[Libguestfs] [PATCH 1/3] common/mlstdutils: Move list functions into extended List module.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Sun Oct 8 20:43:59 UTC 2017

However some existing functions had names which shadowed existing
functions in the List module, so I had to rename them:

  assoc -> List.assoc_
  append -> List.push_back_list
  prepend -> List.push_front_list

This is an extension of the previous commit.
 builder/builder.ml                   |   2 +-
 builder/cmdline.ml                   |   8 +-
 builder/downloader.ml                |  10 +--
 builder/languages.ml                 |   6 +-
 builder/sigchecker.ml                |   2 +-
 builder/simplestreams_parser.ml      |   6 +-
 builder/yajl.ml                      |   2 +-
 common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml       | 167 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli      | 149 +++++++++++++++----------------
 common/mltools/getopt_tests.ml       |   6 +-
 common/mltools/tools_utils.ml        |   2 +-
 customize/customize_main.ml          |   4 +-
 customize/customize_run.ml           |   2 +-
 daemon/inspect.ml                    |   6 +-
 daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml      |   2 +-
 daemon/inspect_fs_windows.ml         |   4 +-
 daemon/listfs.ml                     |  12 +--
 daemon/lvm.ml                        |   2 +-
 daemon/mount.ml                      |  22 ++---
 daemon/parted.ml                     |  14 +--
 dib/cmdline.ml                       |  14 +--
 dib/dib.ml                           |   2 +-
 dib/elements.ml                      |   2 +-
 dib/output_format.ml                 |   4 +-
 generator/UEFI.ml                    |   2 +-
 generator/customize.ml               |  20 ++---
 generator/tests_c_api.ml             |   2 +-
 resize/resize.ml                     |   4 +-
 sparsify/cmdline.ml                  |   4 +-
 sparsify/utils.ml                    |   2 +-
 sysprep/main.ml                      |   4 +-
 sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml         |   4 +-
 sysprep/sysprep_operation_script.ml  |   2 +-
 v2v/DOM.ml                           |   2 +-
 v2v/cmdline.ml                       |   6 +-
 v2v/convert_linux.ml                 |  16 ++--
 v2v/convert_windows.ml               |   2 +-
 v2v/copy_to_local.ml                 |  10 +--
 v2v/create_libvirt_xml.ml            |  42 ++++-----
 v2v/create_ovf.ml                    |  24 ++---
 v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.ml            |   2 +-
 v2v/input_ova.ml                     |   2 +-
 v2v/input_vmx.ml                     |   6 +-
 v2v/linux_bootloaders.ml             |   2 +-
 v2v/linux_kernels.ml                 |   6 +-
 v2v/modules_list.ml                  |   6 +-
 v2v/output_glance.ml                 |  20 ++---
 v2v/output_libvirt.ml                |   2 +-
 v2v/output_qemu.ml                   |   8 +-
 v2v/output_rhv.ml                    |   2 +-
 v2v/output_vdsm.ml                   |   4 +-
 v2v/parse_libvirt_xml.ml             |   8 +-
 v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml            |   6 +-
 v2v/parse_vmx.ml                     |   2 +-
 v2v/test-harness/v2v_test_harness.ml |   6 +-
 v2v/v2v.ml                           |   6 +-
 v2v/vCenter.ml                       |   6 +-
 57 files changed, 347 insertions(+), 343 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builder/builder.ml b/builder/builder.ml
index 3d0dbe7a8..8b4c20765 100644
--- a/builder/builder.ml
+++ b/builder/builder.ml
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ let main () =
     (* Add a transition to the returned list. *)
-    let tr task otags = push_front (task, weight task otags, otags) ret in
+    let tr task otags = List.push_front (task, weight task otags, otags) ret in
     (* Since the final plan won't run in parallel, we don't only need
      * to choose unique tempfiles per transition, so this is OK:
diff --git a/builder/cmdline.ml b/builder/cmdline.ml
index 8cbd4ca68..2b56bd9e6 100644
--- a/builder/cmdline.ml
+++ b/builder/cmdline.ml
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
     | "auto" -> attach_format := None
     | s -> attach_format := Some s
-  let attach_disk s = push_front (!attach_format, s) attach in
+  let attach_disk s = List.push_front (!attach_format, s) attach in
   let cache = ref Paths.xdg_cache_home in
   let set_cache arg = cache := Some arg in
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
   let delete_on_failure = ref true in
   let fingerprints = ref [] in
-  let add_fingerprint arg = push_front arg fingerprints in
+  let add_fingerprint arg = List.push_front arg fingerprints in
   let format = ref "" in
   let gpg =
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
   let set_smp arg = smp := Some arg in
   let sources = ref [] in
-  let add_source arg = push_front arg sources in
+  let add_source arg = List.push_front arg sources in
   let sync = ref true in
   let warn_if_partition = ref true in
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
   let argspec = argspec @ customize_argspec in
   let args = ref [] in
-  let anon_fun s = push_front s args in
+  let anon_fun s = List.push_front s args in
   let usage_msg =
     sprintf (f_"\
 %s: build virtual machine images quickly
diff --git a/builder/downloader.ml b/builder/downloader.ml
index b1119bae4..424c9cd34 100644
--- a/builder/downloader.ml
+++ b/builder/downloader.ml
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ and download_to t ?(progress_bar = false) ~proxy uri filename =
     (* Get the status code first to ensure the file exists. *)
     let curl_h =
       let curl_args = ref common_args in
-      if not (verbose ()) then append curl_args quiet_args;
-      append curl_args [
+      if not (verbose ()) then List.push_back_list curl_args quiet_args;
+      List.push_back_list curl_args [
         "output", Some "/dev/null"; (* Write output to /dev/null. *)
         "head", None;               (* Request only HEAD. *)
         "write-out", Some "%{http_code}" (* HTTP status code to stdout. *)
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ and download_to t ?(progress_bar = false) ~proxy uri filename =
     (* Now download the file. *)
     let curl_h =
       let curl_args = ref common_args in
-      push_back curl_args ("output", Some filename_new);
+      List.push_back curl_args ("output", Some filename_new);
       if not (verbose ()) then (
-        if progress_bar then push_back curl_args ("progress-bar", None)
-        else append curl_args quiet_args
+        if progress_bar then List.push_back curl_args ("progress-bar", None)
+        else List.push_back_list curl_args quiet_args
       Curl.create ~curl:t.curl ~tmpdir:t.tmpdir !curl_args in
diff --git a/builder/languages.ml b/builder/languages.ml
index e97b1e3da..18b9e1b41 100644
--- a/builder/languages.ml
+++ b/builder/languages.ml
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ let split_locale loc =
     let territory = match_or_empty 3 in
     (match territory with
     | "" -> ()
-    | territory -> push_front (lang ^ "_" ^ territory) l);
-    push_front lang l;
+    | territory -> List.push_front (lang ^ "_" ^ territory) l);
+    List.push_front lang l;
-  push_front "" l;
+  List.push_front "" l;
   List.rev !l
 let languages () =
diff --git a/builder/sigchecker.ml b/builder/sigchecker.ml
index d7fba405b..088674d66 100644
--- a/builder/sigchecker.ml
+++ b/builder/sigchecker.ml
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let import_keyfile ~gpg ~gpghome ~tmpdir ?(trust = true) keyfile =
           (match !current with
           | None -> ()
           | Some k ->
-            if String.is_suffix id k then push_front id subkeys;
+            if String.is_suffix id k then List.push_front id subkeys;
             current := None
         | _ -> ()
diff --git a/builder/simplestreams_parser.ml b/builder/simplestreams_parser.ml
index 75592e377..a37d5a8a3 100644
--- a/builder/simplestreams_parser.ml
+++ b/builder/simplestreams_parser.ml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ let get_index ~downloader ~sigchecker { Sources.uri; proxy } =
         uri format;
     let index = Array.to_list (object_get_object "index" tree) in
-    filter_map (
+    List.filter_map (
       fun (_, desc) ->
         let format = object_get_string "format" desc in
         let datatype = object_get_string "datatype" desc in
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ let get_index ~downloader ~sigchecker { Sources.uri; proxy } =
     let products_node = object_get_object "products" tree in
     let products = Array.to_list products_node in
-    filter_map (
+    List.filter_map (
       fun (prod, prod_desc) ->
         let arch = object_get_string "arch" prod_desc in
         let prods = Array.to_list (object_get_object "versions" prod_desc) in
-        let prods = filter_map (
+        let prods = List.filter_map (
           fun (rel, rel_desc) ->
             let pubname = objects_get_string "pubname" [rel_desc; prod_desc] in
             let items = object_find_object "items" rel_desc in
diff --git a/builder/yajl.ml b/builder/yajl.ml
index a555baa22..d95f3932a 100644
--- a/builder/yajl.ml
+++ b/builder/yajl.ml
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ let object_find_object key yv =
   | _ -> error (f_"the value for the key ‘%s’ is not an object") key
 let object_find_objects fn = function
-  | Yajl_object o -> filter_map fn (Array.to_list o)
+  | Yajl_object o -> List.filter_map fn (Array.to_list o)
   | _ -> error (f_"the value is not an object")
 let object_get_object key yv =
diff --git a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
index 67d449ac2..558b1e3e2 100644
--- a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
+++ b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
@@ -273,6 +273,90 @@ end
 module List = struct
     include List
+    (* Drop elements from a list while a predicate is true. *)
+    let rec dropwhile f = function
+      | [] -> []
+      | x :: xs when f x -> dropwhile f xs
+      | xs -> xs
+    (* Take elements from a list while a predicate is true. *)
+    let rec takewhile f = function
+      | x :: xs when f x -> x :: takewhile f xs
+      | _ -> []
+    let rec filter_map f = function
+      | [] -> []
+      | x :: xs ->
+          match f x with
+          | Some y -> y :: filter_map f xs
+          | None -> filter_map f xs
+    let rec find_map f = function
+      | [] -> raise Not_found
+      | x :: xs ->
+          match f x with
+          | Some y -> y
+          | None -> find_map f xs
+    let rec combine3 xs ys zs =
+      match xs, ys, zs with
+      | [], [], [] -> []
+      | x::xs, y::ys, z::zs -> (x, y, z) :: combine3 xs ys zs
+      | _ -> invalid_arg "combine3"
+    let rec assoc_ ?(cmp = compare) ~default x = function
+      | [] -> default
+      | (y, y') :: _ when cmp x y = 0 -> y'
+      | _ :: ys -> assoc_ ~cmp ~default x ys
+    let uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) xs =
+      let rec loop acc = function
+        | [] -> acc
+        | [x] -> x :: acc
+        | x :: (y :: _ as xs) when cmp x y = 0 ->
+           loop acc xs
+        | x :: (y :: _ as xs) ->
+           loop (x :: acc) xs
+      in
+      List.rev (loop [] xs)
+    (* This is present in OCaml 4.04, so we can remove it when
+     * we depend on OCaml >= 4.04.
