[Libguestfs] [PATCH v5 10/10] Add a virt-builder-repository tool

Cédric Bosdonnat cbosdonnat at suse.com
Thu Mar 23 09:02:48 UTC 2017

virt-builder-repository allows users to easily create or update
a virt-builder source repository out of disk images. The tool can
be run in either interactive or automated mode.
 .gitignore                          |   3 +
 builder/Makefile.am                 |  81 +++++-
 builder/repository_main.ml          | 488 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 builder/test-docs.sh                |   2 +
 builder/virt-builder-repository.pod | 183 ++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 756 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 builder/repository_main.ml
 create mode 100644 builder/virt-builder-repository.pod

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 12322e56b..382eaec37 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -94,13 +94,16 @@ Makefile.in
diff --git a/builder/Makefile.am b/builder/Makefile.am
index bf4ccb7d7..9ae8fe272 100644
--- a/builder/Makefile.am
+++ b/builder/Makefile.am
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ AM_YFLAGS = -d
 	libguestfs.gpg \
 	opensuse.gpg \
 	test-console.sh \
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	test-virt-index-validate-good-2 \
 	test-virt-index-validate-good-3 \
 	virt-builder.pod \
+	virt-builder-repository.pod \
 	virt-index-validate.pod \
@@ -85,13 +88,44 @@ SOURCES_C = \
 	setlocale-c.c \
+	utils.ml \
+	index.ml \
+	cache.ml \
+	downloader.ml \
+	sigchecker.ml \
+	ini_reader.ml \
+	index_parser.ml \
+	yajl.ml \
+	paths.ml \
+	sources.ml \
+	repository_main.ml
+	cache.mli \
+	downloader.mli \
+	index.mli \
+	index_parser.mli \
+	ini_reader.mli \
+	sigchecker.mli \
+	sources.mli \
+	yajl.mli
+	index-scan.c \
+	index-struct.c \
+	index-parse.c \
+	index-parser-c.c \
+	yajl-c.c
 man_MANS =
 noinst_DATA =
-bin_PROGRAMS += virt-builder
+bin_PROGRAMS += virt-builder virt-builder-repository
 virt_builder_SOURCES = $(SOURCES_C)
 virt_builder_CPPFLAGS = \
@@ -115,6 +149,26 @@ virt_builder_CFLAGS = \
 BOBJECTS = $(SOURCES_ML:.ml=.cmo)
 XOBJECTS = $(BOBJECTS:.cmo=.cmx)
+virt_builder_repository_SOURCES = $(REPOSITORY_SOURCES_C)
+virt_builder_repository_CPPFLAGS = \
+	-I. \
+	-I$(top_builddir) \
+	-I$(top_srcdir)/gnulib/lib -I$(top_builddir)/gnulib/lib \
+	-I$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where) \
+	-I$(top_srcdir)/gnulib/lib \
+	-I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+	-I$(top_srcdir)/fish
+virt_builder_repository_CFLAGS = \
+	-pthread \
+	-Wno-unused-macros \
 # -I $(top_builddir)/lib/.libs is a hack which forces corresponding -L
 # option to be passed to gcc, so we don't try linking against an
 # installed copy of libguestfs.
@@ -149,8 +203,10 @@ OCAMLFLAGS = $(OCAML_FLAGS) $(OCAML_WARN_ERROR)
@@ -165,6 +221,15 @@ virt_builder_LINK = \
 	  $(OBJECTS) -o $@
+virt_builder_repository_DEPENDENCIES = \
+	../mllib/mllib.$(MLARCHIVE) \
+	$(top_srcdir)/ocaml-link.sh
+virt_builder_repository_LINK = \
+	$(top_srcdir)/ocaml-link.sh -cclib '$(OCAMLCLIBS)' -- \
 # Manual pages and HTML files for the website.
 man_MANS += virt-builder.1
@@ -183,6 +248,20 @@ stamp-virt-builder.pod: virt-builder.pod $(top_srcdir)/customize/customize-synop
 	touch $@
+man_MANS += virt-builder-repository.1
+noinst_DATA += $(top_builddir)/website/virt-builder-repository.1.html
+virt-builder-repository.1 $(top_builddir)/website/virt-builder-repository.1.html: stamp-virt-builder-repository.pod
