[Libguestfs] [PATCH v5 10/10] Add a virt-builder-repository tool

Pino Toscano ptoscano at redhat.com
Tue Apr 4 17:15:46 UTC 2017

On Thursday, 23 March 2017 10:02:48 CEST Cédric Bosdonnat wrote:
> virt-builder-repository allows users to easily create or update
> a virt-builder source repository out of disk images. The tool can
> be run in either interactive or automated mode.

It would be nice to specify to not compress images at all -- for
example I have a couple of local repositories with plain qcow2 images,
and it's easier to handle without the need to compress them every time
a new version of an image is created. In this case may require further
work, as you should skip non-compressed images already handled, avoid
copying them from the temporary directory, etc.

Also, it could make use of libguestfs to inspect the new images, and
thus suggest something for few data:
- OS name, for the ID
- OS name & version, for suggesting an initial osinfo (after all, most
  of them follow few patterns)
- product name, for the display name
- architecture
- list of partitions with filesytems, for the expandable filesystem
- list of LVs, for the expandable volume
especially that it could skip asking few based on that (e.g. pick the
architecture, or skip the expandable volume if there are no LVs).

> +virt_builder_repository_SOURCES = $(REPOSITORY_SOURCES_C)
> +virt_builder_repository_CPPFLAGS = \
> +	-I. \
> +	-I$(top_builddir) \
> +	-I$(top_srcdir)/gnulib/lib -I$(top_builddir)/gnulib/lib \
> +	-I$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where) \
> +	-I$(top_srcdir)/gnulib/lib \
> +	-I$(top_srcdir)/src \

s/src/lib/, following the big renaming of the src directory that
happened shortly before 1.36.  I recommend to use configure libguestfs
with --enable-werror when building from git, so issues like this can be
spotted easily:

cc1: error: ../src: No such file or directory [-Werror=missing-include-dirs]

> +	-I$(top_srcdir)/fish

What is it for?

> diff --git a/builder/repository_main.ml b/builder/repository_main.ml
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000..87bcc5e15
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/builder/repository_main.ml
> @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
> +(* virt-builder
> + * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 SUSE Inc.
> + *
> + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
> + * (at your option) any later version.
> + *
> + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> + * GNU General Public License for more details.
> + *
> + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
> + * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
> + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
> + *)
> +
> +open Common_gettext.Gettext
> +open Common_utils
> +open Unix_utils
> +open Getopt.OptionName
> +open Utils
> +open Yajl
> +open Xpath_helpers
> +
> +open Printf
> +
> +module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
> +
> +type cmdline = {
> +  gpg : string;
> +  gpgkey : string option;
> +  interactive : bool;
> +  keep_unsigned : bool;
> +  repo : string;
> +}
> +
> +type disk_image_info = {
> +  format : string;
> +  size : int64;
> +}
> +
> +let parse_cmdline () =
> +  let gpg = ref "gpg" in
> +  let gpgkey = ref "" in
> +  let interactive = ref false in
> +  let keep_unsigned = ref false in
> +
> +  let argspec = [
> +    [ L"gpg" ], Getopt.Set_string ("gpg", gpg), s_"Set GPG binary/command";
> +    [ S 'K'; L"gpg-key" ], Getopt.Set_string ("gpgkey", gpgkey),
> +      s_"ID of the GPG key to sign the repo with";
> +    [ S 'i'; L"interactive" ], Getopt.Set interactive, s_"Ask the user about missing data";
> +    [ L"keep-index" ], Getopt.Set keep_unsigned, s_"Keep unsigned index";
> +  ] in
> +
> +  let args = ref [] in
> +  let anon_fun s = push_front s args in
> +  let usage_msg =
> +    sprintf (f_"\
> +%s: create a repository for virt-builder
> +
> +  virt-builder-repository REPOSITORY_PATH
> +
> +A short summary of the options is given below.  For detailed help please
> +read the man page virt-builder-repository(1).
> +")
> +      prog in
> +  let opthandle = create_standard_options argspec ~anon_fun usage_msg in
> +  Getopt.parse opthandle;
> +
> +  (* Dereference options. *)
> +  let args = List.rev !args in
> +  let gpg = !gpg in
> +  let gpgkey = match !gpgkey with "" -> None | s -> Some s in
> +  let interactive = !interactive in
> +  let keep_unsigned = !keep_unsigned in
> +
> +  (* Check options *)
> +  let repo =
> +    (match args with
> +    | [repo] -> repo
> +    | [] ->
> +      error (f_"virt-builder-repository /path/to/repo\nUse '/path/to/repo' to point to the repository folder.")
> +    | _ ->
> +      error (f_"too many parameters, only one path to repository is allowed")
> +    ) in

No need for round brackets here, the let ... in already encloses it.

