[Libguestfs] [PATCH v2 5/9] v2v: -i ova: Factor out code for dealing with OVA files.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Wed Apr 25 13:35:30 UTC 2018

Factor out the complex code that handles dealing with multiple
different OVA file formats into a separate Parse_ova module.

This is largely straightforward code refactoring -- there should be no
significant functional change.


 - Parse_ova now checks up front if the OVA contains any compressed
   disks and avoids the tar optimization in that case.  This is a
   regression for the case of an OVA containing a mix of both
   compressed and uncompressed disks (we expect this to be rare).
   The change is nevertheless good because it reduces the coupling
   between two parts of the code.

 - I had to simplify an error message.
 v2v/Makefile.am   |   2 +
 v2v/input_ova.ml  | 375 +++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
 v2v/parse_ova.ml  | 360 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 v2v/parse_ova.mli |  73 +++++++++++
 v2v/utils.ml      |  59 ---------
 v2v/utils.mli     |   7 -
 6 files changed, 523 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-)

diff --git a/v2v/Makefile.am b/v2v/Makefile.am
index d832f75c0..c9ed1fc88 100644
--- a/v2v/Makefile.am
+++ b/v2v/Makefile.am
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ SOURCES_MLI = \
 	output_rhv_upload_plugin_source.mli \
 	output_rhv_upload_precheck_source.mli \
 	output_vdsm.mli \
+	parse_ova.mli \
 	parse_ovf_from_ova.mli \
 	parse_libvirt_xml.mli \
 	parse_vmx.mli \
@@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ SOURCES_ML = \
 	DOM.ml \
 	changeuid.ml \
 	parse_ovf_from_ova.ml \
+	parse_ova.ml \
 	create_ovf.ml \
 	linux.ml \
 	windows.ml \
diff --git a/v2v/input_ova.ml b/v2v/input_ova.ml
index f23a1f2a9..fc8fde4bc 100644
--- a/v2v/input_ova.ml
+++ b/v2v/input_ova.ml
@@ -20,242 +20,53 @@ open Printf
 open Std_utils
 open Tools_utils
-open Unix_utils
 open Common_gettext.Gettext
 open Types
-open Utils
+open Parse_ova
 open Parse_ovf_from_ova
 open Name_from_disk
-(* Return true if [libvirt] supports ["json:"] pseudo-URLs and accepts the
- * ["raw"] driver. Function also returns true if [libvirt] backend is not
- * used.  This didn't work in libvirt < 3.1.0.
- *)
-let libvirt_supports_json_raw_driver () =
-  if backend_is_libvirt () then (
-    let sup = Libvirt_utils.libvirt_get_version () >= (3, 1, 0) in
-    debug "libvirt supports  \"raw\" driver in json URL: %B" sup;
-    sup
-  )
-  else
-    true
-let pigz_available =
-  let test = lazy (shell_command "pigz --help >/dev/null 2>&1" = 0) in
-  fun () -> Lazy.force test
-let pxz_available =
-  let test = lazy (shell_command "pxz --help >/dev/null 2>&1" = 0) in
-  fun () -> Lazy.force test
-let zcat_command_of_format = function
-  | `GZip ->
-     if pigz_available () then "pigz -c -d" else "gzip -c -d"
-  | `XZ ->
-     if pxz_available () then "pxz -c -d" else "xz -c -d"
-(* Untar part or all files from tar archive. If [paths] is specified it is
- * a list of paths in the tar archive.
- *)
-let untar ?format ?(paths = []) file outdir =
-  let paths = String.concat " " (List.map quote paths) in
-  let cmd =
-    match format with
-    | None ->
-       sprintf "tar -xf %s -C %s %s"
-               (quote file) (quote outdir) paths
-    | Some ((`GZip|`XZ) as format) ->
-       sprintf "%s %s | tar -xf - -C %s %s"
-               (zcat_command_of_format format) (quote file)
-               (quote outdir) paths in
-  if shell_command cmd <> 0 then
-    error (f_"error unpacking %s, see earlier error messages") file
-(* Untar only ovf and manifest from the archive *)
-let untar_metadata file outdir =
-  let files = external_command (sprintf "tar -tf %s" (Filename.quote file)) in
-  let files =
-    List.filter_map (
-      fun f ->
-        if Filename.check_suffix f ".ovf" ||
-           Filename.check_suffix f ".mf" then Some f
-        else None
-    ) files in
-  untar ~paths:files file outdir
-(* Uncompress the first few bytes of [file] and return it as
- * [(bytes, len)].