+     *)
+    let sort_uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) xs =
+      let xs = List.sort cmp xs in
+      let xs = uniq ~cmp xs in
+      xs
+    let remove_duplicates xs =
+      let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length xs) in
+      let rec loop = function
+        | [] -> []
+        | x :: xs when Hashtbl.mem h x -> xs
+        | x :: xs -> Hashtbl.add h x true; x :: loop xs
+      in
+      loop xs
+    let push_back xsp x = xsp := !xsp @ [x]
+    let push_front x xsp = xsp := x :: !xsp
+    let pop_back xsp =
+      let x, xs =
+        match List.rev !xsp with
+        | x :: xs -> x, xs
+        | [] -> failwith "pop" in
+      xsp := List.rev xs;
+      x
+    let pop_front xsp =
+      let x, xs =
+        match !xsp with
+        | x :: xs -> x, xs
+        | [] -> failwith "shift" in
+      xsp := xs;
+      x
+    let push_back_list xsp xs = xsp := !xsp @ xs
+    let push_front_list xs xsp = xsp := xs @ !xsp
 let (//) = Filename.concat
@@ -489,87 +573,6 @@ and _wrap_find_next_break i len str =
 and output_spaces chan n = for i = 0 to n-1 do output_char chan ' ' done
-(* Drop elements from a list while a predicate is true. *)
-let rec dropwhile f = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | x :: xs when f x -> dropwhile f xs
-  | xs -> xs
-(* Take elements from a list while a predicate is true. *)
-let rec takewhile f = function
-  | x :: xs when f x -> x :: takewhile f xs
-  | _ -> []
-let rec filter_map f = function
-  | [] -> []
-  | x :: xs ->
-      match f x with
-      | Some y -> y :: filter_map f xs
-      | None -> filter_map f xs
-let rec find_map f = function
-  | [] -> raise Not_found
-  | x :: xs ->
-      match f x with
-      | Some y -> y
-      | None -> find_map f xs
-let rec combine3 xs ys zs =
-  match xs, ys, zs with
-  | [], [], [] -> []
-  | x::xs, y::ys, z::zs -> (x, y, z) :: combine3 xs ys zs
-  | _ -> invalid_arg "combine3"
-let rec assoc ?(cmp = compare) ~default x = function
-  | [] -> default
-  | (y, y') :: _ when cmp x y = 0 -> y'
-  | _ :: ys -> assoc ~cmp ~default x ys
-let uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) xs =
-  let rec loop acc = function
-    | [] -> acc
-    | [x] -> x :: acc
-    | x :: (y :: _ as xs) when cmp x y = 0 ->
-       loop acc xs
-    | x :: (y :: _ as xs) ->
-       loop (x :: acc) xs
-  in
-  List.rev (loop [] xs)
-let sort_uniq ?(cmp = Pervasives.compare) xs =
-  let xs = List.sort cmp xs in
-  let xs = uniq ~cmp xs in
-  xs
-let remove_duplicates xs =
-  let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length xs) in
-  let rec loop = function
-    | [] -> []
-    | x :: xs when Hashtbl.mem h x -> xs
-    | x :: xs -> Hashtbl.add h x true; x :: loop xs
-  in
-  loop xs
-let push_back xsp x = xsp := !xsp @ [x]
-let push_front x xsp = xsp := x :: !xsp
-let pop_back xsp =
-  let x, xs =
-    match List.rev !xsp with
-    | x :: xs -> x, xs
-    | [] -> failwith "pop" in
-  xsp := List.rev xs;
-  x
-let pop_front xsp =
-  let x, xs =
-    match !xsp with
-    | x :: xs -> x, xs
-    | [] -> failwith "shift" in
-  xsp := xs;
-  x
-let append xsp xs = xsp := !xsp @ xs
-let prepend xs xsp = xsp := xs @ !xsp
 let unique = let i = ref 0 in fun () -> incr i; !i
 let may f = function
@@ -593,7 +596,7 @@ let which executable =
   let paths =
     try String.nsplit ":" (Sys.getenv "PATH")
     with Not_found -> [] in
-  let paths = filter_map (
+  let paths = List.filter_map (
     fun p ->
       let path = p // executable in
       try Unix.access path [Unix.X_OK]; Some path
diff --git a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
index f3f9c01cb..3895a41cc 100644
--- a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
+++ b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
@@ -178,6 +178,81 @@ module List : sig
     val stable_sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
     val fast_sort : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
     val merge : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    val dropwhile : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    (** [dropwhile f xs] drops leading elements from [xs] until
+        [f] returns false. *)
+    val takewhile : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    (** [takewhile f xs] takes leading elements from [xs] until
+        [f] returns false.
+        For any list [xs] and function [f],
+        [xs = takewhile f xs @ dropwhile f xs] *)
+    val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+    (** [filter_map f xs] applies [f] to each element of [xs].  If
+        [f x] returns [Some y] then [y] is added to the returned list. *)
+    val find_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b
+    (** [find_map f xs] applies [f] to each element of [xs] until
+        [f x] returns [Some y].  It returns [y].  If we exhaust the
+        list then this raises [Not_found]. *)
+    val combine3 : 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> ('a * 'b * 'c) list
+    (** Like {!List.combine} but for triples.
+        All lists must be the same length. *)
+    val assoc_ : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> default:'b -> 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> 'b
+    (** Like {!assoc} but with a user-defined comparison function, and
+        instead of raising [Not_found], it returns the [~default] value. *)
+    val uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    (** Uniquify a list (the list must be sorted first). *)
+    val sort_uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
+    (** Sort and uniquify a list. *)
+    val remove_duplicates : 'a list -> 'a list
+    (** Remove duplicates from an unsorted list; useful when the order
+        of the elements matter.
+        Please use [sort_uniq] when the order does not matter. *)
+    val push_back : 'a list ref -> 'a -> unit
+    val push_front : 'a -> 'a list ref -> unit
+    val pop_back : 'a list ref -> 'a
+    val pop_front : 'a list ref -> 'a
+    (** Imperative list manipulation functions, similar to C++ STL
+        functions with the same names.  (Although the names are similar,
+        the computational complexity of the functions is quite different.)
+        These operate on list references, and each function modifies the
+        list reference that is passed to it.
+        [push_back xsp x] appends the element [x] to the end of the list
+        [xsp].  This function is not tail-recursive.
+        [push_front x xsp] prepends the element [x] to the head of the
+        list [xsp].  (The arguments are reversed compared to the same Perl
+        function, but OCaml is type safe so that's OK.)
+        [pop_back xsp] removes the last element of the list [xsp] and
+        returns it.  The list is modified to become the list minus the
+        final element.  If a zero-length list is passed in, this raises
+        [Failure "pop_back"].  This function is not tail-recursive.
+        [pop_front xsp] removes the head element of the list [xsp] and
+        returns it.  The list is modified to become the tail of the list.
+        If a zero-length list is passed in, this raises [Failure
+        "pop_front"]. *)
+    val push_back_list : 'a list ref -> 'a list -> unit
+    val push_front_list : 'a list -> 'a list ref -> unit
+    (** More imperative list manipulation functions.
+        [push_back_list] is like {!push_back} above, except it appends
+        a list to the list reference.  This function is not tail-recursive.
