[Libguestfs] [PATCH 6/6] generator: Move guestfish commands to new module Fish_commands.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Sat Feb 18 12:54:41 UTC 2017

 generator/Makefile.am       |   3 +
 generator/actions.ml        | 299 -----------------------------------------
 generator/actions.mli       |   3 -
 generator/checks.ml         |   1 +
 generator/fish.ml           |   1 +
 generator/fish_commands.ml  | 318 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 generator/fish_commands.mli |  21 +++
 7 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 302 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 generator/fish_commands.ml
 create mode 100644 generator/fish_commands.mli

diff --git a/generator/Makefile.am b/generator/Makefile.am
index c281789..38f92a1 100644
--- a/generator/Makefile.am
+++ b/generator/Makefile.am
@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ sources = \
 	events.mli \
 	fish.ml \
 	fish.mli \
+	fish_commands.ml \
+	fish_commands.mli \
 	GObject.ml \
 	GObject.mli \
 	golang.ml \
@@ -127,6 +129,7 @@ objects = \
 	actions_tsk.cmo \
 	actions.cmo \
 	structs.cmo \
+	fish_commands.cmo \
 	optgroups.cmo \
 	prepopts.cmo \
 	events.cmo \
diff --git a/generator/actions.ml b/generator/actions.ml
index 1fa3b02..de61ecf 100644
--- a/generator/actions.ml
+++ b/generator/actions.ml
@@ -52,305 +52,6 @@ let daemon_functions =
   Actions_hivex.daemon_functions @
-(* Non-API meta-commands available only in guestfish.
- *
- * Note (1): The only fields which are actually used are the
- * shortname, fish_alias, shortdesc and longdesc.
- *
- * Note (2): to refer to other commands, use L</shortname>.
- *
- * Note (3): keep this list sorted by shortname.
- *)
-let fish_commands = [
-  { defaults with
-    name = "alloc";
-    fish_alias = ["allocate"];
-    shortdesc = "allocate and add a disk file";
-    longdesc = " alloc filename size
-This creates an empty (zeroed) file of the given size, and then adds
-so it can be further examined.
-For more advanced image creation, see L</disk-create>.
-Size can be specified using standard suffixes, eg. C<1M>.
-To create a sparse file, use L</sparse> instead.  To create a
-prepared disk image, see L</PREPARED DISK IMAGES>." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "copy_in";
-    shortdesc = "copy local files or directories into an image";
-    longdesc = " copy-in local [local ...] /remotedir
-C<copy-in> copies local files or directories recursively into the disk
-image, placing them in the directory called F</remotedir> (which must
-exist).  This guestfish meta-command turns into a sequence of
-L</tar-in> and other commands as necessary.
-Multiple local files and directories can be specified, but the last
-parameter must always be a remote directory.  Wildcards cannot be
-used." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "copy_out";
-    shortdesc = "copy remote files or directories out of an image";
-    longdesc = " copy-out remote [remote ...] localdir
-C<copy-out> copies remote files or directories recursively out of the
-disk image, placing them on the host disk in a local directory called
-C<localdir> (which must exist).  This guestfish meta-command turns
-into a sequence of L</download>, L</tar-out> and other commands as
-Multiple remote files and directories can be specified, but the last
-parameter must always be a local directory.  To download to the
-current directory, use C<.> as in:
- copy-out /home .
-Wildcards cannot be used in the ordinary command, but you can use
-them with the help of L</glob> like this:
- glob copy-out /home/* ." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "delete_event";
-    shortdesc = "delete a previously registered event handler";
-    longdesc = " delete-event name
-Delete the event handler which was previously registered as C<name>.
-If multiple event handlers were registered with the same name, they
-are all deleted.
-See also the guestfish commands C<event> and C<list-events>." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "display";
-    shortdesc = "display an image";
-    longdesc = " display filename
-Use C<display> (a graphical display program) to display an image
-file.  It downloads the file, and runs C<display> on it.