- *)
-let uncompress_head format file =
-  let cmd = sprintf "%s %s" (zcat_command_of_format format) (quote file) in
-  let chan_out, chan_in, chan_err = Unix.open_process_full cmd [||] in
-  let b = Bytes.create 512 in
-  let len = input chan_out b 0 (Bytes.length b) in
-  (* We're expecting the subprocess to fail because we close
-   * the pipe early, so:
-   *)
-  ignore (Unix.close_process_full (chan_out, chan_in, chan_err));
-  b, len
-(* Run [detect_file_type] on a compressed file, returning the
- * type of the uncompressed content (if known).
- *)
-let uncompressed_type format file =
-  let head, headlen = uncompress_head format file in
-  let tmpfile, chan =
-    Filename.open_temp_file "ova.file." "" in
-  output chan head 0 headlen;
-  close_out chan;
-  let ret = detect_file_type tmpfile in
-  Sys.remove tmpfile;
-  ret
-(* Find files in [dir] ending with [ext]. *)
-let find_files dir ext =
-  let rec loop = function
-    | [] -> []
-    | dir :: rest ->
-       let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) in
-       let files = List.map (Filename.concat dir) files in
-       let dirs, files = List.partition Sys.is_directory files in
-       let files =
-         List.filter (fun x -> Filename.check_suffix x ext) files in
-       files @ loop (rest @ dirs)
-  in
-  loop [dir]
-class input_ova ova =
-  let tmpdir =
-    let base_dir = (open_guestfs ())#get_cachedir () in
-    let t = Mkdtemp.temp_dir ~base_dir "ova." in
-    rmdir_on_exit t;
-    t in
+class input_ova ova = object
   inherit input
   method as_options = "-i ova " ^ ova
   method source () =
     (* Extract ova file. *)
-    let exploded, partial =
-      (* The spec allows a directory to be specified as an ova.  This
-       * is also pretty convenient.
-       *)
-      if is_directory ova then ova, false
-      else (
-        match detect_file_type ova with
-        | `Tar ->
-          (* Normal ovas are tar file (not compressed). *)
-          if qemu_img_supports_offset_and_size () &&
-              libvirt_supports_json_raw_driver () then (
-            (* In newer QEMU we don't have to extract everything.
-             * We can access disks inside the tar archive directly.
-             *)
-            untar_metadata ova tmpdir;
-            tmpdir, true
-          ) else (
-            untar ova tmpdir;
-            tmpdir, false
-          )
+    let ova_t = parse_ova ova in
-        | `Zip ->
-          (* However, although not permitted by the spec, people ship
-           * zip files as ova too.
-           *)
-          let cmd = [ "unzip" ] @
-            (if verbose () then [] else [ "-q" ]) @
-            [ "-j"; "-d"; tmpdir; ova ] in
-          if run_command cmd <> 0 then
-            error (f_"error unpacking %s, see earlier error messages") ova;
-          tmpdir, false
+    (* Extract ovf file from ova. *)
+    let ovf = get_ovf_file ova_t in
-        | (`GZip|`XZ) as format ->
-          (match uncompressed_type format ova with
-          | `Tar ->
-             untar ~format ova tmpdir;
-             tmpdir, false
-          | `Zip | `GZip | `XZ | `Unknown ->
-            error (f_"%s: unsupported file format\n\nFormats which we currently understand for '-i ova' are: tar (uncompressed, compress with gzip or xz), zip") ova
-          )
+    (* Extract the manifest from *.mf files in the ova. *)
+    let manifest = get_manifest ova_t in
-        | `Unknown ->
-          error (f_"%s: unsupported file format\n\nFormats which we currently understand for '-i ova' are: tar (uncompressed, compress with gzip or xz), zip") ova
-      ) in
-    (* Exploded path must be absolute (RHBZ#1155121). *)
-    let exploded = absolute_path exploded in
-    (* If virt-v2v is running as root, and the backend is libvirt, then
-     * we have to chmod the directory to 0755 and files to 0644
-     * so it is readable by qemu.qemu.  This is libvirt bug RHBZ#890291.
