[Libguestfs] [PATCH v2 01/23] daemon: Allow parts of the daemon and APIs to be written in OCaml.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Fri Jul 21 20:36:05 UTC 2017

This change allows parts of the daemon to be written in the OCaml
programming language.  I am using the ‘Main Program in C’ method along
with ‘-output-obj’ to create an object file from the OCaml code /
runtime, as described here:

Furthermore, change the generator to allow individual APIs to be
implemented in OCaml.  This is picked by setting:

  impl = OCaml <ocaml_function>;

The generator creates ‘do_function’ (the same one you would have to
write by hand in C), with the function calling the named
‘ocaml_function’ and dealing with marshalling/unmarshalling the OCaml
 .gitignore                 |   7 +-
 Makefile.am                |   2 +-
 common/mlutils/Makefile.am |   4 -
 daemon/Makefile.am         | 121 +++++++++++++---
 daemon/chroot.ml           |  85 ++++++++++++
 daemon/chroot.mli          |  38 +++++
 daemon/daemon-c.c          | 203 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 daemon/daemon-c.h          |  38 +++++
 daemon/daemon.ml           |  39 ++++++
 daemon/guestfsd.c          |   5 +
 daemon/sysroot-c.c         |  37 +++++
 daemon/sysroot.ml          |  23 ++++
 daemon/sysroot.mli         |  25 ++++
 daemon/utils.ml            | 160 +++++++++++++++++++++
 daemon/utils.mli           |  72 ++++++++++
 docs/C_SOURCE_FILES        |   4 +
 docs/guestfs-hacking.pod   |   7 +
 generator/OCaml.ml         |   8 ++
 generator/OCaml.mli        |   1 +
 generator/actions.ml       |   5 +
 generator/actions.mli      |   4 +
 generator/daemon.ml        | 337 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 generator/daemon.mli       |   3 +
 generator/main.ml          |   8 ++
 generator/types.ml         |   7 +-
 25 files changed, 1215 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bbd9284c6..4f10327c4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -165,20 +165,25 @@ Makefile.in
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index a411b0b7b..84b00393d 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ SUBDIRS += common/structs
 SUBDIRS += lib docs examples po
 # The daemon and the appliance.
+SUBDIRS += common/mlutils
 SUBDIRS += daemon
 SUBDIRS += tests/daemon
@@ -155,7 +156,6 @@ SUBDIRS += csharp
 # OCaml tools.  Note 'common/ml*', 'mllib' and 'customize' contain
 # shared code used by other OCaml tools, so these must come first.
-SUBDIRS += common/mlutils
 SUBDIRS += common/mlprogress
 SUBDIRS += common/mlvisit
 SUBDIRS += common/mlxml
diff --git a/common/mlutils/Makefile.am b/common/mlutils/Makefile.am
index 94b2187eb..f29ffc062 100644
--- a/common/mlutils/Makefile.am
+++ b/common/mlutils/Makefile.am
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ SOURCES_C = \
 	c_utils-c.c \
 # We pretend that we're building a C library.  automake handles the
 # compilation of the C sources for us.  At the end we take the C
 # objects and OCaml objects and link them into the OCaml library.
@@ -150,6 +148,4 @@ depend: .depend
 -include .depend
 .PHONY: depend docs
diff --git a/daemon/Makefile.am b/daemon/Makefile.am
index eedf09d52..67a26de06 100644
--- a/daemon/Makefile.am
+++ b/daemon/Makefile.am
@@ -17,27 +17,31 @@
 include $(top_srcdir)/subdir-rules.mk
-generator_built = \
-	actions.h \
-	dispatch.c \
-	names.c \
-	lvm-tokenization.c \
-	structs-cleanups.c \
-	structs-cleanups.h \
-	stubs-0.c \
-	stubs-1.c \
-	stubs-2.c \
-	stubs-3.c \
-	stubs-4.c \
-	stubs-5.c \
-	stubs-6.c \
-	stubs.h
-	$(generator_built)
+	actions.h \
+	caml-stubs.c \
+	dispatch.c \
+	names.c \
+	lvm-tokenization.c \
+	structs-cleanups.c \
+	structs-cleanups.h \
+	stubs-0.c \
+	stubs-1.c \
+	stubs-2.c \
+	stubs-3.c \
+	stubs-4.c \
+	stubs-5.c \
+	stubs-6.c \
+	stubs.h
+generator_built = \
+	callbacks.ml \
+	types.ml
+	$(generator_built) \
@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ guestfsd_SOURCES = \
 	blkid.c \
 	blockdev.c \
 	btrfs.c \
+	caml-stubs.c \
 	cap.c \
 	checksum.c \
 	cleanups.c \
@@ -71,6 +76,8 @@ guestfsd_SOURCES = \
 	copy.c \
 	cpio.c \
 	cpmv.c \
+	daemon-c.c \
+	daemon-c.h \
 	daemon.h \
 	dd.c \
 	debug.c \
@@ -161,6 +168,7 @@ guestfsd_SOURCES = \
 	swap.c \
 	sync.c \
 	syslinux.c \
+	sysroot-c.c \
 	tar.c \
 	tsk.c \
 	truncate.c \
@@ -176,10 +184,16 @@ guestfsd_SOURCES = \
 	zero.c \
+guestfsd_LDFLAGS = \
+	-L$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where) \
+	-L$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where)/hivex \
+	-L../common/mlutils \
+	-L../common/mlstdutils
 guestfsd_LDADD = \
 	../common/errnostring/liberrnostring.la \
 	../common/protocol/libprotocol.la \
 	../common/utils/libutils.la \
+	camldaemon.o \
 	$(ACL_LIBS) \
 	$(CAP_LIBS) \
 	$(YAJL_LIBS) \
@@ -198,9 +212,12 @@ guestfsd_LDADD = \
 	$(PCRE_LIBS) \
 	$(TSK_LIBS) \
 	$(RPC_LIBS) \
+	$(YARA_LIBS) \
 guestfsd_CPPFLAGS = \
+	-I$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where) \
+	-I$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where)/hivex \
 	-I$(top_srcdir)/gnulib/lib \
 	-I$(top_builddir)/gnulib/lib \
 	-I$(top_srcdir)/lib \
@@ -220,6 +237,70 @@ guestfsd_CFLAGS = \
+# Parts of the daemon are written in OCaml.  These are linked into a
+# library and then linked to the daemon.  See
+# https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/intfc.html
+	chroot.mli \
+	sysroot.mli \
+	utils.mli
+	types.ml \
+	utils.ml \
+	structs.ml \
+	sysroot.ml \
+	chroot.ml \
+	callbacks.ml \
+	daemon.ml
+BOBJECTS = $(SOURCES_ML:.ml=.cmo)
+XOBJECTS = $(BOBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)
+	-package str,unix,hivex \
+	-I $(top_srcdir)/common/mlstdutils \
+	-I $(top_srcdir)/common/mlutils
+CAMLRUN = camlrun
+CAMLRUN = asmrun
+	-lmlcutils \
+	-lmlstdutils \
+	-lmlhivex \
+	-lcamlstr \
+	-lunix \
+	-l$(CAMLRUN) -ldl -lm
+CLEANFILES += camldaemon.o
+camldaemon.o: $(OBJECTS)
+	$(OCAMLFIND) $(BEST) -output-obj -o $@ \
+	    -linkpkg mlcutils.$(MLARCHIVE) mlstdutils.$(MLARCHIVE) \
+	    $(OBJECTS)
+# OCaml dependencies.
