringList (n, xs) ->
-              let n = String.capitalize n in
+              let n = String.capitalize_ascii n in
               pr "%s_is_set: true, %s: []string{%s}"
                 n n (String.concat ", " (List.map (sprintf "\"%s\"") xs))
         ) optargs;
@@ -971,7 +972,7 @@ and generate_php_bindtests () =
     let chan = open_in filename in
     let rec loop () =
       let line = input_line chan in
-      (match string_split ":" line with
+      (match String.nsplit ":" line with
       | ("obool"|"oint"|"oint64"|"ostring"|"ostringlist") as x :: _ ->
         pr "%s: unset\n" x
       | _ -> pr "%s\n" line
diff --git a/generator/c.ml b/generator/c.ml
index 6f5a517..79d3811 100644
--- a/generator/c.ml
+++ b/generator/c.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ let rec generate_prototype ?(extern = true) ?(static = false)
       else (
         let namelen = String.length prefix + String.length name +
                       String.length suffix + 2 in
-        pr ",\n%s%s" indent (spaces namelen)
+        pr ",\n%s%s" indent (String.spaces namelen)
     comma := true
@@ -230,7 +231,8 @@ and generate_actions_pod_entry ({ c_name = c_name;
     List.iter (
       fun argt ->
         let n = name_of_optargt argt in
-        pr " GUESTFS_%s_%s, " (String.uppercase c_name) (String.uppercase n);
+        pr " GUESTFS_%s_%s, " (String.uppercase_ascii c_name)
+           (String.uppercase_ascii n);
         match argt with
         | OBool n -> pr "int %s,\n" n
         | OInt n -> pr "int %s,\n" n
@@ -508,7 +510,7 @@ extern GUESTFS_DLL_PUBLIC guestfs_abort_cb guestfs_get_out_of_memory_handler (gu
   List.iter (
     fun (name, bitmask) ->
       pr "#define GUESTFS_EVENT_%-16s 0x%04x\n"
-        (String.uppercase name) bitmask
+        (String.uppercase_ascii name) bitmask
   ) events;
   pr "#define GUESTFS_EVENT_%-16s 0x%04x\n" "ALL" all_events_bitmask;
   pr "\n";
@@ -601,7 +603,7 @@ extern GUESTFS_DLL_PUBLIC void *guestfs_next_private (guestfs_h *g, const char *
   (* Public structures. *)
   let generate_all_structs = List.iter (
     fun { s_name = typ; s_cols = cols } ->
-      pr "#define GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s 1\n" (String.uppercase typ);
+      pr "#define GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s 1\n" (String.uppercase_ascii typ);
       pr "\n";
       pr "struct guestfs_%s {\n" typ;
       List.iter (
@@ -645,14 +647,14 @@ extern GUESTFS_DLL_PUBLIC void *guestfs_next_private (guestfs_h *g, const char *
   let generate_action_header { name = shortname;
                                style = ret, args, optargs as style;
                                deprecated_by = deprecated_by } =
-    pr "#define GUESTFS_HAVE_%s 1\n" (String.uppercase shortname);
+    pr "#define GUESTFS_HAVE_%s 1\n" (String.uppercase_ascii shortname);
     if optargs <> [] then (
       iteri (
         fun i argt ->
-          let uc_shortname = String.uppercase shortname in
+          let uc_shortname = String.uppercase_ascii shortname in
           let n = name_of_optargt argt in
-          let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+          let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
           pr "#define GUESTFS_%s_%s %d\n" uc_shortname uc_n i;
       ) optargs;
@@ -682,9 +684,9 @@ extern GUESTFS_DLL_PUBLIC void *guestfs_next_private (guestfs_h *g, const char *
             | OInt64 n -> "int64_t "
             | OString n -> "const char *"
             | OStringList n -> "char *const *" in
-          let uc_shortname = String.uppercase shortname in
+          let uc_shortname = String.uppercase_ascii shortname in
           let n = name_of_optargt argt in
-          let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+          let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
           pr "# define GUESTFS_%s_%s_BITMASK (UINT64_C(1)<<%d)\n" uc_shortname uc_n i;
           pr "  %s%s;\n" c_type n
       ) optargs;
@@ -759,7 +761,7 @@ pr "\
   List.iter (
     fun { name = shortname } ->
-      pr "#define LIBGUESTFS_HAVE_%s 1\n" (String.uppercase shortname);
+      pr "#define LIBGUESTFS_HAVE_%s 1\n" (String.uppercase_ascii shortname);
   ) public_functions_sorted;
   pr "
@@ -810,9 +812,9 @@ and generate_internal_frontend_cleanups_h () =
   List.iter (
     fun { s_name = name } ->
-      pr "#define CLEANUP_FREE_%s \\\n" (String.uppercase name);
+      pr "#define CLEANUP_FREE_%s \\\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "  __attribute__((cleanup(guestfs_int_cleanup_free_%s)))\n" name;
-      pr "#define CLEANUP_FREE_%s_LIST \\\n" (String.uppercase name);
+      pr "#define CLEANUP_FREE_%s_LIST \\\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "  __attribute__((cleanup(guestfs_int_cleanup_free_%s_list)))\n" name
   ) structs;
@@ -820,8 +822,8 @@ and generate_internal_frontend_cleanups_h () =
   List.iter (
     fun { s_name = name } ->
-      pr "#define CLEANUP_FREE_%s\n" (String.uppercase name);
-      pr "#define CLEANUP_FREE_%s_LIST\n" (String.uppercase name)
+      pr "#define CLEANUP_FREE_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name);
+      pr "#define CLEANUP_FREE_%s_LIST\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name)
   ) structs;
   pr "\
@@ -1409,7 +1411,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
       | OString n ->
           pr "  if ((optargs->bitmask & GUESTFS_%s_%s_BITMASK) &&\n"
-            (String.uppercase c_name) (String.uppercase n);
+            (String.uppercase_ascii c_name) (String.uppercase_ascii n);
           pr "      optargs->%s == NULL) {\n" n;
           pr "    error (g, \"%%s: %%s: optional parameter cannot be NULL\",\n";
           pr "           \"%s\", \"%s\");\n" c_name n;
@@ -1423,7 +1425,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
       | OStringList n ->
           pr "  if ((optargs->bitmask & GUESTFS_%s_%s_BITMASK) &&\n"
-            (String.uppercase c_name) (String.uppercase n);
+            (String.uppercase_ascii c_name) (String.uppercase_ascii n);
           pr "      optargs->%s == NULL) {\n" n;
           pr "    error (g, \"%%s: %%s: optional list cannot be NULL\",\n";
           pr "           \"%s\", \"%s\");\n" c_name n;
@@ -1587,7 +1589,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
       fun argt ->
         let n = name_of_optargt argt in
         pr "    if (optargs->bitmask & GUESTFS_%s_%s_BITMASK) {\n"
-          (String.uppercase c_name) (String.uppercase n);
+          (String.uppercase_ascii c_name) (String.uppercase_ascii n);
         (match argt with
          | OString n ->
              pr "      fprintf (trace_buffer.fp, \" \\\"%%s:%%s\\\"\", \"%s\", optargs->%s);\n" n n
@@ -1614,7 +1616,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
   let trace_return ?(indent = 2) name (ret, _, _) rv =
-    let indent = spaces indent in
+    let indent = String.spaces indent in
     pr "%sif (trace_flag) {\n" indent;
@@ -1679,7 +1681,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
   let trace_return_error ?(indent = 2) name (ret, _, _) errcode =
-    let indent = spaces indent in
+    let indent = String.spaces indent in
     pr "%sif (trace_flag)\n" indent;
@@ -1876,7 +1878,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
     (* Send the main header and arguments. *)
     if args_passed_to_daemon = [] && optargs = [] then (
       pr "  serial = guestfs_int_send (g, GUESTFS_PROC_%s, progress_hint, 0,\n"
-        (String.uppercase name);
+         (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "                             NULL, NULL);\n"
     ) else (
       List.iter (
@@ -1913,7 +1915,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
         fun argt ->
           let n = name_of_optargt argt in
           pr "  if (optargs->bitmask & GUESTFS_%s_%s_BITMASK) {\n"
-            (String.uppercase c_name) (String.uppercase n);
+            (String.uppercase_ascii c_name) (String.uppercase_ascii n);
           (match argt with
           | OBool n
           | OInt n
@@ -1938,7 +1940,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
       ) optargs;
       pr "  serial = guestfs_int_send (g, GUESTFS_PROC_%s,\n"
-        (String.uppercase name);
+        (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "                             progress_hint, %s,\n"
         (if optargs <> [] then "optargs->bitmask" else "0");
       pr "                             (xdrproc_t) xdr_guestfs_%s_args, (char *) &args);\n"
@@ -1989,7 +1991,7 @@ and generate_client_actions actions () =
     pr "\n";
     pr "  if (guestfs_int_check_reply_header (g, &hdr, GUESTFS_PROC_%s, serial) == -1) {\n"
-      (String.uppercase name);
+      (String.uppercase_ascii name);
     trace_return_error ~indent:4 name style errcode;
     pr "    return %s;\n" (string_of_errcode errcode);
     pr "  }\n";
@@ -2160,7 +2162,7 @@ and generate_client_actions_variants () =
       fun argt ->
         let n = name_of_optargt argt in
         pr "    case GUESTFS_%s_%s:\n"
-          (String.uppercase c_name) (String.uppercase n);
+          (String.uppercase_ascii c_name) (String.uppercase_ascii n);
