[Libguestfs] [PATCH v2 4/9] v2v: parse OVF: Export useful parse_disks function.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Wed Apr 25 13:35:29 UTC 2018

So you can parse out just the list of disks.
 v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml  | 402 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.mli |   3 +
 2 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 194 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml b/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml
index 2ffaf7ae4..7d4f2f543 100644
--- a/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml
+++ b/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.ml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type ovf_disk = {
   compressed : bool;            (* If the file is gzip compressed. *)
-let parse_ovf_from_ova ovf_filename =
+let xpathctx_of_ovf ovf_filename =
   let xml = read_whole_file ovf_filename in
   let doc = Xml.parse_memory xml in
@@ -50,207 +50,221 @@ let parse_ovf_from_ova ovf_filename =
   Xml.xpath_register_ns xpathctx
                         "vssd" "http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData";
+  xpathctx
+let rec parse_ovf_from_ova ovf_filename =
+  let xpathctx = xpathctx_of_ovf ovf_filename in
   let xpath_string = xpath_string xpathctx
   and xpath_int = xpath_int xpathctx
   and xpath_int64 = xpath_int64 xpathctx in
-  let rec parse_top () =
-    (* Search for vm name. *)
-    let name =
-      match xpath_string "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:Name/text()" with
-      | None | Some "" -> None
-      | Some _ as name -> name in
+  (* Search for vm name. *)
+  let name =
+    match xpath_string "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:Name/text()" with
+    | None | Some "" -> None
+    | Some _ as name -> name in
-    (* Search for memory. *)
-    let memory = Option.default (1024L *^ 1024L) (xpath_int64 "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=4]/rasd:VirtualQuantity/text()") in
-    let memory = memory *^ 1024L *^ 1024L in
+  (* Search for memory. *)
+  let memory = Option.default (1024L *^ 1024L) (xpath_int64 "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=4]/rasd:VirtualQuantity/text()") in
+  let memory = memory *^ 1024L *^ 1024L in
-    (* Search for number of vCPUs. *)
-    let vcpu = Option.default 1 (xpath_int "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=3]/rasd:VirtualQuantity/text()") in
+  (* Search for number of vCPUs. *)
+  let vcpu = Option.default 1 (xpath_int "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=3]/rasd:VirtualQuantity/text()") in
-    (* CPU topology.  coresPerSocket is a VMware proprietary extension.
-     * I couldn't find out how hyperthreads is specified in the OVF.
-     *)
-    let cores_per_socket = xpath_int "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=3]/vmw:CoresPerSocket/text()" in
-    let cpu_topology =
-      match cores_per_socket with
-      | None -> None
-      | Some cores_per_socket when cores_per_socket <= 0 ->
-         warning (f_"invalid vmw:CoresPerSocket (%d) ignored")
-                 cores_per_socket;
-         None
-      | Some cores_per_socket ->
-         let sockets = vcpu / cores_per_socket in
-         if sockets <= 0 then (
-           warning (f_"invalid vmw:CoresPerSocket < number of cores");
-           None
-         )
-         else
-           Some { s_cpu_sockets = sockets; s_cpu_cores = cores_per_socket;
-                  s_cpu_threads = 1 } in
-    (* BIOS or EFI firmware? *)
-    let firmware = Option.default "bios" (xpath_string "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/vmw:Config[@vmw:key=\"firmware\"]/@vmw:value") in
-    let firmware =
-      match firmware with
-      | "bios" -> BIOS
-      | "efi" -> UEFI
-      | s ->
-         error (f_"unknown Config:firmware value %s (expected \"bios\" or \"efi\")") s in
-    name, memory, vcpu, cpu_topology, firmware,
-    parse_disks (), parse_removables (), parse_nics ()
-  (* Helper function to return the parent controller of a disk. *)
-  and parent_controller id =
-    let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:InstanceID/text()=%d]/rasd:ResourceType/text()" id in
-    let controller = xpath_int expr in
-    (* 5: IDE, 6: SCSI controller, 20: SATA *)
-    match controller with
-    | Some 5 -> Some Source_IDE
-    | Some 6 -> Some Source_SCSI
-    | Some 20 -> Some Source_SATA
-    | None ->
-       warning (f_"ova disk has no parent controller, please report this as a bug supplying the *.ovf file extracted from the ova");
-       None
-    | Some controller ->
-       warning (f_"ova disk has an unknown VMware controller type (%d), please report this as a bug supplying the *.ovf file extracted from the ova")
-               controller;
-       None
-  (* Hard disks (ResourceType = 17). *)
-  and parse_disks () =
-    let disks = ref [] in
-    let expr = "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=17]" in
-    let obj = Xml.xpath_eval_expression xpathctx expr in
-    let nr_nodes = Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj in
-    for i = 0 to nr_nodes-1 do
-      let n = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
-      Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n;
-      (* XXX We assume the OVF lists these in order.