+depend: .depend
+.depend: $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.mli) $(wildcard $(abs_srcdir)/*.ml)
+	rm -f $@ $@-t
+	$(OCAMLFIND) ocamldep -I $(abs_srcdir) -I $(abs_top_builddir)/common/mlstdutils -I $(abs_top_builddir)/common/mlutils $^ | \
+	  $(SED) 's/ *$$//' | \
+	  $(SED) -e :a -e '/ *\\$$/N; s/ *\\\n */ /; ta' | \
+	  $(SED) -e 's,$(abs_srcdir)/,$(builddir)/,g' | \
+	  sort > $@-t
+	mv $@-t $@
+-include .depend
 # Manual pages and HTML files for the website.
 man_MANS = guestfsd.8
@@ -241,4 +322,4 @@ stamp-guestfsd.pod: guestfsd.pod
 	touch $@
-.PHONY: force
+.PHONY: depend force
diff --git a/daemon/chroot.ml b/daemon/chroot.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3364cd20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/chroot.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+(* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Printf
+open Unix
+open Std_utils
+open Unix_utils
+type t = {
+  name : string;
+  chroot : string;
+let create ?(name = "<unnamed>") ?(chroot = Sysroot.sysroot ()) () =
+  { name = name; chroot = chroot }
+let f t func arg =
+  if verbose () then
+    eprintf "chroot: %s: running '%s'\n%!" t.chroot t.name;
+  let rfd, wfd = pipe () in
+  let pid = fork () in
+  if pid = 0 then (
+    (* Child. *)
+    close rfd;
+    chdir t.chroot;
+    chroot t.chroot;
+    let ret =
+      try Either (func arg)
+      with exn -> Or exn in
+    try
+      let chan = out_channel_of_descr wfd in
+      output_value chan ret;
+      Pervasives.flush chan;
+      Exit._exit 0
+    with
+      exn ->
+        prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn);
+        Exit._exit 1
+  );
+  (* Parent. *)
+  close wfd;
+  let _, status = waitpid [] pid in
+  (match status with
+   | WEXITED 0 -> ()
+   | WEXITED i ->
+      close rfd;
+      failwithf "chroot ‘%s’ exited with non-zero error %d" t.name i
+   | WSIGNALED i ->
+      close rfd;
+      failwithf "chroot ‘%s’ killed by signal %d" t.name i
+   | WSTOPPED i ->
+      close rfd;
+      failwithf "chroot ‘%s’ stopped by signal %d" t.name i
+  );
+  let chan = in_channel_of_descr rfd in
+  let ret = input_value chan in
+  close_in chan;
+  match ret with
+  | Either ret -> ret
+  | Or exn -> raise exn
diff --git a/daemon/chroot.mli b/daemon/chroot.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33f53ba18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/chroot.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+(* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+(** This is a generic module for running functions in a chroot.
+    The function runs in a forked subprocess too so that we can
+    restore the root afterwards.
+    It handles passing the parameter, forking, running the
+    function and marshalling the result or any exceptions. *)
+type t
+val create : ?name:string -> ?chroot:string -> unit -> t
+(** Create a chroot handle.
+    [?name] is an optional name used in debugging and error messages.
+    [?chroot] is the optional chroot directory.  This parameter
+    defaults to [Sysroot.sysroot ()]. *)
+val f : t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(** Run a function in the chroot, returning the result or re-raising
+    any exception thrown. *)
diff --git a/daemon/daemon-c.c b/daemon/daemon-c.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbb3d8918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/daemon-c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+/* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <caml/alloc.h>
+#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
+#include <caml/memory.h>
+#include <caml/unixsupport.h>
+#include "daemon.h"
+#include "daemon-c.h"
+/* Convert an OCaml exception to a reply_with_error_errno call
+ * as best we can.