-To use an alternative program, set the C<GUESTFISH_DISPLAY_IMAGE>
-environment variable.  For example to use the GNOME display program:
-See also L<display(1)>." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "echo";
-    shortdesc = "display a line of text";
-    longdesc = " echo [params ...]
-This echos the parameters to the terminal." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "edit";
-    fish_alias = ["vi"; "emacs"];
-    shortdesc = "edit a file";
-    longdesc = " edit filename
-This is used to edit a file.  It downloads the file, edits it
-locally using your editor, then uploads the result.
-The editor is C<$EDITOR>.  However if you use the alternate
-commands C<vi> or C<emacs> you will get those corresponding
-editors." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "event";
-    shortdesc = "register a handler for an event or events";
-    longdesc = " event name eventset \"shell script ...\"
-Register a shell script fragment which is executed when an
-event is raised.  See L<guestfs(3)/guestfs_set_event_callback>
-for a discussion of the event API in libguestfs.
-The C<name> parameter is a name that you give to this event
-handler.  It can be any string (even the empty string) and is
-simply there so you can delete the handler using the guestfish
-C<delete-event> command.
-The C<eventset> parameter is a comma-separated list of one
-or more events, for example C<close> or C<close,trace>.  The
-special value C<*> means all events.
-The third and final parameter is the shell script fragment
-(or any external command) that is executed when any of the
-events in the eventset occurs.  It is executed using
-C<$SHELL -c>, or if C<$SHELL> is not set then F</bin/sh -c>.
-The shell script fragment receives callback parameters as
-arguments C<$1>, C<$2> etc.  The actual event that was
-called is available in the environment variable C<$EVENT>.
- event \"\" close \"echo closed\"
- event messages appliance,library,trace \"echo $@\"
- event \"\" progress \"echo progress: $3/$4\"
- event \"\" * \"echo $EVENT $@\"
-See also the guestfish commands C<delete-event> and C<list-events>." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "glob";
-    shortdesc = "expand wildcards in command";
-    longdesc = " glob command args...
-Expand wildcards in any paths in the args list, and run C<command>
-repeatedly on each matching path.
-  { defaults with
-    name = "hexedit";
-    shortdesc = "edit with a hex editor";
-    longdesc = " hexedit <filename|device>
- hexedit <filename|device> <max>
- hexedit <filename|device> <start> <max>
-Use hexedit (a hex editor) to edit all or part of a binary file
-or block device.
-This command works by downloading potentially the whole file or
-device, editing it locally, then uploading it.  If the file or
-device is large, you have to specify which part you wish to edit
-by using C<max> and/or C<start> C<max> parameters.
-C<start> and C<max> are specified in bytes, with the usual
-modifiers allowed such as C<1M> (1 megabyte).
-For example to edit the first few sectors of a disk you
-might do:
- hexedit /dev/sda 1M
-which would allow you to edit anywhere within the first megabyte
-of the disk.
-To edit the superblock of an ext2 filesystem on F</dev/sda1>, do:
- hexedit /dev/sda1 0x400 0x400
-(assuming the superblock is in the standard location).
-This command requires the external L<hexedit(1)> program.  You
-can specify another program to use by setting the C<HEXEDITOR>
-environment variable.
-See also L</hexdump>." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "lcd";
-    shortdesc = "change working directory";
-    longdesc = " lcd directory
-Change the local directory, ie. the current directory of guestfish
-Note that C<!cd> won't do what you might expect." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "list_events";
-    shortdesc = "list event handlers";
-    longdesc = " list-events
-List the event handlers registered using the guestfish
-C<event> command." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "man";
-    fish_alias = ["manual"];
-    shortdesc = "open the manual";
-    longdesc = "  man
-Opens the manual page for guestfish." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "more";
-    fish_alias = ["less"];
-    shortdesc = "view a file";
-    longdesc = " more filename
- less filename
-This is used to view a file.
