[Libguestfs] [PATCH v6 10/10] Add a virt-builder-repository tool

Pino Toscano ptoscano at redhat.com
Wed Apr 26 13:04:11 UTC 2017

On Wednesday, 12 April 2017 14:33:12 CEST Cédric Bosdonnat wrote:
> virt-builder-repository allows users to easily create or update
> a virt-builder source repository out of disk images. The tool can
> be run in either interactive or automated mode.
> ---

Many good progresses, thanks :) So far worked fine in my few attempts
when playing with it -- some notes below.

> +let increment_revision revision =
> +  match revision with
> +  | Utils.Rev_int n -> Utils.Rev_int (n + 1)
> +  | Utils.Rev_string s ->
> +    if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^\\(.*[-._]\\)\\([0-9]+\\)$") s 0 then
> +      let prefix = Str.matched_group 1 s in
> +      let suffix = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 s) in
> +      Utils.Rev_string (prefix ^ (string_of_int (suffix + 1)))
> +    else
> +      Utils.Rev_string (s ^ ".1")

The "top-level match" of this function can be simplified:

  let increment_revision = function
    | Utils.Rev_int n -> Utils.Rev_int (n + 1)
    | Utils.Rev_string s ->

> +let checksums_get_sha512 checksums =
> +  match checksums with
> +  | Some csums -> (
> +      try
> +        List.find (
> +          fun c ->
> +            match c with
> +            | Checksums.SHA512 _ -> true
> +            | _ -> false
> +        ) csums
> +      with
> +      | _ -> Checksums.SHA512 ""
> +    )
> +  | None -> Checksums.SHA512 ""

Ditto, in two places:

let checksums_get_sha512 = function
  | Some csums ->
      List.find (
        | Checksums.SHA512 _ -> true
        | _ -> false
      ) csums
      Not_found -> Checksums.SHA512 ""
  | None -> Checksums.SHA512 ""

Also, List.find is documented to raise only Not_found, so catch that
exception specifically (to avoid a catch-all statements that could
swallow other exceptions, in case the code is expanded in the future).

> +let compress_to file outdir =
> +  let outimg = outdir // (Filename.basename file) ^ ".xz" in
> +
> +  info "Compressing ...%!";
> +  let cmd = sprintf "cat \"%s\" | xz -f --best --block-size=16777216 - >\"%s\""
> +                    file outimg in
> +  if shell_command cmd <> 0 then

This will be done in a much better way once
is in.

> +let compute_short_id distro major minor =
> +  match distro with
> +  | "sles"
> +  | "sled" -> sprintf "%s%dsp%d" distro major minor
> +  | "fedora" -> sprintf "%s%d" distro major
> +  | _ -> sprintf "%s%d.%d" distro major minor

I guess it will product a wrong id for e.g. sles 12.0 ;) Also fedora
also uses the major version only. A fixed version of the above, that
handles more distros, could be:

  let compute_short_id distro major minor =
    match distro with
    | "centos" when major >= 7 ->
      sprintf "%s%d.0" distro major
    | "debian" when major >= 4 ->
      sprintf "%s%d" distro major
    | ("fedora"|"mageia") ->
      sprintf "%s%d" distro major
    | "sles" when major = 0 ->
      sprintf "%s%d" distro major
    | "sles" ->
      sprintf "%s%dsp%d" distro major minor
    | "ubuntu" ->
      sprintf "%s%d.%02d" distro major minor
    | _ (* Any other combination. *) ->
      sprintf "%s%d.%d" distro major minor

(Also, note that libguestfs considers both SLES and SLED as "sles" --
maybe we could change that, but surely not as part of this series :) )

> +let process_image acc_entries filename repo tmprepo index interactive
> +                  no_compression sigchecker =
> +  message (f_"Preparing %s") filename;
> +
> +  let filepath = repo // filename in
> +  let { format = format; size = size } = get_disk_image_info filepath in
> +  let out_path = if no_compression then
> +      filepath
> +  else
> +      compress_to filepath tmprepo in

A bit confusing indentation for this block -- better something like:

  let out_path =
    if no_compression then filepath
    else compress_to filepath tmprepo in