-         let address = xpath_int "rasd:AddressOnParent/text()" in
-       *)
-      (* Find the parent controller. *)
-      let parent_id = xpath_int "rasd:Parent/text()" in
-      let controller =
-        match parent_id with
-        | None -> None
-        | Some id -> parent_controller id in
-      Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n;
-      let file_id =
-        Option.default "" (xpath_string "rasd:HostResource/text()") in
-      let rex = PCRE.compile "^(?:ovf:)?/disk/(.*)" in
-      if PCRE.matches rex file_id then (
-        (* Chase the references through to the actual file name. *)
-        let file_id = PCRE.sub 1 in
-        let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:DiskSection/ovf:Disk[@ovf:diskId='%s']/@ovf:fileRef" file_id in
-        let file_ref =
-          match xpath_string expr with
-          | None -> error (f_"error parsing disk fileRef")
-          | Some s -> s in
-        let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:References/ovf:File[@ovf:id='%s']/@ovf:href" file_ref in
-        let href =
-          match xpath_string expr with
-          | None -> error (f_"no href in ovf:File (id=%s)") file_ref
-          | Some s -> s in
-        let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:References/ovf:File[@ovf:id='%s']/@ovf:compression" file_ref in
-        let compressed =
-          match xpath_string expr with
-          | None | Some "identity" -> false
-          | Some "gzip" -> true
-          | Some s -> error (f_"unsupported compression in OVF: %s") s in
-        let disk = {
-          source_disk = {
-            s_disk_id = i;
-            s_qemu_uri = "";
-            s_format = Some "vmdk";
-            s_controller = controller;
-          };
-          href = href;
-          compressed = compressed
-        } in
-        List.push_front disk disks;
-      ) else
-        error (f_"could not parse disk rasd:HostResource from OVF document")
-    done;
-    List.rev !disks
-  (* Floppies (ResourceType = 14), CDs (ResourceType = 15) and
-   * CDROMs (ResourceType = 16).  (What is the difference?)  Try hard
-   * to preserve the original ordering from the OVF.
+  (* CPU topology.  coresPerSocket is a VMware proprietary extension.
+   * I couldn't find out how hyperthreads is specified in the OVF.
-  and parse_removables () =
-    let removables = ref [] in
-    let expr = "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=14 or rasd:ResourceType/text()=15 or rasd:ResourceType/text()=16]" in
-    let obj = Xml.xpath_eval_expression xpathctx expr in
-    let nr_nodes = Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj in
-    for i = 0 to nr_nodes-1 do
-      let n = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
-      Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n;
-      let id =
-        match xpath_int "rasd:ResourceType/text()" with
-        | None -> assert false
-        | Some (14|15|16 as i) -> i
-        | Some _ -> assert false in
-      let slot = xpath_int "rasd:AddressOnParent/text()" in
-      (* Find the parent controller. *)
-      let parent_id = xpath_int "rasd:Parent/text()" in
-      let controller =
-        match parent_id with
-        | None -> None
-        | Some id -> parent_controller id in
-      let typ =
-        match id with
-        | 14 -> Floppy
-        | 15 | 16 -> CDROM
-        | _ -> assert false in
+  let cores_per_socket = xpath_int "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=3]/vmw:CoresPerSocket/text()" in
+  let cpu_topology =
+    match cores_per_socket with
+    | None -> None
+    | Some cores_per_socket when cores_per_socket <= 0 ->
+       warning (f_"invalid vmw:CoresPerSocket (%d) ignored")
+               cores_per_socket;
+       None
+    | Some cores_per_socket ->
+       let sockets = vcpu / cores_per_socket in
+       if sockets <= 0 then (
+         warning (f_"invalid vmw:CoresPerSocket < number of cores");
+         None
+       )
+       else
+         Some { s_cpu_sockets = sockets; s_cpu_cores = cores_per_socket;
+                s_cpu_threads = 1 } in
+  (* BIOS or EFI firmware? *)
+  let firmware = Option.default "bios" (xpath_string "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/vmw:Config[@vmw:key=\"firmware\"]/@vmw:value") in
+  let firmware =
+    match firmware with
+    | "bios" -> BIOS
+    | "efi" -> UEFI
+    | s ->
+       error (f_"unknown Config:firmware value %s (expected \"bios\" or \"efi\")") s in
+  name, memory, vcpu, cpu_topology, firmware,
+  parse_disks xpathctx, parse_removables xpathctx, parse_nics xpathctx
+(* Hard disks (ResourceType = 17). *)
+and parse_disks xpathctx =
+  let xpath_string = xpath_string xpathctx
+  and xpath_int = xpath_int xpathctx in
+  let disks = ref [] in
+  let expr = "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=17]" in
+  let obj = Xml.xpath_eval_expression xpathctx expr in
+  let nr_nodes = Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj in
+  for i = 0 to nr_nodes-1 do
+    let n = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
+    Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n;
+    (* XXX We assume the OVF lists these in order.