-The default viewer is C<$PAGER>.  However if you use the alternate
-command C<less> you will get the C<less> command specifically." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "reopen";
-    shortdesc = "close and reopen libguestfs handle";
-    longdesc = "  reopen
-Close and reopen the libguestfs handle.  It is not necessary to use
-this normally, because the handle is closed properly when guestfish
-exits.  However this is occasionally useful for testing." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "setenv";
-    shortdesc = "set an environment variable";
-    longdesc = "  setenv VAR value
-Set the environment variable C<VAR> to the string C<value>.
-To print the value of an environment variable use a shell command
-such as:
- !echo $VAR" };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "sparse";
-    shortdesc = "create a sparse disk image and add";
-    longdesc = " sparse filename size
-This creates an empty sparse file of the given size, and then adds
-so it can be further examined.
-In all respects it works the same as the L</alloc> command, except that
-the image file is allocated sparsely, which means that disk blocks are
-not assigned to the file until they are needed.  Sparse disk files
-only use space when written to, but they are slower and there is a
-danger you could run out of real disk space during a write operation.
-For more advanced image creation, see L</disk-create>.
-Size can be specified using standard suffixes, eg. C<1M>.
-See also the guestfish L</scratch> command." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "supported";
-    shortdesc = "list supported groups of commands";
-    longdesc = " supported
-This command returns a list of the optional groups
-known to the daemon, and indicates which ones are
-supported by this build of the libguestfs appliance.
-See also L<guestfs(3)/AVAILABILITY>." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "time";
-    shortdesc = "print elapsed time taken to run a command";
-    longdesc = " time command args...
-Run the command as usual, but print the elapsed time afterwards.  This
-can be useful for benchmarking operations." };
-  { defaults with
-    name = "unsetenv";
-    shortdesc = "unset an environment variable";
-    longdesc = "  unsetenv VAR
-Remove C<VAR> from the environment." };
 (* Some post-processing of the basic lists of actions. *)
 (* Add the name of the C function:
diff --git a/generator/actions.mli b/generator/actions.mli
index c943cb9..7ac57b6 100644
--- a/generator/actions.mli
+++ b/generator/actions.mli
@@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ val is_documented : Types.action -> bool
 val test_functions : Types.action list
 (** Internal test functions used to test the language bindings. *)
-val fish_commands : Types.action list
-(** Non-API meta-commands available only in guestfish. *)
 val max_proc_nr : int
 (** The largest procedure number used (also saved in [lib/MAX_PROC_NR] and
     used as the minor version number of the shared library). *)
diff --git a/generator/checks.ml b/generator/checks.ml
index 4dfd207..516264d 100644
--- a/generator/checks.ml
+++ b/generator/checks.ml
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ open Common_utils
 open Types
 open Utils
 open Actions
+open Fish_commands
 (* Check function names etc. for consistency. *)
 let () =
diff --git a/generator/fish.ml b/generator/fish.ml
index 8be1f1a..c2846d0 100644
--- a/generator/fish.ml
+++ b/generator/fish.ml
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ open Structs
 open Prepopts
 open C
 open Events
+open Fish_commands
 let generate_header = generate_header ~inputs:["generator/fish.ml"]
diff --git a/generator/fish_commands.ml b/generator/fish_commands.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..507e872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/fish_commands.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+(* libguestfs
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *)
+(* Please read generator/README first. *)
+open Types
+(* Non-API meta-commands available only in guestfish.
+ *
+ * Note (1): The only fields which are actually used are the
+ * shortname, fish_alias, shortdesc and longdesc.
+ *
+ * Note (2): to refer to other commands, use L</shortname>.
+ *
+ * Note (3): keep this list sorted by shortname.
+ *)
+let fish_commands = [
+  { defaults with
+    name = "alloc";
+    fish_alias = ["allocate"];
+    shortdesc = "allocate and add a disk file";
+    longdesc = " alloc filename size
+This creates an empty (zeroed) file of the given size, and then adds
+so it can be further examined.