> +
> +  {
> +    gpg = gpg;
> +    gpgkey = gpgkey;
> +    interactive = interactive;
> +    keep_unsigned = keep_unsigned;
> +    repo = repo;
> +  }
> +
> +let increment_revision revision =
> +  match revision with
> +  | Utils.Rev_int n -> Utils.Rev_int (n + 1)
> +  | Utils.Rev_string s ->
> +    if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^\\(.*[-._]\\)\\([0-9]+\\)$") s 0 then
> +      let prefix = Str.matched_group 1 s in
> +      let suffix = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 s) in
> +      Utils.Rev_string (prefix ^ (string_of_int (suffix + 1)))
> +    else
> +      Utils.Rev_string (s ^ ".1")
> +
> +let osinfo_ids = ref None
> +
> +let osinfo_get_short_ids () =
> +  match !osinfo_ids with
> +  | Some ids -> ids
> +  | None -> (
> +    let set = ref StringSet.empty in
> +    let g = open_guestfs () in
> +
> +    Osinfo.read_osinfo_db g#ocaml_handle (
> +      fun filepath ->
> +        let doc = Xml.parse_file filepath in
> +        let xpathctx = Xml.xpath_new_context doc in
> +        let nodes = xpath_get_nodes xpathctx "/libosinfo/os/short-id" in
> +        List.iter (
> +          fun node ->
> +            let id = Xml.node_as_string node in
> +            set := StringSet.add id !set
> +        ) nodes
> +    );
> +    g#close ();
> +    osinfo_ids := Some (!set);
> +    !set
> +  )
> +
> +let compress_to file outdir =
> +  info "Copying image to temporary folder ...%!";
> +  let outimg = outdir // (Filename.basename file) in
> +  do_cp file outdir;
> +
> +  info "Compressing ...%!";
> +  let cmd = [ "xz"; "-f"; "--best";
> +              "--block-size=16777216"; outimg ] in
> +  if run_command cmd <> 0 then
> +    exit 1;
> +  outimg ^ ".xz"

This is slightly inefficent, as it copies the image fully -- just xz
the original image piping the process output to the destination file.

> +let get_disk_image_info filepath =
> +  let qemuimg_cmd = "qemu-img info --output json " ^ (quote filepath) in
> +  let lines = external_command qemuimg_cmd in
> +  let line = String.concat "\n" lines in
> +  let infos = yajl_tree_parse line in
> +  {
> +    format = object_get_string "format" infos;
> +    size = object_get_number "virtual-size" infos
> +  }
> +
> +let process_image filename repo tmprepo index interactive sigchecker =
> +  message (f_"Preparing %s") filename;
> +
> +  let filepath = repo // filename in
> +  let { format = format; size = size } = get_disk_image_info filepath in
> +  let xz_path = compress_to filepath tmprepo in
> +  let checksum = Checksums.compute_checksum "sha512" xz_path in
> +  let compressed_size = (Unix.LargeFile.stat xz_path).Unix.LargeFile.st_size in
> +
> +  let ask message =
> +    printf message;
> +    let value = read_line () in
> +    match value with
> +    | "" -> None
> +    | s -> Some s
> +  in
> +
> +  let rec ask_id () =
> +    printf (f_"Identifier: ");
> +    let id = read_line () in
> +    if not (Str.string_match (Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+") id 0) then (
> +      warning (f_"Allowed characters are letters, digits, - _ and .");
> +      ask_id ();
> +    ) else
> +      id;
> +  in
> +
> +  let ask_arch () =
> +    printf (f_"Architecture. Choose one from the list below:\n");
> +    let arches = ["x86_64"; "aarch64"; "armv7l"; "i686"; "ppc64"; "ppc64le"; "s390x" ] in
> +    iteri (
> +      fun i arch -> printf " [%d] %s\n" (i + 1) arch
> +    ) arches;
> +
> +    let input = read_line () in
> +    if input = "exit" || input = "q" || input = "quit" then
> +      exit 0
> +    else
> +      try
> +        let i = int_of_string input in
> +        List.nth arches (i - 1)
> +      with Failure _ -> input
> +  in

I think at this point it should warn (or even fail) when the current
image is the same as an existing image. Note the identification for this
is the (identifier,architecture) pair.