+       let address = xpath_int "rasd:AddressOnParent/text()" in
+     *)
+    (* Find the parent controller. *)
+    let parent_id = xpath_int "rasd:Parent/text()" in
+    let controller =
+      match parent_id with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some id -> parent_controller xpathctx id in
+    Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n;
+    let file_id =
+      Option.default "" (xpath_string "rasd:HostResource/text()") in
+    let rex = PCRE.compile "^(?:ovf:)?/disk/(.*)" in
+    if PCRE.matches rex file_id then (
+      (* Chase the references through to the actual file name. *)
+      let file_id = PCRE.sub 1 in
+      let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:DiskSection/ovf:Disk[@ovf:diskId='%s']/@ovf:fileRef" file_id in
+      let file_ref =
+        match xpath_string expr with
+        | None -> error (f_"error parsing disk fileRef")
+        | Some s -> s in
+      let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:References/ovf:File[@ovf:id='%s']/@ovf:href" file_ref in
+      let href =
+        match xpath_string expr with
+        | None -> error (f_"no href in ovf:File (id=%s)") file_ref
+        | Some s -> s in
+      let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:References/ovf:File[@ovf:id='%s']/@ovf:compression" file_ref in
+      let compressed =
+        match xpath_string expr with
+        | None | Some "identity" -> false
+        | Some "gzip" -> true
+        | Some s -> error (f_"unsupported compression in OVF: %s") s in
       let disk = {
-        s_removable_type = typ;
-        s_removable_controller = controller;
-        s_removable_slot = slot;
+        source_disk = {
+          s_disk_id = i;
+          s_qemu_uri = "";
+          s_format = Some "vmdk";
+          s_controller = controller;
+        };
+        href = href;
+        compressed = compressed
       } in
-      List.push_front disk removables;
-    done;
-    List.rev !removables
-  (* Search for networks ResourceType: 10 *)
-  and parse_nics () =
-    let nics = ref [] in
-    let expr = "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=10]" in
-    let obj = Xml.xpath_eval_expression xpathctx expr in
-    let nr_nodes = Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj in
-    for i = 0 to nr_nodes-1 do
-      let n = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
-      Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n;
-      let vnet, vnet_type =
-        match xpath_string "rasd:Connection/text()" with
-        | Some connection -> connection, Bridge
-        | None -> sprintf "eth%d" i, Network in
-      let mac = xpath_string "rasd:Address/text()" in
-      let nic_model =
-        match xpath_string "rasd:ResourceSubType/text()" with
-        | Some "E1000" -> Some Source_e1000
-        | Some model -> Some (Source_other_nic (String.lowercase_ascii model))
-        | None -> None in
-      let nic = {
-        s_mac = mac;
-        s_nic_model = nic_model;
-        s_vnet = vnet;
-        s_vnet_orig = vnet;
-        s_vnet_type = vnet_type;
-      } in
-      List.push_front nic nics
-    done;
-    List.rev !nics
-  in
+      List.push_front disk disks;
+    ) else
+      error (f_"could not parse disk rasd:HostResource from OVF document")
+  done;
+  List.rev !disks
+(* Floppies (ResourceType = 14), CDs (ResourceType = 15) and
+ * CDROMs (ResourceType = 16).  (What is the difference?)  Try hard
+ * to preserve the original ordering from the OVF.