         pr "      optargs_s.%s = va_arg (args, " n;
         (match argt with
         | OBool _ | OInt _ -> pr "int"
@@ -2273,7 +2275,8 @@ guestfs_event_to_string (uint64_t event)
   List.iter (
     fun name ->
-      pr "  if ((event & GUESTFS_EVENT_%s) != 0) {\n" (String.uppercase name);
+      pr "  if ((event & GUESTFS_EVENT_%s) != 0) {\n"
+         (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "    strcpy (&ret[len], \"%s,\");\n" name;
       pr "    len += %d + 1;\n" (String.length name);
       pr "  }\n";
diff --git a/generator/daemon.ml b/generator/daemon.ml
index ce5dada..f05d5b7 100644
--- a/generator/daemon.ml
+++ b/generator/daemon.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -49,9 +50,9 @@ let generate_daemon_actions_h () =
     | { name = shortname; style = _, _, (_::_ as optargs) } ->
         iteri (
           fun i arg ->
-            let uc_shortname = String.uppercase shortname in
+            let uc_shortname = String.uppercase_ascii shortname in
             let n = name_of_optargt arg in
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "#define GUESTFS_%s_%s_BITMASK (UINT64_C(1)<<%d)\n"
               uc_shortname uc_n i
         ) optargs
@@ -541,7 +542,7 @@ let generate_daemon_dispatch () =
   List.iter (
     fun { name = name } ->
-      pr "    case GUESTFS_PROC_%s:\n" (String.uppercase name);
+      pr "    case GUESTFS_PROC_%s:\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "      %s_stub (xdr_in);\n" name;
       pr "      break;\n"
   ) (actions |> daemon_functions);
@@ -819,7 +820,8 @@ let generate_daemon_optgroups_h () =
   List.iter (
     fun (group, fns) ->
-      pr "#define OPTGROUP_%s_NOT_AVAILABLE \\\n" (String.uppercase group);
+      pr "#define OPTGROUP_%s_NOT_AVAILABLE \\\n"
+         (String.uppercase_ascii group);
       List.iter (
         fun { name = name; style = ret, args, optargs } ->
           let style = ret, args @ args_of_optargs optargs, [] in
diff --git a/generator/docstrings.ml b/generator/docstrings.ml
index 9d3fd0b..845ec63 100644
--- a/generator/docstrings.ml
+++ b/generator/docstrings.ml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 open Unix
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ let deprecation_notice ?(prefix = "") ?(replace_underscores = false) =
   | { deprecated_by = None } -> None
   | { deprecated_by = Some alt } ->
     let alt =
-      if replace_underscores then replace_char alt '_' '-' else alt in
+      if replace_underscores then String.replace_char alt '_' '-' else alt in
     let txt =
       sprintf "I<This function is deprecated.>
 In new code, use the L</%s%s> call instead.
diff --git a/generator/erlang.ml b/generator/erlang.ml
index fab92a0..3753835 100644
--- a/generator/erlang.ml
+++ b/generator/erlang.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ loop(Port) ->
       pr "%s(G" name;
       List.iter (
         fun arg ->
-          pr ", %s" (String.capitalize (name_of_argt arg))
+          pr ", %s" (String.capitalize_ascii (name_of_argt arg))
       ) args;
       if optargs <> [] then
         pr ", Optargs";
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ loop(Port) ->
       pr "  call_port(G, {%s" name;
       List.iter (
         fun arg ->
-          pr ", %s" (String.capitalize (name_of_argt arg))
+          pr ", %s" (String.capitalize_ascii (name_of_argt arg))
       ) args;
       if optargs <> [] then
         pr ", Optargs";
@@ -128,14 +129,14 @@ loop(Port) ->
         pr "%s(G" name;
         List.iter (
           fun arg ->
-            pr ", %s" (String.capitalize (name_of_argt arg))
+            pr ", %s" (String.capitalize_ascii (name_of_argt arg))
         ) args;
         pr ") ->\n";
         pr "  %s(G" name;
         List.iter (
           fun arg ->
-            pr ", %s" (String.capitalize (name_of_argt arg))
+            pr ", %s" (String.capitalize_ascii (name_of_argt arg))
         ) args;
         pr ", []";
         pr ").\n"
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ loop(Port) ->
           pr "%s(G" alias;
           List.iter (
             fun arg ->
-              pr ", %s" (String.capitalize (name_of_argt arg))
+              pr ", %s" (String.capitalize_ascii (name_of_argt arg))
           ) args;
           if optargs <> [] then
             pr ", Optargs";
@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ loop(Port) ->
           pr "  %s(G" name;
           List.iter (
             fun arg ->
-              pr ", %s" (String.capitalize (name_of_argt arg))
+              pr ", %s" (String.capitalize_ascii (name_of_argt arg))
           ) args;
           if optargs <> [] then
             pr ", Optargs";
@@ -166,14 +167,14 @@ loop(Port) ->
             pr "%s(G" alias;
             List.iter (
               fun arg ->
-                pr ", %s" (String.capitalize (name_of_argt arg))
+                pr ", %s" (String.capitalize_ascii (name_of_argt arg))
             ) args;
             pr ") ->\n";
             pr "  %s(G" name;
             List.iter (
               fun arg ->
-                pr ", %s" (String.capitalize (name_of_argt arg))
+                pr ", %s" (String.capitalize_ascii (name_of_argt arg))
             ) args;
             pr ").\n"
@@ -404,7 +405,7 @@ instead of erl_interface.
         List.iter (
           fun argt ->
             let n = name_of_optargt argt in
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "    if (atom_equals (hd_name, \"%s\")) {\n" n;
             pr "      optargs_s.bitmask |= %s_%s_BITMASK;\n"
               c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
@@ -457,12 +458,12 @@ instead of erl_interface.
         | OBool _ | OInt _ | OInt64 _ -> ()
         | OString n ->
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "  if ((optargs_s.bitmask & %s_%s_BITMASK))\n"
               c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
             pr "    free ((char *) optargs_s.%s);\n" n
         | OStringList n ->
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "  if ((optargs_s.bitmask & %s_%s_BITMASK))\n"
               c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
             pr "    guestfs_int_free_string_list ((char **) optargs_s.%s);\n" n
diff --git a/generator/events.ml b/generator/events.ml
index c92c760..7188e12 100644
--- a/generator/events.ml
+++ b/generator/events.ml
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 (* Please read generator/README first. *)
+open Common_utils
 open Utils
 (* NB: DO NOT REORDER THESE, as doing so will change the ABI.  Only
diff --git a/generator/fish.ml b/generator/fish.ml
index 62752e8..9ef7a30 100644
--- a/generator/fish.ml
+++ b/generator/fish.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ let doc_opttype_of = function
 let get_aliases { fish_alias = fish_alias; non_c_aliases = non_c_aliases } =
   let non_c_aliases =
-    List.map (fun n -> replace_char n '_' '-') non_c_aliases in
+    List.map (fun n -> String.replace_char n '_' '-') non_c_aliases in
   fish_alias @ non_c_aliases
 let all_functions_commands_and_aliases_sorted =
@@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ let all_functions_commands_and_aliases_sorted =
 let c_quoted_indented ~indent str =
   let str = c_quote str in
-  let str = replace_str str "\\n" ("\\n\"\n" ^ indent ^ "\"") in
+  let str = String.replace str "\\n" ("\\n\"\n" ^ indent ^ "\"") in
 (* Generate run_* functions and header for libguestfs API functions. *)
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ let generate_fish_run_cmds actions () =
         List.iter (
           fun argt ->
             let n = name_of_optargt argt in
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             let len = String.length n in
             pr "if (STRPREFIX (argv[i], \"%s:\")) {\n" n;
             (match argt with
@@ -466,7 +467,7 @@ let generate_fish_run_cmds actions () =
       List.iter (
         | OStringList n ->
-          let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+          let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
           pr "  if ((optargs_s.bitmask & %s_%s_BITMASK) &&\n"
             c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
           pr "      optargs_s.%s != NULL)\n" n;
@@ -539,9 +540,9 @@ let generate_fish_cmd_entries actions () =
            shortdesc = shortdesc; longdesc = longdesc } as f) ->
       let aliases = get_aliases f in
-      let name2 = replace_char name '_' '-' in
+      let name2 = String.replace_char name '_' '-' in
-      let longdesc = replace_str longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<" in
+      let longdesc = String.replace longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<" in
       let synopsis =
         match args with
         | [] -> name2
@@ -625,7 +626,7 @@ let generate_fish_cmds () =
     fun ({ name = name; shortdesc = shortdesc; longdesc = longdesc } as f) ->
       let aliases = get_aliases f in
-      let name2 = replace_char name '_' '-' in
+      let name2 = String.replace_char name '_' '-' in
       let describe_alias =
         if aliases <> [] then
           sprintf "\n\nYou can use %s as an alias for this command."