+        [push_front_list] is like {!push_front} above, except it prepends
+        a list to the list reference. *)
 (** Override the List module from stdlib. *)
@@ -242,80 +317,6 @@ val wrap : ?chan:out_channel -> ?indent:int -> string -> unit
 val output_spaces : out_channel -> int -> unit
 (** Write [n] spaces to [out_channel]. *)
-val dropwhile : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(** [dropwhile f xs] drops leading elements from [xs] until
-    [f] returns false. *)
-val takewhile : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(** [takewhile f xs] takes leading elements from [xs] until
-    [f] returns false.
-    For any list [xs] and function [f],
-    [xs = takewhile f xs @ dropwhile f xs] *)
-val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
-(** [filter_map f xs] applies [f] to each element of [xs].  If
-    [f x] returns [Some y] then [y] is added to the returned list. *)
-val find_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b
-(** [find_map f xs] applies [f] to each element of [xs] until
-    [f x] returns [Some y].  It returns [y].  If we exhaust the
-    list then this raises [Not_found]. *)
-val combine3 : 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> ('a * 'b * 'c) list
-(** Like {!List.combine} but for triples.  All lists must be the same length. *)
-val assoc : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> default:'b -> 'a -> ('a * 'b) list -> 'b
-(** Like {!List.assoc} but with a user-defined comparison function, and
-    instead of raising [Not_found], it returns the [~default] value. *)
-val uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(** Uniquify a list (the list must be sorted first). *)
-val sort_uniq : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(** Sort and uniquify a list. *)
-val remove_duplicates : 'a list -> 'a list
-(** Remove duplicates from an unsorted list; useful when the order
-    of the elements matter.
-    Please use [sort_uniq] when the order does not matter. *)
-val push_back : 'a list ref -> 'a -> unit
-val push_front : 'a -> 'a list ref -> unit
-val pop_back : 'a list ref -> 'a
-val pop_front : 'a list ref -> 'a
-(** Imperative list manipulation functions, similar to C++ STL
-    functions with the same names.  (Although the names are similar,
-    the computational complexity of the functions is quite different.)
-    These operate on list references, and each function modifies the
-    list reference that is passed to it.
-    [push_back xsp x] appends the element [x] to the end of the list
-    [xsp].  This function is not tail-recursive.
-    [push_front x xsp] prepends the element [x] to the head of the
-    list [xsp].  (The arguments are reversed compared to the same Perl
-    function, but OCaml is type safe so that's OK.)
-    [pop_back xsp] removes the last element of the list [xsp] and
-    returns it.  The list is modified to become the list minus the
-    final element.  If a zero-length list is passed in, this raises
-    [Failure "pop_back"].  This function is not tail-recursive.
-    [pop_front xsp] removes the head element of the list [xsp] and
-    returns it.  The list is modified to become the tail of the list.
-    If a zero-length list is passed in, this raises [Failure
-    "pop_front"]. *)
-val append : 'a list ref -> 'a list -> unit
-val prepend : 'a list -> 'a list ref -> unit
-(** More imperative list manipulation functions.
-    [append] is like {!push_back} above, except it appends a list to
-    the list reference.  This function is not tail-recursive.
-    [prepend] is like {!push_front} above, except it prepends a list
-    to the list reference. *)
 val unique : unit -> int
 (** Returns a unique number each time called. *)
diff --git a/common/mltools/getopt_tests.ml b/common/mltools/getopt_tests.ml
index 1314d3bca..751bf1d5f 100644
--- a/common/mltools/getopt_tests.ml
+++ b/common/mltools/getopt_tests.ml
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ open Tools_utils
 open Getopt.OptionName
 let adds = ref []
-let add_string = push_back adds
+let add_string = List.push_back adds
 let anons = ref []
-let anon_fun = push_back anons
+let anon_fun = List.push_back anons
 let ints = ref []
-let add_int = push_back ints
+let add_int = List.push_back ints
 let clear_flag = ref true
 let set_flag = ref false
diff --git a/common/mltools/tools_utils.ml b/common/mltools/tools_utils.ml
index 9049ab3f1..f66ee9f50 100644
--- a/common/mltools/tools_utils.ml
+++ b/common/mltools/tools_utils.ml
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ let rec run_commands ?(echo_cmd = true) cmds =
           res.(i) <- code;
     ) cmds in
-  let pids = filter_map identity pids in
+  let pids = List.filter_map identity pids in
   let pids = ref pids in
   while !pids <> [] do
     let pid, stat = Unix.waitpid [] 0 in
diff --git a/customize/customize_main.ml b/customize/customize_main.ml
index 8bd197b83..f6ffc872d 100644
--- a/customize/customize_main.ml
+++ b/customize/customize_main.ml
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ let main () =
     | "auto" -> attach_format := None
     | s -> attach_format := Some s
-  let attach_disk s = push_front (!attach_format, s) attach in
+  let attach_disk s = List.push_front (!attach_format, s) attach in
   let domain = ref None in
   let dryrun = ref false in
   let files = ref [] in
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ let main () =
         error (f_"error parsing URI '%s'. Look for error messages printed above.")
           arg in
     let format = match !format with "auto" -> None | fmt -> Some fmt in
-    push_front (uri, format) files;
+    List.push_front (uri, format) files;
     format_consumed := true
   and set_domain dom =
     if !domain <> None then
diff --git a/customize/customize_run.ml b/customize/customize_run.ml
index b42dd774d..f37e283f3 100644
--- a/customize/customize_run.ml
+++ b/customize/customize_run.ml
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ let run (g : G.guestfs) root (ops : ops) =
      * Also catch errors and dump the log file completely on error.
     let env_vars =
-      filter_map (
+      List.filter_map (
         fun name ->
           try Some (sprintf "export %s=%s" name (quote (Sys.getenv name)))
           with Not_found -> None
diff --git a/daemon/inspect.ml b/daemon/inspect.ml
index ecc45e7c7..11e977947 100644
--- a/daemon/inspect.ml
+++ b/daemon/inspect.ml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let rec inspect_os () =
   let fses = Listfs.list_filesystems () in
   let fses =
-    filter_map (
+    List.filter_map (
       fun (mountable, vfs_type) ->
         Inspect_fs.check_for_filesystem_on mountable vfs_type
   ) fses in
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ and inspect_get_roots () =
   let fses = !Inspect_types.inspect_fses in
   let roots =
-    filter_map (
+    List.filter_map (
       fun fs -> try Some (root_of_fs fs) with Invalid_argument _ -> None
     ) fses in
   if verbose () then (
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ and inspect_get_mountpoints root_mountable =
   if fstab = [] then
     [ "/", root_mountable ]
   else (
-    filter_map (
+    List.filter_map (
       fun (mountable, mp) ->
         if String.length mp > 0 && mp.[0] = '/' then
           Some (mp, mountable)
diff --git a/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml b/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml
index e3c7fd1cd..658e0cf10 100644
--- a/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml
+++ b/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ and check_fstab_aug mdadm_conf root_mountable os_type aug =
   let path = "/files/etc/fstab/*[label() != '#comment']" in
   let entries = aug_matches_noerrors aug path in
-  filter_map (check_fstab_entry md_map root_mountable os_type aug) entries
+  List.filter_map (check_fstab_entry md_map root_mountable os_type aug) entries
 and check_fstab_entry md_map root_mountable os_type aug entry =
   if verbose () then
diff --git a/daemon/inspect_fs_windows.ml b/daemon/inspect_fs_windows.ml
index 78af7f048..f471835cc 100644
--- a/daemon/inspect_fs_windows.ml
+++ b/daemon/inspect_fs_windows.ml
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ and get_windows_systemroot_from_boot_ini boot_ini_path =
      | Some oses ->
         (* Rewrite multi|scsi lines, removing any which we cannot parse. *)
         let oses =
-          filter_map (
+          List.filter_map (
             fun line ->
               if PCRE.matches re_boot_ini_os line then (
                 let ctrlr_type = PCRE.sub 1
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ and get_drive_mappings h root data =
     let values = Hivex.node_values h node in
     let values = Array.to_list values in
     let values =
-      filter_map (
+      List.filter_map (
         fun value ->
           let key = Hivex.value_key h value in
           let keylen = String.length key in
diff --git a/daemon/listfs.ml b/daemon/listfs.ml
index 610a1ea78..1ccd3bead 100644
--- a/daemon/listfs.ml
+++ b/daemon/listfs.ml
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ let rec list_filesystems () =
   ) devices in
   (* Use vfs-type to check for filesystems on devices. *)
-  let ret = filter_map check_with_vfs_type devices in
+  let ret = List.filter_map check_with_vfs_type devices in
   (* Use vfs-type to check for filesystems on partitions, but
    * ignore MBR partition type 42 used by LDM.