+ */
+guestfs_int_daemon_exn_to_reply_with_error (const char *func, value exn)
+  const char *exn_name;
+  /* This is not the official way to do this, but I could not get the
+   * official way to work, and this way does work.  See
+   * http://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2006/05/097f63cfb39a80418f95c70c3c520aa8.en.html
+   * http://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2009/06/797e2f797f57b8ea2a2c0e431a2df312.en.html
+   */
+  if (Tag_val (Field (exn, 0)) == String_tag)
+    /* For End_of_file and a few other constant exceptions. */
+    exn_name = String_val (Field (exn, 0));
+  else
+    /* For most exceptions. */
+    exn_name = String_val (Field (Field (exn, 0), 0));
+  if (verbose)
+    fprintf (stderr, "ocaml_exn: '%s' raised '%s' exception\n",
+             func, exn_name);
+  if (STREQ (exn_name, "Unix.Unix_error")) {
+    int errcode = code_of_unix_error (Field (exn, 1));
+    reply_with_perror_errno (errcode, "%s: %s",
+                             String_val (Field (exn, 2)),
+                             String_val (Field (exn, 3)));
+  }
+  else if (STREQ (exn_name, "Failure"))
+    reply_with_error ("%s", String_val (Field (exn, 1)));
+  else if (STREQ (exn_name, "Sys_error"))
+    reply_with_error ("%s", String_val (Field (exn, 1)));
+  else if (STREQ (exn_name, "Invalid_argument"))
+    reply_with_error ("invalid argument: %s", String_val (Field (exn, 1)));
+  else
+    reply_with_error ("internal error: %s: unhandled exception thrown: %s",
+                      func, exn_name);
+/* NB: This is a "noalloc" call. */
+guestfs_int_daemon_get_verbose_flag (value unitv)
+  return Val_bool (verbose);
+/* Implement String (Mountable, _) parameter. */
+guestfs_int_daemon_copy_mountable (const mountable_t *mountable)
+  CAMLparam0 ();
+  CAMLlocal4 (r, typev, devicev, volumev);
+  switch (mountable->type) {
+    typev = Val_int (0); /* MountableDevice */
+    break;
+    typev = Val_int (1); /* MountablePath */
+    break;
+    volumev = caml_copy_string (mountable->volume);
+    typev = caml_alloc (1, 0); /* MountableBtrfsVol */
+    Store_field (typev, 0, volumev);
+  }
+  devicev = caml_copy_string (mountable->device);
+  r = caml_alloc_tuple (2);
+  Store_field (r, 0, typev);
+  Store_field (r, 1, devicev);
+  CAMLreturn (r);
+/* Implement RStringList. */
+char **
+guestfs_int_daemon_return_string_list (value retv)
+  value v;
+  while (retv != Val_int (0)) {
+    v = Field (retv, 0);
+    if (add_string (&ret, String_val (v)) == -1)
+      return NULL;
+    retv = Field (retv, 1);
+  }
+  if (end_stringsbuf (&ret) == -1)
+    return NULL;
+  return take_stringsbuf (&ret); /* caller frees */
+/* Implement RString (RMountable, _). */
+char *
+guestfs_int_daemon_return_string_mountable (value retv)
+  value typev = Field (retv, 0);
+  value devicev = Field (retv, 1);
+  value subvolv;
+  char *ret;
+  if (Is_long (typev)) {      /* MountableDevice or MountablePath */
+    ret = strdup (String_val (devicev));
+    if (ret == NULL)
+      reply_with_perror ("strdup");
+    return ret;
+  }
+  else {                      /* MountableBtrfsVol of subvol */
+    subvolv = Field (typev, 0);
+    if (asprintf (&ret, "btrfsvol:%s/%s",
+                        String_val (devicev), String_val (subvolv)) == -1)
+      reply_with_perror ("asprintf");
+    return ret;
+  }
+/* Implement RHashtable (RPlainString, RPlainString, _). */
+char **
+guestfs_int_daemon_return_hashtable_string_string (value retv)
+  value v, sv;
+  while (retv != Val_int (0)) {
+    v = Field (retv, 0);        /* (string, string) */
+    sv = Field (v, 0);          /* string */
+    if (add_string (&ret, String_val (sv)) == -1)
+      return NULL;
+    sv = Field (v, 1);          /* string */
+    if (add_string (&ret, String_val (sv)) == -1)
+      return NULL;
+    retv = Field (retv, 1);
+  }
+  if (end_stringsbuf (&ret) == -1)
+    return NULL;
+  return take_stringsbuf (&ret); /* caller frees */
+/* Implement RHashtable (RMountable, RPlainString, _). */
+char **
+guestfs_int_daemon_return_hashtable_mountable_string (value retv)
+  value v, mv, sv;
+  char *m;
+  while (retv != Val_int (0)) {
+    v = Field (retv, 0);        /* (Mountable.t, string) */
+    mv = Field (v, 0);          /* Mountable.t */
+    m = guestfs_int_daemon_return_string_mountable (mv);
+    if (m == NULL)
+      return NULL;
+    if (add_string_nodup (&ret, m) == -1)
+      return NULL;
+    sv = Field (v, 1);          /* string */
+    if (add_string (&ret, String_val (sv)) == -1)
+      return NULL;
+    retv = Field (retv, 1);
+  }
+  if (end_stringsbuf (&ret) == -1)
+    return NULL;
+  return take_stringsbuf (&ret); /* caller frees */
diff --git a/daemon/daemon-c.h b/daemon/daemon-c.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b9f102ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/daemon-c.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+/* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+/* This file is separate from <daemon.h> because we don't want to
+ * include the OCaml headers (to get 'value') for the whole daemon.
+ */
+#include "daemon.h"
+#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
+extern value guestfs_int_daemon_get_verbose_flag (value unitv);
+extern void guestfs_int_daemon_exn_to_reply_with_error (const char *func, value exn);
+extern value guestfs_int_daemon_copy_mountable (const mountable_t *mountable);
+extern char **guestfs_int_daemon_return_string_list (value retv);
+extern char *guestfs_int_daemon_return_string_mountable (value retv);
+extern char **guestfs_int_daemon_return_hashtable_string_string (value retv);
+extern char **guestfs_int_daemon_return_hashtable_mountable_string (value retv);
+#endif /* GUESTFSD_DAEMON_C_H */
diff --git a/daemon/daemon.ml b/daemon/daemon.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45bac029a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/daemon.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Printf
+external get_verbose_flag : unit -> bool =
+  "guestfs_int_daemon_get_verbose_flag" "noalloc"
+(* When guestfsd starts up, after initialization but before accepting
+ * messages, it calls 'caml_startup' which runs all initialization code
+ * in the OCaml modules, including this one.  Therefore this is where
+ * we can place OCaml initialization code for the daemon.