@@ -656,13 +657,13 @@ let generate_fish_cmds () =
   pr "  list_builtin_commands ();\n";
   List.iter (
     fun (name, f) ->
-      let name = replace_char name '_' '-' in
+      let name = String.replace_char name '_' '-' in
       match f with
       | Function shortdesc ->
         pr "  printf (\"%%-20s %%s\\n\", \"%s\", _(\"%s\"));\n"
           name shortdesc
       | Alias f ->
-        let f = replace_char f '_' '-' in
+        let f = String.replace_char f '_' '-' in
         pr "  printf (\"%%-20s \", \"%s\");\n" name;
         pr "  printf (_(\"alias for '%%s'\"), \"%s\");\n" f;
         pr "  putchar ('\\n');\n"
@@ -771,7 +772,7 @@ struct command_table;
   List.iter (
     fun ({ name = name } as f) ->
       let aliases = get_aliases f in
-      let name2 = replace_char name '_' '-' in
+      let name2 = String.replace_char name '_' '-' in
       (* The basic command. *)
       pr "%s, &%s_cmd_entry\n" name name;
@@ -817,7 +818,7 @@ static const char *const commands[] = {
     List.map (
       fun ({ name = name } as f) ->
         let aliases = get_aliases f in
-        let name2 = replace_char name '_' '-' in
+        let name2 = String.replace_char name '_' '-' in
         name2 :: aliases
     ) (fish_functions_and_commands_sorted) in
   let commands = List.flatten commands in
@@ -894,9 +895,9 @@ and generate_fish_actions_pod () =
               try Str.matched_group 1 s
               with Not_found ->
                 failwithf "error substituting C<guestfs_...> in longdesc of function %s" name in
-            "L</" ^ replace_char sub '_' '-' ^ ">"
+            "L</" ^ String.replace_char sub '_' '-' ^ ">"
         ) longdesc in
-      let name = replace_char name '_' '-' in
+      let name = String.replace_char name '_' '-' in
       List.iter (
         fun name ->
@@ -961,7 +962,7 @@ and generate_fish_commands_pod () =
   List.iter (
     fun ({ name = name; longdesc = longdesc } as f) ->
       let aliases = get_aliases f in
-      let name = replace_char name '_' '-' in
+      let name = String.replace_char name '_' '-' in
       List.iter (
         fun name ->
@@ -1127,7 +1128,8 @@ event_bitmask_of_event_set (const char *arg, uint64_t *eventset_r)
   List.iter (
     fun (name, _) ->
       pr "if (STREQLEN (arg, \"%s\", n))\n" name;
-      pr "      *eventset_r |= GUESTFS_EVENT_%s;\n" (String.uppercase name);
+      pr "      *eventset_r |= GUESTFS_EVENT_%s;\n"
+         (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "    else ";
   ) events;
@@ -1166,7 +1168,7 @@ $VG guestfish \\
     fun i (name, _, _, _) ->
       let params = [name] in
       let params =
-        if find name "lv" <> -1 then (
+        if String.find name "lv" <> -1 then (
           incr vg_count;
           sprintf "/dev/VG%d/LV" !vg_count :: params
         ) else params in
diff --git a/generator/gobject.ml b/generator/gobject.ml
index 7ee73a6..e14ea20 100644
--- a/generator/gobject.ml
+++ b/generator/gobject.ml
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Actions
 open Docstrings
 open Events
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ let filenames =
 let header_start filename =
   generate_header CStyle GPLv2plus;
   let guard = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "-") "_" filename in
-  let guard = "GUESTFS_GOBJECT_" ^ String.uppercase guard ^ "_H__" in
+  let guard = "GUESTFS_GOBJECT_" ^ String.uppercase_ascii guard ^ "_H__" in
   pr "#ifndef %s\n" guard;
   pr "#define %s\n" guard;
   pr "
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ G_BEGIN_DECLS
 and header_end filename =
   let guard = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "-") "_" filename in
-  let guard = "GUESTFS_GOBJECT_" ^ String.uppercase guard ^ "_H__" in
+  let guard = "GUESTFS_GOBJECT_" ^ String.uppercase_ascii guard ^ "_H__" in
   pr "
@@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ let generate_gobject_struct_source filename typ () =
 let generate_gobject_optargs_header filename name f () =
   header_start filename;
-  let uc_name = String.uppercase name in
+  let uc_name = String.uppercase_ascii name in
   let camel_name = camel_of_name f in
   let type_define = "GUESTFS_TYPE_" ^ uc_name in
@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ let generate_gobject_optargs_source filename name optargs f () =
     "An object encapsulating optional arguments for guestfs_session_" ^ name in
   source_start ~shortdesc:desc ~longdesc:desc filename;
-  let uc_name = String.uppercase name in
+  let uc_name = String.uppercase_ascii name in
   let camel_name = camel_of_name f in
   let type_define = "GUESTFS_TYPE_" ^ uc_name in
@@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ let generate_gobject_optargs_source filename name optargs f () =
   pr "  PROP_GUESTFS_%s_PROP0" uc_name;
   List.iter (
     fun optargt ->
-      let uc_optname = String.uppercase (name_of_optargt optargt) in
+      let uc_optname = String.uppercase_ascii (name_of_optargt optargt) in
       pr ",\n  PROP_GUESTFS_%s_%s" uc_name uc_optname;
   ) optargs;
   pr "\n};\n\n";
@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ let generate_gobject_optargs_source filename name optargs f () =
     function OStringList _ -> () (* XXX *)
     | optargt ->
       let optname = name_of_optargt optargt in
-      let uc_optname = String.uppercase optname in
+      let uc_optname = String.uppercase_ascii optname in
       pr "    case PROP_GUESTFS_%s_%s:\n" uc_name uc_optname;
       (match optargt with
       | OString n ->
@@ -435,7 +436,7 @@ let generate_gobject_optargs_source filename name optargs f () =
     function OStringList _ -> () (* XXX *)
     | optargt ->
       let optname = name_of_optargt optargt in
-      let uc_optname = String.uppercase optname in
+      let uc_optname = String.uppercase_ascii optname in
       pr "    case PROP_GUESTFS_%s_%s:\n" uc_name uc_optname;
       let set_value_func = match optargt with
       | OBool _   -> "enum"
@@ -508,7 +509,7 @@ let generate_gobject_optargs_source filename name optargs f () =
       pr "   */\n";
       pr "  g_object_class_install_property (\n";
       pr "    object_class,\n";
-      pr "    PROP_GUESTFS_%s_%s,\n" uc_name (String.uppercase optname);
+      pr "    PROP_GUESTFS_%s_%s,\n" uc_name (String.uppercase_ascii optname);
       pr "    g_param_spec_%s (\n" type_spec;
       pr "      \"%s\",\n" optname;
       pr "      \"%s\",\n" optname;
@@ -607,7 +608,7 @@ let generate_gobject_session_header () =
   List.iter (
     fun (name, _) ->
       pr " * @GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_%s: The %s event\n"
-        (String.uppercase name) name;
+        (String.uppercase_ascii name) name;
   ) events;
   pr " *
@@ -618,7 +619,7 @@ typedef enum {";
   List.iter (
     fun (name, _) ->
-      pr "\n  GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_%s," (String.uppercase name);
+      pr "\n  GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_%s," (String.uppercase_ascii name);
   ) events;
   pr "
@@ -776,8 +777,8 @@ guestfs_session_event_from_guestfs_event (uint64_t event)
   List.iter (
     fun (name, _) ->
-      let enum_name = "GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_" ^ String.uppercase name in
-      let guestfs_name = "GUESTFS_EVENT_" ^ String.uppercase name in
+      let enum_name = "GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_" ^ String.uppercase_ascii name in
+      let guestfs_name = "GUESTFS_EVENT_" ^ String.uppercase_ascii name in
       pr "\n    case %s: return %s;" guestfs_name enum_name;
   ) events;
@@ -830,7 +831,7 @@ guestfs_session_event_get_type (void)
   List.iter (
     fun (name, _) ->
-      let enum_name = "GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_" ^ String.uppercase name in
+      let enum_name = "GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_" ^ String.uppercase_ascii name in
       pr "\n      { %s, \"%s\", \"%s\" }," enum_name enum_name name
   ) events;
@@ -887,7 +888,8 @@ guestfs_session_class_init (GuestfsSessionClass *klass)
       pr "   * See \"SETTING CALLBACKS TO HANDLE EVENTS\" in guestfs(3) for\n";
       pr "   * more details about this event.\n";
       pr "   */\n";
-      pr "  signals[GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_%s] =\n" (String.uppercase name);
+      pr "  signals[GUESTFS_SESSION_EVENT_%s] =\n"
+         (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "    g_signal_new (g_intern_static_string (\"%s\"),\n" name;