+For more advanced image creation, see L</disk-create>.
+Size can be specified using standard suffixes, eg. C<1M>.
+To create a sparse file, use L</sparse> instead.  To create a
+prepared disk image, see L</PREPARED DISK IMAGES>." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "copy_in";
+    shortdesc = "copy local files or directories into an image";
+    longdesc = " copy-in local [local ...] /remotedir
+C<copy-in> copies local files or directories recursively into the disk
+image, placing them in the directory called F</remotedir> (which must
+exist).  This guestfish meta-command turns into a sequence of
+L</tar-in> and other commands as necessary.
+Multiple local files and directories can be specified, but the last
+parameter must always be a remote directory.  Wildcards cannot be
+used." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "copy_out";
+    shortdesc = "copy remote files or directories out of an image";
+    longdesc = " copy-out remote [remote ...] localdir
+C<copy-out> copies remote files or directories recursively out of the
+disk image, placing them on the host disk in a local directory called
+C<localdir> (which must exist).  This guestfish meta-command turns
+into a sequence of L</download>, L</tar-out> and other commands as
+Multiple remote files and directories can be specified, but the last
+parameter must always be a local directory.  To download to the
+current directory, use C<.> as in:
+ copy-out /home .
+Wildcards cannot be used in the ordinary command, but you can use
+them with the help of L</glob> like this:
+ glob copy-out /home/* ." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "delete_event";
+    shortdesc = "delete a previously registered event handler";
+    longdesc = " delete-event name
+Delete the event handler which was previously registered as C<name>.
+If multiple event handlers were registered with the same name, they
+are all deleted.
+See also the guestfish commands C<event> and C<list-events>." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "display";
+    shortdesc = "display an image";
+    longdesc = " display filename
+Use C<display> (a graphical display program) to display an image
+file.  It downloads the file, and runs C<display> on it.
+To use an alternative program, set the C<GUESTFISH_DISPLAY_IMAGE>
+environment variable.  For example to use the GNOME display program:
+See also L<display(1)>." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "echo";
+    shortdesc = "display a line of text";
+    longdesc = " echo [params ...]
+This echos the parameters to the terminal." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "edit";
+    fish_alias = ["vi"; "emacs"];
+    shortdesc = "edit a file";
+    longdesc = " edit filename
+This is used to edit a file.  It downloads the file, edits it
+locally using your editor, then uploads the result.
+The editor is C<$EDITOR>.  However if you use the alternate
+commands C<vi> or C<emacs> you will get those corresponding
+editors." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "event";
+    shortdesc = "register a handler for an event or events";
+    longdesc = " event name eventset \"shell script ...\"
+Register a shell script fragment which is executed when an
+event is raised.  See L<guestfs(3)/guestfs_set_event_callback>
+for a discussion of the event API in libguestfs.
+The C<name> parameter is a name that you give to this event
+handler.  It can be any string (even the empty string) and is
+simply there so you can delete the handler using the guestfish
+C<delete-event> command.
+The C<eventset> parameter is a comma-separated list of one
+or more events, for example C<close> or C<close,trace>.  The
+special value C<*> means all events.
+The third and final parameter is the shell script fragment
+(or any external command) that is executed when any of the
+events in the eventset occurs.  It is executed using
+C<$SHELL -c>, or if C<$SHELL> is not set then F</bin/sh -c>.
+The shell script fragment receives callback parameters as
+arguments C<$1>, C<$2> etc.  The actual event that was
+called is available in the environment variable C<$EVENT>.
+ event \"\" close \"echo closed\"
+ event messages appliance,library,trace \"echo $@\"
+ event \"\" progress \"echo progress: $3/$4\"
+ event \"\" * \"echo $EVENT $@\"
+See also the guestfish commands C<delete-event> and C<list-events>." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "glob";
+    shortdesc = "expand wildcards in command";
+    longdesc = " glob command args...
+Expand wildcards in any paths in the args list, and run C<command>
+repeatedly on each matching path.