> +  let out_filename = Filename.basename out_path in
> +  let checksum = Checksums.compute_checksum "sha512" out_path in
> +  let compressed_size = (Unix.LargeFile.stat out_path).Unix.LargeFile.st_size in
> +
> +  let ask ?default ?values message =
> +    let default_str = match default with
> +    | None -> ""
> +    | Some x -> sprintf " [%s] " x in
> +
> +    let list_str = match values with
> +    | None -> ""
> +    | Some x ->
> +      sprintf (f_"Choose one from the list below:\n %s\n")
> +              (String.concat "\n " x) in
> +
> +    printf "%s%s%s" message default_str list_str;
> +
> +    let value = read_line () in
> +    match value with
> +    | "" -> default
> +    | s -> Some s

I'd map also "-" -> None, otherwise it is impossible to choose to not set
a value for a field when a default is provided. Note this needs custom
handling in ask_id, since an ID is required in interactive mode.

> +  let ask_osinfo default =
> +    match ask (s_ "osinfo short ID (can be found with osinfo-query os command): ")
> +              ~default with

I'd maybe drop the part in parenthesis, and leave the longer
description/hints in the documentation.

> +    let arch =
> +      if arch = "" then (
> +        if interactive then ask_arch inspected_arch
> +        else inspected_arch;
> +      ) else arch in
> +
> +    if arch = "" then
> +      error (f_"missing architecture for %s") id;

Maybe ask_arch could take care of keep asking for the architecture
until a valid is give, like ask_id does.

> +  let images =
> +    let is_supported_format file =
> +      let extension = last_part_of file '.' in
> +      match extension with
> +      | Some ext -> List.mem ext [ "qcow2"; "raw"; "img" ]
> +      | None -> file <> "index" in
> +    let is_new file =
> +      try
> +        let _, { Index.checksums = checksums } =
> +          List.find (
> +            fun (_, { Index.file_uri = file_uri }) ->
> +              Filename.basename file_uri = file
> +          ) index in
> +        let checksum = checksums_get_sha512 checksums in
> +        let path = cmdline.repo // file in
> +        let file_checksum = Checksums.compute_checksum "sha512" path in
> +        checksum <> file_checksum
> +      with Not_found -> true in
> +    let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir cmdline.repo) in

Please filter 'files' here to ignore anything which is not a regular
file (eg directories).

> +  (* GPG sign the generated index *)
> +  (match cmdline.gpgkey with
> +  | None ->
> +    debug "Skip index signing"
> +  | Some gpgkey ->
> +    message (f_"Signing index with GPG key %s") gpgkey;
> +    let cmd = sprintf "%s --armor --output %s/index.gpg --export %s"
> +                      cmdline.gpg tmprepo gpgkey in

Please quote the paths here -- you will need to quote then as whole:

  (quote (cmdline.gpg // "index.gpg"))

> +    if shell_command cmd <> 0 then
> +      error (f_"failed to export GPG key %s") gpgkey;
> +
> +    let cmd = sprintf "%s --armor --default-key %s --clearsign %s/index"
> +                       cmdline.gpg gpgkey tmprepo in


> +
> +Virt-builder is a tool for quickly building new virtual machines. It can
> +be configured to use template repositories. However creating and
> +maintaining a repository involves many tasks which can be automated.
> +virt-builder-repository is a tool helping to manage these repositories.
> +
> +Virt-builder-repository loops over the files in the C</path/to/repository>

I'd just say "... in the directory specified as argument, ..."

> +folder, compresses the files with a name ending by C<qcow2>, C<raw> or
> +C<img>

Mention also those without extensions are read.

 +As in the repository creation use case, a minimal fragment can be
> +added to the index file for the automated mode. This can be done
> +on the signed index even if it may sound a strange idea: the index
> +will be resigned by the tool.

"resign" means something else, I'd use "signed again".

> +=item B<-K> KEYID
> +
> +=item B<--gpg-key> KEYID
> +
> +Specify the GPG key to be used to sign the repository index file.
> +If not provided, the index will left unsigned. C<KEYID> is used to
> +identify the GPG key to use. This value is passed to gpg's
> +C<--default-key> option and can can thus be an email address or a
> +fingerprint.

Double "can".

> +B<NOTE>: by default, virt-builder-repository searches for the key
> +in the user's GPG key ring.


Pino Toscano
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