-     *)
-    if Unix.geteuid () = 0 && backend_is_libvirt () then (
-      warning (f_"making OVA directory public readable to work around libvirt bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1045069");
-      let cmd = [ "chmod"; "-R"; "go=u,go-w"; exploded ] @
-                if partial then [ ova ] else [] in
-      ignore (run_command cmd)
-    );
-    (* Search for the ovf file. *)
-    let ovf = find_files exploded ".ovf" in
-    let ovf =
-      match ovf with
-      | [] ->
-        error (f_"no .ovf file was found in %s") ova
-      | [x] -> x
-      | _ :: _ ->
-        error (f_"more than one .ovf file was found in %s") ova in
-    (* Read any .mf (manifest) files and verify sha1. *)
-    let mf = find_files exploded ".mf" in
-    let rex = PCRE.compile "^(SHA1|SHA256)\\((.*)\\)= ([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r?$" in
+    (* Verify checksums of files listed in the manifest. *)
     List.iter (
-      fun mf ->
-        debug "processing manifest %s" mf;
-        let mf_folder = Filename.dirname mf in
-        let mf_subfolder = subdirectory exploded mf_folder in
-        with_open_in mf (
-          fun chan ->
-            let rec loop () =
-              let line = input_line chan in
-              if PCRE.matches rex line then (
-                let mode = PCRE.sub 1
-                and disk = PCRE.sub 2
-                and expected = PCRE.sub 3 in
-                let csum = Checksums.of_string mode expected in
-                match
-                  if partial then
-                    Checksums.verify_checksum csum
-                                              ~tar:ova (mf_subfolder // disk)
-                  else
-                    Checksums.verify_checksum csum (mf_folder // disk)
-                with
-                | Checksums.Good_checksum -> ()
-                | Checksums.Mismatched_checksum (_, actual) ->
-                   error (f_"checksum of disk %s does not match manifest %s (actual %s(%s) = %s, expected %s(%s) = %s)")
-                         disk mf mode disk actual mode disk expected
-                | Checksums.Missing_file ->
-                   (* RHBZ#1570407: Some OVA files generated by VMware
-                    * reference non-existent components in the *.mf file.
-                    * Generate a warning and ignore it.
-                    *)
-                   warning (f_"%s has a checksum for non-existent file %s (ignored)")
-                           mf disk
-              )
-              else
-                warning (f_"unable to parse line from manifest file: %S") line;
-              loop ()
-            in
-            (try loop () with End_of_file -> ())
-        )
-    ) mf;
-    let ovf_folder = Filename.dirname ovf in
+      fun (file_ref, csum) ->
+        let filename, r =
+          match file_ref with
+          | LocalFile filename ->
+             filename, Checksums.verify_checksum csum filename
+          | TarFile (tar, filename) ->
+             filename, Checksums.verify_checksum csum ~tar filename in
+        match r with
+        | Checksums.Good_checksum -> ()
+        | Checksums.Mismatched_checksum (_, actual) ->
+           error (f_"checksum of disk %s does not match manifest (actual = %s, expected = %s)")
+                 filename actual (Checksums.string_of_csum_t csum)
+        | Checksums.Missing_file ->
+           (* RHBZ#1570407: Some OVA files generated by VMware
+            * reference non-existent components in the *.mf file.
+            * Generate a warning and ignore it.
+            *)
+           warning (f_"manifest has a checksum for non-existent file %s (ignored)")
+                   filename
+    ) manifest;
     (* Parse the ovf file. *)
-    let name, memory, vcpu, cpu_topology, firmware,
-        disks, removables, nics =
+    let name, memory, vcpu, cpu_topology, firmware, disks, removables, nics =
       parse_ovf_from_ova ovf in
     let name =
@@ -265,81 +76,71 @@ object
          name_from_disk ova
       | Some name -> name in
-    let disks = List.map (
-      fun ({ href; compressed } as disk) ->
-        let partial =
-          if compressed && partial then (
-            (* We cannot access compressed disk inside the tar;
-             * we have to extract it.
-             *)
-            untar ~paths:[(subdirectory exploded ovf_folder) // href]
-                  ova tmpdir;
-            false
-          )
-          else
-            partial in
+    (* Convert the disk hrefs into qemu URIs. *)
+    let qemu_uris = List.map (
+      fun { href; compressed } ->
+        let file_ref = get_file_ref ova_t href in
-        let filename =
-          if partial then
-            (subdirectory exploded ovf_folder) // href
-          else (
-            (* Does the file exist and is it readable? *)
-            Unix.access (ovf_folder // href) [Unix.R_OK];
-            ovf_folder // href
-          ) in
+        match compressed, file_ref with
+        | false, LocalFile filename ->
+           filename
-        (* The spec allows the file to be gzip-compressed, in which case
-         * we must uncompress it into the tmpdir.