       pr "                 G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (object_class),\n";
       pr "                 G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,\n";
@@ -1156,7 +1158,7 @@ guestfs_session_close (GuestfsSession *session, GError **err)
         pr "  if (optargs) {\n";
         pr "    argv.bitmask = 0;\n\n";
         let set_property name typ v_typ get_typ unset =
-          let uc_name = String.uppercase name in
+          let uc_name = String.uppercase_ascii name in
           pr "    GValue %s_v = {0, };\n" name;
           pr "    g_value_init (&%s_v, %s);\n" name v_typ;
           pr "    g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (optargs), \"%s\", &%s_v);\n" name name;
diff --git a/generator/java.ml b/generator/java.ml
index 260e28c..a68054c 100644
--- a/generator/java.ml
+++ b/generator/java.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -156,7 +157,8 @@ public class GuestFS {
       pr "   *\n";
       pr "   * @see #set_event_callback\n";
       pr "   */\n";
-      pr "  public static final long EVENT_%s = 0x%x;\n" (String.uppercase name) bitmask;
+      pr "  public static final long EVENT_%s = 0x%x;\n"
+         (String.uppercase_ascii name) bitmask;
       pr "\n";
   ) events;
@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@ public class GuestFS {
       let ret, args, optargs = f.style in
       if is_documented f then (
-        let doc = replace_str f.longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<g." in
+        let doc = String.replace f.longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<g." in
         let doc =
           if optargs <> [] then
             doc ^ "\n\nOptional arguments are supplied in the final Map<String,Object> parameter, which is a hash of the argument name to its value (cast to Object).  Pass an empty Map or null for no optional arguments."
@@ -625,7 +627,7 @@ throw_out_of_memory (JNIEnv *env, const char *msg)
       pr "JNICALL\n";
       pr "Java_com_redhat_et_libguestfs_GuestFS_";
-      pr "%s" (replace_str ("_" ^ name) "_" "_1");
+      pr "%s" (String.replace ("_" ^ name) "_" "_1");
       pr "  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jlong jg";
       List.iter (
diff --git a/generator/lua.ml b/generator/lua.ml
index d3b0b27..e48bb3e 100644
--- a/generator/lua.ml
+++ b/generator/lua.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -529,7 +530,7 @@ guestfs_int_lua_delete_event_callback (lua_State *L)
         List.iter (
           fun optarg ->
             let n = name_of_optargt optarg in
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "    OPTARG_IF_SET (%d, \"%s\",\n" optarg_index n;
             pr "      optargs_s.bitmask |= %s_%s_BITMASK;\n"
               c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
diff --git a/generator/ocaml.ml b/generator/ocaml.ml
index f76a3ab..5a85d38 100644
--- a/generator/ocaml.ml
+++ b/generator/ocaml.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ type event =
   List.iter (
     fun (name, _) ->
-      pr "  | EVENT_%s\n" (String.uppercase name)
+      pr "  | EVENT_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name)
   ) events;
   pr "\n";
@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ type event =
   List.iter (
     fun (name, _) ->
-      pr "  | EVENT_%s\n" (String.uppercase name)
+      pr "  | EVENT_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name)
   ) events;
   pr "\n";
@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ let event_all = [
   List.iter (
     fun (name, _) ->
-      pr "  EVENT_%s;\n" (String.uppercase name)
+      pr "  EVENT_%s;\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name)
   ) events;
   pr "\
@@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ module Errno = struct
   List.iter (
     fun e ->
-      let le = String.lowercase e in
+      let le = String.lowercase_ascii e in
       pr "  external %s : unit -> int = \"guestfs_int_ocaml_get_%s\" \"noalloc\"\n"
         le e;
       pr "  let errno_%s = %s ()\n" e le
@@ -637,7 +638,7 @@ copy_table (char * const * argv)
         List.iter (
           fun argt ->
             let n = name_of_optargt argt in
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "  if (%sv != Val_int (0)) {\n" n;
             pr "    optargs_s.bitmask |= %s_%s_BITMASK;\n" c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
             (match argt with
diff --git a/generator/perl.ml b/generator/perl.ml
index 94d7c4f..290b687 100644
--- a/generator/perl.ml
+++ b/generator/perl.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -455,7 +456,7 @@ PREINIT:
         List.iter (
           fun argt ->
             let n = name_of_optargt argt in
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "if (STREQ (this_arg, \"%s\")) {\n" n;
             (match argt with
              | OBool _
@@ -787,14 +788,14 @@ when the final reference is cleaned up is OK).
   List.iter (
     fun (name, bitmask) ->
-      pr "=item $Sys::Guestfs::EVENT_%s\n" (String.uppercase name);
+      pr "=item $Sys::Guestfs::EVENT_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "\n";
       pr "See L<guestfs(3)/GUESTFS_EVENT_%s>.\n"
-        (String.uppercase name);
+        (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "\n";
       pr "=cut\n";
       pr "\n";
-      pr "our $EVENT_%s = 0x%x;\n" (String.uppercase name) bitmask;
+      pr "our $EVENT_%s = 0x%x;\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name) bitmask;
       pr "\n"
   ) events;
@@ -888,7 +889,7 @@ errnos:
   List.iter (
     fun ({ name = name; style = style;
            longdesc = longdesc; non_c_aliases = non_c_aliases } as f) ->
-      let longdesc = replace_str longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<$g-E<gt>" in
+      let longdesc = String.replace longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<$g-E<gt>" in
       pr "=item ";
       generate_perl_prototype name style;
       pr "\n\n";
diff --git a/generator/pr.ml b/generator/pr.ml
index 616e6f9..666cd41 100644
--- a/generator/pr.ml
+++ b/generator/pr.ml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 open Unix
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Utils
 (* Output channel, 'pr' prints to this. *)
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ let fileshash = Hashtbl.create 13
 let pr fs =
     (fun str ->
-       let i = count_chars '\n' str in
+       let i = String.count_chars '\n' str in
        lines := !lines + i;
        output_string !chan str
     ) fs
diff --git a/generator/python.ml b/generator/python.ml
index 281fb0a..1e24a59 100644
--- a/generator/python.ml
+++ b/generator/python.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -94,14 +95,14 @@ extern PyObject *guestfs_int_py_put_table (char * const * const argv);
   let emit_put_list_decl typ =
-    pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s\n" (String.uppercase typ);
+    pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii typ);
     pr "extern PyObject *guestfs_int_py_put_%s_list (struct guestfs_%s_list *%ss);\n" typ typ typ;
     pr "#endif\n";
   List.iter (
     fun { s_name = typ } ->
-      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s\n" (String.uppercase typ);
+      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii typ);
       pr "extern PyObject *guestfs_int_py_put_%s (struct guestfs_%s *%s);\n" typ typ typ;
       pr "#endif\n";
   ) external_structs;
@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ extern PyObject *guestfs_int_py_put_table (char * const * const argv);
   List.iter (
     fun { name = name; c_name = c_name } ->
-      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_%s\n" (String.uppercase c_name);
+      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii c_name);
       pr "extern PyObject *guestfs_int_py_%s (PyObject *self, PyObject *args);\n" name;
       pr "#endif\n"
   ) (actions |> external_functions |> sort);
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ and generate_python_structs () =
   let emit_put_list_function typ =
-    pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s\n" (String.uppercase typ);
+    pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii typ);
     pr "PyObject *\n";
     pr "guestfs_int_py_put_%s_list (struct guestfs_%s_list *%ss)\n" typ typ typ;
     pr "{\n";