+ *)
+and parse_removables xpathctx =
+  let xpath_int = xpath_int xpathctx in
+  let removables = ref [] in
+  let expr = "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=14 or rasd:ResourceType/text()=15 or rasd:ResourceType/text()=16]" in
+  let obj = Xml.xpath_eval_expression xpathctx expr in
+  let nr_nodes = Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj in
+  for i = 0 to nr_nodes-1 do
+    let n = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
+    Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n;
+    let id =
+      match xpath_int "rasd:ResourceType/text()" with
+      | None -> assert false
+      | Some (14|15|16 as i) -> i
+      | Some _ -> assert false in
+    let slot = xpath_int "rasd:AddressOnParent/text()" in
+    (* Find the parent controller. *)
+    let parent_id = xpath_int "rasd:Parent/text()" in
+    let controller =
+      match parent_id with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some id -> parent_controller xpathctx id in
+    let typ =
+      match id with
+      | 14 -> Floppy
+      | 15 | 16 -> CDROM
+      | _ -> assert false in
+    let disk = {
+      s_removable_type = typ;
+      s_removable_controller = controller;
+      s_removable_slot = slot;
+    } in
+    List.push_front disk removables;
+  done;
+  List.rev !removables
+(* Search for networks ResourceType: 10 *)
+and parse_nics xpathctx =
+  let xpath_string = xpath_string xpathctx in
+  let nics = ref [] in
+  let expr = "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:ResourceType/text()=10]" in
+  let obj = Xml.xpath_eval_expression xpathctx expr in
+  let nr_nodes = Xml.xpathobj_nr_nodes obj in
+  for i = 0 to nr_nodes-1 do
+    let n = Xml.xpathobj_node obj i in
+    Xml.xpathctx_set_current_context xpathctx n;
+    let vnet, vnet_type =
+      match xpath_string "rasd:Connection/text()" with
+      | Some connection -> connection, Bridge
+      | None -> sprintf "eth%d" i, Network in
+    let mac = xpath_string "rasd:Address/text()" in
+    let nic_model =
+      match xpath_string "rasd:ResourceSubType/text()" with
+      | Some "E1000" -> Some Source_e1000
+      | Some model -> Some (Source_other_nic (String.lowercase_ascii model))
+      | None -> None in
+    let nic = {
+      s_mac = mac;
+      s_nic_model = nic_model;
+      s_vnet = vnet;
+      s_vnet_orig = vnet;
+      s_vnet_type = vnet_type;
+    } in
+    List.push_front nic nics
+  done;
+  List.rev !nics
+(* Helper function to return the parent controller of a disk. *)
+and parent_controller xpathctx id =
+  let xpath_int = xpath_int xpathctx in
+  let expr = sprintf "/ovf:Envelope/ovf:VirtualSystem/ovf:VirtualHardwareSection/ovf:Item[rasd:InstanceID/text()=%d]/rasd:ResourceType/text()" id in
+  let controller = xpath_int expr in
+  (* 5: IDE, 6: SCSI controller, 20: SATA *)
+  match controller with
+  | Some 5 -> Some Source_IDE
+  | Some 6 -> Some Source_SCSI
+  | Some 20 -> Some Source_SATA
+  | None ->
+     warning (f_"ova disk has no parent controller, please report this as a bug supplying the *.ovf file extracted from the ova");
+     None
+  | Some controller ->
+     warning (f_"ova disk has an unknown VMware controller type (%d), please report this as a bug supplying the *.ovf file extracted from the ova")
+             controller;
+     None
-  parse_top ()
+let parse_disks ovf_filename =
+  let xpathctx = xpathctx_of_ovf ovf_filename in
+  parse_disks xpathctx
diff --git a/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.mli b/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.mli
index 39bc83d2d..f217e6e41 100644
--- a/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.mli
+++ b/v2v/parse_ovf_from_ova.mli
@@ -35,3 +35,6 @@ val parse_ovf_from_ova : string -> string option * int64 * int * Types.source_cp
     The returned tuple is
     [name, memory, vcpu, cpu_topology, firmware,
     disks, removables, nics] *)
+val parse_disks : string -> ovf_disk list
+(** As above, but returns only the disks. *)

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