-         *)
-        let filename =
-          if compressed then (
-            let new_filename = tmpdir // String.random8 () ^ ".vmdk" in
-            let cmd =
-              sprintf "zcat %s > %s" (quote filename) (quote new_filename) in
-            if shell_command cmd <> 0 then
-              error (f_"error uncompressing %s, see earlier error messages")
-                    filename;
-            new_filename
-          )
-          else filename in
+        | true, LocalFile filename ->
+           (* The spec allows the file to be gzip-compressed, in
+            * which case we must uncompress it into a temporary.
+            *)
+           let temp_dir = (open_guestfs ())#get_cachedir () in
+           let new_filename = Filename.temp_file ~temp_dir "ova" ".vmdk" in
+           unlink_on_exit new_filename;
+           let cmd =
+             sprintf "zcat %s > %s" (quote filename) (quote new_filename) in
+           if shell_command cmd <> 0 then
+             error (f_"error uncompressing %s, see earlier error messages")
+                   filename;
+           new_filename
-        let qemu_uri =
-          if not partial then (
-            filename
-          )
-          else (
-            let offset, size =
-              try find_file_in_tar ova filename
-              with
-              | Not_found ->
-                 error (f_"file ‘%s’ not found in the ova") filename
-              | Failure msg -> error (f_"%s") msg in
-            (* QEMU requires size aligned to 512 bytes. This is safe because
-             * tar also works with 512 byte blocks.
-             *)
-            let size = roundup64 size 512L in
+        | false, TarFile (tar, filename) ->
+           (* This is the tar optimization. *)
+           let offset, size =
+             try Parse_ova.get_tar_offet_and_size tar filename
+             with
+             | Not_found ->
+                error (f_"file ‘%s’ not found in the ova") filename
+             | Failure msg -> error (f_"%s") msg in
+           (* QEMU requires size aligned to 512 bytes. This is safe because
+            * tar also works with 512 byte blocks.
+            *)
+           let size = roundup64 size 512L in
-            (* Workaround for libvirt bug RHBZ#1431652. *)
-            let ova_path = absolute_path ova in
+           (* Workaround for libvirt bug RHBZ#1431652. *)
+           let tar_path = absolute_path tar in
-            let doc = [
-                "file", JSON.Dict [
-                            "driver", JSON.String "raw";
-                            "offset", JSON.Int64 offset;
-                            "size", JSON.Int64 size;
-                            "file", JSON.Dict [
-                                        "driver", JSON.String "file";
-                                        "filename", JSON.String ova_path]
-                          ]
-              ] in
-            let uri =
-              sprintf "json:%s" (JSON.string_of_doc ~fmt:JSON.Compact doc) in
-            debug "json: %s" uri;
-            uri
-          ) in
+           let doc = [
+               "file", JSON.Dict [
+                           "driver", JSON.String "raw";
+                           "offset", JSON.Int64 offset;
+                           "size", JSON.Int64 size;
+                           "file", JSON.Dict [
+                                       "driver", JSON.String "file";
+                                       "filename", JSON.String tar_path]
+                         ]
+             ] in
+           let uri =
+             sprintf "json:%s" (JSON.string_of_doc ~fmt:JSON.Compact doc) in
+           uri
-        { disk.source_disk with s_qemu_uri = qemu_uri }
-     ) disks in
+        | true, TarFile _ ->
+           (* This should not happen since {!Parse_ova} knows that
+            * qemu cannot handle compressed files here.
+            *)
+           assert false
+      ) disks in
+    (* Get a final list of source disks. *)
+    let disks =
+      List.map (fun ({ source_disk }, qemu_uri) ->
+          { source_disk with s_qemu_uri = qemu_uri })
+               (List.combine disks qemu_uris) in
     let source = {
       s_hypervisor = VMware;
diff --git a/v2v/parse_ova.ml b/v2v/parse_ova.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..431cbe8d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2v/parse_ova.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+(* virt-v2v
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+open Printf
+open Std_utils
+open Tools_utils
+open Unix_utils
+open Common_gettext.Gettext
+open Utils
+open Parse_ovf_from_ova
+type t = {
+  (* Save the original OVA name, for error messages. *)
+  orig_ova : string;
+  (* Top directory of OVA.  If the OVA was already a directory then
+   * this is just that directory.  However in normal cases this is
+   * a temporary directory that we create, unpacking either just the
+   * OVF and MF files, or those plus the disks.  This temporary
+   * directory will be cleaned up on exit.