+ *)
+let () =
+  (* Connect the guestfsd [-v] (verbose) flag into 'verbose ()'
+   * used in OCaml code to print debugging messages.
+   *)
+  if get_verbose_flag () then (
+    Std_utils.set_verbose ();
+    eprintf "OCaml daemon loaded\n%!"
+  );
+  (* Register the callbacks which are used to call OCaml code from C. *)
+  Callbacks.init_callbacks ()
diff --git a/daemon/guestfsd.c b/daemon/guestfsd.c
index b3f40628b..ddc49ed44 100644
--- a/daemon/guestfsd.c
+++ b/daemon/guestfsd.c
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
 #include <augeas.h>
+#include <caml/callback.h> /* for caml_startup */
 #include "sockets.h"
 #include "c-ctype.h"
 #include "ignore-value.h"
@@ -348,6 +350,9 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
   udev_settle ();
+  /* Initialize the OCaml stubs. */
+  caml_startup (argv);
   /* Send the magic length message which indicates that
    * userspace is up inside the guest.
diff --git a/daemon/sysroot-c.c b/daemon/sysroot-c.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad31d36ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/sysroot-c.c
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <caml/alloc.h>
+#include <caml/fail.h>
+#include <caml/memory.h>
+#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
+#include "daemon.h"
+extern value guestfs_int_daemon_sysroot (value unitv);
+guestfs_int_daemon_sysroot (value unitv)
+  return caml_copy_string (sysroot);
diff --git a/daemon/sysroot.ml b/daemon/sysroot.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..262890952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/sysroot.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Std_utils
+external sysroot : unit -> string = "guestfs_int_daemon_sysroot"
+let sysroot_path path = sysroot () // path
diff --git a/daemon/sysroot.mli b/daemon/sysroot.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f99ab0d54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/sysroot.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+val sysroot : unit -> string
+(** Return the current sysroot path where filesystems are mounted.
+    This comes from the daemon command line ([-r] option) or a built
+    in default. *)
+val sysroot_path : string -> string
+(** Equivalent to calling [sysroot () // path] *)
diff --git a/daemon/utils.ml b/daemon/utils.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..347ed613b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/utils.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+(* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Unix
+open Printf
+open Std_utils
+let prog_exists prog =
+  try ignore (which prog); true
+  with Executable_not_found _ -> false
+type command_flag =
+  CommandFlagFoldStdoutOnStderr
+let commandr ?(flags = []) prog args =
+  let fold_stdout_on_stderr = List.mem CommandFlagFoldStdoutOnStderr flags in
+  if verbose () then
+    eprintf "command: %s %s\n%!"
+            (if fold_stdout_on_stderr then " fold-stdout-on-stderr" else "")
+            (stringify_args (prog :: args));
+  let argv = Array.of_list (prog :: args) in
+  let stdout_file, stdout_chan = Filename.open_temp_file "cmd" ".out" in
+  let stderr_file, stderr_chan = Filename.open_temp_file "cmd" ".err" in
+  let stdout_fd = descr_of_out_channel stdout_chan in
+  let stderr_fd = descr_of_out_channel stderr_chan in
+  let stdin_fd = openfile "/dev/null" [O_RDONLY] 0 in
+  let pid = fork () in
+  if pid = 0 then (
+    (* Child process. *)
+    dup2 stdin_fd stdin;
+    close stdin_fd;
+    if not fold_stdout_on_stderr then
+      dup2 stdout_fd stdout
+    else
+      dup2 stderr_fd stdout;
+    close stdout_fd;
+    dup2 stderr_fd stderr;
+    close stderr_fd;
+    execvp prog argv
+  );
+  (* Parent process. *)
+  close stdin_fd;
+  close stdout_fd;
+  close stderr_fd;
+  let _, status = waitpid [] pid in
+  let r =
+    match status with
+    | WEXITED i -> i
+    | WSIGNALED i ->
+       failwithf "external command ‘%s’ killed by signal %d" prog i
+    | WSTOPPED i ->
+       failwithf "external command ‘%s’ stopped by signal %d" prog i in
+  if verbose () then
+    eprintf "command: %s returned %d\n" prog r;
+  let stdout = read_whole_file stdout_file in
+  let stderr = read_whole_file stderr_file in
+  if verbose () then (
+    if stdout <> "" then (
+      eprintf "command: %s: stdout:\n%s%!" prog stdout;
+      if not (String.is_suffix stdout "\n") then eprintf "\n%!"
+    );
+    if stderr <> "" then (
+      eprintf "command: %s: stderr:\n%s%!" prog stderr;
+      if not (String.is_suffix stderr "\n") then eprintf "\n%!"
