[Libguestfs] [PATCH 2/2] v2v: ova: support SHA256 hashes in manifest

Tomáš Golembiovský tgolembi at redhat.com
Thu Sep 29 12:59:31 UTC 2016

The OVF standard allows the use of SHA256 hashes in the manifest file.
Adding support for this.

Signed-off-by: Tomáš Golembiovský <tgolembi at redhat.com>
 v2v/input_ova.ml | 21 ++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/input_ova.ml b/v2v/input_ova.ml
index 513fe30..5420c85 100644
--- a/v2v/input_ova.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_ova.ml
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ object
     (* Read any .mf (manifest) files and verify sha1. *)
     let mf = find_files exploded ".mf" in
-    let rex = Str.regexp "SHA1(\\(.*\\))= \\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)\r?" in
+    let rex = Str.regexp "SHA\\(1\\|256\\)(\\(.*\\))= \\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\)\r?" in
     List.iter (
       fun mf ->
         debug "Processing manifest %s" mf;
@@ -142,20 +142,23 @@ object
         let rec loop () =
           let line = input_line chan in
           if Str.string_match rex line 0 then (
-            let disk = Str.matched_group 1 line in
-            let expected = Str.matched_group 2 line in
-            let cmd = sprintf "sha1sum %s" (quote (mf_folder // disk)) in
+            let sha_num = Str.matched_group 1 line in
+            let disk = Str.matched_group 2 line in
+            let expected = Str.matched_group 3 line in
+            let sha = sprintf "sha%ssum" sha_num in
+            let cmd = sprintf "%s %s" sha (quote (mf_folder // disk)) in
             let out = external_command cmd in
             match out with
             | [] ->
-              error (f_"no output from sha1sum command, see previous errors")
+              error (f_"no output from %s command, see previous errors")
+                sha
             | [line] ->
               let actual, _ = String.split " " line in
               if actual <> expected then
-                error (f_"checksum of disk %s does not match manifest %s (actual sha1(%s) = %s, expected sha1 (%s) = %s)")
-                  disk mf disk actual disk expected;
-              debug "sha1 of %s matches expected checksum %s" disk expected
-            | _::_ -> error (f_"cannot parse output of sha1sum command")
+                error (f_"checksum of disk %s does not match manifest %s (actual sha%s(%s) = %s, expected sha%s (%s) = %s)")
+                  disk mf sha_num disk actual sha_num disk expected;
+              debug "%s of %s matches expected checksum %s" sha disk expected
+            | _::_ -> error (f_"cannot parse output of %s command") sha
             warning (f_"Unable to parse line from manifest file. Line is \"%s\"")

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