+   *)
+  top_dir : string;
+  ova_type : ova_type;
+and ova_type =
+  (* The original OVA was a directory.  Or the OVA was fully unpacked
+   * into a temporary directory.
+   *
+   * In either case everything is available in [top_dir].
+   *)
+  | Directory
+  (* The original OVA was an uncompressed tar file and we are able
+   * to optimize access to the disks by keeping them in the tarball.
+   *
+   * The OVF and MF files only have been unpacked in [top_dir].
+   *)
+  | TarOptimized of string (* tarball *)
+type file_ref =
+  | LocalFile of string
+  | TarFile of string * string
+type mf_record = file_ref * Checksums.csum_t
+let rec parse_ova ova =
+  (* The spec allows a directory to be specified as an ova.  This
+   * is also pretty convenient.
+   *)
+  let top_dir, ova_type =
+    if is_directory ova then ova, Directory
+    else (
+      let tmpdir =
+        let base_dir = (open_guestfs ())#get_cachedir () in
+        let t = Mkdtemp.temp_dir ~base_dir "ova." in
+        rmdir_on_exit t;
+        t in
+      match detect_file_type ova with
+      | `Tar ->
+         (* Normal ovas are tar file (not compressed). *)
+         (* In newer QEMU we don't have to extract everything.
+          * We can access disks inside the tar archive directly.
+          *)
+         if qemu_img_supports_offset_and_size () &&
+            libvirt_supports_json_raw_driver () &&
+            (untar_metadata ova tmpdir;
+             no_disks_are_compressed ova tmpdir) then
+           tmpdir, TarOptimized ova
+         else (
+           (* If qemu/libvirt is too old or any disk is compressed
+            * then we must fall back on the slow path.
+            *)
+           untar ova tmpdir;
+           tmpdir, Directory
+         )
+      | `Zip ->
+         (* However, although not permitted by the spec, people ship
+          * zip files as ova too.
+          *)
+         let cmd =
+           [ "unzip" ] @ (if verbose () then [] else [ "-q" ]) @
+           [ "-j"; "-d"; tmpdir; ova ] in
+         if run_command cmd <> 0 then
+           error (f_"error unpacking %s, see earlier error messages") ova;
+         tmpdir, Directory
+      | (`GZip|`XZ) as format ->
+         (match uncompressed_type format ova with
+          | `Tar ->
+             untar ~format ova tmpdir;
+             tmpdir, Directory
+          | `Zip | `GZip | `XZ | `Unknown ->
+             error (f_"%s: unsupported file format\n\nFormats which we currently understand for '-i ova' are: tar (uncompressed, compress with gzip or xz), zip") ova
+         )
+      | `Unknown ->
+         error (f_"%s: unsupported file format\n\nFormats which we currently understand for '-i ova' are: tar (uncompressed, compress with gzip or xz), zip") ova
+    ) in
+  (* Exploded path must be absolute (RHBZ#1155121). *)
+  let top_dir = absolute_path top_dir in
+  (* If virt-v2v is running as root, and the backend is libvirt, then
+   * we have to chmod the directory to 0755 and files to 0644
+   * so it is readable by qemu.qemu.  This is libvirt bug RHBZ#890291.
+   *)
+  if Unix.geteuid () = 0 && backend_is_libvirt () then (
+    warning (f_"making OVA directory public readable to work around libvirt bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1045069");
+    let what =
+      match ova_type with
+      | Directory -> [ top_dir ]
+      | TarOptimized ova -> [ top_dir; ova ] in
+    let cmd = [ "chmod"; "-R"; "go=u,go-w" ] @ what in
+    ignore (run_command cmd)
+  );
+  { orig_ova = ova; top_dir; ova_type }
+(* Return true if [libvirt] supports ["json:"] pseudo-URLs and accepts the
+ * ["raw"] driver. Function also returns true if [libvirt] backend is not
+ * used.  This didn't work in libvirt < 3.1.0.