+stamp-virt-builder-repository.pod: virt-builder-repository.pod
+	  --man virt-builder-repository.1 \
+	  --html $(top_builddir)/website/virt-builder-repository.1.html \
+	  --license GPLv2+ \
+	  --warning safe \
+	  $<
+	touch $@
 # Tests.
 TESTS_ENVIRONMENT = $(top_builddir)/run --test
diff --git a/builder/repository_main.ml b/builder/repository_main.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87bcc5e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/repository_main.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+(* virt-builder
+ * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 SUSE Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Common_gettext.Gettext
+open Common_utils
+open Unix_utils
+open Getopt.OptionName
+open Utils
+open Yajl
+open Xpath_helpers
+open Printf
+module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
+type cmdline = {
+  gpg : string;
+  gpgkey : string option;
+  interactive : bool;
+  keep_unsigned : bool;
+  repo : string;
+type disk_image_info = {
+  format : string;
+  size : int64;
+let parse_cmdline () =
+  let gpg = ref "gpg" in
+  let gpgkey = ref "" in
+  let interactive = ref false in
+  let keep_unsigned = ref false in
+  let argspec = [
+    [ L"gpg" ], Getopt.Set_string ("gpg", gpg), s_"Set GPG binary/command";
+    [ S 'K'; L"gpg-key" ], Getopt.Set_string ("gpgkey", gpgkey),
+      s_"ID of the GPG key to sign the repo with";
+    [ S 'i'; L"interactive" ], Getopt.Set interactive, s_"Ask the user about missing data";
+    [ L"keep-index" ], Getopt.Set keep_unsigned, s_"Keep unsigned index";
+  ] in
+  let args = ref [] in
+  let anon_fun s = push_front s args in
+  let usage_msg =
+    sprintf (f_"\
+%s: create a repository for virt-builder
+  virt-builder-repository REPOSITORY_PATH
+A short summary of the options is given below.  For detailed help please
+read the man page virt-builder-repository(1).
+      prog in
+  let opthandle = create_standard_options argspec ~anon_fun usage_msg in
+  Getopt.parse opthandle;
+  (* Dereference options. *)
+  let args = List.rev !args in
+  let gpg = !gpg in
+  let gpgkey = match !gpgkey with "" -> None | s -> Some s in
+  let interactive = !interactive in
+  let keep_unsigned = !keep_unsigned in
+  (* Check options *)
+  let repo =
+    (match args with
+    | [repo] -> repo
+    | [] ->
+      error (f_"virt-builder-repository /path/to/repo\nUse '/path/to/repo' to point to the repository folder.")
+    | _ ->
+      error (f_"too many parameters, only one path to repository is allowed")
+    ) in
+  {
+    gpg = gpg;
+    gpgkey = gpgkey;
+    interactive = interactive;
+    keep_unsigned = keep_unsigned;
+    repo = repo;
+  }
+let increment_revision revision =
+  match revision with
+  | Utils.Rev_int n -> Utils.Rev_int (n + 1)
+  | Utils.Rev_string s ->
+    if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^\\(.*[-._]\\)\\([0-9]+\\)$") s 0 then
+      let prefix = Str.matched_group 1 s in
+      let suffix = int_of_string (Str.matched_group 2 s) in
+      Utils.Rev_string (prefix ^ (string_of_int (suffix + 1)))
+    else
+      Utils.Rev_string (s ^ ".1")
+let osinfo_ids = ref None
+let osinfo_get_short_ids () =
+  match !osinfo_ids with
+  | Some ids -> ids
+  | None -> (
+    let set = ref StringSet.empty in
+    let g = open_guestfs () in
+    Osinfo.read_osinfo_db g#ocaml_handle (
+      fun filepath ->
+        let doc = Xml.parse_file filepath in
+        let xpathctx = Xml.xpath_new_context doc in
+        let nodes = xpath_get_nodes xpathctx "/libosinfo/os/short-id" in
+        List.iter (
+          fun node ->
+            let id = Xml.node_as_string node in
+            set := StringSet.add id !set
+        ) nodes
+    );
+    g#close ();
+    osinfo_ids := Some (!set);
+    !set
+  )
+let compress_to file outdir =
+  info "Copying image to temporary folder ...%!";
+  let outimg = outdir // (Filename.basename file) in
+  do_cp file outdir;
+  info "Compressing ...%!";
+  let cmd = [ "xz"; "-f"; "--best";