+  { defaults with
+    name = "hexedit";
+    shortdesc = "edit with a hex editor";
+    longdesc = " hexedit <filename|device>
+ hexedit <filename|device> <max>
+ hexedit <filename|device> <start> <max>
+Use hexedit (a hex editor) to edit all or part of a binary file
+or block device.
+This command works by downloading potentially the whole file or
+device, editing it locally, then uploading it.  If the file or
+device is large, you have to specify which part you wish to edit
+by using C<max> and/or C<start> C<max> parameters.
+C<start> and C<max> are specified in bytes, with the usual
+modifiers allowed such as C<1M> (1 megabyte).
+For example to edit the first few sectors of a disk you
+might do:
+ hexedit /dev/sda 1M
+which would allow you to edit anywhere within the first megabyte
+of the disk.
+To edit the superblock of an ext2 filesystem on F</dev/sda1>, do:
+ hexedit /dev/sda1 0x400 0x400
+(assuming the superblock is in the standard location).
+This command requires the external L<hexedit(1)> program.  You
+can specify another program to use by setting the C<HEXEDITOR>
+environment variable.
+See also L</hexdump>." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "lcd";
+    shortdesc = "change working directory";
+    longdesc = " lcd directory
+Change the local directory, ie. the current directory of guestfish
+Note that C<!cd> won't do what you might expect." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "list_events";
+    shortdesc = "list event handlers";
+    longdesc = " list-events
+List the event handlers registered using the guestfish
+C<event> command." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "man";
+    fish_alias = ["manual"];
+    shortdesc = "open the manual";
+    longdesc = "  man
+Opens the manual page for guestfish." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "more";
+    fish_alias = ["less"];
+    shortdesc = "view a file";
+    longdesc = " more filename
+ less filename
+This is used to view a file.
+The default viewer is C<$PAGER>.  However if you use the alternate
+command C<less> you will get the C<less> command specifically." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "reopen";
+    shortdesc = "close and reopen libguestfs handle";
+    longdesc = "  reopen
+Close and reopen the libguestfs handle.  It is not necessary to use
+this normally, because the handle is closed properly when guestfish
+exits.  However this is occasionally useful for testing." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "setenv";
+    shortdesc = "set an environment variable";
+    longdesc = "  setenv VAR value
+Set the environment variable C<VAR> to the string C<value>.
+To print the value of an environment variable use a shell command
+such as:
+ !echo $VAR" };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "sparse";
+    shortdesc = "create a sparse disk image and add";
+    longdesc = " sparse filename size
+This creates an empty sparse file of the given size, and then adds
+so it can be further examined.
+In all respects it works the same as the L</alloc> command, except that
+the image file is allocated sparsely, which means that disk blocks are
+not assigned to the file until they are needed.  Sparse disk files
+only use space when written to, but they are slower and there is a
+danger you could run out of real disk space during a write operation.
+For more advanced image creation, see L</disk-create>.
+Size can be specified using standard suffixes, eg. C<1M>.
+See also the guestfish L</scratch> command." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "supported";
+    shortdesc = "list supported groups of commands";
+    longdesc = " supported
+This command returns a list of the optional groups
+known to the daemon, and indicates which ones are
+supported by this build of the libguestfs appliance.
+See also L<guestfs(3)/AVAILABILITY>." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "time";
+    shortdesc = "print elapsed time taken to run a command";
+    longdesc = " time command args...
+Run the command as usual, but print the elapsed time afterwards.  This
+can be useful for benchmarking operations." };
+  { defaults with
+    name = "unsetenv";
+    shortdesc = "unset an environment variable";
+    longdesc = "  unsetenv VAR
+Remove C<VAR> from the environment." };
diff --git a/generator/fish_commands.mli b/generator/fish_commands.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02dd598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generator/fish_commands.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(* libguestfs
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *)
+(* Please read generator/README first. *)
+val fish_commands : Types.action list

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