+ *)
+and libvirt_supports_json_raw_driver () =
+  if backend_is_libvirt () then (
+    let sup = Libvirt_utils.libvirt_get_version () >= (3, 1, 0) in
+    debug "libvirt supports  \"raw\" driver in json URL: %B" sup;
+    sup
+  )
+  else
+    true
+(* No disks compressed?  We need to check the OVF file. *)
+and no_disks_are_compressed ova tmpdir =
+  let t = { orig_ova = ova; top_dir = tmpdir; ova_type = Directory } in
+  let ovf = get_ovf_file t in
+  let disks = parse_disks ovf in
+  not (List.exists (fun { compressed } -> compressed) disks)
+and pigz_available =
+  let test = lazy (shell_command "pigz --help >/dev/null 2>&1" = 0) in
+  fun () -> Lazy.force test
+and pxz_available =
+  let test = lazy (shell_command "pxz --help >/dev/null 2>&1" = 0) in
+  fun () -> Lazy.force test
+and zcat_command_of_format = function
+  | `GZip ->
+     if pigz_available () then "pigz -c -d" else "gzip -c -d"
+  | `XZ ->
+     if pxz_available () then "pxz -c -d" else "xz -c -d"
+(* Untar part or all files from tar archive. If [paths] is specified it is
+ * a list of paths in the tar archive.
+ *)
+and untar ?format ?(paths = []) file outdir =
+  let paths = String.concat " " (List.map quote paths) in
+  let cmd =
+    match format with
+    | None ->
+       sprintf "tar -xf %s -C %s %s"
+               (quote file) (quote outdir) paths
+    | Some ((`GZip|`XZ) as format) ->
+       sprintf "%s %s | tar -xf - -C %s %s"
+               (zcat_command_of_format format) (quote file)
+               (quote outdir) paths in
+  if shell_command cmd <> 0 then
+    error (f_"error unpacking %s, see earlier error messages") file
+(* Untar only ovf and manifest from the archive *)
+and untar_metadata file outdir =
+  let files = external_command (sprintf "tar -tf %s" (Filename.quote file)) in
+  let files =
+    List.filter_map (
+      fun f ->
+        if Filename.check_suffix f ".ovf" ||
+           Filename.check_suffix f ".mf" then Some f
+        else None
+    ) files in
+  untar ~paths:files file outdir
+(* Uncompress the first few bytes of [file] and return it as
+ * [(bytes, len)].
+ *)
+and uncompress_head format file =
+  let cmd = sprintf "%s %s" (zcat_command_of_format format) (quote file) in
+  let chan_out, chan_in, chan_err = Unix.open_process_full cmd [||] in
+  let b = Bytes.create 512 in
+  let len = input chan_out b 0 (Bytes.length b) in
+  (* We're expecting the subprocess to fail because we close
+   * the pipe early, so:
+   *)
+  ignore (Unix.close_process_full (chan_out, chan_in, chan_err));
+  b, len
+(* Run [detect_file_type] on a compressed file, returning the
+ * type of the uncompressed content (if known).
+ *)
+and uncompressed_type format file =
+  let head, headlen = uncompress_head format file in
+  let tmpfile, chan =
+    Filename.open_temp_file "ova.file." "" in
+  output chan head 0 headlen;
+  close_out chan;
+  let ret = detect_file_type tmpfile in
+  Sys.remove tmpfile;
+  ret
+(* Find files in [dir] ending with [ext]. *)
+and find_files dir ext =
+  let rec loop = function
+    | [] -> []
+    | dir :: rest ->
+       let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir) in
+       let files = List.map (Filename.concat dir) files in
+       let dirs, files = List.partition Sys.is_directory files in
+       let files =
+         List.filter (fun x -> Filename.check_suffix x ext) files in
+       files @ loop (rest @ dirs)
+  in
+  loop [dir]
+and get_ovf_file { orig_ova; top_dir } =
+  let ovf = find_files top_dir ".ovf" in
+  match ovf with
+  | [] ->
+     error (f_"no .ovf file was found in %s") orig_ova
+  | [x] -> x
+  | _ :: _ ->
+     error (f_"more than one .ovf file was found in %s") orig_ova
+let rex = PCRE.compile "^(SHA1|SHA256)\\((.*)\\)= ([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r?$"
+let get_manifest { top_dir; ova_type } =
+  let mf_files = find_files top_dir ".mf" in
+  let manifest =
+    List.map (
+      fun mf ->
+        debug "ova: processing manifest file %s" mf;
+        let mf_folder = Filename.dirname mf in
+        let mf_subfolder = subdirectory top_dir mf_folder in
+        with_open_in mf (
+          fun chan ->
+            let ret = ref [] in
+            let rec loop () =
+              let line = input_line chan in
+              if PCRE.matches rex line then (
+                let csum_type = PCRE.sub 1
+                and filename = PCRE.sub 2
+                and expected = PCRE.sub 3 in