+              "--block-size=16777216"; outimg ] in
+  if run_command cmd <> 0 then
+    exit 1;
+  outimg ^ ".xz"
+let get_disk_image_info filepath =
+  let qemuimg_cmd = "qemu-img info --output json " ^ (quote filepath) in
+  let lines = external_command qemuimg_cmd in
+  let line = String.concat "\n" lines in
+  let infos = yajl_tree_parse line in
+  {
+    format = object_get_string "format" infos;
+    size = object_get_number "virtual-size" infos
+  }
+let process_image filename repo tmprepo index interactive sigchecker =
+  message (f_"Preparing %s") filename;
+  let filepath = repo // filename in
+  let { format = format; size = size } = get_disk_image_info filepath in
+  let xz_path = compress_to filepath tmprepo in
+  let checksum = Checksums.compute_checksum "sha512" xz_path in
+  let compressed_size = (Unix.LargeFile.stat xz_path).Unix.LargeFile.st_size in
+  let ask message =
+    printf message;
+    let value = read_line () in
+    match value with
+    | "" -> None
+    | s -> Some s
+  in
+  let rec ask_id () =
+    printf (f_"Identifier: ");
+    let id = read_line () in
+    if not (Str.string_match (Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+") id 0) then (
+      warning (f_"Allowed characters are letters, digits, - _ and .");
+      ask_id ();
+    ) else
+      id;
+  in
+  let ask_arch () =
+    printf (f_"Architecture. Choose one from the list below:\n");
+    let arches = ["x86_64"; "aarch64"; "armv7l"; "i686"; "ppc64"; "ppc64le"; "s390x" ] in
+    iteri (
+      fun i arch -> printf " [%d] %s\n" (i + 1) arch
+    ) arches;
+    let input = read_line () in
+    if input = "exit" || input = "q" || input = "quit" then
+      exit 0
+    else
+      try
+        let i = int_of_string input in
+        List.nth arches (i - 1)
+      with Failure _ -> input
+  in
+  let ask_osinfo () =
+    printf (f_ "osinfo short ID (can be found with osinfo-query os command): ");
+    let value = read_line () in
+    match value with
+    | "" -> None
+    | osinfo ->
+      let osinfo_ids = osinfo_get_short_ids () in
+      if not (StringSet.mem osinfo osinfo_ids) then
+        warning (f_"'%s' is not a recognized osinfo OS id; using it anyway") osinfo;
+      Some osinfo in
+  (* Do we have an entry for that file already? *)
+  let file_entry =
+    try
+      let xzfn filename = Filename.basename filename ^ ".xz" in
+      List.hd (
+        List.filter (
+          fun (id, { Index.file_uri=file_uri }) ->
+            (Filename.basename file_uri) = (xzfn (Filename.basename filename))
+        ) index
+      )
+    with
+    | Failure _ ->
+      let entry = { Index.printable_name = None;
+                    osinfo = None;
+                    file_uri = "";
+                    arch = "";
+                    signature_uri = None;
+                    checksums = None;
+                    revision = Utils.Rev_int 0;
+                    format = Some format;
+                    size = size;
+                    compressed_size = Some compressed_size;
+                    expand = None;
+                    lvexpand = None;
+                    notes = [];
+                    hidden = false;
+                    aliases = None;
+                    sigchecker = sigchecker;
+                    proxy = Curl.UnsetProxy } in
+      ("", entry) in
+    let id, { Index.printable_name = printable_name;
+              osinfo = osinfo;
+              arch = arch;
+              checksums = checksums;
+              revision = revision;
+              expand = expand;
+              lvexpand = lvexpand;
+              notes = notes;
+              hidden = hidden;
+              aliases = aliases } = file_entry in
+    let old_checksum =
+      match checksums with
+      | Some csums -> (
+          try
+            let csum = List.find (
+              fun c ->
+                match c with
+                | Checksums.SHA512 _ -> true
+                | _ -> false
+            ) csums in
+            csum
+          with