   let ret =
     ret @
-      filter_map (
+      List.filter_map (
         fun part ->
           if not has_ldm || not (is_mbr_partition_type_42 part) then
             check_with_vfs_type part
@@ -60,14 +60,14 @@ let rec list_filesystems () =
       ) partitions in
   (* Use vfs-type to check for filesystems on md devices. *)
-  let ret = ret @ filter_map check_with_vfs_type mds in
+  let ret = ret @ List.filter_map check_with_vfs_type mds in
   (* LVM. *)
   let ret =
     if has_lvm2 then (
       let lvs = Lvm.lvs () in
       (* Use vfs-type to check for filesystems on LVs. *)
-      ret @ filter_map check_with_vfs_type lvs
+      ret @ List.filter_map check_with_vfs_type lvs
     else ret in
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ let rec list_filesystems () =
       let ldmparts = Ldm.list_ldm_partitions () in
       (* Use vfs-type to check for filesystems on Windows dynamic disks. *)
       ret @
-        filter_map check_with_vfs_type ldmvols @
-        filter_map check_with_vfs_type ldmparts
+        List.filter_map check_with_vfs_type ldmvols @
+        List.filter_map check_with_vfs_type ldmparts
     else ret in
diff --git a/daemon/lvm.ml b/daemon/lvm.ml
index 4210c2fb3..39c6d365b 100644
--- a/daemon/lvm.ml
+++ b/daemon/lvm.ml
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ and filter_convert_old_lvs_output out =
   let lines = List.filter ((<>) "") lines in
   let lines = List.filter ((<>) "unknown device") lines in
-  let lines = filter_map (
+  let lines = List.filter_map (
     fun line ->
       match String.nsplit ":" line with
       | [ lv_attr; vg_name; lv_name ] ->
diff --git a/daemon/mount.ml b/daemon/mount.ml
index fbf4ddc39..db530b138 100644
--- a/daemon/mount.ml
+++ b/daemon/mount.ml
@@ -34,26 +34,26 @@ let mount_vfs options vfs mountable mountpoint =
   (match options, mountable.m_type with
    | (None | Some ""), (MountableDevice | MountablePath) -> ()
    | Some options, (MountableDevice | MountablePath) ->
-      push_back args "-o";
-      push_back args options
+      List.push_back args "-o";
+      List.push_back args options
    | (None | Some ""), MountableBtrfsVol subvol ->
-      push_back args "-o";
-      push_back args ("subvol=" ^ subvol)
+      List.push_back args "-o";
+      List.push_back args ("subvol=" ^ subvol)
    | Some options, MountableBtrfsVol subvol ->
-      push_back args "-o";
-      push_back args ("subvol=" ^ subvol ^ "," ^ options)
+      List.push_back args "-o";
+      List.push_back args ("subvol=" ^ subvol ^ "," ^ options)
   (* -t vfs *)
   (match vfs with
    | None | Some "" -> ()
    | Some t ->
-      push_back args "-t";
-      push_back args t
+      List.push_back args "-t";
+      List.push_back args t
-  push_back args mountable.m_device;
-  push_back args mp;
+  List.push_back args mountable.m_device;
+  List.push_back args mp;
   ignore (command "mount" !args)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ let rec umount_all () =
            (String.is_prefix mp sysroot &&
             String.length mp > sysroot_len &&
             mp.[sysroot_len] = '/') then
-          push_front mp mps
+          List.push_front mp mps
   ) info;
diff --git a/daemon/parted.ml b/daemon/parted.ml
index 2e8e744d0..7721b64ca 100644
--- a/daemon/parted.ml
+++ b/daemon/parted.ml
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ let print_partition_table_machine_readable device =
   udev_settle ();
   let args = ref [] in
-  push_back args "-m";
-  push_back args "-s";
-  push_back args "--";
-  push_back args device;
-  push_back args "unit";
-  push_back args "b";
-  push_back args "print";
+  List.push_back args "-m";
+  List.push_back args "-s";
+  List.push_back args "--";
+  List.push_back args device;
+  List.push_back args "unit";
+  List.push_back args "b";
+  List.push_back args "print";
   let out =
     try command "parted" !args
diff --git a/dib/cmdline.ml b/dib/cmdline.ml
index 9f0a70a72..d013a181e 100644
--- a/dib/cmdline.ml
+++ b/dib/cmdline.ml
@@ -71,16 +71,16 @@ read the man page virt-dib(1).
       prog in
   let elements = ref [] in
-  let append_element element = push_front element elements in
+  let append_element element = List.push_front element elements in
   let excluded_elements = ref [] in
-  let append_excluded_element element = push_front element excluded_elements in
+  let append_excluded_element element = List.push_front element excluded_elements in
   let element_paths = ref [] in
-  let append_element_path arg = push_front arg element_paths in
+  let append_element_path arg = List.push_front arg element_paths in
   let excluded_scripts = ref [] in
-  let append_excluded_script arg = push_front arg excluded_scripts in
+  let append_excluded_script arg = List.push_front arg excluded_scripts in
   let debug = ref 0 in
   let set_debug arg =
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ read the man page virt-dib(1).
   let formats = ref None in
   let set_format arg =
-    let fmts = remove_duplicates (String.nsplit "," arg) in
+    let fmts = List.remove_duplicates (String.nsplit "," arg) in
     let fmtset =
       List.fold_left (
         fun fmtset fmt ->
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ read the man page virt-dib(1).
     formats := Some fmtset in
   let envvars = ref [] in
-  let append_envvar arg = push_front arg envvars in
+  let append_envvar arg = List.push_front arg envvars in
   let use_base = ref true in
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ read the man page virt-dib(1).
   let extra_packages = ref [] in
   let append_extra_packages arg =
-    prepend (List.rev (String.nsplit "," arg)) extra_packages in
+    List.push_front_list (List.rev (String.nsplit "," arg)) extra_packages in
   let checksum = ref false in
diff --git a/dib/dib.ml b/dib/dib.ml
index 9429d2371..f8595636a 100644
--- a/dib/dib.ml
+++ b/dib/dib.ml
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ let exclude_elements elements = function
   | excl -> StringSet.filter (not_in_list excl) elements
 let read_envvars envvars =
-  filter_map (
+  List.filter_map (
     fun var ->
       let i = String.find var "=" in
       if i = -1 then (
diff --git a/dib/elements.ml b/dib/elements.ml
index d8eb6c145..5a904baef 100644
--- a/dib/elements.ml
+++ b/dib/elements.ml
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let load_scripts (g : Guestfs.guestfs) path =
     | _ -> false
     ) listing in
   let scripts = List.filter (fun x -> valid_script_name x.Guestfs.name) scripts in
-  filter_map (
+  List.filter_map (
      fun x ->
        let { Guestfs.st_mode = mode } = g#statns (path ^ "/" ^ x.Guestfs.name) in
        if mode &^ 0o111_L > 0_L then Some x.Guestfs.name
diff --git a/dib/output_format.ml b/dib/output_format.ml
index 79a90ae35..a39e807fe 100644
--- a/dib/output_format.ml
+++ b/dib/output_format.ml
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ let set_cardinal set =
   FormatSet.cardinal set
 let register_format op =
-  push_front op all_formats
+  List.push_front op all_formats
 let baked = ref false
 let rec bake () =
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ let get_filenames ~formats image_name =
   (* Run the formats in alphabetical, rather than random order. *)
   let formats = List.sort compare_formats (FormatSet.elements formats) in
-  filter_map (
+  List.filter_map (
     | { output_to_file = true; name } ->
       Some (output_filename image_name name)
diff --git a/generator/UEFI.ml b/generator/UEFI.ml
index 17418f473..5161e28ee 100644
--- a/generator/UEFI.ml
+++ b/generator/UEFI.ml
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ let firmware = [
-let arches = sort_uniq (List.map (fun (arch, _, _, _, _) -> arch) firmware)
+let arches = List.sort_uniq (List.map (fun (arch, _, _, _, _) -> arch) firmware)
 let generate_uefi_c () =
   generate_header CStyle LGPLv2plus;
diff --git a/generator/customize.ml b/generator/customize.ml
index 75984c9d5..c278347c1 100644
--- a/generator/customize.ml
+++ b/generator/customize.ml
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
         op_shortdesc = shortdesc; op_pod_longdesc = longdesc } ->
       pr "    (\n";
       pr "      [ L\"%s\" ],\n" name;
-      pr "      Getopt.Unit (fun () -> push_front %s ops),\n" discrim;
+      pr "      Getopt.Unit (fun () -> List.push_front %s ops),\n" discrim;
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
       pr "    None, %S;\n" longdesc
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
         op_shortdesc = shortdesc; op_pod_longdesc = longdesc } ->
       pr "    (\n";
       pr "      [ L\"%s\" ],\n" name;
-      pr "      Getopt.String (s_\"%s\", fun s -> push_front (%s s) ops),\n" v discrim;
+      pr "      Getopt.String (s_\"%s\", fun s -> List.push_front (%s s) ops),\n" v discrim;
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
       pr "    Some %S, %S;\n" v longdesc
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "        s_\"%s\",\n" v;
       pr "        fun s ->\n";
       pr "          let p = split_string_pair \"%s\" s in\n" name;
-      pr "          push_front (%s p) ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "          List.push_front (%s p) ops\n" discrim;
       pr "      ),\n";
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "        s_\"%s\",\n" v;
       pr "        fun s ->\n";
       pr "          let ss = split_string_list s in\n";
-      pr "          push_front (%s ss) ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "          List.push_front (%s ss) ops\n" discrim;
       pr "      ),\n";
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "        s_\"%s\",\n" v;
       pr "        fun s ->\n";
       pr "          let ss = split_links_list \"%s\" s in\n" name;
-      pr "          push_front (%s ss) ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "          List.push_front (%s ss) ops\n" discrim;
       pr "      ),\n";
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "        s_\"%s\",\n" v;
       pr "        fun s ->\n";
       pr "          let sel = Password.parse_selector s in\n";
-      pr "          push_front (%s sel) ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "          List.push_front (%s sel) ops\n" discrim;
       pr "      ),\n";
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "        fun s ->\n";
       pr "          let user, sel = split_string_pair \"%s\" s in\n" name;
       pr "          let sel = Password.parse_selector sel in\n";
-      pr "          push_front (%s (user, sel)) ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "          List.push_front (%s (user, sel)) ops\n" discrim;
       pr "      ),\n";
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "        fun s ->\n";