> +
> +  let ask_osinfo () =
> +    printf (f_ "osinfo short ID (can be found with osinfo-query os command): ");
> +    let value = read_line () in
> +    match value with
> +    | "" -> None
> +    | osinfo ->
> +      let osinfo_ids = osinfo_get_short_ids () in
> +      if not (StringSet.mem osinfo osinfo_ids) then
> +        warning (f_"'%s' is not a recognized osinfo OS id; using it anyway") osinfo;
> +      Some osinfo in
> +
> +  (* Do we have an entry for that file already? *)
> +  let file_entry =
> +    try
> +      let xzfn filename = Filename.basename filename ^ ".xz" in
> +      List.hd (
> +        List.filter (
> +          fun (id, { Index.file_uri=file_uri }) ->

Spacing around '='.  Also 'id' is not used, so can be replaced with '_'.

> +            (Filename.basename file_uri) = (xzfn (Filename.basename filename))

In a previous review, I meant that you can cache the whole result of
  xzfn (Filename.basename filename)
as it is the same while iterating through 'index'.

> +        ) index
> +      )
> +    with
> +    | Failure _ ->
> +      let entry = { Index.printable_name = None;
> +                    osinfo = None;
> +                    file_uri = "";
> +                    arch = "";
> +                    signature_uri = None;
> +                    checksums = None;
> +                    revision = Utils.Rev_int 0;
> +                    format = Some format;
> +                    size = size;
> +                    compressed_size = Some compressed_size;
> +                    expand = None;
> +                    lvexpand = None;
> +                    notes = [];
> +                    hidden = false;
> +                    aliases = None;
> +                    sigchecker = sigchecker;
> +                    proxy = Curl.UnsetProxy } in
> +      ("", entry) in
> +
> +    let id, { Index.printable_name = printable_name;
> +              osinfo = osinfo;
> +              arch = arch;
> +              checksums = checksums;
> +              revision = revision;
> +              expand = expand;
> +              lvexpand = lvexpand;
> +              notes = notes;
> +              hidden = hidden;
> +              aliases = aliases } = file_entry in
> +
> +    let old_checksum =
> +      match checksums with
> +      | Some csums -> (
> +          try
> +            let csum = List.find (
> +              fun c ->
> +                match c with
> +                | Checksums.SHA512 _ -> true
> +                | _ -> false
> +            ) csums in
> +            csum

Extra variable 'csum'.

> +          with
> +          | _ -> Checksums.SHA512 ""
> +        )
> +      | None -> Checksums.SHA512 "" in
> +
> +    let id =
> +      if id = "" then (
> +        if interactive then ask_id ()
> +        else error (f_"missing image identifier");
> +      ) else id in
> +
> +    let printable_name =
> +      if printable_name = None && interactive then
> +        ask (f_"Display name: ")
> +      else
> +        printable_name in
> +
> +    let arch =
> +      if arch = "" then (
> +        if interactive then ask_arch ()
> +        else error (f_"missing architecture for %s") id;
> +      ) else arch in
> +
> +    let osinfo =
> +      if osinfo = None && interactive then
> +        ask_osinfo ()
> +      else
> +        osinfo in
> +
> +    let expand =
> +      if expand = None && interactive then
> +        ask (f_"Expandable partition: ")
> +      else
> +        expand in
> +
> +    let lvexpand =
> +      if lvexpand = None && interactive then
> +        ask (f_"Expandable volume: ")
> +      else
> +        lvexpand in
> +
> +    let revision =
> +      if old_checksum <> checksum then
> +        increment_revision revision
> +      else
> +        revision in
> +
> +    (id, { Index.printable_name = printable_name;
> +           osinfo = osinfo;
> +           file_uri = Filename.basename xz_path;
> +           arch = arch;
> +           signature_uri = None;
> +           checksums = Some [checksum];
> +           revision = revision;
> +           format = Some format;
> +           size = size;
> +           compressed_size = Some compressed_size;
> +           expand = expand;
> +           lvexpand = lvexpand;
> +           notes = notes;
> +           hidden = hidden;
> +           aliases = aliases;
> +           sigchecker = sigchecker;
> +           proxy = Curl.UnsetProxy })
> +
> +let has_entry id arch index =
> +  List.exists (
> +    fun (item_id, entry) ->
> +      let { Index.arch = item_arch } = entry in

'entry' can be unpacked directly as argument (like done already above).