+          | _ -> Checksums.SHA512 ""
+        )
+      | None -> Checksums.SHA512 "" in
+    let id =
+      if id = "" then (
+        if interactive then ask_id ()
+        else error (f_"missing image identifier");
+      ) else id in
+    let printable_name =
+      if printable_name = None && interactive then
+        ask (f_"Display name: ")
+      else
+        printable_name in
+    let arch =
+      if arch = "" then (
+        if interactive then ask_arch ()
+        else error (f_"missing architecture for %s") id;
+      ) else arch in
+    let osinfo =
+      if osinfo = None && interactive then
+        ask_osinfo ()
+      else
+        osinfo in
+    let expand =
+      if expand = None && interactive then
+        ask (f_"Expandable partition: ")
+      else
+        expand in
+    let lvexpand =
+      if lvexpand = None && interactive then
+        ask (f_"Expandable volume: ")
+      else
+        lvexpand in
+    let revision =
+      if old_checksum <> checksum then
+        increment_revision revision
+      else
+        revision in
+    (id, { Index.printable_name = printable_name;
+           osinfo = osinfo;
+           file_uri = Filename.basename xz_path;
+           arch = arch;
+           signature_uri = None;
+           checksums = Some [checksum];
+           revision = revision;
+           format = Some format;
+           size = size;
+           compressed_size = Some compressed_size;
+           expand = expand;
+           lvexpand = lvexpand;
+           notes = notes;
+           hidden = hidden;
+           aliases = aliases;
+           sigchecker = sigchecker;
+           proxy = Curl.UnsetProxy })
+let has_entry id arch index =
+  List.exists (
+    fun (item_id, entry) ->
+      let { Index.arch = item_arch } = entry in
+      item_id = id && item_arch = arch
+  ) index
+let main () =
+  let cmdline = parse_cmdline () in
+  (* If debugging, echo the command line arguments. *)
+  debug "command line: %s\n" (String.concat " " (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
+  (* Check that the paths are existing *)
+  if not (Sys.file_exists cmdline.repo) then
+    error (f_"repository folder '%s' doesn't exist") cmdline.repo;
+  (* Create a temporary folder to work in *)
+  let tmpdir = Mkdtemp.temp_dir ~base_dir:cmdline.repo
+                                "virt-builder-repository." "" in
+  rmdir_on_exit tmpdir;
+  let tmprepo = tmpdir // "repo" in
+  mkdir_p tmprepo 0o700;
+  let sigchecker = Sigchecker.create ~gpg:cmdline.gpg
+                                     ~check_signature:false
+                                     ~gpgkey:No_Key
+                                     ~tmpdir in
+  let index =
+    try
+      let index_filename =
+        List.find (
+          fun filename -> Sys.file_exists (cmdline.repo // filename)
+        ) [ "index.asc"; "index" ] in
+      let downloader = Downloader.create ~curl:"do-not-use-curl"
+                                         ~cache:None ~tmpdir in
+      let source = { Sources.name = "input";
+                     uri = cmdline.repo // index_filename;
+                     gpgkey = No_Key;
+                     proxy = Curl.SystemProxy;
+                     format = Sources.FormatNative } in
+      Index_parser.get_index ~downloader ~sigchecker ~template:true source
+    with Not_found -> [] in
+  (* Check for index/interactive consistency *)
+  if not cmdline.interactive && index == [] then
+    error (f_"the repository needs to contain an index file when running in automated mode");
+  debug "Searching for images ...\n";
+  let images =
+    let is_supported_format file =
+      let extension = last_part_of file '.' in
+      match extension with
+      | Some ext -> List.mem ext [ "qcow2"; "raw"; "img" ]
+      | None -> file <> "index" in
+    let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir cmdline.repo) in
+    List.filter is_supported_format files in
+  if (List.length images) = 0 then (
+    info (f_ "Found no new image");