@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ and generate_python_structs () =
   (* Structures, turned into Python dictionaries. *)
   List.iter (
     fun { s_name = typ; s_cols = cols } ->
-      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s\n" (String.uppercase typ);
+      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_STRUCT_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii typ);
       pr "PyObject *\n";
       pr "guestfs_int_py_put_%s (struct guestfs_%s *%s)\n" typ typ typ;
       pr "{\n";
@@ -279,7 +280,7 @@ and generate_python_actions actions () =
           blocking = blocking;
           c_name = c_name;
           c_function = c_function; c_optarg_prefix = c_optarg_prefix } ->
-      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_%s\n" (String.uppercase c_name);
+      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii c_name);
       pr "PyObject *\n";
       pr "guestfs_int_py_%s (PyObject *self, PyObject *args)\n" name;
       pr "{\n";
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ and generate_python_actions actions () =
         List.iter (
           fun optarg ->
             let n = name_of_optargt optarg in
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "#ifdef %s_%s_BITMASK\n" c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
             pr "  if (py_%s != Py_None) {\n" n;
             pr "    optargs_s.bitmask |= %s_%s_BITMASK;\n" c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
@@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ and generate_python_actions actions () =
         | OBool _ | OInt _ | OInt64 _ | OString _ -> ()
         | OStringList n ->
-          let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+          let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
           pr "#ifdef %s_%s_BITMASK\n" c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
           pr "  if (py_%s != Py_None && (optargs_s.bitmask & %s_%s_BITMASK) != 0)\n"
             n c_optarg_prefix uc_n;
@@ -606,7 +607,7 @@ and generate_python_module () =
   pr "    guestfs_int_py_event_to_string, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n";
   List.iter (
     fun { name = name; c_name = c_name } ->
-      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_%s\n" (String.uppercase c_name);
+      pr "#ifdef GUESTFS_HAVE_%s\n" (String.uppercase_ascii c_name);
       pr "  { (char *) \"%s\", guestfs_int_py_%s, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n"
         name name;
       pr "#endif\n"
@@ -732,7 +733,7 @@ import libguestfsmod
   List.iter (
     fun (name, bitmask) ->
-      pr "EVENT_%s = 0x%x\n" (String.uppercase name) bitmask
+      pr "EVENT_%s = 0x%x\n" (String.uppercase_ascii name) bitmask
   ) events;
   pr "EVENT_ALL = 0x%x\n" all_events_bitmask;
   pr "\n";
@@ -855,7 +856,7 @@ class GuestFS(object):
         f.name (indent_python decl_string (9 + len_name) 78);
       if is_documented f then (
-        let doc = replace_str f.longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<g." in
+        let doc = String.replace f.longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<g." in
         let doc =
           match ret with
           | RErr | RInt _ | RInt64 _ | RBool _
@@ -883,7 +884,7 @@ class GuestFS(object):
           | Some opt ->
             doc ^ sprintf "\n\nThis function depends on the feature C<%s>.  See also C<g.feature-available>." opt in
         let doc = pod2text ~width:60 f.name doc in
-        let doc = List.map (fun line -> replace_str line "\\" "\\\\") doc in
+        let doc = List.map (fun line -> String.replace line "\\" "\\\\") doc in
         let doc =
           match doc with
           | [] -> ""
diff --git a/generator/ruby.ml b/generator/ruby.ml
index 74d206f..0b7cbed 100644
--- a/generator/ruby.ml
+++ b/generator/ruby.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ and generate_ruby_c actions () =
       (* Generate rdoc. *)
       if is_documented f then (
-        let doc = replace_str f.longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<g." in
+        let doc = String.replace f.longdesc "C<guestfs_" "C<g." in
         let doc =
           if optargs <> [] then
             doc ^ "\n\nOptional arguments are supplied in the final hash parameter, which is a hash of the argument name to its value.  Pass an empty {} for no optional arguments."
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ and generate_ruby_c actions () =
           else doc in
         let doc = pod2text ~width:60 f.name doc in
         let doc = String.concat "\n * " doc in
-        let doc = trim doc in
+        let doc = String.trim doc in
         let doc =
           match version_added f with
           | None -> doc
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ and generate_ruby_c actions () =
         (* Because Ruby documentation appears as C comments, we must
          * replace any instance of "/*".
-        let doc = replace_str doc "/*" "/ *" in
+        let doc = String.replace doc "/*" "/ *" in
         let args = List.map name_of_argt args in
         let args = if optargs <> [] then args @ ["{optargs...}"] else args in
@@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ and generate_ruby_c actions () =
         List.iter (
           fun argt ->
             let n = name_of_optargt argt in
-            let uc_n = String.uppercase n in
+            let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
             pr "  v = rb_hash_lookup (optargsv, ID2SYM (rb_intern (\"%s\")));\n" n;
             pr "  if (v != Qnil) {\n";
             (match argt with
@@ -483,7 +484,7 @@ Init__guestfs (void)
   List.iter (
     fun (name, bitmask) ->
       pr "  rb_define_const (m_guestfs, \"EVENT_%s\",\n"
-        (String.uppercase name);
+        (String.uppercase_ascii name);
       pr "                   ULL2NUM (UINT64_C (0x%x)));\n" bitmask;
   ) events;
   pr "  rb_define_const (m_guestfs, \"EVENT_ALL\",\n";
diff --git a/generator/tests_c_api.ml b/generator/tests_c_api.ml
index 21ef6e3..8b98927 100644
--- a/generator/tests_c_api.ml
+++ b/generator/tests_c_api.ml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 open Printf
+open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Pr
@@ -201,7 +202,9 @@ static int
   return 0;
-" test_name name (String.uppercase test_name) (String.uppercase name);
+" test_name name
+     (String.uppercase_ascii test_name)
+     (String.uppercase_ascii name);
   if not_disabled then (
     generate_test_perform name i test_name test;
@@ -441,7 +444,7 @@ and generate_test_command_call ?(expect_error = false) ?(do_return = true) ?test
     | StringList _, arg, sym
     | DeviceList _, arg, sym
     | FilenameList _, arg, sym ->
-      let strs = string_split " " arg in
+      let strs = String.nsplit " " arg in
       iteri (
         fun i str ->
           pr "  const char *%s_%d = \"%s\";\n" sym i (c_quote str);
@@ -489,7 +492,7 @@ and generate_test_command_call ?(expect_error = false) ?(do_return = true) ?test
           | OStringList n, "" ->
             pr "  const char *const %s[1] = { NULL };\n" n; true
           | OStringList n, arg ->
-            let strs = string_split " " arg in
+            let strs = String.nsplit " " arg in
             iteri (
               fun i str ->
                 pr "  const char *%s_%d = \"%s\";\n" n i (c_quote str);
@@ -519,10 +522,10 @@ and generate_test_command_call ?(expect_error = false) ?(do_return = true) ?test
     pr "  CLEANUP_FREE_STRING_LIST char **%s;\n" ret;
   | RStruct (_, typ) ->
     pr "  CLEANUP_FREE_%s struct guestfs_%s *%s;\n"
-      (String.uppercase typ) typ ret
+      (String.uppercase_ascii typ) typ ret
   | RStructList (_, typ) ->
     pr "  CLEANUP_FREE_%s_LIST struct guestfs_%s_list *%s;\n"
-      (String.uppercase typ) typ ret
+      (String.uppercase_ascii typ) typ ret
   | RBufferOut _ ->
     pr "  CLEANUP_FREE char *%s;\n" ret;
     pr "  size_t size;\n"
diff --git a/generator/uefi.ml b/generator/uefi.ml
index 88e54b8..80b8739 100644
--- a/generator/uefi.ml
+++ b/generator/uefi.ml
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 (* Please read generator/README first. *)
+open Common_utils
 open Utils
 open Pr
 open Docstrings
diff --git a/generator/utils.ml b/generator/utils.ml
index 3e81433..ba5e045 100644
--- a/generator/utils.ml
+++ b/generator/utils.ml
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
  * makes this a bit harder than it should be.