       pr "          let user, selstr = String.split \":\" s in\n";
       pr "          let sel = Ssh_key.parse_selector selstr in\n";
-      pr "          push_front (%s (user, sel)) ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "          List.push_front (%s (user, sel)) ops\n" discrim;
       pr "      ),\n";
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "        s_\"%s\",\n" v;
       pr "        fun s ->\n";
       pr "          %s s;\n" fn;
-      pr "          push_front (%s s) ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "          List.push_front (%s s) ops\n" discrim;
       pr "      ),\n";
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ let rec argspec () =
       pr "        s_\"%s\",\n" v;
       pr "        fun s ->\n";
       pr "          let sel = Subscription_manager.parse_pool_selector s in\n";
-      pr "          push_front (%s sel) ops\n" discrim;
+      pr "          List.push_front (%s sel) ops\n" discrim;
       pr "      ),\n";
       pr "      s_\"%s\"\n" shortdesc;
       pr "    ),\n";
diff --git a/generator/tests_c_api.ml b/generator/tests_c_api.ml
index 33da61181..b569b9317 100644
--- a/generator/tests_c_api.ml
+++ b/generator/tests_c_api.ml
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let rec generate_c_api_tests () =
   let hash : (string, bool) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 13 in
   List.iter (
     fun { tests } ->
-      let seqs = filter_map (
+      let seqs = List.filter_map (
         | (_, (Always|IfAvailable _|IfNotCrossAppliance), test, cleanup) ->
           Some (seq_of_test test @ cleanup)
diff --git a/resize/resize.ml b/resize/resize.ml
index f428f3ebe..4eeb0a170 100644
--- a/resize/resize.ml
+++ b/resize/resize.ml
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ let main () =
     lv_expands, machine_readable, ntfsresize_force, output_format,
     resizes, resizes_force, shrink, sparse, unknown_fs_mode =
-    let add xs s = push_front s xs in
+    let add xs s = List.push_front s xs in
     let align_first = ref "auto" in
     let alignment = ref 128 in
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ let main () =
                                               s_"Behaviour on expand unknown filesystems (default: warn)";
     ] in
     let disks = ref [] in
-    let anon_fun s = push_front s disks in
+    let anon_fun s = List.push_front s disks in
     let usage_msg =
       sprintf (f_"\
 %s: resize a virtual machine disk
diff --git a/sparsify/cmdline.ml b/sparsify/cmdline.ml
index 521f6733d..f435bbf5e 100644
--- a/sparsify/cmdline.ml
+++ b/sparsify/cmdline.ml
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ and mode_t =
 and check_t = [`Ignore|`Continue|`Warn|`Fail]
 let parse_cmdline () =
-  let add xs s = push_front s xs in
+  let add xs s = List.push_front s xs in
   let check_tmpdir = ref `Warn in
   let set_check_tmpdir = function
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
     [ L"zero" ],    Getopt.String (s_"fs", add zeroes),   s_"Zero filesystem";
   ] in
   let disks = ref [] in
-  let anon_fun s = push_front s disks in
+  let anon_fun s = List.push_front s disks in
   let usage_msg =
     sprintf (f_"\
 %s: sparsify a virtual machine disk
diff --git a/sparsify/utils.ml b/sparsify/utils.ml
index facf466a8..7f0c02cf6 100644
--- a/sparsify/utils.ml
+++ b/sparsify/utils.ml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module G = Guestfs
 (* Return true if the filesystem is a read-only LV (RHBZ#1185561). *)
 let is_read_only_lv (g : G.guestfs) =
   let lvs = Array.to_list (g#lvs_full ()) in
-  let ro_uuids = filter_map (
+  let ro_uuids = List.filter_map (
     fun { G.lv_uuid; lv_attr } ->
       if lv_attr.[1] = 'r' then Some lv_uuid else None
   ) lvs in
diff --git a/sysprep/main.ml b/sysprep/main.ml
index 3ba0c7b82..218ac43ef 100644
--- a/sysprep/main.ml
+++ b/sysprep/main.ml
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ let main () =
         with URI.Parse_failed ->
           error (f_"error parsing URI ‘%s’. Look for error messages printed above.") arg in
       let format = match !format with "auto" -> None | fmt -> Some fmt in
-      push_front (uri, format) files;
+      List.push_front (uri, format) files;
       format_consumed := true
     and set_domain dom =
       if !domain <> None then
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ read the man page virt-sysprep(1).
     let mount_opts = !mount_opts in
     let mount_opts =
       List.map (String.split ":") (String.nsplit ";" mount_opts) in
-    let mount_opts mp = assoc ~default:"" mp mount_opts in
+    let mount_opts mp = List.assoc_ ~default:"" mp mount_opts in
     message (f_"Examining the guest ...");
diff --git a/sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml b/sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml
index 0c70258db..2ddce302a 100644
--- a/sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml
+++ b/sysprep/sysprep_operation.ml
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@ let remove_all_from_set set =
 let register_operation op =
-  push_front op all_operations;
+  List.push_front op all_operations;
   if op.enabled_by_default then
-    push_front op enabled_by_default_operations
+    List.push_front op enabled_by_default_operations
 let baked = ref false
 let rec bake () =
diff --git a/sysprep/sysprep_operation_script.ml b/sysprep/sysprep_operation_script.ml
index fd9e62aa0..bb105f57f 100644
--- a/sysprep/sysprep_operation_script.ml
+++ b/sysprep/sysprep_operation_script.ml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ let set_scriptdir dir =
   scriptdir := Some dir
 let scripts = ref []
-let add_script script = push_front script scripts
+let add_script script = List.push_front script scripts
 let rec script_perform (g : Guestfs.guestfs) root side_effects =
   let scripts = List.rev !scripts in
diff --git a/v2v/DOM.ml b/v2v/DOM.ml
index 3ba93b4f6..8fd40e6b4 100644
--- a/v2v/DOM.ml
+++ b/v2v/DOM.ml
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ let path_to_nodes (Doc doc) path =
           ) nodes
         | p :: ps ->
           let children =
-            filter_map (
+            List.filter_map (
               | PCData _ -> None
               | Comment _ -> None
diff --git a/v2v/cmdline.ml b/v2v/cmdline.ml
index 6d4219bd8..2180b656f 100644
--- a/v2v/cmdline.ml
+++ b/v2v/cmdline.ml
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
   let vdsm_image_uuids = ref [] in
-  let add_vdsm_image_uuid s = push_front s vdsm_image_uuids in
+  let add_vdsm_image_uuid s = List.push_front s vdsm_image_uuids in
   let vdsm_vol_uuids = ref [] in
-  let add_vdsm_vol_uuid s = push_front s vdsm_vol_uuids in
+  let add_vdsm_vol_uuid s = List.push_front s vdsm_vol_uuids in
   let vmtype_warning _ =
     warning (f_"the --vmtype option has been removed and now does nothing")
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ let parse_cmdline () =
                                             s_"Ignored for backwards compatibility";
   ] in
   let args = ref [] in
-  let anon_fun s = push_front s args in
+  let anon_fun s = List.push_front s args in
   let usage_msg =
     sprintf (f_"\
 %s: convert a guest to use KVM
diff --git a/v2v/convert_linux.ml b/v2v/convert_linux.ml
index 81e195866..ea44b262c 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_linux.ml
+++ b/v2v/convert_linux.ml
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ let convert (g : G.guestfs) inspect source output rcaps =
   and unconfigure_xen () =
     (* Remove kmod-xenpv-* (RHEL 3). *)
     let xenmods =
-      filter_map (
+      List.filter_map (
         fun { G.app2_name = name } ->
           if name = "kmod-xenpv" || String.is_prefix name "kmod-xenpv-" then
             Some name
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ let convert (g : G.guestfs) inspect source output rcaps =
       let lines = g#read_lines vboxconfig in
       let lines = Array.to_list lines in
       let rex = PCRE.compile "^INSTALL_DIR=(.*)$" in
-      let lines = filter_map (
+      let lines = List.filter_map (
         fun line ->
           if PCRE.matches rex line then (
             let path = PCRE.sub 1 in
@@ -279,13 +279,13 @@ let convert (g : G.guestfs) inspect source output rcaps =
     List.iter (
       fun { G.app2_name = name } ->
         if String.is_prefix name "vmware-tools-libraries-" then
-          push_front name libraries
+          List.push_front name libraries
         else if String.is_prefix name "vmware-tools-" then
-          push_front name remove
+          List.push_front name remove
         else if name = "VMwareTools" then
-          push_front name remove
+          List.push_front name remove
         else if String.is_prefix name "kmod-vmware-tools" then
-          push_front name remove
+          List.push_front name remove
     ) inspect.i_apps;
     let libraries = !libraries in
@@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ let convert (g : G.guestfs) inspect source output rcaps =
               let cmd = Array.of_list cmd in
                  ignore (g#command cmd);
-                 push_front library remove
+                 List.push_front library remove
                with G.Error msg ->
                  eprintf "%s: could not install replacement for %s.  Error was: %s.  %s was not removed.\n"
                    prog library msg library
             ) else (
-              push_front library remove;
+              List.push_front library remove;
         ) libraries
diff --git a/v2v/convert_windows.ml b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
index 247ffff3f..41e734b67 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_windows.ml
+++ b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ let convert (g : G.guestfs) inspect source output rcaps =
                       * uninstaller still shows a no-way-out reboot dialog *)
                      " PREVENT_REBOOT=Yes LAUNCHED_BY_SETUP_EXE=Yes" in
-               push_front uninst uninsts
+               List.push_front uninst uninsts
                Not_found -> ()
          ) uninstnodes
diff --git a/v2v/copy_to_local.ml b/v2v/copy_to_local.ml
index d92ad0f88..d2471a546 100644
--- a/v2v/copy_to_local.ml
+++ b/v2v/copy_to_local.ml
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ let rec main () =
                                             s_"Use password from file";
   ] in
   let args = ref [] in
-  let anon_fun s = push_front s args in
+  let anon_fun s = List.push_front s args in
   let usage_msg =
     sprintf (f_"\
 %s: copy a remote guest to the local machine
@@ -205,12 +205,12 @@ read the man page virt-v2v-copy-to-local(1).