+    exit 0
+  );
+  info (f_ "Found new images: %s") (String.concat " " images);
+  let outindex_path = tmprepo // "index" in
+  let index_channel = open_out outindex_path in
+  (* Generate entries for uncompressed images *)
+  let images_entries = List.map (
+    fun filename ->
+      process_image filename cmdline.repo tmprepo
+                    index cmdline.interactive sigchecker
+  ) images in
+  (* Filter out entries for newly found images and entries
+     without a corresponding image file *)
+  let index = List.filter (
+    fun (id, entry) ->
+      let { Index.arch = arch } = entry in
+      let { Index.file_uri = file_uri } = entry in
+      not (has_entry id arch images_entries) && Sys.file_exists file_uri
+  ) index in
+  (* Convert all URIs back to relative ones *)
+  let index = List.map (
+    fun (id, entry) ->
+      let { Index.file_uri = file_uri } = entry in
+      let rel_path =
+        try
+          subdirectory cmdline.repo file_uri
+        with
+        | Invalid_argument _ ->
+          file_uri in
+      let rel_entry = { entry with Index.file_uri = rel_path } in
+      (id, rel_entry)
+  ) index in
+  (* Write all the entries *)
+  List.iter (
+    fun entry ->
+      Index_parser.write_entry index_channel entry;
+  ) (index @ images_entries);
+  close_out index_channel;
+  (* GPG sign the generated index *)
+  (match cmdline.gpgkey with
+  | None ->
+    debug "Skip index signing"
+  | Some gpgkey ->
+    message (f_"Signing index with GPG key %s") gpgkey;
+    let cmd = [ cmdline.gpg; "--armor";
+                "--output"; (tmprepo // "index.gpg");
+                "--export"; gpgkey ] in
+    if run_command cmd <> 0 then
+      error (f_"failed to export GPG key %s") gpgkey;
+    let cmd = [ cmdline.gpg; "--armor";
+                "--default-key"; gpgkey;
+                "--clearsign"; (tmprepo // "index") ] in
+    if run_command cmd <> 0 then
+      error (f_"failed to sign index");
+    (* Remove the index file since we have the signed version of it *)
+    if not cmdline.keep_unsigned then
+      Sys.remove (tmprepo // "index")
+  );
+  message (f_"Creating index backup copy");
+  List.iter (
+    fun filename ->
+      let filepath = cmdline.repo // filename in
+      if Sys.file_exists filepath then
+        do_mv filepath (filepath ^ ".bak")
+  ) ["index"; "index.asc"];
+  message (f_"Moving files to final destination");
+  Array.iter (
+    fun filename ->
+      do_mv (tmprepo // filename) cmdline.repo
+  ) (Sys.readdir tmprepo);
+  debug "Cleanup";
+  (* Remove the processed image files *)
+  List.iter (
+    fun filename -> Sys.remove (cmdline.repo // filename)
+  ) images
+let () = run_main_and_handle_errors main
diff --git a/builder/test-docs.sh b/builder/test-docs.sh
index 884135de6..6f39b906d 100755
--- a/builder/test-docs.sh
+++ b/builder/test-docs.sh
@@ -25,3 +25,5 @@ $top_srcdir/podcheck.pl virt-builder.pod virt-builder \
   --insert $top_srcdir/customize/customize-synopsis.pod:__CUSTOMIZE_SYNOPSIS__ \
   --insert $top_srcdir/customize/customize-options.pod:__CUSTOMIZE_OPTIONS__ \
+$srcdir/../podcheck.pl virt-builder-repository.pod virt-builder-repository
diff --git a/builder/virt-builder-repository.pod b/builder/virt-builder-repository.pod
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b5e790403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/virt-builder-repository.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+=begin html
+<img src="virt-builder.svg" width="250"
+  style="float: right; clear: right;" />
+=end html
+=head1 NAME
+virt-builder-repository - Build virt-builder source repository easily
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ virt-builder-repository /path/to/repository
+    [-i|--interactive] [--gpg-key KEYID]
+Virt-builder is a tool for quickly building new virtual machines. It can
+be configured to use template repositories. However creating and
+maintaining a repository involves many tasks which can be automated.