+    )
+  );
+  (* Strip trailing \n from stderr but NOT from stdout. *)
+  let stderr = String.chomp stderr in
+  (r, stdout, stderr)
+let command ?flags prog args =
+  let r, stdout, stderr = commandr ?flags prog args in
+  if r <> 0 then
+    failwithf "%s exited with status %d: %s" prog r stderr;
+  stdout
+let udev_settle ?filename () =
+  let args = ref [] in
+  if verbose () then
+    push_back args "--debug";
+  push_back args "settle";
+  (match filename with
+   | None -> ()
+   | Some filename ->
+      push_back args "-E";
+      push_back args filename
+  );
+  let args = !args in
+  let r, _, err = commandr "udevadm" args in
+  if r <> 0 then
+    eprintf "udevadm settle: %s\n" err
+let root_device = lazy ((stat "/").st_dev)
+let is_root_device_stat statbuf =
+  statbuf.st_rdev = Lazy.force root_device
+let is_root_device device =
+  udev_settle ~filename:device ();
+  try
+    let statbuf = stat device in
+    is_root_device_stat statbuf
+  with
+    Unix_error (err, func, arg) ->
+      eprintf "is_root_device: %s: %s: %s: %s\n"
+              device func arg (error_message err);
+      false
+let proc_unmangle_path path =
+  let n = String.length path in
+  let b = Buffer.create n in
+  let rec loop i =
+    if i < n-3 && path.[i] = '\\' then (
+      let to_int c = Char.code c - Char.code '0' in
+      let v =
+        (to_int path.[i+1] lsl 6) lor
+        (to_int path.[i+2] lsl 3) lor
+        to_int path.[i+3] in
+      Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr v);
+      loop (i+4)
+    )
+    else if i < n then (
+      Buffer.add_char b path.[i];
+      loop (i+1)
+    )
+    else
+      Buffer.contents b
+  in
+  loop 0
+let is_small_file path =
+  is_regular_file path &&
+    (stat path).st_size <= 2 * 1048 * 1024
diff --git a/daemon/utils.mli b/daemon/utils.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b399bfc00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon/utils.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(* guestfs-inspection
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+val prog_exists : string -> bool
+(** Return true iff the program is found on [$PATH]. *)
+val udev_settle : ?filename:string -> unit -> unit
+ * LVM and other commands aren't synchronous, especially when udev is
+ * involved.  eg. You can create or remove some device, but the
+ * [/dev] device node won't appear until some time later.  This means
+ * that you get an error if you run one command followed by another.
+ *
+ * Use [udevadm settle] after certain commands, but don't be too
+ * fussed if it fails.
+ *
+ * The optional [?filename] passes the [udevadm settle -E filename]
+ * option, which means udevadm stops waiting as soon as the named
+ * file is created (or if it exists at the start).
+ *)
+val is_root_device : string -> bool
+(** Return true if this is the root (appliance) device. *)
+val is_root_device_stat : Unix.stats -> bool
+(** As for {!is_root_device} but operates on a statbuf instead of
+    a device name. *)
+val proc_unmangle_path : string -> string
+(** Reverse kernel path escaping done in fs/seq_file.c:mangle_path.
+    This is inconsistently used for /proc fields. *)
+type command_flag =
+  CommandFlagFoldStdoutOnStderr
+    (** For broken external commands that send error messages to stdout
+        (hello, parted) but that don't have any useful stdout information,
+        use this flag to capture the error messages in the [stderr]
+        buffer.  Nothing will be captured on stdout if you use this flag. *)
+val command : ?flags:command_flag list -> string -> string list -> string
+(** Run an external command without using the shell, and collect
+    stdout and stderr separately.  Returns stdout if the command
+    runs successfully.
+    On failure of the command, this throws an exception containing
+    the stderr from the command. *)
+val commandr : ?flags:command_flag list -> string -> string list -> (int * string * string)
+(** Run an external command without using the shell, and collect
+    stdout and stderr separately.
+    Returns [status, stdout, stderr].  As with the C function in
+    [daemon/command.c], this strips the trailing [\n] from stderr,
+    but {b not} from stdout. *)
+val is_small_file : string -> bool
+(** Return true if the path is a small regular file. *)
diff --git a/docs/C_SOURCE_FILES b/docs/C_SOURCE_FILES
index a3ac13b7c..7bb6d5143 100644
--- a/docs/C_SOURCE_FILES
+++ b/docs/C_SOURCE_FILES
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ daemon/blkdiscard.c
@@ -82,6 +83,8 @@ daemon/compress.c
@@ -172,6 +175,7 @@ daemon/stubs.h
diff --git a/docs/guestfs-hacking.pod b/docs/guestfs-hacking.pod
index bfbe4526d..61a49e872 100644
--- a/docs/guestfs-hacking.pod
+++ b/docs/guestfs-hacking.pod
@@ -416,6 +416,13 @@ in the C<lib/> directory.
 In either case, use another function as an example of what to do.
+=item 3.
+As an alternative to step 2: Since libguestfs 1.38, daemon actions
+can be implemented in OCaml.  You have to set the C<impl = OCaml ...>
+flag in the generator.  Take a look at F<daemon/file.ml> for an
 After making these changes, use C<make> to compile.
diff --git a/generator/OCaml.ml b/generator/OCaml.ml
index 53f105198..853b41bb3 100644
--- a/generator/OCaml.ml
+++ b/generator/OCaml.ml
@@ -888,3 +888,11 @@ and generate_ocaml_function_type ?(extra_unit = false) (ret, args, optargs) =
    | RStructList (_, typ) -> pr "%s array" typ
    | RHashtable _ -> pr "(string * string) list"
+(* Structure definitions (again).  These are used in the daemon,
+ * but it's convenient to generate them here.