+                let csum = Checksums.of_string csum_type expected in
+                let file_ref =
+                  match ova_type with
+                  | Directory ->
+                     LocalFile (mf_folder // filename)
+                  | TarOptimized tar ->
+                     TarFile (tar, mf_subfolder // filename) in
+                List.push_front (file_ref, csum) ret
+              )
+              else
+                warning (f_"unable to parse line from manifest file: %S") line;
+              loop ()
+            in
+            (try loop () with End_of_file -> ());
+            !ret
+        )
+    ) mf_files in
+  List.flatten manifest
+let get_file_ref ({ top_dir; ova_type } as t) href =
+  let ovf = get_ovf_file t in
+  let ovf_folder = Filename.dirname ovf in
+  match ova_type with
+  | Directory -> LocalFile (ovf_folder // href)
+  | TarOptimized tar ->
+     let filename = subdirectory top_dir ovf_folder // href in
+     TarFile (tar, filename)
+let ws = PCRE.compile "\\s+"
+let re_tar_message = PCRE.compile "\\*\\* [^*]+ \\*\\*$"
+let get_tar_offet_and_size tar filename =
+  let lines = external_command (sprintf "tar tRvf %s" (Filename.quote tar)) in
+  let rec loop lines =
+    match lines with
+    | [] -> raise Not_found
+    | line :: lines -> (
+      (* Lines have the form:
+       * block <offset>: <perms> <owner>/<group> <size> <mdate> <mtime> <file>
+       * or:
+       * block <offset>: ** Block of NULs **
+       * block <offset>: ** End of File **
+       *)
+      if PCRE.matches re_tar_message line then
+        loop lines (* ignore "** Block of NULs **" etc. *)
+      else (
+        let elems = PCRE.nsplit ~max:8 ws line in
+        if List.length elems = 8 && List.hd elems = "block" then (
+          let elems = Array.of_list elems in
+          let offset = elems.(1) in
+          let size = elems.(4) in
+          let fname = elems.(7) in
+          if fname <> filename then
+            loop lines
+          else (
+            let offset =
+              try
+                (* There should be a colon at the end *)
+                let i = String.rindex offset ':' in
+                if i == (String.length offset)-1 then
+                  Int64.of_string (String.sub offset 0 i)
+                else
+                  failwith "colon at wrong position"
+              with Failure _ | Not_found ->
+                failwithf (f_"invalid offset returned by tar: %S") offset in
+            let size =
+              try Int64.of_string size
+              with Failure _ ->
+                failwithf (f_"invalid size returned by tar: %S") size in
+            (* Note: Offset is actualy block number and there is a single
+             * block with tar header at the beginning of the file. So skip
+             * the header and convert the block number to bytes before
+             * returning.
+             *)
+            (offset +^ 1L) *^ 512L, size
+          )
+        )
+        else
+          failwithf (f_"failed to parse line returned by tar: %S") line
+      )
+    )
+  in
+  loop lines
diff --git a/v2v/parse_ova.mli b/v2v/parse_ova.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54df752ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v2v/parse_ova.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+(* virt-v2v
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+(** Helper functions for dealing with the OVA pseudo-format. *)
+type t
+val parse_ova : string -> t
+(** The parameter references either an OVA file or a directory
+    containing an unpacked OVA.
+    The OVA is "opened".  If necessary, parts of the OVA are
+    unpacked into a temporary directory.  This can consume a lot
+    of space, although we are able to optimize some common cases.
+    This does {b not} parse or verify the OVF, MF or disks. *)
+val get_ovf_file : t -> string
+(** Return the filename of the OVF file from the OVA.  This will
+    be a local file (might be a temporary file) valid for the
+    lifetime of the handle.
+    The filename can be passed directly to
+    {!Parse_ovf_from_ova.parse_ovf_from_ova}. *)
+type file_ref =
+  | LocalFile of string         (** A local filename. *)
+  | TarFile of string * string  (** Tar file containing file. *)
+(** A file reference, pointing usually to a disk.  If the OVA
+    is unpacked during parsing then this points to a local file.