> +      item_id = id && item_arch = arch
> +  ) index
> +
> +
> +let main () =
> +  let cmdline = parse_cmdline () in
> +
> +  (* If debugging, echo the command line arguments. *)
> +  debug "command line: %s\n" (String.concat " " (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
> +
> +  (* Check that the paths are existing *)
> +  if not (Sys.file_exists cmdline.repo) then
> +    error (f_"repository folder '%s' doesn't exist") cmdline.repo;
> +
> +  (* Create a temporary folder to work in *)
> +  let tmpdir = Mkdtemp.temp_dir ~base_dir:cmdline.repo
> +                                "virt-builder-repository." "" in
> +  rmdir_on_exit tmpdir;
> +
> +  let tmprepo = tmpdir // "repo" in
> +  mkdir_p tmprepo 0o700;
> +
> +  let sigchecker = Sigchecker.create ~gpg:cmdline.gpg
> +                                     ~check_signature:false
> +                                     ~gpgkey:No_Key
> +                                     ~tmpdir in
> +
> +  let index =
> +    try
> +      let index_filename =
> +        List.find (
> +          fun filename -> Sys.file_exists (cmdline.repo // filename)
> +        ) [ "index.asc"; "index" ] in
> +
> +      let downloader = Downloader.create ~curl:"do-not-use-curl"
> +                                         ~cache:None ~tmpdir in
> +
> +      let source = { Sources.name = "input";

Minor nitpick: it could use 'index_filename' instead of "input".

> +                     uri = cmdline.repo // index_filename;
> +                     gpgkey = No_Key;
> +                     proxy = Curl.SystemProxy;
> +                     format = Sources.FormatNative } in
> +
> +      Index_parser.get_index ~downloader ~sigchecker ~template:true source
> +    with Not_found -> [] in
> +
> +  (* Check for index/interactive consistency *)
> +  if not cmdline.interactive && index == [] then
> +    error (f_"the repository needs to contain an index file when running in automated mode");

Most probably there should be "must" instead of "needs" here, since
it's a requirement.

> +
> +  debug "Searching for images ...\n";
> +
> +  let images =
> +    let is_supported_format file =
> +      let extension = last_part_of file '.' in
> +      match extension with
> +      | Some ext -> List.mem ext [ "qcow2"; "raw"; "img" ]
> +      | None -> file <> "index" in
> +    let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir cmdline.repo) in
> +    List.filter is_supported_format files in
> +
> +  if (List.length images) = 0 then (

Here it can be 'if images == [] then'.

> +    info (f_ "Found no new image");

"No new images found" sounds more natural IMHO.

> +    exit 0
> +  );
> +
> +  info (f_ "Found new images: %s") (String.concat " " images);
> +
> +  let outindex_path = tmprepo // "index" in
> +  let index_channel = open_out outindex_path in
> +
> +  (* Generate entries for uncompressed images *)
> +  let images_entries = List.map (
> +    fun filename ->
> +      process_image filename cmdline.repo tmprepo
> +                    index cmdline.interactive sigchecker
> +  ) images in
> +
> +  (* Filter out entries for newly found images and entries
> +     without a corresponding image file *)
> +  let index = List.filter (
> +    fun (id, entry) ->
> +      let { Index.arch = arch } = entry in
> +      let { Index.file_uri = file_uri } = entry in

As above, 'entry' can be unpacked together in the function declaration.

> +      not (has_entry id arch images_entries) && Sys.file_exists file_uri
> +  ) index in
> +
> +  (* Convert all URIs back to relative ones *)
> +  let index = List.map (
> +    fun (id, entry) ->
> +      let { Index.file_uri = file_uri } = entry in
> +      let rel_path =
> +        try
> +          subdirectory cmdline.repo file_uri
> +        with
> +        | Invalid_argument _ ->
> +          file_uri in
> +      let rel_entry = { entry with Index.file_uri = rel_path } in
> +      (id, rel_entry)
> +  ) index in
> +
> +  (* Write all the entries *)
> +  List.iter (
> +    fun entry ->
> +      Index_parser.write_entry index_channel entry;
> +  ) (index @ images_entries);
> +
> +  close_out index_channel;
> +
> +  (* GPG sign the generated index *)
> +  (match cmdline.gpgkey with
> +  | None ->
> +    debug "Skip index signing"
> +  | Some gpgkey ->
> +    message (f_"Signing index with GPG key %s") gpgkey;
> +    let cmd = [ cmdline.gpg; "--armor";
> +                "--output"; (tmprepo // "index.gpg");
> +                "--export"; gpgkey ] in
> +    if run_command cmd <> 0 then
> +      error (f_"failed to export GPG key %s") gpgkey;
> +
> +    let cmd = [ cmdline.gpg; "--armor";
> +                "--default-key"; gpgkey;
> +                "--clearsign"; (tmprepo // "index") ] in
> +    if run_command cmd <> 0 then
> +      error (f_"failed to sign index");

Unfortunately you cannot use run_command with cmdline.gpg, as it can be
also a string with spaces (e.g. 'gpg --homedir /foo'), and thus it
cannot be considered a single parameter.  Use shell_command here, see
also builder/sigchecker.ml.

Enough comments for now, more will come the upcoming days.

Pino Toscano
-------------- next part --------------
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Name: signature.asc
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