+ *)
+and generate_ocaml_daemon_structs () =
+  generate_header OCamlStyle GPLv2plus;
+  generate_ocaml_structure_decls ()
diff --git a/generator/OCaml.mli b/generator/OCaml.mli
index 4e79a5b5a..a36fbe02f 100644
--- a/generator/OCaml.mli
+++ b/generator/OCaml.mli
@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ val generate_ocaml_c : unit -> unit
 val generate_ocaml_c_errnos : unit -> unit
 val generate_ocaml_ml : unit -> unit
 val generate_ocaml_mli : unit -> unit
+val generate_ocaml_daemon_structs : unit -> unit
diff --git a/generator/actions.ml b/generator/actions.ml
index a9b3b5906..75742397a 100644
--- a/generator/actions.ml
+++ b/generator/actions.ml
@@ -185,6 +185,11 @@ let is_fish { visibility = v; style = (_, args, _) } =
     not (List.exists (function Pointer _ -> true | _ -> false) args)
 let fish_functions = List.filter is_fish
+let is_ocaml_function = function
+  | { impl = OCaml _ } -> true
+  | { impl = C } -> false
+let impl_ocaml_functions = List.filter is_ocaml_function
 (* In some places we want the functions to be displayed sorted
  * alphabetically, so this is useful:
diff --git a/generator/actions.mli b/generator/actions.mli
index 0d326b609..82217cbdc 100644
--- a/generator/actions.mli
+++ b/generator/actions.mli
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ val internal_functions : Types.action list -> Types.action list
 val fish_functions : Types.action list -> Types.action list
 (** Filter {!actions}, returning only functions in guestfish. *)
+val impl_ocaml_functions : Types.action list -> Types.action list
+(** Filter {!actions}, returning only functions implemented
+    in OCaml (in the daemon). *)
 val documented_functions : Types.action list -> Types.action list
 (** Filter {!actions}, returning only functions requiring documentation. *)
diff --git a/generator/daemon.ml b/generator/daemon.ml
index 2ae462864..5004509e6 100644
--- a/generator/daemon.ml
+++ b/generator/daemon.ml
@@ -471,6 +471,324 @@ let generate_daemon_stubs actions () =
       pr "}\n\n";
   ) (actions |> daemon_functions |> sort)
+let generate_daemon_caml_types_ml () =
+  generate_header OCamlStyle GPLv2plus
+let generate_daemon_caml_callbacks_ml () =
+  generate_header OCamlStyle GPLv2plus;
+  if actions |> impl_ocaml_functions <> [] then (
+    pr "let init_callbacks () =\n";
+    pr "  (* Initialize callbacks to OCaml code. *)\n";
+    List.iter (
+      fun ({ name = name; style = ret, args, optargs } as f) ->
+        let ocaml_function =
+          match f.impl with
+          | OCaml f -> f
+          | C -> assert false in
+        pr "  Callback.register %S %s;\n" ocaml_function ocaml_function
+    ) (actions |> impl_ocaml_functions |> sort)
+  )
+  else
+    pr "let init_callbacks () = ()\n"
+(* Generate stubs for the functions implemented in OCaml.
+ * Basically we implement the do_<name> function here, and
+ * have it call out to OCaml code.
+ *)
+let generate_daemon_caml_stubs () =
+  generate_header CStyle GPLv2plus;
+  pr "\
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <caml/alloc.h>
+#include <caml/callback.h>
+#include <caml/fail.h>
+#include <caml/memory.h>
+#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
+#include \"daemon.h\"
+#include \"actions.h\"
+#include \"daemon-c.h\"
+  (* Implement code for returning structs and struct lists. *)
+  let emit_return_struct typ =
+    let struc = Structs.lookup_struct typ in
+    pr "/* Implement RStruct (%S, _). */\n" typ;
+    pr "static guestfs_int_%s *\n" typ;
+    pr "return_%s (value retv)\n" typ;
+    pr "{\n";
+    pr "  guestfs_int_%s *ret;\n" typ;
+    pr "  value v;\n";
+    pr "\n";
+    pr "  ret = malloc (sizeof (*ret));\n";
+    pr "  if (ret == NULL) {\n";
+    pr "    reply_with_perror (\"malloc\");\n";
+    pr "    return NULL;\n";
+    pr "  }\n";
+    pr "\n";
+    iteri (
+      fun i ->
+        pr "  v = Field (retv, %d);\n" i;
+        function
+        | n, (FString|FUUID) ->
+           pr "  ret->%s = strdup (String_val (v));\n" n;
+           pr "  if (ret->%s == NULL) return NULL;\n" n
+        | n, FBuffer ->
+           pr "  ret->%s_len = caml_string_length (v);\n" n;
+           pr "  ret->%s = strdup (String_val (v));\n" n;
+           pr "  if (ret->%s == NULL) return NULL;\n" n
+        | n, (FBytes|FInt64|FUInt64) ->
+           pr "  ret->%s = Int64_val (v);\n" n
+        | n, (FInt32|FUInt32) ->
+           pr "  ret->%s = Int32_val (v);\n" n
+        | n, FOptPercent ->
+           pr "  if (v == Val_int (0)) /* None */\n";
+           pr "    ret->%s = -1;\n" n;
+           pr "  else {\n";
+           pr "    v = Field (v, 0);\n";
+           pr "    ret->%s = Double_val (v);\n" n;
+           pr "  }\n"
+        | n, FChar ->
+           pr "  ret->%s = Int_val (v);\n" n
+    ) struc.s_cols;
+    pr "\n";
+    pr "  return ret;\n";
+    pr "}\n";
+    pr "\n"
+  and emit_return_struct_list typ =
+    pr "/* Implement RStructList (%S, _). */\n" typ;
+    pr "static guestfs_int_%s_list *\n" typ;
+    pr "return_%s_list (value retv)\n" typ;
+    pr "{\n";
+    pr "  guestfs_int_%s_list *ret;\n" typ;
+    pr "  guestfs_int_%s *r;\n" typ;
+    pr "  size_t i, len;\n";
+    pr "  value v, rv;\n";
+    pr "\n";
+    pr "  /* Count the number of elements in the list. */\n";
+    pr "  rv = retv;\n";
+    pr "  len = 0;\n";
+    pr "  while (rv != Val_int (0)) {\n";
+    pr "    len++;\n";
+    pr "    rv = Field (rv, 1);\n";
+    pr "  }\n";
+    pr "\n";
+    pr "  ret = malloc (sizeof *ret);\n";
+    pr "  if (ret == NULL) {\n";
+    pr "    reply_with_perror (\"malloc\");\n";
+    pr "    return NULL;\n";
+    pr "  }\n";
+    pr "  ret->guestfs_int_%s_list_len = len;\n" typ;
+    pr "  ret->guestfs_int_%s_list_val =\n" typ;
+    pr "    calloc (len, sizeof (guestfs_int_%s));\n" typ;
