[Libguestfs] [PATCH] daemon: consider /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf while inspecting mountpoints.

Mykola Ivanets stenavin at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 09:18:07 UTC 2018

From: Nikolay Ivanets <stenavin at gmail.com>

Inspection code checks /etc/mdadm.conf to map MD device paths listed in
mdadm.conf to MD device paths in the guestfs appliance. However on some
operating systems (e.g. Ubuntu) mdadm.conf has alternative location:

This patch consider an alternative location of mdadm.conf as well.
 daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml  | 13 ++++++++-----
 daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.mli |  3 ++-
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml b/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml
index 170440d2c..9d54dadda 100644
--- a/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml
+++ b/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.ml
@@ -38,14 +38,15 @@ let re_xdev = PCRE.compile "^/dev/(h|s|v|xv)d([a-z]+)(\\d*)$"
 let rec check_fstab ?(mdadm_conf = false) (root_mountable : Mountable.t)
                     os_type =
-  let configfiles =
-    "/etc/fstab" :: if mdadm_conf then ["/etc/mdadm.conf"] else [] in
+  let mdadmfiles =
+    if mdadm_conf then ["/etc/mdadm.conf"; "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf"] else [] in
+  let configfiles = "/etc/fstab" :: mdadmfiles in
   with_augeas ~name:"check_fstab_aug"
               configfiles (check_fstab_aug mdadm_conf root_mountable os_type)
 and check_fstab_aug mdadm_conf root_mountable os_type aug =
-  (* Generate a map of MD device paths listed in /etc/mdadm.conf
+  (* Generate a map of MD device paths listed in mdadm.conf
    * to MD device paths in the guestfs appliance.
   let md_map = if mdadm_conf then map_md_devices aug else StringMap.empty in
@@ -224,11 +225,13 @@ and map_md_devices aug =
   if StringMap.is_empty uuid_map then StringMap.empty
   else (
     (* Get all arrays listed in mdadm.conf. *)
-    let entries = aug_matches_noerrors aug "/files/etc/mdadm.conf/array" in
+    let entries1 = aug_matches_noerrors aug "/files/etc/mdadm.conf/array" in
+    let entries2 = aug_matches_noerrors aug "/files/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf/array" in
+    let entries = List.append entries1 entries2 in
     (* Log a debug entry if we've got md devices but nothing in mdadm.conf. *)
     if verbose () && entries = [] then
-      eprintf "warning: appliance has MD devices, but augeas returned no array matches in /etc/mdadm.conf\n%!";
+      eprintf "warning: appliance has MD devices, but augeas returned no array matches in mdadm.conf\n%!";
     List.fold_left (
       fun md_map entry ->
diff --git a/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.mli b/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.mli
index 4778fd962..2ca06debc 100644
--- a/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.mli
+++ b/daemon/inspect_fs_unix_fstab.mli
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ val check_fstab : ?mdadm_conf:bool -> Mountable.t -> Inspect_types.os_type ->
     this function also knows how to map (eg) BSD device names into
     Linux/libguestfs device names.
-    [mdadm_conf] is true if you want to check [/etc/mdadm.conf] as well.
+    [mdadm_conf] is true if you want to check [/etc/mdadm.conf] or
+    [/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf] as well.
     [root_mountable] is the [Mountable.t] of the root filesystem.  (Note
     that the root filesystem must be mounted on sysroot before this

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