+open Common_utils
 open Unix
 open Printf
@@ -119,85 +121,6 @@ let rstructs_used_by functions =
 let failwithf fs = ksprintf failwith fs
-let unique = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; !i
-let replace_char s c1 c2 =
-  let b2 = Bytes.of_string s in
-  let r = ref false in
-  for i = 0 to Bytes.length b2 - 1 do
-    if Bytes.unsafe_get b2 i = c1 then (
-      Bytes.unsafe_set b2 i c2;
-      r := true
-    )
-  done;
-  if not !r then s else Bytes.to_string b2
-let isspace c =
-  c = ' '
-  (* || c = '\f' *) || c = '\n' || c = '\r' || c = '\t' (* || c = '\v' *)
-let triml ?(test = isspace) str =
-  let i = ref 0 in
-  let n = ref (String.length str) in
-  while !n > 0 && test str.[!i]; do
-    decr n;
-    incr i
-  done;
-  if !i = 0 then str
-  else String.sub str !i !n
-let trimr ?(test = isspace) str =
-  let n = ref (String.length str) in
-  while !n > 0 && test str.[!n-1]; do
-    decr n
-  done;
-  if !n = String.length str then str
-  else String.sub str 0 !n
-let trim ?(test = isspace) str =
-  trimr ~test (triml ~test str)
-let rec find s sub =
-  let len = String.length s in
-  let sublen = String.length sub in
-  let rec loop i =
-    if i <= len-sublen then (
-      let rec loop2 j =
-        if j < sublen then (
-          if s.[i+j] = sub.[j] then loop2 (j+1)
-          else -1
-        ) else
-          i (* found *)
-      in
-      let r = loop2 0 in
-      if r = -1 then loop (i+1) else r
-    ) else
-      -1 (* not found *)
-  in
-  loop 0
-let rec replace_str s s1 s2 =
-  let len = String.length s in
-  let sublen = String.length s1 in
-  let i = find s s1 in
-  if i = -1 then s
-  else (
-    let s' = String.sub s 0 i in
-    let s'' = String.sub s (i+sublen) (len-i-sublen) in
-    s' ^ s2 ^ replace_str s'' s1 s2
-  )
-let rec string_split sep str =
-  let len = String.length str in
-  let seplen = String.length sep in
-  let i = find str sep in
-  if i = -1 then [str]
-  else (
-    let s' = String.sub str 0 i in
-    let s'' = String.sub str (i+seplen) (len-i-seplen) in
-    s' :: string_split sep s''
-  )
 let files_equal n1 n2 =
   let cmd = sprintf "cmp -s %s %s" (Filename.quote n1) (Filename.quote n2) in
   match Sys.command cmd with
@@ -205,70 +128,6 @@ let files_equal n1 n2 =
   | 1 -> false
   | i -> failwithf "%s: failed with error code %d" cmd i
-let (|>) x f = f x
-let rec filter_map f = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | x :: xs ->
-      match f x with
-      | Some y -> y :: filter_map f xs
-      | None -> filter_map f xs
-let rec find_map f = function
-  | [] -> raise Not_found
-  | x :: xs ->
-      match f x with
-      | Some y -> y
-      | None -> find_map f xs
-let iteri f xs =
-  let rec loop i = function
-    | [] -> ()
-    | x :: xs -> f i x; loop (i+1) xs
-  in
-  loop 0 xs
-let mapi f xs =
-  let rec loop i = function
-    | [] -> []
-    | x :: xs -> let r = f i x in r :: loop (i+1) xs
-  in
-  loop 0 xs
-let uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) xs =
-  let rec loop acc = function
-    | [] -> acc
-    | [x] -> x :: acc
-    | x :: (y :: _ as xs) when cmp x y = 0 ->
-       loop acc xs
-    | x :: (y :: _ as xs) ->
-       loop (x :: acc) xs
-  in
-  List.rev (loop [] xs)
-let sort_uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) xs =
-  let xs = List.sort cmp xs in
-  let xs = uniq ~cmp xs in
-  xs
-let count_chars c str =
-  let count = ref 0 in
-  for i = 0 to String.length str - 1 do
-    if c = String.unsafe_get str i then incr count
-  done;
-  !count
-let explode str =
-  let r = ref [] in
-  for i = 0 to String.length str - 1 do
-    let c = String.unsafe_get str i in
-    r := c :: !r;
-  done;
-  List.rev !r
-let map_chars f str =
-  List.map f (explode str)
 let name_of_argt = function
   | Pathname n | Device n | Mountable n | Dev_or_Path n
   | Mountable_or_Path n | String n | OptString n
@@ -290,14 +149,20 @@ let seq_of_test = function
   | TestRunOrUnsupported s -> s
 let c_quote str =
-  let str = replace_str str "\\" "\\\\" in
-  let str = replace_str str "\r" "\\r" in
-  let str = replace_str str "\n" "\\n" in
-  let str = replace_str str "\t" "\\t" in
-  let str = replace_str str "\000" "\\0" in
-  let str = replace_str str "\"" "\\\"" in
+  let str = String.replace str "\\" "\\\\" in
+  let str = String.replace str "\r" "\\r" in
+  let str = String.replace str "\n" "\\n" in
+  let str = String.replace str "\t" "\\t" in
+  let str = String.replace str "\000" "\\0" in
+  let str = String.replace str "\"" "\\\"" in
+let html_escape text =
+  let text = String.replace text "&" "&" in
+  let text = String.replace text "<" "<" in
+  let text = String.replace text ">" ">" in
+  text
 (* Used to memoize the result of pod2text. *)
 type memo_key = int option * bool * bool * string * string
                 (* width,    trim, discard, name,   longdesc *)
@@ -356,7 +221,7 @@ let pod2text ?width ?(trim = true) ?(discard = true) name longdesc =
       if i = 1 && discard then  (* discard the first line of output *)
         loop (i+1)
       else (
-        let line = if trim then triml line else line in
+        let line = if trim then String.triml line else line in
         lines := line :: !lines;
         loop (i+1)
       ) in
@@ -376,8 +241,6 @@ let pod2text ?width ?(trim = true) ?(discard = true) name longdesc =
 (* Compare two actions (for sorting). *)
 let action_compare { name = n1 } { name = n2 } = compare n1 n2
-let spaces n = String.make n ' '
 let args_of_optargs optargs =
   List.map (
@@ -387,9 +250,3 @@ let args_of_optargs optargs =
     | OString n -> String n
     | OStringList n -> StringList n
   ) optargs
-let html_escape text =
-  let text = replace_str text "&" "&" in
-  let text = replace_str text "<" "<" in
-  let text = replace_str text ">" ">" in
-  text
diff --git a/generator/utils.mli b/generator/utils.mli
index c7d3f2c..ae6f239 100644
--- a/generator/utils.mli
+++ b/generator/utils.mli
@@ -44,65 +44,10 @@ val rstructs_used_by : Types.action list -> (string * rstructs_used_t) list
 val failwithf : ('a, unit, string, 'b) format4 -> 'a
 (** Like [failwith] but supports printf-like arguments. *)
-val unique : unit -> int
-(** Returns a unique number each time called. *)
-val replace_char : string -> char -> char -> string
-(** Replace character in string. *)
-val isspace : char -> bool
-(** Return true if char is a whitespace character. *)
-val triml : ?test:(char -> bool) -> string -> string
-(** Trim left. *)
-val trimr : ?test:(char -> bool) -> string -> string
-(** Trim right. *)
-val trim : ?test:(char -> bool) -> string -> string
-(** Trim left and right. *)
-val find : string -> string -> int
-(** [find str sub] searches for [sub] in [str], returning the index
-    or -1 if not found. *)
-val replace_str : string -> string -> string -> string
-(** [replace_str str s1 s2] replaces [s1] with [s2] throughout [str]. *)
-val string_split : string -> string -> string list
-(** [string_split sep str] splits [str] at [sep]. *)
 val files_equal : string -> string -> bool
 (** [files_equal filename1 filename2] returns true if the files contain
     the same content. *)
-val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
-(** Added in OCaml 4.01, we can remove our definition when we
-    can assume this minimum version of OCaml. *)
-val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
-val find_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b
-val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a list -> unit
-val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
-val uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(** Uniquify a list (the list must be sorted first). *)
-val sort_uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(** Sort and uniquify a list. *)
-val count_chars : char -> string -> int
-(** Count number of times the character occurs in string. *)
-val explode : string -> char list
-(** Explode a string into a list of characters. *)
-val map_chars : (char -> 'a) -> string -> 'a list
-(** Explode string, then map function over the characters. *)
 val name_of_argt : Types.argt -> string
 (** Extract argument name. *)
@@ -115,6 +60,9 @@ val seq_of_test : Types.c_api_test -> Types.seq
 val c_quote : string -> string
 (** Perform quoting on a string so it is safe to include in a C source file. *)
+val html_escape : string -> string
+(** Escape a text for HTML display. *)
 val pod2text : ?width:int -> ?trim:bool -> ?discard:bool -> string -> string -> string list
   (** [pod2text ?width ?trim ?discard name longdesc] converts the POD in
       [longdesc] to plain ASCII lines of text.