+    pr "  if (ret->guestfs_int_%s_list_val == NULL) {\n" typ;
+    pr "    reply_with_perror (\"calloc\");\n";
+    pr "    free (ret);\n";
+    pr "    return NULL;\n";
+    pr "  }\n";
+    pr "\n";
+    pr "  rv = retv;\n";
+    pr "  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {\n";
+    pr "    v = Field (rv, 0);\n";
+    pr "    r = return_%s (v);\n" typ;
+    pr "    if (r == NULL)\n";
+    pr "      return NULL; /* XXX leaks memory along this error path */\n";
+    pr "    memcpy (&ret->guestfs_int_%s_list_val[i], r, sizeof (*r));\n" typ;
+    pr "    free (r);\n";
+    pr "    rv = Field (rv, 1);\n";
+    pr "  }\n";
+    pr "\n";
+    pr "  return ret;\n";
+    pr "}\n";
+    pr "\n";
+  in
+  List.iter (
+    function
+    | typ, RStructOnly ->
+       emit_return_struct typ
+    | typ, (RStructListOnly | RStructAndList) ->
+       emit_return_struct typ;
+       emit_return_struct_list typ
+  ) (rstructs_used_by (actions |> impl_ocaml_functions));
+  (* Implement the wrapper functions. *)
+  List.iter (
+    fun ({ name = name; style = ret, args, optargs } as f) ->
+      let uc_name = String.uppercase_ascii name in
+      let ocaml_function =
+        match f.impl with
+        | OCaml f -> f
+        | C -> assert false in
+      pr "/* Wrapper for OCaml function ‘%s’. */\n" ocaml_function;
+      let args_do_function = args @ args_of_optargs optargs in
+      let args_do_function =
+        List.filter (function
+                     | String ((FileIn|FileOut), _) -> false | _ -> true)
+                    args_do_function in
+      let style = ret, args_do_function, [] in
+      generate_prototype ~extern:false ~semicolon:false
+                         ~single_line:false ~newline:false
+                         ~in_daemon:true ~prefix:"do_"
+                         name style;
+      pr "\n";
+      let add_unit_arg =
+        let args = List.filter
+                     (function
+                      | String ((FileIn|FileOut), _) -> false | _ -> true)
+                 args in
+        args = [] in
+      let nr_args = List.length args_do_function in
+      pr "{\n";
+      pr "  static value *cb = NULL;\n";
+      pr "  CAMLparam0 ();\n";
+      pr "  CAMLlocal2 (v, retv);\n";
+      pr "  CAMLlocalN (args, %d);\n"
+         (nr_args + if add_unit_arg then 1 else 0);
+      pr "\n";
+      pr "  if (cb == NULL)\n";
+      pr "    cb = caml_named_value (\"%s\");\n" ocaml_function;
+      pr "\n";
+      (* Construct the actual call, but note that we want to pass
+       * the optional arguments first in the list.
+       *)
+      let i = ref 0 in
+      List.iter (
+        fun optarg ->
+          let n = name_of_optargt optarg in
+          let uc_n = String.uppercase_ascii n in
+          (* optargs are all passed as [None|Some _] *)
+          pr "  if ((optargs_bitmask & GUESTFS_%s_%s_BITMASK) == 0)\n"
+             uc_name uc_n;
+          pr "    args[%d] = Val_int (0); /* None */\n" !i;
+          pr "  else {\n";
+          pr "    v = ";
+          (match optarg with
+           | OBool _ ->
+              pr "Val_bool (%s)" n;
+           | OInt _ -> assert false
+           | OInt64 _ -> assert false
+           | OString _ -> assert false
+           | OStringList _ -> assert false
+          );
+          pr ";\n";
+          pr "    args[%d] = caml_alloc (1, 0);\n" !i;
+          pr "    Store_field (args[%d], 0, v);\n" !i;
+          pr "  }\n";
+          incr i
+      ) optargs;
+      List.iter (
+        fun arg ->
+          pr "  args[%d] = " !i;
+          (match arg with
+           | Bool n -> pr "Val_bool (%s)" n
+           | Int n -> pr "Val_int (%s)" n
+           | Int64 n -> pr "caml_copy_int64 (%s)" n
+           | String ((PlainString|Device|Pathname|Dev_or_Path), n) ->
+              pr "caml_copy_string (%s)" n
+           | String ((Mountable|Mountable_or_Path), n) ->
+              pr "guestfs_int_daemon_copy_mountable (%s)" n
+           | String _ -> assert false
+           | OptString _ -> assert false
+           | StringList _ -> assert false
+           | BufferIn _ -> assert false
+           | Pointer _ -> assert false
+          );
+          pr ";\n";
+          incr i
+      ) args;
+      assert (!i = nr_args);
+      (* If there are no non-optional arguments, we add a unit arg. *)
+      if add_unit_arg then
+        pr "  args[%d] = Val_unit;\n" !i;
+      pr "  retv = caml_callbackN_exn (*cb, %d, args);\n"
+         (nr_args + if add_unit_arg then 1 else 0);
+      pr "\n";
+      pr "  if (Is_exception_result (retv)) {\n";
+      pr "    retv = Extract_exception (retv);\n";
+      pr "    guestfs_int_daemon_exn_to_reply_with_error (%S, retv);\n" name;
+      (match errcode_of_ret ret with
+       | `CannotReturnError ->
+          pr "    CAMLreturn0;\n"
+       | `ErrorIsMinusOne ->
+          pr "    CAMLreturnT (int, -1);\n"
+       | `ErrorIsNULL ->
+          pr "    CAMLreturnT (void *, NULL);\n"
+      );
+      pr "  }\n";
+      pr "\n";
+      (match ret with
+       | RErr ->
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (int, 0);\n"
+       | RInt _ ->
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (int, Int_val (retv));\n"
+       | RInt64 _ ->
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (int, Int64_val (retv));\n"
+       | RBool _ ->
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (int, Bool_val (retv));\n"
+       | RConstString _ -> assert false
+       | RConstOptString _ -> assert false
+       | RString ((RPlainString|RDevice), _) ->
+          pr "  char *ret = strdup (String_val (retv));\n";
+          pr "  if (ret == NULL) {\n";
+          pr "    reply_with_perror (\"strdup\");\n";
+          pr "    CAMLreturnT (char *, NULL);\n";
