[Libguestfs] [PATCH FOR DISCUSSION ONLY 2/2] v2v: Copy static IP address information over for Windows guests (RHBZ#1626503).

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at redhat.com
Tue Dec 4 17:29:33 UTC 2018

For Linux the guest itself remembers the IP address associated with
each MAC address.  Thus it doesn't matter if the interface type
changes (ie. to virtio-net), because as long as we preserve the MAC
address the guest will use the same IP address or the same DHCP

However on Windows this association is not maintained by MAC address.
In fact the MAC address isn't saved anywhere in the guest registry.
(It seems instead this is likely done through PCI device type and
address which we don't record at the moment and is almost impossible
to preserve.)  When a guest which doesn't use DHCP is migrated, the
guest sees the brand new virtio-net devices and doesn't know what to
do with them, and meanwhile the right static IPs are still associated
with the old and now-defunct interfaces in the registry.

This commit is an interim fix which, in limited situations described
below, copies the static IP address of the old interface to the new
virtio-net (netkvm.sys) interface.  The installation of the old IP
address on the new interface is done using a Powershell script.

 - Only works for IPv4 addresses.

 - Likely only works properly if the guest has a single physical

 - Only works if the guest is getting virtio drivers.

 - Only works for Windows >= 7 (because of the Powershell dependency).

A longer term fix for this will likely involve trying to decode the
PCI address information (assuming my guess above is even correct) and
associate that with source hypervisor devices, get the same
information as now from the registry, and use a similar technique as
this to copy to the new interface, but do it based on target MAC

Thanks: Brett Thurber for diagnosing the problem and suggesting paths
towards a fix.
 common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml  |  7 +++
 common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli |  5 ++
 v2v/convert_windows.ml          | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 104 insertions(+)