@@ -133,11 +81,5 @@ val pod2text : ?width:int -> ?trim:bool -> ?discard:bool -> string -> string ->
 val action_compare : Types.action -> Types.action -> int
   (** Compare the names of two actions, for sorting. *)
-val spaces : int -> string
-(** [spaces n] creates a string of n spaces. *)
 val args_of_optargs : Types.optargs -> Types.args
 (** Convert a list of optargs into an equivalent list of args *)
-val html_escape : string -> string
-(** Escape a text for HTML display. *)
diff --git a/mllib/common_utils.ml b/mllib/common_utils.ml
index 78618f5..e1d1ab8 100644
--- a/mllib/common_utils.ml
+++ b/mllib/common_utils.ml
@@ -16,7 +16,13 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+(* The parts between <stdlib>..</stdlib> are copied into the
+ * generator/common_utils.ml file.  These parts must ONLY use
+ * functions from the OCaml stdlib.
+ *)
 open Printf
 open Common_gettext.Gettext
 open Getopt.OptionName
@@ -25,6 +31,8 @@ external c_inspect_decrypt : Guestfs.t -> int64 -> unit = "guestfs_int_mllib_ins
 external c_set_echo_keys : unit -> unit = "guestfs_int_mllib_set_echo_keys" "noalloc"
 external c_set_keys_from_stdin : unit -> unit = "guestfs_int_mllib_set_keys_from_stdin" "noalloc"
 module Char = struct
     include Char
@@ -37,6 +45,20 @@ module Char = struct
       if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
       then unsafe_chr (code c - 32)
       else c
+    let isspace c =
+      c = ' '
+      (* || c = '\f' *) || c = '\n' || c = '\r' || c = '\t' (* || c = '\v' *)
+    let isdigit = function
+      | '0'..'9' -> true
+      | _ -> false
+    let isxdigit = function
+      | '0'..'9' -> true
+      | 'a'..'f' -> true
+      | 'A'..'F' -> true
+      | _ -> false
 module String = struct
@@ -53,6 +75,11 @@ module String = struct
     let lowercase_ascii s = map Char.lowercase_ascii s
     let uppercase_ascii s = map Char.uppercase_ascii s
+    let capitalize_ascii s =
+      let b = Bytes.of_string s in
+      Bytes.unsafe_set b 0 (Char.uppercase_ascii (Bytes.unsafe_get b 0));
+      Bytes.to_string b
     let is_prefix str prefix =
       let n = length prefix in
       length str >= n && sub str 0 n = prefix
@@ -92,6 +119,17 @@ module String = struct
         s' ^ s2 ^ replace s'' s1 s2
+    let replace_char s c1 c2 =
+      let b2 = Bytes.of_string s in
+      let r = ref false in
+      for i = 0 to Bytes.length b2 - 1 do
+        if Bytes.unsafe_get b2 i = c1 then (
+          Bytes.unsafe_set b2 i c2;
+          r := true
+        )
+      done;
+      if not !r then s else Bytes.to_string b2
     let rec nsplit sep str =
       let len = length str in
       let seplen = length sep in
@@ -152,10 +190,49 @@ module String = struct
             make 1 c
         ) [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8]
+    let triml ?(test = Char.isspace) str =
+      let i = ref 0 in
+      let n = ref (String.length str) in
+      while !n > 0 && test str.[!i]; do
+        decr n;
+        incr i
+      done;
+      if !i = 0 then str
+      else String.sub str !i !n
+    let trimr ?(test = Char.isspace) str =
+      let n = ref (String.length str) in
+      while !n > 0 && test str.[!n-1]; do
+        decr n
+      done;
+      if !n = String.length str then str
+      else String.sub str 0 !n
+    let trim ?(test = Char.isspace) str =
+      trimr ~test (triml ~test str)
+    let count_chars c str =
+      let count = ref 0 in
+      for i = 0 to String.length str - 1 do
+        if c = String.unsafe_get str i then incr count
+      done;
+      !count
+    let explode str =
+      let r = ref [] in
+      for i = 0 to String.length str - 1 do
+        let c = String.unsafe_get str i in
+        r := c :: !r;
+      done;
+      List.rev !r
+    let map_chars f str =
+      List.map f (explode str)
+    let spaces n = String.make n ' '
-exception Executable_not_found of string (* executable *)
 let (//) = Filename.concat
 let ( +^ ) = Int64.add
@@ -191,16 +268,6 @@ let le32_of_int i =
   Bytes.unsafe_set b 3 (Char.unsafe_chr (Int64.to_int c3));
   Bytes.to_string b
-let isdigit = function
-  | '0'..'9' -> true
-  | _ -> false
-let isxdigit = function
-  | '0'..'9' -> true
-  | 'a'..'f' -> true
-  | 'A'..'F' -> true
-  | _ -> false
 type wrap_break_t = WrapEOS | WrapSpace | WrapNL
 let rec wrap ?(chan = stdout) ?(indent = 0) str =
@@ -237,6 +304,8 @@ and _wrap_find_next_break i len str =
 and output_spaces chan n = for i = 0 to n-1 do output_char chan ' ' done
+let (|>) x f = f x
 (* Drop elements from a list while a predicate is true. *)
 let rec dropwhile f = function
   | [] -> []
@@ -255,6 +324,13 @@ let rec filter_map f = function
       | Some y -> y :: filter_map f xs
       | None -> filter_map f xs
+let rec find_map f = function
+  | [] -> raise Not_found
+  | x :: xs ->
+      match f x with
+      | Some y -> y
+      | None -> find_map f xs
 let iteri f xs =
   let rec loop i = function
     | [] -> ()
@@ -326,6 +402,8 @@ let pop_front xsp =
 let append xsp xs = xsp := !xsp @ xs
 let prepend xs xsp = xsp := xs @ !xsp
+let unique = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; !i
 let may f = function
   | None -> ()
   | Some x -> f x
@@ -339,6 +417,8 @@ let protect ~f ~finally =
   finally ();
   match r with Either ret -> ret | Or exn -> raise exn
+exception Executable_not_found of string (* executable *)
 let which executable =
   let paths =
     try String.nsplit ":" (Sys.getenv "PATH")
@@ -390,6 +470,8 @@ let ansi_magenta ?(chan = stdout) () =
 let ansi_restore ?(chan = stdout) () =
   if colours () || istty chan then output_string chan "\x1b[0m"
 (* Timestamped progress messages, used for ordinary messages when not
  * --quiet.
@@ -497,6 +579,8 @@ let print_version_and_exit () =
 let generated_by =
   sprintf (f_"generated by %s %s") prog Guestfs_config.package_version_full
 let read_whole_file path =
   let buf = Buffer.create 16384 in
   let chan = open_in path in
@@ -513,6 +597,8 @@ let read_whole_file path =
   close_in chan;
   Buffer.contents buf
 (* Parse a size field, eg. "10G". *)
 let parse_size =
   let const_re = Str.regexp "^\\([.0-9]+\\)\\([bKMG]\\)$" in
@@ -627,6 +713,8 @@ let create_standard_options argspec ?anon_fun ?(key_opts = false) usage_msg =
       else []) in
   Getopt.create argspec ?anon_fun usage_msg
 (* Compare two version strings intelligently. *)
 let rex_numbers = Str.regexp "^\\([0-9]+\\)\\(.*\\)$"
 let rex_letters = Str.regexp_case_fold "^\\([a-z]+\\)\\(.*\\)$"
@@ -684,6 +772,8 @@ let stringify_args args =
   | [] -> ""
   | app :: xs -> app ^ quote_args xs
 (* Run an external command, slurp up the output as a list of lines. *)
 let external_command ?(echo_cmd = true) cmd =
   if echo_cmd then
@@ -748,6 +838,8 @@ let uuidgen () =
   if len < 10 then assert false; (* sanity check on uuidgen *)
 (* Unlink a temporary file on exit. *)
 let unlink_on_exit =
   let files = ref [] in
@@ -769,6 +861,8 @@ let unlink_on_exit =
       registered_handlers := true
 (* Remove a temporary directory on exit. *)
 let rmdir_on_exit =
   let dirs = ref [] in
@@ -905,6 +999,8 @@ let detect_file_type filename =
   close_in chan;
 let is_block_device file =
   try (Unix.stat file).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_BLK
   with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
@@ -913,6 +1009,8 @@ let is_char_device file =
   try (Unix.stat file).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_CHR
   with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
 let is_partition dev =
     if not (is_block_device dev) then false
@@ -926,6 +1024,8 @@ let is_partition dev =
   with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
 (* Annoyingly Sys.is_directory throws an exception on failure
  * (RHBZ#1022431).
