[Libguestfs] [PATCH v2 5/7] builder: add Index.write_entry function

Cédric Bosdonnat cbosdonnat at suse.com
Tue Feb 7 15:14:20 UTC 2017

Add a function to properly write virt-builder source index entries.
Note that this function is very similar to Index.print_entry that is
meant for debugging purposes.
 builder/index.mli        |  3 +++
 builder/index_parser.ml  | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 builder/index_parser.mli |  6 ++++++
 3 files changed, 61 insertions(+)

diff --git a/builder/index.mli b/builder/index.mli
index ff5ec4a35..6202d636e 100644
--- a/builder/index.mli
+++ b/builder/index.mli
@@ -39,3 +39,6 @@ and entry = {
 val print_entry : out_channel -> (string * entry) -> unit
+(** Debugging helper function dumping an index entry to a stream.
+    To write entries for non-debugging purpose, use the
+    [Index_parser.write_entry] function. *)
diff --git a/builder/index_parser.ml b/builder/index_parser.ml
index a3cae7d1a..eb72602aa 100644
--- a/builder/index_parser.ml
+++ b/builder/index_parser.ml
@@ -226,3 +226,55 @@ let get_index ~downloader ~sigchecker
   get_index ()
+let write_entry chan (name, { Index.printable_name = printable_name;
+                              file_uri = file_uri;
+                              arch = arch;
+                              osinfo = osinfo;
+                              signature_uri = signature_uri;
+                              checksums = checksums;
+                              revision = revision;
+                              format = format;
+                              size = size;
+                              compressed_size = compressed_size;
+                              expand = expand;
+                              lvexpand = lvexpand;
+                              notes = notes;
+                              aliases = aliases;
+                              hidden = hidden }) =
+  let fp fs = fprintf chan fs in
+  fp "[%s]\n" name;
+  may (fp "name=%s\n") printable_name;
+  may (fp "osinfo=%s\n") osinfo;
+  fp "file=%s\n" file_uri;
+  fp "arch=%s\n" arch;
+  may (fp "sig=%s\n") signature_uri;
+  (match checksums with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some checksums ->
+    List.iter (
+      fun c ->
+        fp "checksum[%s]=%s\n"
+          (Checksums.string_of_csum_t c) (Checksums.string_of_csum c)
+    ) checksums
+  );
+  fp "revision=%s\n" (string_of_revision revision);
+  may (fp "format=%s\n") format;
+  fp "size=%Ld\n" size;
+  may (fp "compressed_size=%Ld\n") compressed_size;
+  may (fp "expand=%s\n") expand;
+  may (fp "lvexpand=%s\n") lvexpand;
+  List.iter (
+    fun (lang, notes) ->
+      let format_notes notes =
+        Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "^" ) " " notes in
+      match lang with
+      | "" -> fp "notes=%s\n" (format_notes notes)
+      | lang -> fp "notes[%s]=%s\n" lang (format_notes notes)
+  ) notes;
+  (match aliases with
+  | None -> ()
+  | Some l -> fp "aliases=%s\n" (String.concat " " l)
+  );
+  if hidden then fp "hidden=true\n";
+  fp "\n"
diff --git a/builder/index_parser.mli b/builder/index_parser.mli
index b8d8ddf3d..7c1c423ad 100644
--- a/builder/index_parser.mli
+++ b/builder/index_parser.mli
@@ -17,3 +17,9 @@
 val get_index : downloader:Downloader.t -> sigchecker:Sigchecker.t -> Sources.source -> Index.index
+(** [get_index download sigchecker source] will parse the source index file
+     into an index entry list. *)
+val write_entry : out_channel -> (string * Index.entry) -> unit
+(** [write_entry chan entry] writes the index entry to the chan output
+    stream.*)

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