diff --git a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
index df443058f..e273faae4 100644
--- a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
+++ b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.ml
@@ -836,3 +836,10 @@ let read_first_line_from_file filename =
 let is_regular_file path = (* NB: follows symlinks. *)
   try (Unix.stat path).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_REG
   with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
+let rec ipv4_prefix_length mask =
+  if mask = 0_l then 0
+  else if mask >= 0x8000_0000_l (* top bit set *) then
+    1 + ipv4_prefix_length (Int32.shift_left mask 1)
+  else (* mask is invalid if top bit is not set but other bits are set *)
+    invalid_arg "ipv4_prefix_length"
diff --git a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
index 62cb8e9ff..aea0ec4d4 100644
--- a/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
+++ b/common/mlstdutils/std_utils.mli
@@ -447,3 +447,8 @@ val read_first_line_from_file : string -> string
 val is_regular_file : string -> bool
 (** Checks whether the file is a regular file. *)
+val ipv4_prefix_length : int32 -> int
+(** Calculate the prefix length of the given IPv4 network mask
+    (given in host byte order).  Raises [Invalid_argument _] if
+    not a network mask. *)
diff --git a/v2v/convert_windows.ml b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
index 2d2b6adfe..e0b889a06 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_windows.ml
+++ b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
@@ -38,10 +38,23 @@ module G = Guestfs
  * time the Windows VM is booted on KVM.
+let ipv4_re = PCRE.compile "^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$"
 let convert (g : G.guestfs) inspect source output rcaps =
   (* Inspect the Windows guest. *)
+  (* All physical network interfaces. *)
+  let all_physical_interfaces =
+    List.filter (fun { if_name } -> String.is_prefix if_name "Ethernet")
+                inspect.i_interfaces in
+  (* All physical network interfaces have static IP addresses? *)
+  let all_physical_interfaces_are_static =
+    all_physical_interfaces <> [] &&
+    List.for_all (fun { if_enable_dhcp } -> if_enable_dhcp = false)
+                 all_physical_interfaces in
   (* If the Windows guest appears to be using group policy. *)
   let has_group_policy =
     Registry.with_hive_readonly g inspect.i_windows_software_hive
@@ -220,6 +233,16 @@ let convert (g : G.guestfs) inspect source output rcaps =
     Registry.with_hive_write g inspect.i_windows_software_hive
+    (* If we have only static interfaces then we need to copy the
+     * IP addresses from the old interfaces to the new virtio-net
+     * interfaces.  Only works for Win7 and above.  (RHBZ#1626503)
+     *)
+    if net_driver = Virtio_net &&
+       all_physical_interfaces_are_static &&
+       (inspect.i_major_version, inspect.i_minor_version) >= (6, 1)
+    then
+      configure_ip_address_transfer_at_firstboot ();
     fix_ntfs_heads ();
     fix_win_esp ();
@@ -595,6 +618,75 @@ if errorlevel 3010 exit /b 0
     | None ->
        warning (f_"could not find registry key HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion")
+  and configure_ip_address_transfer_at_firstboot () =
+    (* For guests which don't use DHCP we will need to copy network
+     * information from the first of the old interfaces to the
+     * first of the virtio-net interfaces.  Unfortunately Windows
+     * doesn't save information about MAC address so we have no way
+     * to associate which original interface corresponds to which
+     * target interface.  XXX (RHBZ#1626503)
+     *)
+    assert (all_physical_interfaces <> []); (* checked by caller *)
+    let { if_default_gateway; if_ip_address; if_subnet_mask } =
+      List.hd all_physical_interfaces in
+    (* Parameters of New-NetIPAddress.
+     * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/nettcpip/new-netipaddress?view=win10-ps
+     * Only works for IPv4 right now.  We need to find an example
+     * of a Windows guest using IPv6 to see what the registry
+     * contains. XXX
+     *)
+    let params = ref "" in
+    if if_ip_address <> "" then
+      params := !params ^ sprintf " -IPAddress %s" if_ip_address;
+    if if_default_gateway <> "" then
+      params := !params ^ sprintf " -DefaultGateway %s" if_default_gateway;
+    if PCRE.matches ipv4_re if_subnet_mask then (
+      let a = Int32.of_string (PCRE.sub 0)
+      and b = Int32.of_string (PCRE.sub 1)
+      and c = Int32.of_string (PCRE.sub 2)
+      and d = Int32.of_string (PCRE.sub 3) in
+      (* Can we calculate a mask? *)
+      if a >= 0_l && a <= 255_l && b >= 0_l && b <= 255_l &&
+         c >= 0_l && c <= 255_l && d >= 0_l && d <= 255_l then (
+        let a = Int32.shift_left a 24
+        and b = Int32.shift_left b 16
+        and c = Int32.shift_left c 8 in
+        let mask = Int32.logor (Int32.logor (Int32.logor a b) c) d in
+        try
+          let prefix_length = ipv4_prefix_length mask in
+          params := !params ^ sprintf " -PrefixLength %d" prefix_length
+        with Invalid_argument _ -> ()
+      )
+    );
+    let params = !params in
+    let tempdir = sprintf "%s/Temp" inspect.i_windows_systemroot in
+    let psh_filename = "v2v-ip-address-transfer.ps1" in
+    let psh = sprintf "\
+# Wait for the netkvm (virtio-net) driver to become active.
+$adapter = \"\"
+While (-Not $adapter) {
+    Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
+    $adapter = (Get-NetAdapter | Where DriverFileName -eq \"netkvm.sys\").InterfaceAlias
+New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $adapter%s
+" params in
+    g#mkdir_p tempdir;
+    g#write psh (tempdir ^ "/" ^ psh_filename);
+    (* Unfortunately Powershell scripts cannot be directly executed
+     * (unless some system config changes are made which for other
+     * reasons we don't want to do) and so we have to run this via
+     * a regular batch file.
+     *)
+    let fb =
+      sprintf "%s\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file C:%s\\%s"
+              inspect.i_windows_systemroot
+              (String.replace_char tempdir '/' '\\') psh_filename in
+    Firstboot.add_firstboot_script g inspect.i_root "ip address transfer" fb
   and fix_ntfs_heads () =
     (* NTFS hardcodes the number of heads on the drive which created
        it in the filesystem header. Modern versions of Windows

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