          "url", Some remote_disk;
          "output", Some local_disk;
        ] in
-       if not sslverify then push_back curl_args ("insecure", None);
+       if not sslverify then List.push_back curl_args ("insecure", None);
        (match cookie with
         | None -> ()
-        | Some cookie -> push_back curl_args ("cookie", Some cookie)
+        | Some cookie -> List.push_back curl_args ("cookie", Some cookie)
-       if quiet () then push_back curl_args ("silent", None);
+       if quiet () then List.push_back curl_args ("silent", None);
        let curl_h = Curl.create !curl_args in
        if verbose () then
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ and parse_libvirt_xml guest_name xml =
       incr i;
       let local_disk = sprintf "%s-disk%d" guest_name !i in
-      push_front (remote_disk, local_disk) disks;
+      List.push_front (remote_disk, local_disk) disks;
     get_disks, add_disk
diff --git a/v2v/create_libvirt_xml.ml b/v2v/create_libvirt_xml.ml
index 70c04cc64..ecf0d14c5 100644
--- a/v2v/create_libvirt_xml.ml
+++ b/v2v/create_libvirt_xml.ml
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
   (* The main body of the libvirt XML document. *)
   let body = ref [] in
-  append body [
+  List.push_back_list body [
     Comment generated_by;
     e "name" [] [PCData source.s_name];
   let memory_k = source.s_memory /^ 1024L in
-  append body [
+  List.push_back_list body [
     e "memory" ["unit", "KiB"] [PCData (Int64.to_string memory_k)];
     e "currentMemory" ["unit", "KiB"] [PCData (Int64.to_string memory_k)];
     e "vcpu" [] [PCData (string_of_int source.s_vcpu)]
@@ -55,32 +55,32 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
     (match source.s_cpu_vendor with
      | None -> ()
      | Some vendor ->
-        push_back cpu (e "vendor" [] [PCData vendor])
+        List.push_back cpu (e "vendor" [] [PCData vendor])
     (match source.s_cpu_model with
      | None -> ()
      | Some model ->
-        push_back cpu (e "model" ["fallback", "allow"] [PCData model])
+        List.push_back cpu (e "model" ["fallback", "allow"] [PCData model])
     if source.s_cpu_sockets <> None || source.s_cpu_cores <> None ||
        source.s_cpu_threads <> None then (
       let topology_attrs = ref [] in
       (match source.s_cpu_sockets with
        | None -> ()
-       | Some v -> push_back topology_attrs ("sockets", string_of_int v)
+       | Some v -> List.push_back topology_attrs ("sockets", string_of_int v)
       (match source.s_cpu_cores with
        | None -> ()
-       | Some v -> push_back topology_attrs ("cores", string_of_int v)
+       | Some v -> List.push_back topology_attrs ("cores", string_of_int v)
       (match source.s_cpu_threads with
        | None -> ()
-       | Some v -> push_back topology_attrs ("threads", string_of_int v)
+       | Some v -> List.push_back topology_attrs ("threads", string_of_int v)
-      push_back cpu (e "topology" !topology_attrs [])
+      List.push_back cpu (e "topology" !topology_attrs [])
-    append body [ e "cpu" [ "match", "minimum" ] !cpu ]
+    List.push_back_list body [ e "cpu" [ "match", "minimum" ] !cpu ]
   let uefi_firmware =
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
   let features = List.sort compare (StringSet.elements features) in
-  append body [
+  List.push_back_list body [
     e "features" [] (List.map (fun s -> e s [] []) features);
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
     (e "type" (["arch", guestcaps.gcaps_arch] @ machine) [PCData "hvm"])
     :: loader in
-  append body [
+  List.push_back_list body [
     e "os" [] os_section;
     e "on_poweroff" [] [PCData "destroy"];
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
         (Array.mapi (make_disk "floppy" "fd")
     ] in
-  append devices disks;
+  List.push_back_list devices disks;
   let nics =
     let net_model =
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
     ) source.s_nics in
-  append devices nics;
+  List.push_back_list devices nics;
   (* Same as old virt-v2v, we always add a display here even if it was
    * missing from the old metadata.
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
       | Cirrus -> e "model" [ "type", "cirrus"; "vram", "9216" ] [] in
     append_attr ("heads", "1") video_model;
     e "video" [] [ video_model ] in
-  push_back devices video;
+  List.push_back devices video;
   let graphics =
     match source.s_display with
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
    | Some { s_port = None } | None ->
       append_attr ("autoport", "yes") graphics;
       append_attr ("port", "-1") graphics);
-  push_back devices graphics;
+  List.push_back devices graphics;
   let sound =
     match source.s_sound with
@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
          [ e "sound" [ "model", string_of_source_sound_model model ] [] ]
          [] in
-  append devices sound;
+  List.push_back_list devices sound;
   (* Miscellaneous KVM devices. *)
   if guestcaps.gcaps_virtio_rng then
-    push_back devices (
+    List.push_back devices (
       e "rng" ["model", "virtio"] [
         (* XXX Using /dev/urandom requires libvirt >= 1.3.4.  Libvirt
          * was broken before that.