+          pr "  }\n";
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (char *, ret); /* caller frees */\n"
+       | RString (RMountable, _) ->
+          pr "  char *ret =\n";
+          pr "    guestfs_int_daemon_return_string_mountable (retv);\n";
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (char *, ret); /* caller frees */\n"
+       | RStringList _ ->
+          pr "  char **ret = guestfs_int_daemon_return_string_list (retv);\n";
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (char **, ret); /* caller frees */\n"
+       | RStruct (_, typ) ->
+          pr "  guestfs_int_%s *ret =\n" typ;
+          pr "    return_%s (retv);\n" typ;
+          pr "  /* caller frees */\n";
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (guestfs_int_%s *, ret);\n" typ
+       | RStructList (_, typ) ->
+          pr "  guestfs_int_%s_list *ret =\n" typ;
+          pr "    return_%s_list (retv);\n" typ;
+          pr "  /* caller frees */\n";
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (guestfs_int_%s_list *, ret);\n" typ
+       | RHashtable (RPlainString, RPlainString, _) ->
+          pr "  char **ret =\n";
+          pr "    guestfs_int_daemon_return_hashtable_string_string (retv);\n";
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (char **, ret); /* caller frees */\n"
+       | RHashtable (RMountable, RPlainString, _) ->
+          pr "  char **ret =\n";
+          pr "    guestfs_int_daemon_return_hashtable_mountable_string (retv);\n";
+          pr "  CAMLreturnT (char **, ret); /* caller frees */\n"
+       | RHashtable _ -> assert false
+       | RBufferOut _ -> assert false
+      );
+      pr "}\n";
+      pr "\n"
+  ) (actions |> impl_ocaml_functions |> sort)
 let generate_daemon_dispatch () =
   generate_header CStyle GPLv2plus;
@@ -730,6 +1048,8 @@ let generate_daemon_optgroups_c () =
   pr "#include <config.h>\n";
   pr "\n";
+  pr "#include <caml/mlvalues.h>\n";
+  pr "\n";
   pr "#include \"daemon.h\"\n";
   pr "#include \"optgroups.h\"\n";
   pr "\n";
@@ -752,7 +1072,22 @@ let generate_daemon_optgroups_c () =
         pr "  { \"%s\", optgroup_%s_available },\n" group group
   ) optgroups_names_all;
   pr "  { NULL, NULL }\n";
-  pr "};\n"
+  pr "};\n";
+  pr "\n";
+  pr "/* Wrappers so these functions can be called from OCaml code. */\n";
+  List.iter (
+    fun group ->
+      pr "extern value guestfs_int_daemon_optgroup_%s_available (value);\n"
+         group;
+      pr "\n";
+      pr "/* NB: This is a \"noalloc\" call. */\n";
+      pr "value\n";
+      pr "guestfs_int_daemon_optgroup_%s_available (value unitv)\n" group;
+      pr "{\n";
+      pr "  return Val_bool (optgroup_%s_available ());\n" group;
+      pr "}\n";
+      pr "\n"
+  ) optgroups_names
 let generate_daemon_optgroups_h () =
   generate_header CStyle GPLv2plus;
diff --git a/generator/daemon.mli b/generator/daemon.mli
index ff008bf85..314a6da8f 100644
--- a/generator/daemon.mli
+++ b/generator/daemon.mli
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
 val generate_daemon_actions_h : unit -> unit
 val generate_daemon_stubs_h : unit -> unit
 val generate_daemon_stubs : Types.action list -> unit -> unit
+val generate_daemon_caml_stubs : unit -> unit
+val generate_daemon_caml_callbacks_ml : unit -> unit
+val generate_daemon_caml_types_ml : unit -> unit
 val generate_daemon_dispatch : unit -> unit
 val generate_daemon_lvm_tokenization : unit -> unit
 val generate_daemon_names : unit -> unit
diff --git a/generator/main.ml b/generator/main.ml
index c8890de6a..c61326b61 100644
--- a/generator/main.ml
+++ b/generator/main.ml
@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ Run it from the top source directory using the command
   output_to_subset "daemon/stubs-%d.c"
+  output_to "daemon/caml-stubs.c"
+            Daemon.generate_daemon_caml_stubs;
+  output_to "daemon/callbacks.ml"
+            Daemon.generate_daemon_caml_callbacks_ml;
+  output_to "daemon/types.ml"
+            Daemon.generate_daemon_caml_types_ml;
   output_to "daemon/dispatch.c"
   output_to "daemon/names.c"
@@ -185,6 +191,8 @@ Run it from the top source directory using the command
   output_to "ocaml/guestfs-c-errnos.c"
+  output_to "daemon/structs.ml"
+            OCaml.generate_ocaml_daemon_structs;
   output_to "ocaml/bindtests.ml"
diff --git a/generator/types.ml b/generator/types.ml
index 740bc7750..fb6c3bc06 100644
--- a/generator/types.ml
+++ b/generator/types.ml
@@ -379,11 +379,16 @@ type deprecated_by =
   | Replaced_by of string         (* replaced by another function *)
   | Deprecated_no_replacement     (* deprecated with no replacement *)
+type impl =
+  | C                             (* implemented in C by "do_<name>" *)
+  | OCaml of string               (* implemented in OCaml by named function *)
 (* Type of an action as declared in Actions module. *)
 type action = {
   name : string;                  (* name, not including "guestfs_" *)
   added : version;                (* which version was the API first added *)
   style : style;                  (* args and return value *)
+  impl : impl;                    (* implementation language (C or OCaml) *)
   proc_nr : int option;           (* proc number, None for non-daemon *)
   tests : c_api_tests;            (* C API tests *)
   test_excuse : string;           (* if there's no tests ... *)
@@ -439,7 +444,7 @@ type action = {
 let defaults = { name = "";
                  added = (-1,-1,-1);
-                 style = RErr, [], []; proc_nr = None;
+                 style = RErr, [], []; impl = C; proc_nr = None;
                  tests = []; test_excuse = "";
                  shortdesc = ""; longdesc = "";
                  protocol_limit_warning = false; fish_alias = [];

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