@@ -995,6 +1095,8 @@ let is_regular_file path = (* NB: follows symlinks. *)
   try (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG
   with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
 let inspect_mount_root g ?mount_opts_fn root =
   let mps = g#inspect_get_mountpoints root in
   let cmp (a,_) (b,_) =
diff --git a/mllib/common_utils.mli b/mllib/common_utils.mli
index ad43345..7b142d4 100644
--- a/mllib/common_utils.mli
+++ b/mllib/common_utils.mli
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+(* The parts between <stdlib>..</stdlib> are copied into the
+ * generator/common_utils.ml file.  These parts must ONLY use
+ * functions from the OCaml stdlib.
+ *)
 module Char : sig
     type t = char
     val chr : int -> char
@@ -26,6 +32,13 @@ module Char : sig
     val lowercase_ascii : char -> char
     val uppercase_ascii : char -> char
+    val isspace : char -> bool
+    (** Return true if char is a whitespace character. *)
+    val isdigit : char -> bool
+    (** Return true if the character is a digit [[0-9]]. *)
+    val isxdigit : char -> bool
+    (** Return true if the character is a hex digit [[0-9a-fA-F]]. *)
 (** Override the Char module from stdlib. *)
@@ -53,6 +66,7 @@ module String : sig
     val lowercase_ascii : string -> string
     val uppercase_ascii : string -> string
+    val capitalize_ascii : string -> string
     val is_prefix : string -> string -> bool
     (** [is_prefix str prefix] returns true if [prefix] is a prefix of [str]. *)
@@ -64,6 +78,8 @@ module String : sig
     val replace : string -> string -> string -> string
     (** [replace str s1 s2] replaces all instances of [s1] appearing in
         [str] with [s2]. *)
+    val replace_char : string -> char -> char -> string
+    (** Replace character in string. *)
     val nsplit : string -> string -> string list
     (** [nsplit sep str] splits [str] into multiple strings at each
         separator [sep]. *)
@@ -77,13 +93,23 @@ module String : sig
         characters (i.e. [\] at the end of lines) into account. *)
     val random8 : unit -> string
     (** Return a string of 8 random printable characters. *)
+    val triml : ?test:(char -> bool) -> string -> string
+    (** Trim left. *)
+    val trimr : ?test:(char -> bool) -> string -> string
+    (** Trim right. *)
+    val trim : ?test:(char -> bool) -> string -> string
+    (** Trim left and right. *)
+    val count_chars : char -> string -> int
+    (** Count number of times the character occurs in string. *)
+    val explode : string -> char list
+    (** Explode a string into a list of characters. *)
+    val map_chars : (char -> 'a) -> string -> 'a list
+    (** Explode string, then map function over the characters. *)
+    val spaces : int -> string
+    (** [spaces n] creates a string of n spaces. *)
 (** Override the String module from stdlib. *)
-(** Exception thrown by [which] when the specified executable is not found
-    in [$PATH]. *)
-exception Executable_not_found of string (* executable *)
 val ( // ) : string -> string -> string
 (** Concatenate directory and filename. *)
@@ -105,17 +131,16 @@ val int_of_le32 : string -> int64
 val le32_of_int : int64 -> string
 (** Pack a 32 bit integer a 4 byte string stored little endian. *)
-val isdigit : char -> bool
-(** Return true if the character is a digit [[0-9]]. *)
-val isxdigit : char -> bool
-(** Return true if the character is a hex digit [[0-9a-fA-F]]. *)
 val wrap : ?chan:out_channel -> ?indent:int -> string -> unit
 (** Wrap text. *)
 val output_spaces : out_channel -> int -> unit
 (** Write [n] spaces to [out_channel]. *)
+val (|>) : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b
+(** Added in OCaml 4.01, we can remove our definition when we
+    can assume this minimum version of OCaml. *)
 val dropwhile : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
 (** [dropwhile f xs] drops leading elements from [xs] until
     [f] returns false. *)
@@ -128,6 +153,10 @@ val takewhile : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
 val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
 (** [filter_map f xs] applies [f] to each element of [xs].  If
     [f x] returns [Some y] then [y] is added to the returned list. *)
+val find_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b
+(** [find_map f xs] applies [f] to each element of [xs] until
+    [f x] returns [Some y].  It returns [y].  If we exhaust the
+    list then this raises [Not_found]. *)
 val iteri : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> unit
 (** [iteri f xs] calls [f i x] for each element, with [i] counting from [0]. *)
 val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
@@ -191,6 +220,9 @@ val prepend : 'a list -> 'a list ref -> unit
     [prepend] is like {!push_front} above, except it prepends a list
     to the list reference. *)
+val unique : unit -> int
+(** Returns a unique number each time called. *)
 val may : ('a -> unit) -> 'a option -> unit
 (** [may f (Some x)] runs [f x].  [may f None] does nothing. *)
@@ -209,6 +241,8 @@ val protect : f:(unit -> 'a) -> finally:(unit -> unit) -> 'a
     case, but requires a lot more work by the caller.  Perhaps we
     will change this in future.) *)
 val prog : string
 (** The program name (derived from {!Sys.executable_name}). *)
@@ -253,9 +287,13 @@ val run_main_and_handle_errors : (unit -> unit) -> unit
 val generated_by : string
 (** The string ["generated by <prog> <version>"]. *)
 val read_whole_file : string -> string
 (** Read in the whole file as a string. *)
 val parse_size : string -> int64
 (** Parse a size field, eg. [10G] *)
@@ -275,6 +313,8 @@ val create_standard_options : Getopt.speclist -> ?anon_fun:Getopt.anon_fun -> ?k
     Returns a new [Getopt.t] handle. *)
 val compare_version : string -> string -> int
 (** Compare two version strings. *)
@@ -285,6 +325,8 @@ val stringify_args : string list -> string
 (** Create a "pretty-print" representation of a program invocation
     (i.e. executable and its arguments). *)
 val external_command : ?echo_cmd:bool -> string -> string list
 (** Run an external command, slurp up the output as a list of lines.
@@ -306,9 +348,13 @@ val shell_command : ?echo_cmd:bool -> string -> int
 val uuidgen : unit -> string
 (** Run uuidgen to return a random UUID. *)
 val unlink_on_exit : string -> unit
 (** Unlink a temporary file on exit. *)
 val rmdir_on_exit : string -> unit
 (** Remove a temporary directory on exit (using [rm -rf]). *)
@@ -344,15 +390,21 @@ val debug_augeas_errors : Guestfs.guestfs -> unit
 val detect_file_type : string -> [`GZip | `Tar | `XZ | `Zip | `Unknown]
 (** Detect type of a file (for a very limited range of file types). *)
 val is_block_device : string -> bool
 val is_char_device : string -> bool
 val is_directory : string -> bool
 (** These don't throw exceptions, unlike the [Sys] functions. *)
 val is_partition : string -> bool
 (** Return true if the host device [dev] is a partition.  If it's
     anything else, or missing, returns false. *)
 val absolute_path : string -> string
 (** Convert any path to an absolute path. *)
@@ -381,6 +433,8 @@ val read_first_line_from_file : string -> string
 val is_regular_file : string -> bool
 (** Checks whether the file is a regular file. *)
 val inspect_mount_root : Guestfs.guestfs -> ?mount_opts_fn:(string -> string) -> string -> unit
 (** Mounts all the mount points of the specified root, just like
     [guestfish -i] does.
@@ -395,6 +449,10 @@ val inspect_mount_root_ro : Guestfs.guestfs -> string -> unit
 val is_btrfs_subvolume : Guestfs.guestfs -> string -> bool
 (** Checks if a filesystem is a btrfs subvolume. *)
+exception Executable_not_found of string (* executable *)
+(** Exception thrown by [which] when the specified executable is not found
+    in [$PATH]. *)
 val which : string -> string
 (** Return the full path of the specified executable from [$PATH].
diff --git a/v2v/convert_windows.ml b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
index f8337a0..558caac 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_windows.ml
+++ b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
@@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ let convert ~keep_serial_console (g : G.guestfs) inspect source rcaps =
          let is_gpo_guid name =
            let len = String.length name in
-           len > 3 && name.[0] = '{' && isxdigit name.[1] && name.[len-1] = '}'
+           len > 3 && name.[0] = '{' &&
+             Char.isxdigit name.[1] && name.[len-1] = '}'
          List.exists is_gpo_guid children

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