[Libguestfs] [PATCH v2 6/9] common: mlstdutils: Inline unsafe ‘subdirectory’ function.

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Wed Apr 25 13:35:31 UTC 2018

This function is ill-defined and unsafe.  As a preparation for
removing it completely, inline it in the places where it is used.
 builder/repository_main.ml           | 13 +++++++++++--
 common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml       |  9 ---------
 common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli      | 10 ----------
 common/mlstdutils/std_utils_tests.ml |  7 -------
 v2v/parse_ova.ml                     | 13 +++++++++++--
 5 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/builder/repository_main.ml b/builder/repository_main.ml
index c020a6413..5dc4d57cd 100644
--- a/builder/repository_main.ml
+++ b/builder/repository_main.ml
@@ -398,6 +398,15 @@ let process_image acc_entries filename repo tmprepo index interactive
   | None ->
     extract_entry_data ~entry:file_entry ()
+let unsafe_remove_directory_prefix parent path =
+  if path = parent then
+    ""
+  else if String.is_prefix path (parent // "") then (
+    let len = String.length parent in
+    String.sub path (len+1) (String.length path - len-1)
+  ) else
+    invalid_arg (sprintf "%S is not a path prefix of %S" parent path)
 let main () =
   let cmdline = parse_cmdline () in
@@ -512,8 +521,8 @@ let main () =
         fun (id, entry) ->
           let { Index.file_uri } = entry in
           let rel_path =
-            try
-              subdirectory cmdline.repo file_uri
+            try (* XXX wrong *)
+              unsafe_remove_directory_prefix cmdline.repo file_uri
             | Invalid_argument _ ->
               file_uri in
diff --git a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
index 3fba96b5b..df443058f 100644
--- a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
+++ b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
@@ -376,15 +376,6 @@ end
 let (//) = Filename.concat
 let quote = Filename.quote
-let subdirectory parent path =
-  if path = parent then
-    ""
-  else if String.is_prefix path (parent // "") then (
-    let len = String.length parent in
-    String.sub path (len+1) (String.length path - len-1)
-  ) else
-    invalid_arg (sprintf "%S is not a path prefix of %S" parent path)
 let ( +^ ) = Int64.add
 let ( -^ ) = Int64.sub
 let ( *^ ) = Int64.mul
diff --git a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
index 195269a71..c887249a5 100644
--- a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
+++ b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
@@ -274,16 +274,6 @@ val ( // ) : string -> string -> string
 val quote : string -> string
 (** Shell-safe quoting of a string (alias for {!Filename.quote}). *)
-val subdirectory : string -> string -> string
-(** [subdirectory parent path] returns subdirectory part of [path] relative
-    to the [parent]. If [path] and [parent] point to the same directory empty
-    string is returned.
-    Note: path normalization on arguments is {b not} performed!
-    If [parent] is not a path prefix of [path] the function raises
-    [Invalid_argument]. *)
 val ( +^ ) : int64 -> int64 -> int64
 val ( -^ ) : int64 -> int64 -> int64
 val ( *^ ) : int64 -> int64 -> int64
diff --git a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils_tests.ml b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils_tests.ml
index 5c25650c2..aa48f5f39 100644
--- a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils_tests.ml
+++ b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils_tests.ml
@@ -30,12 +30,6 @@ let assert_equal_int64 = assert_equal ~printer:(fun x -> Int64.to_string x)
 let assert_equal_stringlist = assert_equal ~printer:(fun x -> "(" ^ (String.escaped (String.concat "," x)) ^ ")")
 let assert_equal_stringpair = assert_equal ~printer:(fun (x, y) -> sprintf "%S, %S" x y)
-let test_subdirectory ctx =
-  assert_equal_string "" (subdirectory "/foo" "/foo");
-  assert_equal_string "" (subdirectory "/foo" "/foo/");
-  assert_equal_string "bar" (subdirectory "/foo" "/foo/bar");
-  assert_equal_string "bar/baz" (subdirectory "/foo" "/foo/bar/baz")
 (* Test Std_utils.int_of_X and Std_utils.X_of_int byte swapping
  * functions.
@@ -150,7 +144,6 @@ let test_string_chomp ctx =
 let suite =
   "mllib Std_utils" >:::
-      "subdirectory" >:: test_subdirectory;
       "numeric.byteswap" >:: test_byteswap;
       "char.mem" >:: test_char_mem;
       "strings.is_prefix" >:: test_string_is_prefix;
diff --git a/v2v/parse_ova.ml b/v2v/parse_ova.ml
index 431cbe8d0..c11502667 100644
--- a/v2v/parse_ova.ml
+++ b/v2v/parse_ova.ml
@@ -251,6 +251,15 @@ and get_ovf_file { orig_ova; top_dir } =
   | _ :: _ ->
      error (f_"more than one .ovf file was found in %s") orig_ova
+let unsafe_remove_directory_prefix parent path =
+  if path = parent then
+    ""
+  else if String.is_prefix path (parent // "") then (
+    let len = String.length parent in
+    String.sub path (len+1) (String.length path - len-1)
+  ) else
+    invalid_arg (sprintf "%S is not a path prefix of %S" parent path)
 let rex = PCRE.compile "^(SHA1|SHA256)\\((.*)\\)= ([0-9a-fA-F]+)\r?$"
 let get_manifest { top_dir; ova_type } =
@@ -260,7 +269,7 @@ let get_manifest { top_dir; ova_type } =
       fun mf ->
         debug "ova: processing manifest file %s" mf;
         let mf_folder = Filename.dirname mf in
-        let mf_subfolder = subdirectory top_dir mf_folder in
+        let mf_subfolder = unsafe_remove_directory_prefix top_dir mf_folder in
         with_open_in mf (
           fun chan ->
             let ret = ref [] in
@@ -297,7 +306,7 @@ let get_file_ref ({ top_dir; ova_type } as t) href =
   match ova_type with
   | Directory -> LocalFile (ovf_folder // href)
   | TarOptimized tar ->
-     let filename = subdirectory top_dir ovf_folder // href in
+     let filename = unsafe_remove_directory_prefix top_dir ovf_folder // href in
      TarFile (tar, filename)
 let ws = PCRE.compile "\\s+"

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