+virt-builder-repository is a tool helping to manage these repositories.
+Virt-builder-repository loops over the files in the C</path/to/repository>
+folder, compresses the files with a name ending by C<qcow2>, C<raw> or
+C<img>, extracts data from them and creates or updates the C<index> file.
+Some of the image-related data needed for the index file can't be
+computed from the image file. virt-builder-repository first tries to
+find them in the existing index file. If data are still missing after
+this, they are prompted in interactive mode, otherwise an error will
+be triggered.
+If a C<KEYID> is provided, the generated index file will be signed
+with this GPG key.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=head2 Create the initial repository
+Create a folder and copy the disk image template files in it. Then
+run a command like the following one:
+ virt-builder-repository --gpg-key "joe at hacker.org" -i /path/to/folder
+Note that this example command runs in interactive mode. To run in
+automated mode, a minimal index file needs to be created before running
+the command containing sections like this one:
+ [template_id]
+ name=template display name
+ file=template_filename.qcow.xz
+ arch=x86_64
+ revision=0
+ expand=/dev/sda3
+The file value needs to match the image name extended with the ".xz"
+suffix. Other optional data can be prefilled, for more informations,
+see L<virt-builder(1)/Creating and signing the index file>.
+=head2 Update images in an existing repository
+In this use case, an new image or a new revision of an existing image
+needs to be added to the repository. Place the corresponding image
+template files in the repository folder.
+To update the revision of an image, the file needs to have the same
+name than the existing one (without the C<xz> extension).
+As in the repository creation use case, a minimal fragment can be
+added to the index file for the automated mode. This can be done
+on the signed index even if it may sound a strange idea: the index
+will be resigned by the tool.
+To remove an image from the repository, just remove the corresponding
+compressed image file before running virt-builder-repository.
+Then running the following command will complete and update the index
+ virt-builder-repository --gpg-key "joe at hacker.org" -i /path/to/folder
+virt-builder-repository works in a temporary folder inside the repository
+one. If anything wrong happens when running the tool, the repository is
+left untouched.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--help>
+Display help.
+=item B<--gpg> GPG
+Specify an alternate L<gpg(1)> (GNU Privacy Guard) binary.  You can
+also use this to add gpg parameters, for example to specify an
+alternate home directory:
+ virt-builder-repository --gpg "gpg --homedir /tmp" [...]
+This can also be used to avoid gpg asking for the key passphrase:
+ virt-builder-repository --gpg "gpg --passphrase-file /tmp/pass --batch" [...]
+=item B<-K> KEYID
+=item B<--gpg-key> KEYID
+Specify the GPG key to be used to sign the repository index file.
+If not provided, the index will left unsigned. C<KEYID> is used to
+identify the GPG key to use. This value is passed to gpg's
+C<--default-key> option and can can thus be an email address or a
+B<NOTE>: by default, virt-builder-repository searches for the key
+in the user's GPG key ring.
+=item B<--keep-index>
+When using a GPG key, don't remove the unsigned index.
+=item B<-i>
+=item B<--interactive>
+Prompt for missing data.
+=item B<--colors>
+=item B<--colours>
+Use ANSI colour sequences to colourize messages.  This is the default
+when the output is a tty.  If the output of the program is redirected
+to a file, ANSI colour sequences are disabled unless you use this
+=item B<-q>
+=item B<--quiet>
+Don't print ordinary progress messages.
+=item B<-v>
+=item B<--verbose>
+Enable debug messages and/or produce verbose output.
+When reporting bugs, use this option and attach the complete output to
+your bug report.
+=item B<-V>
+=item B<--version>
+Display version number and exit.
+=item B<-x>
+Enable tracing of libguestfs API calls.
+This program returns 0 if successful, or non-zero if there was an
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Cédric Bosdonnat L<mailto:cbosdonnat at suse.com>
+Copyright (C) 2016-2017 SUSE Inc.

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