+    It might be a temporary file, but it is valid for the lifetime
+    of the handle.  If we are optimizing access to the OVA then
+    it might also be a reference to a file within a tarball. *)
+type mf_record = file_ref * Checksums.csum_t
+(** A manifest record: (file reference, checksum of file). *)
+val get_manifest : t -> mf_record list
+(** Find and parse all manifest ([*.mf]) files in the OVA.
+    Parse out the filenames and checksums from these files
+    and return the full manifest as a single list.
+    Note the checksums are returned, but this function does not
+    verify them.  Also VMware-generated OVAs can return
+    non-existent files in this list. *)
+val get_file_ref : t -> string -> file_ref
+(** Convert an OVF [href] into an actual file reference.
+    Note this does not check that the file really exists. *)
+val get_tar_offet_and_size : string -> string -> int64 * int64
+(** [get_tar_offet_and_size tar filename] looks up file in the [tar]
+    archive and returns a tuple containing at which byte it starts
+    and how long the file is.
+    Function raises [Not_found] if there is no such file inside [tar] and
+    [Failure] if there is any error parsing the tar output. *)
diff --git a/v2v/utils.ml b/v2v/utils.ml
index d73011f9f..67e2028f3 100644
--- a/v2v/utils.ml
+++ b/v2v/utils.ml
@@ -146,65 +146,6 @@ let error_if_no_ssh_agent () =
   with Not_found ->
     error (f_"ssh-agent authentication has not been set up ($SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not set).  This is required by qemu to do passwordless ssh access.  See the virt-v2v(1) man page for more information.")
-let ws = PCRE.compile "\\s+"
-let re_tar_message = PCRE.compile "\\*\\* [^*]+ \\*\\*$"
-let find_file_in_tar tar filename =
-  let lines = external_command (sprintf "tar tRvf %s" (Filename.quote tar)) in
-  let rec loop lines =
-    match lines with
-    | [] -> raise Not_found
-    | line :: lines -> (
-      (* Lines have the form:
-       * block <offset>: <perms> <owner>/<group> <size> <mdate> <mtime> <file>
-       * or:
-       * block <offset>: ** Block of NULs **
-       * block <offset>: ** End of File **
-       *)
-      if PCRE.matches re_tar_message line then
-        loop lines (* ignore "** Block of NULs **" etc. *)
-      else (
-        let elems = PCRE.nsplit ~max:8 ws line in
-        if List.length elems = 8 && List.hd elems = "block" then (
-          let elems = Array.of_list elems in
-          let offset = elems.(1) in
-          let size = elems.(4) in
-          let fname = elems.(7) in
-          if fname <> filename then
-            loop lines
-          else (
-            let offset =
-              try
-                (* There should be a colon at the end *)
-                let i = String.rindex offset ':' in
-                if i == (String.length offset)-1 then
-                  Int64.of_string (String.sub offset 0 i)
-                else
-                  failwith "colon at wrong position"
-              with Failure _ | Not_found ->
-                failwithf (f_"invalid offset returned by tar: %S") offset in
-            let size =
-              try Int64.of_string size
-              with Failure _ ->
-                failwithf (f_"invalid size returned by tar: %S") size in
-            (* Note: Offset is actualy block number and there is a single
-             * block with tar header at the beginning of the file. So skip
-             * the header and convert the block number to bytes before
-             * returning.
-             *)
-            (offset +^ 1L) *^ 512L, size
-          )
-        )
-        else
-          failwithf (f_"failed to parse line returned by tar: %S") line
-      )
-    )
-  in
-  loop lines
 (* Wait for a file to appear until a timeout. *)
 let rec wait_for_file filename timeout =
   if Sys.file_exists filename then true
diff --git a/v2v/utils.mli b/v2v/utils.mli
index 4a444aaa0..fd91387a7 100644
--- a/v2v/utils.mli
+++ b/v2v/utils.mli
@@ -55,13 +55,6 @@ val backend_is_libvirt : unit -> bool
 val error_if_no_ssh_agent : unit -> unit
-val find_file_in_tar : string -> string -> int64 * int64
-(** [find_file_in_tar tar filename] looks up file in [tar] archive and returns
-    a tuple containing at which byte it starts and how long the file is.
-    Function raises [Not_found] if there is no such file inside [tar] and
-    [Failure] if there is any error parsing the tar output. *)
 val wait_for_file : string -> int -> bool
 (** [wait_for_file filename timeout] waits up to [timeout] seconds for
     [filename] to appear.  It returns [true] if the file appeared. *)

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