@@ -351,27 +351,27 @@ let create_libvirt_xml ?pool source target_buses guestcaps
   (* For the balloon device, libvirt adds an implicit device
    * unless we use model='none', hence this:
-  push_back devices (
+  List.push_back devices (
     e "memballoon"
        if guestcaps.gcaps_virtio_balloon then "virtio" else "none"]
   if guestcaps.gcaps_isa_pvpanic then
-    push_back devices (
+    List.push_back devices (
       e "panic" ["model", "isa"] [
         e "address" ["type", "isa"; "iobase", "0x505"] []
   (* Standard devices added to every guest. *)
-  append devices [
+  List.push_back_list devices [
     e "input" ["type", "tablet"; "bus", "usb"] [];
     e "input" ["type", "mouse"; "bus", "ps2"] [];
     e "console" ["type", "pty"] [];
-  append body [
+  List.push_back_list body [
     e "devices" [] !devices;
diff --git a/v2v/create_ovf.ml b/v2v/create_ovf.ml
index 1b851b0e9..aebdf6230 100644
--- a/v2v/create_ovf.ml
+++ b/v2v/create_ovf.ml
@@ -314,18 +314,18 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
       (match source.s_cpu_model with
         | None -> ()
         | Some model ->
-           push_back content_subnodes (e "CustomCpuName" [] [PCData model])
+           List.push_back content_subnodes (e "CustomCpuName" [] [PCData model])
       (* Add the <Origin/> element if we can. *)
       (match origin_of_source_hypervisor source.s_hypervisor with
        | None -> ()
        | Some origin ->
-          push_back content_subnodes
+          List.push_back content_subnodes
                     (e "Origin" [] [PCData (string_of_int origin)])
-      push_back content_subnodes (
+      List.push_back content_subnodes (
         e "Section" ["ovf:id", vm_uuid; "ovf:required", "false";
                      "xsi:type", "ovf:OperatingSystemSection_Type"] [
           e "Info" [] [PCData inspect.i_product_name];
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
                                      source.s_vcpu memsize_mb)]
       ] in
-      push_back virtual_hardware_section_items (
+      List.push_back virtual_hardware_section_items (
         e "Item" [] ([
           e "rasd:Caption" [] [PCData (sprintf "%d virtual cpu" source.s_vcpu)];
           e "rasd:Description" [] [PCData "Number of virtual CPU"];
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
-      append virtual_hardware_section_items [
+      List.push_back_list virtual_hardware_section_items [
         e "Item" [] [
           e "rasd:Caption" [] [PCData (sprintf "%Ld MB of memory" memsize_mb)];
           e "rasd:Description" [] [PCData "Memory Size"];
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
       (* Add the miscellaneous KVM devices. *)
       if guestcaps.gcaps_virtio_rng then
-        push_back virtual_hardware_section_items (
+        List.push_back virtual_hardware_section_items (
           e "Item" [] [
             e "rasd:Caption" [] [PCData "RNG Device"];
             e "rasd:InstanceId" [] [PCData (uuidgen ())];
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
       if guestcaps.gcaps_virtio_balloon then
-        push_back virtual_hardware_section_items (
+        List.push_back virtual_hardware_section_items (
           e "Item" [] [
             e "rasd:Caption" [] [PCData "Memory Ballooning Device"];
             e "rasd:InstanceId" [] [PCData (uuidgen ())];
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ let rec create_ovf source targets guestcaps inspect
-      push_back content_subnodes (
+      List.push_back content_subnodes (
         e "Section" ["xsi:type", "ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type"]
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ and add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids ovf =
         (match actual_size_gb with
          | None -> ()
          | Some actual_size_gb ->
-            push_back attrs ("ovf:actual_size", Int64.to_string actual_size_gb)
+            List.push_back attrs ("ovf:actual_size", Int64.to_string actual_size_gb)
         e "Disk" !attrs [] in
       if is_estimate then (
@@ -585,12 +585,12 @@ and add_disks targets guestcaps output_alloc sd_uuid image_uuids vol_uuids ovf =
           e "rasd:last_modified_date" [] [PCData iso_time];
         ] in
         if is_bootable_drive then
-          push_back item_subnodes
+          List.push_back item_subnodes
                     (e "BootOrder" [] [PCData (string_of_int boot_order)]);
         e "Item" [] !item_subnodes in
       append_child item virtualhardware_section;
-  ) (combine3 targets image_uuids vol_uuids)
+  ) (List.combine3 targets image_uuids vol_uuids)
 (* This modifies the OVF DOM, adding a section for each NIC. *)
 and add_networks nics guestcaps ovf =
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ and add_networks nics guestcaps ovf =
         (match mac with
          | None -> ()
          | Some mac ->
-            push_back item_subnodes
+            List.push_back item_subnodes
                       (e "rasd:MACAddress" [] [PCData mac])
         e "Item" [] !item_subnodes in
diff --git a/v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.ml b/v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.ml
index 8fa33fbeb..9afa9ed32 100644
--- a/v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_libvirt_vddk.ml
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ object
     let args =
       let add_arg, get_args =
         let args = ref [] in
-        let add_arg a = push_front a args in
+        let add_arg a = List.push_front a args in
         let get_args () = List.rev !args in
         add_arg, get_args in
diff --git a/v2v/input_ova.ml b/v2v/input_ova.ml
index 5f313b6fb..abb0654a5 100644
--- a/v2v/input_ova.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_ova.ml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ let untar ?format ?(paths = []) file outdir =
 let untar_metadata file outdir =
   let files = external_command (sprintf "tar -tf %s" (Filename.quote file)) in
   let files =
-    filter_map (
+    List.filter_map (
       fun f ->
         if Filename.check_suffix f ".ovf" ||
            Filename.check_suffix f ".mf" then Some f
diff --git a/v2v/input_vmx.ml b/v2v/input_vmx.ml
index 366e63560..649e86cac 100644
--- a/v2v/input_vmx.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_vmx.ml
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ and find_hdds vmx vmx_filename
            Some (c, t, s)
         | _ -> None
     ) hdds in
-  let hdds = filter_map identity hdds in
+  let hdds = List.filter_map identity hdds in
   (* We don't have a way to return the controllers and targets, so
    * just make sure the disks are sorted into order, since Parse_vmx
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ and find_removables vmx =
            Some s
         | _ -> None
     ) devs in
-  let devs = filter_map identity devs in
+  let devs = List.filter_map identity devs in
   (* Sort by slot. *)
   let devs =
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ and find_nics vmx =
                    s_vnet_type = vnet_type })
         | _ -> None
     ) nics in
-  let nics = filter_map identity nics in
+  let nics = List.filter_map identity nics in
   (* Sort by port. *)
   let nics = List.sort compare nics in
diff --git a/v2v/linux_bootloaders.ml b/v2v/linux_bootloaders.ml
index 4ddc6d0dd..bc015740a 100644
--- a/v2v/linux_bootloaders.ml
+++ b/v2v/linux_bootloaders.ml
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ object
       let paths = Array.to_list paths in
       (* Remove duplicates. *)
-      let paths = remove_duplicates paths in
+      let paths = List.remove_duplicates paths in
       (* Get the default kernel from grub if it's set. *)
       let default =
diff --git a/v2v/linux_kernels.ml b/v2v/linux_kernels.ml
index 59948cb61..438a00afa 100644
--- a/v2v/linux_kernels.ml
+++ b/v2v/linux_kernels.ml
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ let detect_kernels (g : G.guestfs) inspect family bootloader =
         PCRE.compile "^initrd.img-.*$"
         PCRE.compile "^initr(?:d|amfs)-.*(?:\\.img)?$" in
-    filter_map (
+    List.filter_map (
       | { G.app2_name = name } as app
           when name = "kernel" || String.is_prefix name "kernel-"
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ let detect_kernels (g : G.guestfs) inspect family bootloader =
                g#file_architecture any_module in
              (* Just return the module names, without path or extension. *)
-             let modules = filter_map (
+             let modules = List.filter_map (
                fun m ->
                  if PCRE.matches rex_ko_extract m then
                    Some (PCRE.sub 1)
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ let detect_kernels (g : G.guestfs) inspect family bootloader =
     let vmlinuzes = bootloader#list_kernels in
     (* Map these to installed kernels. *)
-    filter_map (
+    List.filter_map (
       fun vmlinuz ->
           let statbuf = g#statns vmlinuz in
diff --git a/v2v/modules_list.ml b/v2v/modules_list.ml
index e3c6d5934..d5120b70b 100644
--- a/v2v/modules_list.ml
+++ b/v2v/modules_list.ml
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ open Std_utils
 let input_modules = ref []
 and output_modules = ref []
-let register_input_module name = push_front name input_modules
-and register_output_module name = push_front name output_modules
+let register_input_module name = List.push_front name input_modules
+and register_output_module name = List.push_front name output_modules
 let input_modules () = List.sort compare !input_modules
 and output_modules () = List.sort compare !output_modules
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type conversion_fn =
 let convert_modules = ref []
 let register_convert_module inspect_fn name conversion_fn =
-  push_front (inspect_fn, (name, conversion_fn)) convert_modules
+  List.push_front (inspect_fn, (name, conversion_fn)) convert_modules
 let find_convert_module inspect =
   let rec loop = function
diff --git a/v2v/output_glance.ml b/v2v/output_glance.ml
index 4e4f965c1..6ce637c59 100644
--- a/v2v/output_glance.ml
+++ b/v2v/output_glance.ml
@@ -99,42 +99,42 @@ object
       ] in
       if source.s_cpu_sockets <> None || source.s_cpu_cores <> None ||
          source.s_cpu_threads <> None then (
-        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_sockets",
+        List.push_back properties ("hw_cpu_sockets",
                               match source.s_cpu_sockets with
                               | None -> "1"
                               | Some v -> string_of_int v);
-        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_cores",
+        List.push_back properties ("hw_cpu_cores",
                               match source.s_cpu_cores with
                               | None -> "1"
                               | Some v -> string_of_int v);
-        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_threads",
+        List.push_back properties ("hw_cpu_threads",
                               match source.s_cpu_threads with
                               | None -> "1"
                               | Some v -> string_of_int v);
       else (
-        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_sockets", "1");
-        push_back properties ("hw_cpu_cores", string_of_int source.s_vcpu);
+        List.push_back properties ("hw_cpu_sockets", "1");
+        List.push_back properties ("hw_cpu_cores", string_of_int source.s_vcpu);
       (match guestcaps.gcaps_block_bus with
        | Virtio_SCSI ->
-          push_back properties ("hw_scsi_model", "virtio-scsi")
+          List.push_back properties ("hw_scsi_model", "virtio-scsi")
        | Virtio_blk | IDE -> ()
       (match inspect.i_major_version, inspect.i_minor_version with
        | 0, 0 -> ()
-       | x, 0 -> push_back properties ("os_version", string_of_int x)
-       | x, y -> push_back properties ("os_version", sprintf "%d.%d" x y)
+       | x, 0 -> List.push_back properties ("os_version", string_of_int x)
+       | x, y -> List.push_back properties ("os_version", sprintf "%d.%d" x y)
       if guestcaps.gcaps_virtio_rng then
-        push_back properties ("hw_rng_model", "virtio");
+        List.push_back properties ("hw_rng_model", "virtio");
       (* XXX Neither memory balloon nor pvpanic are supported by
        * Glance at this time.
