[Libguestfs] [PATCH 2/2] v2v: -o glance: factorize common properties

Pino Toscano ptoscano at redhat.com
Wed Apr 26 14:36:26 UTC 2017

Many of the properties for disks are the same for all of them, so
collect them only once, instead of doing that for every disk.

Should be just code motion, with no behaviour change.
 v2v/output_glance.ml | 143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 73 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/output_glance.ml b/v2v/output_glance.ml
index cfb19b4..3feb2e4 100644
--- a/v2v/output_glance.ml
+++ b/v2v/output_glance.ml
@@ -66,6 +66,78 @@ object
     ) targets
   method create_metadata source targets _ guestcaps inspect target_firmware =
+    (* Collect the common properties for all the disks. *)
+    let min_ram = source.s_memory /^ 1024L /^ 1024L in
+    let common_properties =
+      let properties = ref [
+        "hw_disk_bus",
+        (match guestcaps.gcaps_block_bus with
+         | Virtio_blk -> "virtio"
+         | Virtio_SCSI -> "scsi"
+         | IDE -> "ide");
+        "hw_vif_model",
+        (match guestcaps.gcaps_net_bus with
+         | Virtio_net -> "virtio"
+         | E1000 -> "e1000"
+         | RTL8139 -> "rtl8139");
+        "hw_video_model",
+        (match guestcaps.gcaps_video with
+         | QXL -> "qxl"
+         | Cirrus -> "cirrus");
+        "architecture", guestcaps.gcaps_arch;
+        "hypervisor_type", "kvm";
+        "vm_mode", "hvm";
+        "os_type", inspect.i_type;
+        "os_distro",
+        (match inspect.i_distro with
+        (* http://docs.openstack.org/cli-reference/glance-property-keys.html *)
+         | "archlinux" -> "arch"
+         | "sles" -> "sled"
+         | x -> x (* everything else is the same in libguestfs and OpenStack*)
+        )
+      ] in
+      if source.s_cpu_sockets <> None || source.s_cpu_cores <> None ||
+         source.s_cpu_threads <> None then (
+        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_sockets",
+                              match source.s_cpu_sockets with
+                              | None -> "1"
+                              | Some v -> string_of_int v);
+        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_cores",
+                              match source.s_cpu_cores with
+                              | None -> "1"
+                              | Some v -> string_of_int v);
+        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_threads",
+                              match source.s_cpu_threads with
+                              | None -> "1"
+                              | Some v -> string_of_int v);
+      )
+      else (
+        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_sockets", "1");
+        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_cores", string_of_int source.s_vcpu);
+      );
+      (match guestcaps.gcaps_block_bus with
+       | Virtio_SCSI ->
+          push_back properties ("hw_scsi_model", "virtio-scsi")
+       | Virtio_blk | IDE -> ()
+      );
+      (match inspect.i_major_version, inspect.i_minor_version with
+       | 0, 0 -> ()
+       | x, 0 -> push_back properties ("os_version", string_of_int x)
+       | x, y -> push_back properties ("os_version", sprintf "%d.%d" x y)
+      );
+      if guestcaps.gcaps_virtio_rng then
+        push_back properties ("hw_rng_model", "virtio");
+      (* XXX Neither memory balloon nor pvpanic are supported by
+       * Glance at this time.
+       *)
+      (match target_firmware with
+       | TargetBIOS -> ()
+       | TargetUEFI ->
+          push_back properties ("hw_firmware_type", "uefi")
+      );
+      !properties in
     (* The first disk, assumed to be the system disk, will be called
      * "guestname".  Subsequent disks, assumed to be data disks,
      * will be called "guestname-disk2" etc.  The manual strongly
@@ -77,80 +149,11 @@ object
           if i == 0 then source.s_name
           else sprintf "%s-disk%d" source.s_name (i+1) in
-        (* Set the properties (ie. metadata). *)
-        let min_ram = source.s_memory /^ 1024L /^ 1024L in
-        let properties = ref [
-          "hw_disk_bus",
-          (match guestcaps.gcaps_block_bus with
-           | Virtio_blk -> "virtio"
-           | Virtio_SCSI -> "scsi"
-           | IDE -> "ide");
-          "hw_vif_model",
-          (match guestcaps.gcaps_net_bus with
-           | Virtio_net -> "virtio"
-           | E1000 -> "e1000"
-           | RTL8139 -> "rtl8139");
-          "hw_video_model",
-          (match guestcaps.gcaps_video with
-           | QXL -> "qxl"
-           | Cirrus -> "cirrus");
-          "architecture", guestcaps.gcaps_arch;
-          "hypervisor_type", "kvm";
-          "vm_mode", "hvm";
-          "os_type", inspect.i_type;
-          "os_distro",
-          (match inspect.i_distro with
-          (* http://docs.openstack.org/cli-reference/glance-property-keys.html *)
-           | "archlinux" -> "arch"
-           | "sles" -> "sled"
-           | x -> x (* everything else is the same in libguestfs and OpenStack*)
-          )
-        ] in
-        if source.s_cpu_sockets <> None || source.s_cpu_cores <> None ||
-           source.s_cpu_threads <> None then (
-          push_back properties ("hw_cpu_sockets",
-                                match source.s_cpu_sockets with
-                                | None -> "1"
-                                | Some v -> string_of_int v);
-          push_back properties ("hw_cpu_cores",
-                                match source.s_cpu_cores with
-                                | None -> "1"
-                                | Some v -> string_of_int v);
-          push_back properties ("hw_cpu_threads",
-                                match source.s_cpu_threads with
-                                | None -> "1"
-                                | Some v -> string_of_int v);
-        )
-        else (
-          push_back properties ("hw_cpu_sockets", "1");
-          push_back properties ("hw_cpu_cores", string_of_int source.s_vcpu);
-        );
-        (match guestcaps.gcaps_block_bus with
-         | Virtio_SCSI ->
-            push_back properties ("hw_scsi_model", "virtio-scsi")
-         | Virtio_blk | IDE -> ()
-        );
-        (match inspect.i_major_version, inspect.i_minor_version with
-         | 0, 0 -> ()
-         | x, 0 -> push_back properties ("os_version", string_of_int x)
-         | x, y -> push_back properties ("os_version", sprintf "%d.%d" x y)
-        );
-        if guestcaps.gcaps_virtio_rng then
-          push_back properties ("hw_rng_model", "virtio");
-        (* XXX Neither memory balloon nor pvpanic are supported by
-         * Glance at this time.
-         *)
-        (match target_firmware with
-         | TargetBIOS -> ()
-         | TargetUEFI ->
-            push_back properties ("hw_firmware_type", "uefi")
-        );
         let properties =
           List.flatten (
             List.map (
               fun (k, v) -> [ "--property"; sprintf "%s=%s" k v ]
-            ) !properties
+            ) common_properties
           ) in
         let cmd = [ "glance"; "image-create"; "--name"; name;
                     "--disk-format=" ^ target_format;

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