       (match target_firmware with
        | TargetBIOS -> ()
        | TargetUEFI ->
-          push_back properties ("hw_firmware_type", "uefi")
+          List.push_back properties ("hw_firmware_type", "uefi")
       !properties in
diff --git a/v2v/output_libvirt.ml b/v2v/output_libvirt.ml
index 02b4d54ff..3fb449d5a 100644
--- a/v2v/output_libvirt.ml
+++ b/v2v/output_libvirt.ml
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let target_features_of_capabilities_doc doc arch =
     for i = 0 to Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj - 1 do
       let feature_node = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
       let feature_name = Xml.node_name feature_node in
-      push_front feature_name features
+      List.push_front feature_name features
diff --git a/v2v/output_qemu.ml b/v2v/output_qemu.ml
index d18b4b7c9..5304329ae 100644
--- a/v2v/output_qemu.ml
+++ b/v2v/output_qemu.ml
@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ object
       if source.s_cpu_sockets <> None || source.s_cpu_cores <> None ||
          source.s_cpu_threads <> None then (
         let a = ref [] in
-        push_back a (sprintf "cpus=%d" source.s_vcpu);
-        push_back a (sprintf "sockets=%d"
+        List.push_back a (sprintf "cpus=%d" source.s_vcpu);
+        List.push_back a (sprintf "sockets=%d"
                              (match source.s_cpu_sockets with
                               | None -> 1
                               | Some v -> v));
-        push_back a (sprintf "cores=%d"
+        List.push_back a (sprintf "cores=%d"
                              (match source.s_cpu_cores with
                               | None -> 1
                               | Some v -> v));
-        push_back a (sprintf "threads=%d"
+        List.push_back a (sprintf "threads=%d"
                              (match source.s_cpu_threads with
                               | None -> 1
                               | Some v -> v));
diff --git a/v2v/output_rhv.ml b/v2v/output_rhv.ml
index ce2d75c1d..2bcd988c1 100644
--- a/v2v/output_rhv.ml
+++ b/v2v/output_rhv.ml
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ object
           debug "RHV: will export %s to %s" ov_sd target_file;
           { t with target_file = target_file }
-      ) (combine3 targets image_uuids vol_uuids) in
+      ) (List.combine3 targets image_uuids vol_uuids) in
     (* Generate the .meta file associated with each volume. *)
     let metas =
diff --git a/v2v/output_vdsm.ml b/v2v/output_vdsm.ml
index f60b6b4c7..0aeee289d 100644
--- a/v2v/output_vdsm.ml
+++ b/v2v/output_vdsm.ml
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ object
     let mp, uuid =
       let fields = String.nsplit "/" os in (* ... "data-center" "UUID" *)
       let fields = List.rev fields in      (* "UUID" "data-center" ... *)
-      let fields = dropwhile ((=) "") fields in
+      let fields = List.dropwhile ((=) "") fields in
       match fields with
       | uuid :: rest when String.length uuid = 36 ->
         let mp = String.concat "/" (List.rev rest) in
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ object
           debug "VDSM: will export %s to %s" ov_sd target_file;
           { t with target_file = target_file }
-      ) (combine3 targets vdsm_params.image_uuids vdsm_params.vol_uuids) in
+      ) (List.combine3 targets vdsm_params.image_uuids vdsm_params.vol_uuids) in
     (* Generate the .meta files associated with each volume. *)
     let metas =
diff --git a/v2v/parse_libvirt_xml.ml b/v2v/parse_libvirt_xml.ml
index 40d558a5e..7a03156f3 100644
--- a/v2v/parse_libvirt_xml.ml
+++ b/v2v/parse_libvirt_xml.ml
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let parse_libvirt_xml ?conn xml =
     let nr_nodes = Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj in
     for i = 0 to nr_nodes-1 do
       let node = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
-      push_front (Xml.node_name node) features
+      List.push_front (Xml.node_name node) features
     !features in
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ let parse_libvirt_xml ?conn xml =
                             s_controller = controller };
           p_source = p_source
         } in
-        push_front disk disks
+        List.push_front disk disks
       get_disks, add_disk
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ let parse_libvirt_xml ?conn xml =
         { s_removable_type = typ;
           s_removable_controller = controller;
           s_removable_slot = slot } in
-      push_front disk disks
+      List.push_front disk disks
     List.rev !disks in
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ let parse_libvirt_xml ?conn xml =
              s_vnet_orig = vnet;
              s_vnet_type = vnet_type
            } in
-           push_front nic nics
+           List.push_front nic nics
          match xpath_string "source/@network | source/@bridge" with
          | None -> ()
diff --git a/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml b/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml
index e3518e30d..1c113eca2 100644
--- a/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml
+++ b/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let parse_ovf_from_ova ovf_filename =
           href = href;
           compressed = compressed
         } in
-        push_front disk disks;
+        List.push_front disk disks;
       ) else
         error (f_"could not parse disk rasd:HostResource from OVF document")
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ let parse_ovf_from_ova ovf_filename =
         s_removable_controller = controller;
         s_removable_slot = slot;
       } in
-      push_front disk removables;
+      List.push_front disk removables;
     List.rev !removables
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ let parse_ovf_from_ova ovf_filename =
         s_vnet_orig = vnet;
         s_vnet_type = Network;
       } in
-      push_front nic nics
+      List.push_front nic nics
     List.rev !nics
diff --git a/v2v/parse_vmx.ml b/v2v/parse_vmx.ml
index 3c72527b9..65d5a0edd 100644
--- a/v2v/parse_vmx.ml
+++ b/v2v/parse_vmx.ml
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ and parse_string str =
   ) lines in
   (* Parse the lines into key = "value". *)
-  let lines = filter_map (
+  let lines = List.filter_map (
     fun line ->
       if PCRE.matches rex line then (
         let key = PCRE.sub 1 and value = PCRE.sub 2 in
diff --git a/v2v/test-harness/v2v_test_harness.ml b/v2v/test-harness/v2v_test_harness.ml
index ae0033dde..a2eeab0ff 100644
--- a/v2v/test-harness/v2v_test_harness.ml
+++ b/v2v/test-harness/v2v_test_harness.ml
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ let run ~test ?input_disk ?input_xml ?(test_plan = default_plan) () =
   let nodes_of_xpathobj doc xpathobj =
     let nodes = ref [] in
     for i = 0 to Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes xpathobj - 1 do
-      push_front (Xml.xpathobj_node xpathobj i) nodes
+      List.push_front (Xml.xpathobj_node xpathobj i) nodes
     List.rev !nodes
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ let run ~test ?input_disk ?input_xml ?(test_plan = default_plan) () =
       printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
       let chan = open_process_in cmd in
       let lines = ref [] in
-      (try while true do push_front (input_line chan) lines done
+      (try while true do List.push_front (input_line chan) lines done
        with End_of_file -> ());
       let lines = List.rev !lines in
       let stat = close_process_in chan in
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ let run ~test ?input_disk ?input_xml ?(test_plan = default_plan) () =
       printf "%s\n%!" cmd;
       let chan = open_process_in cmd in
       let lines = ref [] in
-      (try while true do push_front (input_line chan) lines done
+      (try while true do List.push_front (input_line chan) lines done
        with End_of_file -> ());
       let lines = List.rev !lines in
       let stat = close_process_in chan in
diff --git a/v2v/v2v.ml b/v2v/v2v.ml
index 92aa6102b..9e609b526 100644
--- a/v2v/v2v.ml
+++ b/v2v/v2v.ml
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ and do_fstrim g inspect =
   (* Get all filesystems. *)
   let fses = g#list_filesystems () in
-  let fses = filter_map (
+  let fses = List.filter_map (
     function (_, ("unknown"|"swap")) -> None | (dev, _) -> Some dev
   ) fses in
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ and rcaps_from_source source =
   let source_block_types =
     List.map (fun sd -> sd.s_controller) source.s_disks in
   let source_block_type =
-    match sort_uniq source_block_types with
+    match List.sort_uniq source_block_types with
     | [] -> error (f_"source has no hard disks!")
     | [t] -> t
     | _ -> error (f_"source has multiple hard disk types!") in
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ and rcaps_from_source source =
   let source_net_types =
       List.map (fun nic -> nic.s_nic_model) source.s_nics in
   let source_net_type =
-    match sort_uniq source_net_types with
+    match List.sort_uniq source_net_types with
     | [] -> None
     | [t] -> t
     | _ -> error (f_"source has multiple network adapter model!") in
diff --git a/v2v/vCenter.ml b/v2v/vCenter.ml
index 18879432b..41bdbdd01 100644
--- a/v2v/vCenter.ml
+++ b/v2v/vCenter.ml
@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ let get_session_cookie password scheme uri sslverify url =
      | None, Some _ ->
         warning (f_"--password-file parameter ignored because 'user@' was not given in the URL")
      | Some user, None ->
-        push_back curl_args ("user", Some user)
+        List.push_back curl_args ("user", Some user)
      | Some user, Some password ->
-        push_back curl_args ("user", Some (user ^ ":" ^ password))
+        List.push_back curl_args ("user", Some (user ^ ":" ^ password))
-    if not sslverify then push_back curl_args ("insecure", None);
+    if not sslverify then List.push_back curl_args ("insecure", None);
     let curl_h = Curl.create !curl_args in
     let lines = Curl.run curl_h in

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